Chance Encounters

By postylove74

28.9K 916 397

Candace Daniels and her 3 year old son Liam just moved to the suburban town of Cottonwood Heights, desperate... More

Merry Christmas!!
Author's Note


429 15 10
By postylove74

We slowly pulled apart from each other, our lips making the smallest suction sound as both of our eyelids fluttered open slowly. He smiled at me, pushing some loose hair behind my ears before placing another delicate kiss on my lips. I curled into him, his cheek resting on top of mine and his fingertips running slowly over my exposed skin leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake as I wished more than anything I could stay here forever. My eyes glanced over the room, before landing on Liam sleeping soundly on the couch. I gave a small smile as I let out a little sigh realizing that I was going to have to leave my heaven and head home, counting down the seconds that I would be able to see him again.

"I guess I better get going" I said, sitting up and breaking our embrace just slightly. Austin's arms were still around me as he tilted his head to the side slightly, the backs of his fingers running gently down my cheek, my left hand coming up and grabbing his as I pressed my lips to the bear tattooed on the top. He let out a small sigh as if he was thinking something in his head but was afraid to say it. I giggled softly to myself, "what's on your mind baby?"

"It's nothing" he said shaking his head with a smile, making me realize that this was indeed far more than nothing and now inquiring minds needed to know. I tilted my head slightly squinting my eyes at him, scrunching my lips into a not so adorable pouty face as I studied him. "Your gonna make me say it aren't you" he laughed, his hand rubbing gently up and down my back. I crossed my arms over my chest nodding my head up and down with a note of satisfaction.

"Okay fine, but it's just a suggestion okay? I'd never make you do anything you didn't want to, just remember that lil miss" he said, his eyes becoming serious as he stared into me. I nodded my head slightly to let him know that I understood. "Well, since Liam is already sleeping you can always just stay" he said, his eyes drifting away from mine as if he was nervous to even make the suggestion as he became fixated on something over on the wall on the far side of the room.

I couldn't help but smile at his shyness, my finger coming up to mimic an action he has done to me so many times as I brought his face back around to look at me, his eyes roaming my face as if he was searching for my answer without having to wait for it to come out of my mouth, an action I was all to familiar doing as of late. I gave him a small smile as I ran my finger across the bottom edge of his bison skull tattoo, "but where will I sleep?" I asked him.

Admittedly, I was more nervous about accepting his invitation then he was about putting it out to me. I knew that he wasn't going to push the envelope with me, he made that quite clear over the several times that we have been together, not that I would mind if he did. But, he was right. Liam was already passed out cold and he was dead weight to try to get in the house by myself, and I knew if he woke up at this point it would be another two hours before he would go back to sleep and that would just mess up the whole day tomorrow.

"Are you sure lil miss? Please don't feel like you have to stay" he started but I cut him off with a smile as I pressed my lips against his.

I pulled away slowly just a few seconds afterwards, the kiss lasting just long enough to make the point that I wanted him to stop talking because he was being ridiculous. "Now you sound like me baby, trying to give someone an out for something you want to happen" I giggled. "Yes I am sure, I wouldn't have agreed to it if I wasn't" I smirked, the happiness radiating from his crystal irises making my heart soar as I am sure it would make anyone feel the same.

"Is the guest room that you guys changed in this afternoon going to be okay?" he asked, his hand resting comfortably on my lower back as he tilted his head to the side only slightly, an action I quickly began to realize he did a lot when he was asking a question, or even listening to a question for that matter.

"That is going to be perfect Austin. We don't need anything special" I smiled as I stood up from his lap and walked over to Liam. I was just about ready to scoop him up in my arms when I felt his hand placed softly on my waist as he gently moved me to the side.

"I got him lil miss" he smiled scooping him up in his strong inked arms like he weighed nothing as we started to walk down the hall. I entered the room flipping on the lights, shocked to see that they gave off a dim glow as I walked over to the bed and pulled down the covers. Austin laid him carefully more towards the middle of the bed, placing a small kiss on the top of his head before I pulled the covers up, repeating the same actions.

"Come on lil miss" he said grabbing my hand as he walked me out of the room towards the back of his house. We walked by his music room as we made our way into a room that looked like a place he did much of his entertaining. There was a pool table over in the corner, a small bar set up against a back wall, and a rather large TV and several sofa's to my right. "Can I get you something to drink?" he asked walking over to the refrigerator pulling out a Bud Light.

"I'll take one of those if you don't mind" I smiled, walking up to him as I leaned on the bottom shelf of the bar, grabbing the ice cold can out of his hand and popping the top. I looked over at the pool table in the corner, the words Stoney standing out brightly underneath the table light feeling the strong urge to grab a stick and play a game.

"Would you like to play lil miss?" his soft and raspy voice bringing me back from my thoughts as I turned my head to look at him, his left hand in his pocket as his right clutched onto his beer can tightly, a sexy grin spread across his face. I felt myself beaming at both his demeanor and his question as I quickly nodded my head yes, reaching out and grabbing his hand from his pocket as I half ran and half walked over to the pool table, Austin smiling the entire time at my slightly childish antics.

I grabbed the triangle out of the table as I started setting up the balls making sure that the rack was nice and tight before slowly removing the triangle and throwing it back in its cubby inside the table. I smiled as Austin walked over to me handing me a pool stick, a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. "Mind if I have one?" I asked him. He smiled behind the cigarette, pulling the pack out of his pocket as he slid one out for me placing it gently between his fingers. I gently grabbed it putting it between my lips as he flicked his lighter as I inhaled, the first taste of nicotine flowing through my veins before closing my eyes and blowing out a cloud of smoke. "It's been a while, I don't like to smoke in front of Liam" I said, holding the slender burning stick between my fingers as he mirrored my actions.

"There seems to be a lot I'd like to know more about lil miss" he said walking up to the table positioning the cue ball to give him the perfect shot as he easily broke my rack dangerously close to sinking the eight ball but falling short as it bounced off the corner of the side pocket. He didn't seem to mind as he brought his cigarette back to his lips taking another drag walking over to me slowly. He blew out his cloud of smoke over my head as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me back in against him. "Let's play a game lil miss" he said softly into my ear, leaving a trail of kisses down towards my neck.

"What kind of game?" I asked him, feeling my world slip away from me as his seductive lips trailed across my warm skin.

"This or that" he said with a laugh. "Kind of high school feeling, but maybe I can break down some of those walls you have up" he said as he pulled away from me, his hand gliding slowly off my waist as he took another drag of his smoke. I swallowed hard, wondering just how he was able to read me like a book. I thought I was hiding it well, but clearly it was written all over me plain as day that I was being extra cautious.

"Okay, I'll start first" I said, as I walked up to the cue ball deciding that I wanted solids. I took my shot sinking the solid yellow 1 ball, watching it disappear down the left corner pocket. "Dogs or cats" I said with a smile.

"Really lil miss, that's what you start this game off with!?" he said with a laugh, almost resembling the one that he gave me earlier in the kitchen as I walked my way back towards the cue ball, this time sinking the purple four ball into the right side pocket.

"Hey if it's too tough for you to answer I get it" I said shrugging my shoulders and biting my lip as I grabbed the pool chalk and rubbed it over the tip of the pool stick, my eyes dancing seductively with his before I attempted to sink the maroon seven ball only for it to bounce softly off of the corner pocket.

"Dogs" he said with a smile as he quickly sunk the striped orange thirteen ball, looking up at me with a smile while his cigarette defied all laws of gravity as it hung dangerously between his lips. "But I have a cat because I'm hardly ever home. And you lil miss?" he asked, taking another shot at the yellow striped nine ball, this time not having much luck as it bounced off the rail.

"Dogs, I had two when I lived in PA but I had to leave them there so now they are my parents. They were two rescue dogs a black lab/collie mix and a sheltie/shepherd mix" I said, suddenly missing them more than I thought I actually was. "Your up" I said with a smile.

"Bud light or budweiser" he said with a knowing grin, both of his hands wrapped around the pool stick as he leaned his head against them, watching me intently. I half choked on my beer that was already starting to slide its way down my throat as he asked the question, coughing a little as I looked up at him. "What can't handle your beer lil miss?" he smirked.

"What the hell kind of question is that!?" I laughed at him, holding my left hand out to the side as I scrunched up my brows.

"A very valid one, now I'm waiting for the answer lil miss" he said, his stance not moving as he followed me with his eyes as I tried to find the best approach to try to sink the maroon seven ball again.

"Fine, Bud Light" I said taking my shot and sinking it flawlessly. "I feel like I don't even need to ask you that question" I said as he smirked picking up his beer can and taking a long sip.

"Nope" he said with a cheeky grin, a slight pop on the "p" as he set the can down on the table behind him. "Also, I wouldn't have offered to play if I knew you were this good" he laughed.

"That's what happens when you spend 8 years as a bartender baby" I smirked up at him as I sat on the edge of the pool table, bringing the stick behind my back sinking the solid green six. I hopped down turning myself around giving him a small wink causing him to shake his head with laughter. "Stay up and talk or sleep in and cuddle?" I asked him, the question making me nervous as I completely overshot for the blue two ball.

"Now that's a tricky one lil miss" he said, putting out his cigarette as he walked over effortlessly sinking the ten, fifteen and eleven balls. "But I'll take sleep in and cuddle" he said, his eyes dancing against mine as he bit his lip, his luck running out as he missed his shot at the fourteen ball. "What does milady prefer?" he asked taking another sip of his beer.

"Depends" I said, feeling flirty all of a sudden as I walked over to him, "right now I'm really enjoying staying up and talking" I said running my index finger under his chin, resting my hand lightly on his hip as I stood up on my tip toes getting dangerously close to his lips, both of our gazes floating across each other as our eyes flicked between each others and our dangerously placed lips. "But I prefer sleep in and cuddle" I said quietly against his lips, before pressing them together softly only to pull away seconds later.

I saw him biting his lip as he gave a small shake of his head. He opened his mouth to ask the next question as he let out a laugh instead, focusing his attention back on the table as he sunk the striped twelve ball. "Come on, get it out" I laughed, leaning my right hand up against the pool table.

"Fine" he laughed sinking the fourteen ball. "Victoria's Secret or Calvin Klein", his attention seemed to be lacking as he completely missed the eight ball for the win. I felt my face flush red at his question, that flirtatious side that had appeared just a few seconds ago quickly dissipating as I suddenly became embarrassed. I took a couple seconds to ponder my answer as I busied myself with sinking the two, three and five balls tying the game up between us once again. "Cat got your tongue" he said coyly as if he thought he got me.

"Victoria's Secret when you want to feel extra sexy for your man on a daily basis and in the bedroom, especially in the bedroom and Calvin when you want to go for just your casual sexy" I said, looking over at him from the corner of my eyes to see his eyes wide and his mouth hanging slightly open, his beer frozen in mid-air as he was bringing it to his lips.

"Lil miss you've successfully made me blush and left me speechless" he said tilting his head to the side and raising his eye brows as he finally took a sip of his drink.

"I feel like I should be sorry" I smirked successfully sinking the eight ball winning the game.

He shook his head with a smirk, setting his pool stick back in the holder as he walked over to me taking my stick and leaning it up against the wall. He walked back over standing in front of me, my head tilting back to meet his gaze, "don't be, I liked that answer...a lot" he said raising his eyes brows as he laughed a little.

"Well baby, what about you" I said biting my bottom lip, his face turning even more red as it finally clicked that he wasn't just asking the question but answering it as well. He took a minute to think before sliding his hands in his pockets as a means of making himself less vulnerable.

"Can my answer be the same as yours lil miss" he said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes playfully before nodding my head yes.

"I guess that's fair" I said, my eyes staring into his as I asked my next question. "Chance encounters or lasting relationships" I said looking up at him through my long lashes. I saw him smile down at me, a twinkle behind his eyes as he pushed my hair over my shoulder, his thumb running against the soft skin of my neck.

"Chance encounters that turn into lasting relationships, and yourself" he said, his smile dissipating as he stared at me intently.

"This, I choose whatever this is" I said breathlessly, my eyes dancing with his and within seconds I felt his lips crash with me, his hands resting under my ass as he lifted me up with purpose and sat me on the edge of the pool table, the action coming off strong and powerful as it sent the butterflies who were laying dormant in my stomach for a wild ride, waking them as their wings started beating like a thousand drums in my stomach. He stood in between my legs, my hands resting lazily on his hips and both of his hands on either side of my head as he moved his lips over mine with skilled precision, devouring each touch with insatiable hunger as if he couldn't get enough. Our tongues sloppily meshing with each others, bringing our connection to a level it has never been before.

I completely relinquished myself to him, as I let him do to me whatever he pleased, not even coming close to stopping him as he quickly pulled my shirt off over my head, throwing it down beside him as he continued kissing me with a heated passion. My own hands surprised me as they seemed to move with a will of their own, grabbing at his shirt as he helped pull it over his head. He connected our lips again, seeming to not want to be away from them for any period of time as his fingers quickly unsnapped my bra as I pulled it off my shoulders quickly throwing it to the floor. He put his hands on my waist as he moved me back to be sitting flush on the pool table, his body leaning over mine as he pressed my back against the soft felt.

I let out a gasp of pleasure as I felt him press his weight against me, his hardened length pressing up eagerly on my thigh as his lips left mine, trailing tiny kisses over every inch of my neck as he started nipping at the skin on my collar bone, his right hand coming up and gently cupping my supple breast as his thumb flicked over the hardened peak resulting in a loud moan floating from my lips.

I felt him moan back against mine, his hips slowly starting to move against my heat sending a jolt of pleasure to start flowing through my body like a thousand volts of electricity, his body lifting off me slightly as he brought his lips down to connect with my hardened peaks, his tongue swirling expertly around them as he gently pulled them between his teeth, just as his fingers started to snake across the the thick fabric of my jean shorts, rubbing hard against my heat. He didn't waste anytime as he quickly started unbuttoning and unzipping my shorts, my hands helping him push them off of me as he melted his lips with mine again, his fingers sliding under the bands of my thong.

"Austin" I moaned out, my back arching as I instinctively tried to help him with sliding off my panties so he could be exactly where I needed him to be. But rather, at the sound of his name it was if a switch flipped and he came back to reality.

"Fuck Candace, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" he said, a look of sadness filling his eyes as he furrowed his brows together, pushing himself quickly off me as he slid off the side of the pool table, grabbing his shirt that laid in a heap on the floor as he quickly made his way out of the room.

I got myself up to a sitting position, the room suddenly feeling very cold and open as I crossed my hands over my chest in an attempt to hide the bare parts of me. I felt a small tear fall down the side of my face as I wiped at it quickly, feeling guilty that I was the one who help push him as far as he did by not stopping him, knowing that he wasn't ready to do anything like that with me, at least I didn't think so but his actions just moments ago told me differently.

I slid myself off of the pool table, grabbing my shorts that were half hanging off the side and stepped back into them pulling them up around my waist as I buttoned them quickly. I softly walked over to the frontside of the table, picking up my bra as I slid it comfortably back over my breasts, hiding them once again from view before sliding my light pink top back over my shoulders. I had half a mind to just go to bed, that it would be better in the morning but I knew I would never be able to sleep if I didn't find him and talk to him about what had just happened.

I quickly stopped to check on Liam, only to see that it appeared Austin had already done that as the small light was on next to his bed and the covers of my side were turned down. I felt a smile appear on my face as more guilt rushed into my heart. There was no doubt that I wanted him and wanted him like that, but if he was willing to take the necessary steps to make that part of our relationship more meaningful then I should be too. I quietly turned around walking out of the room as I headed towards his, pushing the door open as I saw the the door to the patio that was secluded by itself was open. I walked over to it slowly to see him sitting in a chair, his elbows resting against his thighs and his head hanging in his hands. The lights from the eves shining a dark reflection of his body.

"Austin?" I said quietly as I stepped out onto the cool concrete walking over to him. I paused momentarily when I realized he didn't give me a response wondering if I should turn around and leave him alone or if I should make him talk to me. Deciding against the first rather quickly I kept making my approach to him stopping next to him. I crouched down on his side, wrapping my arms around his bicep as I placed my soft lips firmly against his arm, a lone tear sliding off my cheek as it fell onto his arm as it shown brightly with the lights from above as it reflected on his inked skin, the feeling making him look over at me.

"Austin I'm sorry" I said, the tears starting to come a little faster as I saw a tremendous look of sadness filling his eyes, replacing the happy look that had always took residence in them. He shook his head slowly as he pulled his gaze from mine his head returning to its position on his hands. I took that as a sign that he wanted to be alone as I quickly stood up and started to walk away.

"Please don't go" he said softly, causing me to stop in my tracks as I turned around feeling slightly confused that he wanted me to stay even after his reaction to my words that I just uttered to him moments ago. I turned around, my direction now aimed towards him as I slowly walked back over to him. He looked up at me, his eyes round and filled with sadness as my heart broke into a thousand pieces. "Candace, you have nothing to be sorry for" he said, his hands laced together in front of him as he continued to look up at me. "I lost control of myself again and you just went with it. You did nothing that a normal person wouldn't have done" he said his gaze breaking away from mine again as he stared down at the floor.

I walked over to him, moving his hands apart as I slid onto his lap. The small gesture shocking him as if he thought I would never want to come near him again. He gently wrapped his arm around my waist his other hand resting on his thigh. "Hey, look at me" I said, bringing a smile to my face as his eyes caught mine. "It's okay baby, it doesn't make me think any differently about anything that is happening between us"

He let out a sigh as he looked over at me, "Candace everything about you is different. This isn't a one and done kind of feeling I have. I wasn't lying when I said a chance encounter into a lasting relationship. I can see that with you lil miss" he smiled, the charming southern boy sneaking his head back out around the corner again if even for just a second. "I won't lie, I want you more than anything, just as much as I wanted you this morning, but I want it to be done right, and not on my fucking pool table, I don't want it to seem like it's meaningless" he said, his eyes flickering back up to mine as I saw they were filled with sincerity.

I guided his face up to look at mine as I pressed a soft kiss on his lips "Austin, nothing with you is meaningless". He meshed his lips met with mine, the kiss less fueled with desire and filled more with passion and love as he moved them slowly over mine.

"Candace" he said softly, his forehead resting against mine, his lips brushing with mine sporadically. He grabbed my hand just as I had done with his earlier and placed it on his heart. "You have mine too, you have since I said and you must be Mom" he said with a small chuckle.

"I promise I will keep it safe baby" I smiled, knowing I would never even think of doing anything to hurt this man.

"I'm not concerned lil miss, I know its in good hands" he smiled.

"Austin can I tell you something" I said, his forehead pulling back from mine as he looked at me, his eyes kind as he grabbed my hand in his lacing our fingers together.

"Always lil miss, you never have to be afraid to talk to me" he smiled, his other hand pushing my hair over my shoulder as he ran his fingers through the silky locks.

"I think, no correction. I am falling for you" I said with a shy smile coming across my face, expressing to him how I allowed myself to take that leap just hours ago when I gave him my heart, the sparkle returning to his eyes as that charming smile replaced his sad demeanor.

"Lil miss, I already fell."


A/N: I've been getting some messages asking me to hurry with the smut, but I wanted to make this story different. I promise it will come and when it does it will be perfect. But on a side note, why is he like the dream guy right now?! Let me know your thoughts and as always thank you so much for reading!

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