The Quirkless Twin

Por mini0nguy

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Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... Más



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Por mini0nguy

"Y/N! Honey?" You rubbed your eyes and set down the pencil you were drawing with before getting up from your desk and walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, mom?"

"Come here, I already gave your brother his." She was biting her lip out of excitement and looked like she wanted to jump but instead did a little bob on her toes until you got over there. "Close your eyes okay?" You did as she said and felt a soft cloth get laid on your hands, "Open!" When you opened your eyes you were holding a green suit. "I made you a hero suit! It's like your brothers except I made a few modifications!"

You grabbed it and examined it. "This is like the sketch I made when I was little. I threw that away. How'd you make it?"

"Well, I got it out of your failed sketch trash. You threw it away when you were having a tantrum, so just in case you still wanted it I saved it for you. You know, a lot of those drawings you make are really good. You should finish most of them. You know, add some clothes? Finish them maybe?"

Your eyes got wide as you realized what she said before awkwardly laughing, "I just didn't like how they look." You laughed nervously as it felt like your heart was pounding out of your chest. "You look at all of them?"

"Well not all of them but a lot of them. You have real talent I don't know why you don't finish them. Anyways do you like it? I really wanted to surprise you!"

"Yeah, of course." You put on a smile for her. "It looks like Izuku's."

"Of course! You two did design them together after all. Super All Might Twins here to save the day!"

"That name is embarrassing mom." You sighed, "Thank you though. I really appreciate it." You could hear Izuku snickering in the corner behind you. "What's so funny huh?" You asked, crossing your arms as he burst out into more laughter. Wiping his eyes from the tears that gathered from laughing so hard.

"It's nothing. Just funny how similar our suits are that's all."

"Liar." You mumbled with a smile.

"I thought it would be cute. You guys always used to make matching hero costumes. For my two heroes."

"It is cute mama, ignore Izuku. He's being dumb." You hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing your bag and the costume papers you had to turn in. "Ready to go?"

"Yep." He stood up and grabbed his bag before putting on his shoes after he finished laughing. "Love you mom, see you later. Be safe!" You both smiled and blew her a kiss before leaving for school.

Both of you kept walking as the sky grew dark and it started to drizzle a little. "I talked to him. About the thing. First, though, how did you know I was lying about the ball throwing?"

"I didn't. I just said that because I could. Plus, it doesn't make sense to be quirkless and throw it that far."

He stopped walking and just looked at you. "You didn't know? You tricked me you jerk!"

You smirked and kept walking. "Did not. I didn't think it would work because I didn't really expect you to lie to me. You kinda suck at it. Who did you talk to though?"

He shook his head as he caught up with you and smiled. "All Might." When you looked over quickly with widened surprised eyes, his were lit up. Pretty and green, but filled with excitement. "He wants to meet in an office room after school. That's alright with you, right? He wants to talk to you."

"Yeah. I don't have anything to do. Is it gonna be worth my time though? Or are you just gonna lie to me again?"

"He made it sound like I could tell you everything. If it doesn't go well then we can go get ramen or something else to eat after." You looked over and opened your mouth to talk before he cut you off. "Yes, I'll pay." You pursed your lips together before laughing.

"Fine, if you're paying I'm in."

When you guys got onto campus you were both wet from the rain. "You're late." You ran your fingers through your hair and stood in the front without thinking for a second.

"Sorry, sir." Izuku rushed to his seat and took out his notes but you just continued to stand there.

"What? Do you need something? Why are you late?" Aizawa sounded grumpier than usual. Probably didn't get the full 16 hours of beauty sleep he required every night.

"The rain. Yeah, walking up that hill was super slippery. In fact, I think most of the floors are wet because of it, and-"

"Whatever just go sit down. You're wasting time. Again." He sighed and turned back to the board for a second as you sat down. "Don't forget that your academics can be just as important as your hero training. That being said use the rest of the homeroom class time to study while I take a nap. Ida, you're in charge." He zipped up his sleeping bag before laying down on the ground. He got up when homeroom was over and your other teachers took turns teaching their subjects.

You sat there and switched between staring at your paper and the work that was laying in front of you and the ceiling. Both, incredibly dull to look at. Then you looked at the clock. Watching as the second hand moved continuously. Around, and around the clock slowly until the bell finally rang. "Finally." You sighed and said quietly, grabbing your bag as you stood almost in sync with the rest of the class. You got up and left the room to start to walk to lunch, "Hey! Midoriya wait up!" You stopped and turned around to see Kirishima and Kaminari walking after you, waving with big smiles.

"Oh hey, guys." You smiled and stopped walking to wait for them to catch up. "Do you need something? If it's the notes from any of the lessons I didn't take them. I can send you them later after I copy Izuku's if you want."

"No, no." Kirishima laughed, "We just wanted to walk with you to lunch."

"Okay then." You awkwardly laughed and they walked by you silently, "So, how are you guys?"

"I'm good, how about you?" Kirishima asked with a smile. The mood was awkward with the small talk.

"Good, you?" Denki said at the same time.

"Pretty good-"

"Dumbass! Come back here!" You smirked and turned back to see who pissed Bakugo off this time but froze when he was running through the busy hallway straight towards you.

"Oh, shi-" You pushed yourself in front of Kirishima and Denki before taking off down the hall.

"Where are you going?" Denki asked, confused as he started running with you.

"Yeah, why are you running?" Kirishima started to run following suit.

"I said get back here!" Came a distant shout from the hallway behind.

"Oh, he's pissed." Kirishima's eyes widened and slowed down to try to block his path. "Bakugo, hey man, chill out."


"I just think you should calm down dude."

"Move, move, move, move!" You squeezed between people while laughing out of the fun of it and the terror until you reached the cafeteria. "Izuku?" It was so loud, and you started to look around until you spotted the matching hair to yours. "Izuku, hide me!" You ran up to him and jumped behind him with both hands on his shoulders.

"Why? What's happening-"


"Bakugo!" Ida ran up moving his arm, "Please stop yelling in the cafeteria! This is unacceptable behavior from a prestigious student!"


"Bakugo! Who are you looking for? Surely there is a more efficient and respectful way!"

He was like a rabid beast it was hard not to laugh. The way he viciously looked around. It was funny until he was looking right at you. Then running over. Izuku quickly walked away to go sit down, pretending like he had nothing to do with it which left you just standing there. "Look dude, child out a sec would ya?" You put out your arms just in case he ran into you because it didn't look like he was gonna stop.

"What Bakugo." The half and half boy that sat in the back of your class stepped by you, slightly in front just in case he did slam into you.

"Mind your own damn business icy hot bastard! Get out of here!"

"This is where I sit for lunch. Did you, wanna sit here?" He turned at an angle to showcase the table where Izuku was already sitting and eating just spectating the scene like he was at the movies.

"What? No! I! Nevermind! This is why nobody likes you!" His face was practically red as he stormed off, and you slightly shook your head while holding back your laugh. Thank god for whoever this dude was.

"Why was he so mad?" You were still laughing until you noticed it was the guy looking down at you asking a genuine question. He didn't look to find it funny at all.

"Me? Do something? Never." He looked at you confused before you sighed, "Sheesh, rough crown huh? Let's see, slapped him last training session, ignored his texts, threw a pencil at him, intentionally bumping into him whenever I could, lets's see what else?"

"There's more? How are you still alive?"

"By having tall strong guys like you to step in and take care of it for me of course. So, thanks, big guy." You pat his shoulder and sat down by Izuku. He sighed and sat down next to you guys as you all started to eat. "What's your name again?"

"Shoto Todoroki." You nodded a little bit before awkwardly turning back to the table where Izuku had gotten you a plate when you were talking to Todoroki.

You looked up once in a while, and when you noticed Bakugo's glare from across the room you stuck out your tongue before shoveling more food into your mouth. "You instigate a lot don't you?" He asked after slurping the soba sitting on top of his chopsticks. 

"When you talk are you always so monotone? Anyways, that's my job." You got up and threw the trash away before setting the tray with all the other used ones. "Whelp. thanks for the help. You're hired as the shield for when I piss off dynamite over there. See ya." He watched as you gave a big smile and waved before walking off.

Todoroki just sat there and watched as you walked back into the hallway. Then he saw Bakugo angrily and quickly get up and follow. "He's following her."

Izuku sighed, "Yeah. I'm sure she knows. She probably just wanted him to not scream in her face in front of everybody. Or while she ate." They all looked at him a little confused, "I don't think Kacchan took that slap well yesterday. I also heard her phone going off a lot last night and then it randomly stopped. Based on what she said she probably just turned it off so she could sleep."

"What if his anger gets the best of him?" Uraraka asked, looking concerned but at the same time like she wanted no part.

"I don't think he would hurt her. Not here at least. She's trained combat with him too, so she probably knows a decent amount of ways to dodge. She finds it fun to piss him off too and it's interesting to watch." He laughed a bit before taking a sip of his drink. "They're anger issues are about the same too. Both of them let it take over too often. Keeps things interesting though."

"Midoriya, are you sure that you two are related?" He looked confused as to what Ida just said, but got distracted as Sero was trying to hold in his laugh.

"Honestly, Ida's got a point. You guys are total opposites besides looks. She acts a lot more like Bakugo than you." Sero looked over at Izuku who was sitting there absolutely baffled, "Sorry, I just found it interesting since from what I know at least you guys were raised in the same way."

He thought about it for a little before shrugging. "I don't know. We've had really different outlooks from even when we were kids. She's had a lot more pressure too since her main focus points didn't include school. In a way, I kinda wish I was like her though. She's not afraid to stand up for others and put herself on the line to accomplish a goal that's important to her. She doesn't shy away from things either."

"Seems like she has quite the personality."

"She does, but for as selfish as she tries to make herself look, she's really not at all." The light hit his face perfectly as he smiled before turning back to them, "By the way you didn't hear that from me." They all started to laugh before continuing to eat.

You walked into the classroom and started rummaging through your bag. You knew he was standing at the door but didn't bother to look up until he started talking. "I was talking to you." The tone was short and serious, almost infuriating. You glanced up to see him leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed. "So, answer me. Are you quirkless? I've been thinking about it a lot and it makes sense." You glared at him before sitting down. "ANSWER ME DAMMIT!"

"Why? What good is it to you if I tell you or not?"

"If you don't answer then I'll just go ask the school myself." You snorted and set down your pencil by your notebook that was barely hanging onto life it was so beat up.

"You really think that'll work?" He just stood there and you stood up and grabbed your phone. "They won't show you my records. You're stupid but if you insist then let's go look." You walked to the door but he stuck out his arm. 

He just looked at you before sighing and rolling his eyes. "Then just tell me! It's never existed huh? How could I be this stupid? To think I believed you!"

"Dude shut the hell up. I said I would show you if you want!"

"No! There's no way I'm friends with a quirkless loser. I don't need friends anyway. All they do is drag me down." He clenched his fist before letting them slowly relax. You just stood there and shook your head slowly.

"And if I was quirkless? Enlighten me Katsuki. What would've happened?" You just stood there with no hint of joking in your facial expression.

"Nothing would have! It doesn't matter!"

"Really? Do you mean that? Tell me about how you treated Izuku then! Were neither of you gonna say something? I heard from the kids in your guy's class! You bullied the shit out of him dude, and I found out years after! I knew you could be an asshole but seriously?"

He just looked at you with wider eyes and when you could see him try to say something nothing came out.

"So, if I was would that just make two targets for you? Or does it just not matter anymore because I already humiliated you? God forbid the great Katsuki Bakugo be humiliated by a quirkless girl." It was silent as he just stared at you, "I'm not quirkless just so you know, but even if I was it would be the same 'quirkless loser' who was there and got you what you needed while you were recovering from the sludge villain attack. The same one who came to you all the time after that because her best friend's mom was worried and you would only talk to a few people for a long time. The same damn person who has been with you through thick and thin open your eyes dude! It doesn't matter! I worked so hard so I could stick with you and Izuku! You two are literally my life!"

"Maybe you shouldn't lie from the beginning!"

"Who said I was lying? There are more important things than just being number one! There is so much more to be working on than the title of number one! The oh so great symbol of peace!"

A few of your classmates started walking in so you sat back down and kept copying the notes that Izuku sent you pictures of. When he just kept standing there all it took was a hard glare for him to get the hint to go sit back down and leave you alone.

Finally, the rest of the day was over and you were practically dragged by Izuku back into the building. He looked around before walking into a room and shutting the door behind you guys. "What's the point of this? I don't get what you're trying to do."

He locked the door, and as you were about to keep asking questions you turned around to follow him and stopped when you saw All Might. He smiled, "I am so glad you are here! Please, take a seat!" He was so welcoming but so aggressive at the same time. You watched Izuku sit down before you sat down, but you couldn't help but notice that the energy in the room was weird.

"You were wondering about the sudden power your brother has right?"


He sighed, "He brought it up to you against my advice and without permission." He looked irritated before he sighed, "He really trusts you though, and now you already know that something's happening now. You need to promise me that you won't tell a single soul about this."

"I won't tell anyone All Might." He looked over at Izuku who nodded with a confirmative smile.

All Might turned back towards you and started to explain. How he found Izuku and told him it was unlikely that he could become a hero without a quirk. That he was surprised to meet you who had actually started to complete that same dream. Then he explained how he passed on the power, and now it would be Izuku's to wield and control. That Izuku was his successor and had the potential to become the next symbol of peace if he figured out how to use the power correctly. "Follow me." He finished and led both of you out into the woods just outside of campus but far enough from the wall. 

"My thought was that since All Might intended all of the power towards me and I got it, that if I intend half of the power to transfer to you then you could have half of it." You just stood there and looked at him. He took out his notebook and flipped to a few pages while he was muttering.

All Might walked up and placed a hand on your shoulder, "Usually I would have you train for months as your brother did, but your shape is already in good condition in the case if you were to receive all of it. Half shouldn't be a big deal if you guys can pull it off."

"Considering we're twins there's a higher chance of it working than if we weren't since we have almost the same genes." Izuku murmured before writing something down.

"I'm so happy you have your power now Izuku. Are you sure you want to risk losing it for me? Or this chance I should say?" You asked as you walked over and stood next to him.

He smiled as he looked up, "Of course. If we can both have this power then it can give a lot more people chances eventually. Plus, I guarantee that you can find a great way to use it." 

"What if I end up getting all of it though? There's no way that can be good."

"Yes, there is. Even if you get all of the power then it's in good hands. I trust you." He plucked a hair off of his hair as he stood up and mimicked All Might's face as he held it out towards you. "Eat this!"

Your face wrinkled as you took the hair, "Uh, thanks... young Midoriya." You could feel your nose wrinkle, "Do I actually have to eat this? Can't we just both poke our fingers for blood or something like that?"

"This is how I got it from All Might." He shrugged, "So, I don't know if something else will work the same way or not."

Your lip curled as you closed your eyes and put it in your mouth, quickly drinking water to wash it down. 

All Might kept his arms folded, "Come back here extra early tomorrow morning. Don't test anything on your own and if anything goes wrong let me know. Be safe and stay together on your way home kids."

With that, he left. "Are you okay?" Izuku asked as the long walk back started.

"Yeah. I just think you're stupid."

"I can say the same for you. Picking a fight with Kacchan in the middle of school? What happened?"

"The little crybaby wouldn't shut up. He needs to get humbled that's all."

"Is everything fine between you two now?"

"Barely, but it's whatever. He needs to just shut up. How were you going to get power from All Might of all people and not tell me until now? That's amazing dude!"

He laughed a little, "I know right? It's so cool. All Might's even cooler in person than in those videos!" 

He fanboyed the entire walk back. You got some dinner with him before going into your room and locking the door as usual. You plugged in your phone and turned on a show while scrolling through social media on your bed. A few texts came through, and instinctively you kept swiping them away until they kept popping up. 

"Seriously?!" You clicked on it and read the messages. The texts interrupting your videos were infuriating. It was a series of Bakugo insulting you for not answering, and his insane theories about a situation that wasn't even relevant. 

You started typing before tossing your phone down on the nightstand beside your bed and switching off the lights. You went to bed leaving him with a final, "Shut up I'm trying to sleep." When your phone continued to buzz, you turned it off and fell asleep to the quiet and dim light from the show that was on. Probably best since in the morning, you had to get up earlier to see the results of this experiment that was sudden. Almost too sudden.

It was difficult though. All the different scenarios that could happen were racing through your mind. What if Izuku was left powerless and got bullied? Would there be something you could do to prevent it? What if something went out of control and you hurt someone? What if you didn't get any of it and now you had to find another way to survive school? Or, what if it worked? What if it worked, and you could become one of the best heroes the world has ever seen? Both of you. Ones that's saved millions. What if you were finally heard, and could finally earn all your mom's attention just like Izuku could with his grades. To make her, and everyone else you knew proud. To be able to beat Izuku in academics because there was time created from the power you could get. The limits would be endless.

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