The Mandalorian way

By ibirdnow

47.1K 462 156

When Thrawn attacked chopper base he was relentless, so few survived the attack there was no one left for the... More

Coming in hot
A target on your back
In mourning
Answers and questions
Never again
Killing time
Back in action part I
Back in action part II
A duel among fire
Ever changing
The journey home
Alone time part I
Alone time part II
Family Planning
At peace
Vandoran III part I
Thank you
Vandoran III part II
Vandoran III part III
One life to the next
One life for a nother
Those left behind
Brothers fate
The only thing to fear
Suprising ease
Forbodeing news
In neck deep
A difference of opinion
Burning engines
Stagnant in failure
Home again
A day of rest
from the cold
At journeys end
Fathers lament
Storms brewing
One goal, two paths
Of fathers and sons
Thanks again!
A destiny culminated
Living on
A family man

The end of tribulation

437 5 0
By ibirdnow

Suddenly he found himself falling, fast. He heard the wind whip past him as he fell. The sky around him was nearly black as the last vestiges of day faded. The smoke was nearly choking when he smelled it as he fell. It was visible in contrast to the blackness of the sky only because it was full of burning embers.

He gasped as he suddenly came back to life. Jerking up he yelled as he felt his broken ribs protest at the movement. Rolling over as he coughed he worked his way onto his hand and knees. Spitting out some blood he settled onto his knees and focused on breathing. "Damn... I really am half dead." Struggling on to his feet he looked over the railing. "Damn... place won't last much longer."

He tried to move his wrist to his mouth to call for EVAC only to find he was wiggling his newfound stump. "Damn it... old man... Nerf herding son of a bantha." He grumbled as he shuffled down the platform and back into the smoky building.

"I will be gracious. Find this man, bring him here. You have one hour, any longer, and I'll come to Krownest personally." Vader said then disconnected from the call. The two women turned to each other. "This bad..." Ursa muttered as she trailed off. "Why wasn't I told Ezra wasn't answering comm hails." Sabine said to her mother, venom in her tone. Ursa looked up at her from the floor. "You were busy with the defense plans and... you didn't need to know yet."

Ezra huffed as he lumbered down the smoky halls. Walking along the wall he felt a window. "Finally." Taking a smoky breath he focused on the force. Feeling the energy pool in his hand he blew out the window. Taking a moment to enjoy the fresh air he jumped through the shattered window and began marching through the snow. "Ugh, should have brought a cloak."

As the two women continued to argue about the situation. A haggard Mandalorian came through the door. Rushing through the crowd he stopped in front of them. "Countess! I have news about the Count and Lord Tristan!" He barked at them to garner their attention. Ursa and Sabine looked at him. "Out with it!" The two yelled in unison, completely unaware of the chorus. "An hour and a half ago I picked up a distress signal from the Count. Investigating I found them on a hill near the destroyer wreck. They have been killed, Countess. Judging from the damage and... the count's body... I believe the inquisitor that abducted Lady Sabine killed them."

Sabina paled, unsure of what to do with the situation. Blinking quickly and repeatedly she unconsciously looking side to side. Finally collecting herself enough to realize that she had no idea what to do, she looked to her mother. Ursa was standing still. Her eyes were wide. Her breathing was erratic. Sabine only managed to take a single step towards her when her shoulder went slack and she collapsed. "Mother!" Sabine rushed to her side and managed to catch her. "Medical!" She yelled as he began tapping her face, trying to wake her.

He tucked his hand under his armpit trying to keep warm. Looking out into the distance he saw the east outpost. "Two miles from home." He huffed as he continued to march towards the outpost. As he drew closer to the outpost he picked up his pace, wanting to get inside. Approaching the door he found not a comm system, but a palm scanner, a right-hand palm scanner. "Damn it. Sabine's gonna tear my head off for this." He focused on the force and pooled the energy into his hand and blew the door out of its frame. Hearing it clack and slide down the hallway he stepped through the now empty doorway and into the hallway.

He saw lights shining further down the dark hallway. Standing there for a moment he saw the holo clock. "Ah, that's why they didn't let me in. I don't want to be up at three either." He nodded at his assessment as he walked down the hallway, snow filtering in behind him. "Wait." He stopped mid-step as an alarming thought struck him. "Someone should still be watching the cameras." Deciding that this needs investigating he made way for the command room.

Stopping when the command room do wouldn't open he knew something was wrong. "So no one's here. Why?" Looking for a keypad he sighed when he only found another palm scanner. "Well, they can't blame me." Stepping to the side he pulled off its frame. With a loud clang, the door bounced off the wall and settled for leaning against it. Entering the room he sighed in frustration when he found not a single panel was left on. "Figures, I know how to use the terminals. But not how to turn them on without being locked out. Gonna need to talk to Sabine about this."

Sabine paced the room as she watched over her mother. She didn't know what to do. Her father and Tristan had been killed by Ezra's father, the inquisitor. She shook her head. Not wanting to believe they're gone. That her mother had nearly dropped dead of a heart attack thirty minutes ago.

"Lady Wren, we can't reach Lord Bridger. And we have an update about it fuel depot. Theirs also activity at the Eastern outpost." A Guardsmen stated as he entered the room. "Report." She didn't even realize she had spoken to him. "The fuel depot has been destroyed. The main container had to have been ruptured. The recon team is currently tracking a trail left behind by the, we believe, sole survivor. Although no other bodies have been found. And the sensors of the Eastern outpost have been tripped. Due to the power there set to a minimum by the occupants when they left we don't have footage inside. But judging from the trail at the fuel depot we believe the one who broke in is also the sole survivor." 

She thought for a moment. Unsure of the identity of this 'sole survivor'. "Do we know if the intruder is still in the outpost?" He nodded and waited for her to continue. "Okay, restore power from her and see who it is on the camera feed. If it's Ezra bring him here immediately. If it's the inquisitor set the outpost generator to explode. Don't let that thing live." He nodded, gave a crisp salute, and left to carry out the orders. "Please be alright Ezra. We can't lose you too." She muttered as he looked down to her stomach. She sighed, unaware that she resumed her pacing.


Well, everyone, the story is just about over. The next chapter will be the last. I just want to say this story turned out to be monumentally longer than I thought it'd ever be. There were four points in the story where I was going to end it, then I just didn't. I originally intended for the story to end not long after Ezra lost his arm. Then, after getting captured by the empire he'd fight his father. Ephraim would get redemption. Then together, they'd kill Thrawn. But I decided against that, I wanted him to die off-screen. That left room to end it right then and their. But I decided to make Ephraim more evil than I originally intended.

I've got a bit more to say, but I'll save that for the last chapter. Chapter forty-six. 'A family man'. Have a good day and or night and may the force be with you always.


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