𝚄𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎...

By maishuakou

19.1K 528 742

Okay I'm bad at these... anyways You're the main character You have a really complex quirk and a tragic bac... More



2.9K 52 101
By maishuakou

Hey, so for people new to x readers. Y/n means: your name.... L/n means: Last name.

Every first day was always a walk in the park for you. You had no intention on making friends, but instead you focused on your studies and training.
While living alone in a apartment building, you've gotten used to cooking, cleaning, and living for yourself.
You didn't live with your parents, yet you never have.

The first day of high school was extremely different in ways you couldn't explain.
You got in through recommendations from your trainer at the Dojo.
You didnt care what school you went to, but the old man took videos of your training and sent them to UA.
Who knew the old fart would be an ex-hero.
You hated not working for what you want, so being called in on recommendations wasn't exactly your forteigh.

It was 5:30 am and you decided to go for a quick run.
You took the same route everyday, running down the streets of Musotofu, Japan. Around 2 miles out, you jog up a flight of stairs apart of a 40 story office building.

By the time you got to the roof of the building, you liked to sit on the ledge, staring off into the distance.
Seeing the view of the lights in the office building.

The sun started to rise, and a sense of peace filled a small void in your heart for just a minute. The air was thin and the color of orange, blue, pink, and red slowly started to fill the sky.


Back at your apartment

After taking a quick shower.
in your robe, looking down at the uniform laid on the bed; a white button up shirt, gray blazer with hints of a dark green, and a matching skirt.

*sigh* "I'm not a big fan of skirts, but I guess I have no choice." You said picking up the skirt, raising an eyebrow.

After getting dressed, you grabbed your book bag and threw your katana over your shoulder. The katana was needed, it took awhile to get permission from the school to allow you to bring it. Once you told them it was used for your bloodlust, as well as your quirk, they seemed to give you a pass, letting you carry it around.

Opening your phone, you clicked the music app and turned on your favorite station. The music filled your ears with joy. It was your only escape from the world around you.

I've got 5,872 steps till I reach the school, which is approximately 2.78 miles. If I jog at half speed I could cut the steps in half and get to school faster, but its only 6:30 and school starts at 7:25. So maybe if I jog at full speed I could get there a-

"Hey! someone catch him, he has my purse!" A lady said off in the distance so loud you could hear it through your headphones.
A man with a black outfit head to toe, ran in your direction.
You smirked, as you loved causing trouble with others.

As the man got closer, you put out your foot just enough to where he would trip, but not enough for others to see. The man caught your foot, going flying and landing on his face, knocking him out in the process. You leaned down grabbing the bag and handing it back to the owner.

"Thank you so much young lady is there anything I can do to rep-" You lifted up your hand, cutting her off.

I'm gonna be late, I don't have time for this.


Class 1-A

After opening the class doors you scanned the room, looking for an open seat in the back of the class.

There were two seats, which you devoted yourself to getting before anyone had the chance. Other than looking for a seat, the sound of people talking with one another, filled the room. The sound was quite bothersome, since you weren't one to make friends.

Once you took a seet you scanned the room.

That boy has a tail the size of his body, Most likely strong. He has the face of a bird, im guessing he doesn't have a goal here. her skin is pink? That one was new. That guy is awfully short to be in a high school class, Has the face a a massive perv.

One of the people caught your eye. A boy standing at the door with half and half hair. One side red and one side white.

You watched as the boy looked around the room, as if he were looking for something.

He seemed to find it. With his emotionless face, he started walking your way. Your thoughts interrupted you and began to wander.

He better not talk to me, or even look at me for that fact. He looks strong, promising even. He reminds me of Endeavor, I wonder if he's like him too.

He took a seat next to yours, pulling out a notebook from his bag.

You could care less, but you loved to piss people off.

"You look like you're related to Endeavor." You said giving him a soft smirk. "I mean the red hair gives it away. I'm like your dad's number one fan!" Yah right, the guy was a total idiot of a hero.

Coming to your surprise, the boy didn't say anything. Which pissed you off.

He's supposed to be the one pissed off, not me.

He looked at you with sharp eyes. "I don't see the relevance of my father. If you're his big fan, you are terribly mistaken," He said opening his notebook.

Oooo...Do I sense hatred for your father. I like this kid.

"Yah, I was joking," you said, proud you got under his skin, just a little. "The name is Y/N L/N"

He looked at you with widened eyes, surprised to hear your name.

"I saw your name on the recommendation list while I was taking the exams, but you didn't seem to be there. My bad for being so stern a minute ago."

You mentally laughed at the thought. Me... going to a place filled with smart and strong people, yah, no thanks.

"I actually took the exam the day after because I was busy," you lied.

You weren't busy at all, you were training. Trying to analyze your quirk to make it stronger.

"Oh, that's to bad to hear. My name is Shoto Todoroki."

You kept your cool this once. You could sense his strength, which you respected.

"Well, it was very nice to meet you Shoto." You said, giving him kind eyes and a smile.

Your attention was caught to the front of the class. Where a boy sat with his feet on the desk.

"Please get your feet off of the school property, it's very disrespectful. We are here to learn not slack off!" Said a guy with glasses as he pushed them up the bridge of his nose.

How annoying to have someone boss you around.

You were used to being bossed around though. You had a job, one that consulted of many rules and responsibilities. To which came down to being told what to do every second.

"Get out of my face four eyes!"

Promising, I like his attitude. Although he is a bit loud. He seems like a guy that has a quirk to match that 'great' personality.


Your range of sight turned to the door. Standing there was a boy with green frizzy hair. Seems afraid. Definitely weak, but has a sense of drive to make him stronger.

"It took you eight seconds to shut up, That's not going to work."

You saw as a man in mostly black stepped out of a yellow sleeping bag. You recognized that voice.

You couldn't make up his face from here, but if that's the teacher, you sure thought he was weird.

Once he stepped inside the classroom, he looked around and his gaze fell on you.

It's that guy from the Dojo, the one talking to my master. I swear if thats my teacher, imma leave. You thought, as your teeth clenched together at his sight.


Earlier in the week

After you were done with training at the dojo, you took a shower in the girls room. You just wanted to be clean before heading to your job afterwards.

In the shower, you remembered. 'Did I tell the old fart I was gonna take a shower in here...Shit, I didn't. I guess i'll have to leave the old fart a few dollars for the water bill.'

Showers were pretty calming to you. Its as if you didn't have to worry about anything.

You felt a sharp pain in your side. 'Shit, my bloodlust is back.' You thought

You had pills the old geizer gave you to help with situations like this. The pills were just in your bag.

'Isn't my bag in my locker still... Uhg!' You grabbed your white silk robe, ending your shower.

Once you opened your locker, you popped a few pills before the bloodlust got worse. Much better. It was dumb of you to forget your bag since it had your clothes in it so you just brought it back into the girls room.

"I just believe she could be a threat to the other students that's all sir"

You heard a voice you've never heard before, coming from the training room.

Sneaking over there, You held your back against the wall, listening.

"She may be dangerous, but she's a good kid. I doubt she would be a threat to the other students, but more as an...inspiration."

"This will be the first student on our grounds with a bloodlust, we wouldn't even know how to deal with it"
Hearing that kinda pissed you off and made you clench your teeth

"Aizawa, She is a good kid with a troubling past, take it easy on her. Shes a lot to handle, yes, but she is a great listener. Just give it time, you'll see what I mean one day when you see what she's truly capable of."
At this point you were the only student he's had in awhile, so of course he would say good things about you.

"I get your point, I really do. But, if she loses control and her bloodlust take over. What will I do?"

"She has pills specifically for that reason, I made them for her the moment I found out. She keeps them on her at all times and she knows the risk if she doesn't take them. Also be aware she doesn't show up for things, so don't be surprised if she doesn't come on the first day."


Present day

Tch, i'm not gonna hurt people I barely know.

"I see you decided to show up this time Ms. L/N"

This gave you more attention then you wanted. Most of the class looked at you in question, mumbling to the people near them.

"What that? is it a metal bar or something?"
"Maybe its a sword, that would be badass."
"She's kinda scary looking..."
"No I think she pretty hot, I mean look at her in that skirt..."
"Mineta, be quiet, i'm sure she can hear you"

You heard everything they said, yet only two stayed quiet. The boy next to you and the boy in the way front. Which caught your attention.

"Yah I'm here...sorry that so surprising to you." You said rolling your eyes.

Due to all the embarrassment you ended up sinking into your seat to avoid from being seen.

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