Dear Dream (DreamNotFound)

By BreadWasFound

283K 5.7K 25.4K

The Dream Team are planning to meet up in Florida, although Sapnap can't make it until a week after the plann... More

Nightmares -Chapter 1
Excitement -Chapter 2
Meet up -Chapter 3
Jealousy -Chapter 4
Simp -Chapter 5
Melody -Chapter 6
Just My Luck -Chapter 7
Capricious -Chapter 8
Forget Me Not -Chapter 9
update (not a ch)
Home Sweet Home -Chapter 10
Addiction -Chapter 11
kind of announcement? (not a ch)
Paroxysm -Chapter 12
THANK YOU!/announcement (not a ch)
Yellow -Chapter 14
Confidence -Chapter 15
TYSM! <3 (not a ch)
Maid Dress -Chapter 16
AttentionNotFound -Chapter 17
another thingy (not a ch)
I Will Always Love You -Chapter 18
Dear Dream -Chapter 19
Dead or Alive? -Chapter 20
A Field of Dandelions -Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter -Wedding
New Fanfic
This Was What I Meant (not a ch)

I Love You -Chapter 13

8K 194 1K
By BreadWasFound

TW: swearing

Dream's POV

Dream was dressed in a black suit, clearly nervous. He and Rose had been setting every thing up for the night. The scene was a smooth path leading to a gazebo, decorated with vines and fairy lights. Bushes dotted the ground on the outside of it. The sky was a navy blue, stars dotting it with only a few heavy clouds in sight. It was nearly a perfect night.

[if you don't know what gazebos are, they're those halfway enclosed octagon thingies outside that are in a lot of romance movies—also, it's evening/night]

Rose approached him.

"How are you feeling?"

"If I'm being honest, I'm nervous as fuck." He chuckled nervously.

"Why? You know he likes you."

"I- I know, but- I'm just scared. What if he finds this all cringy? What if I mess up? What if-"

She lightly slapped his face. "Don't think like that. He won't find this cringy, and you'll be fine. He likes you, and he's not just gonna hate you after this."

Dream fell silent as she continued on. "You planned this for what- a week? You literally got musicians to play music justfor this. For him. If he doesn't appreciate this, then- I don't know, but I don't know a single person that would hate this. Plus, he told you this was what he wanted, didn't he?"


"Exactly. Nothing to worry about."

Although he still felt his heart racing in fear, Rose's little "pep talk" made him feel a bit more relaxed.

"Thank you, honestly."

"Don't worry about it."


The moment had finally arrived. Dream saw the car pull up, his heart pounding against his chest. He watched as Sapnap carefully got George out, him still being clueless, and carefully walking him down the path. He got nearer and nearer until they were face to face, George still not having an idea where he was.

"Where are we, Sapnap?"

"Take off your blindfold and you'll see."

George slowly pulled off the white cloth, his eyes meeting Dream's. His eyes widened.


Dream smiled, feeling as nervous as ever. "Hey."

"W- what's going on?" Dream saw George's face redden, making him smile even more. "Is this a- g- gazebo?"

"Yeah. You said if you ever wanted to ask someone or to get asked out, you wanted to do it in a gazebo, so here we are."

"Wait what-" George's cheeks turn into a crimson color.

Dream chuckled nervously.

George smiled softly, speaking quietly. "You remembered."

"Of course I did." Dream took a step forward. George suddenly stepped back awkwardly as if he had just realized something. "Uhm, yeah. Uh, I should g-"

Dream grabbed his wrist before he would even blink. "George, please."

George sighed, but allowed Dream to pull him in closer. Gentle music played as Dream drowned in George's eyes.

He sighed, eyes closing. He opened them again and started speaking.

"George, I'm sorry for what happened today. I shouldn't have said anything, I'm so sorry. George I-.." He took in a deep breathe, relaxing a little. "I love you, George." Dream giggled. "I really do. When I'm with you, I act different, in a good way. I smile and laugh more. With you, I- I put on a real smile. I don't feel hurt or alone when I'm with you. Instead, I feel safe and loved. You're easy to talk to, and you listen to me. I don't have to worry about holding back with you. I don't feel self conscious or insecure or sad. You show me that you're not just pretending to like me or talk to me. I really appreciate your company, because with you, I'm different. With you, I'm happy." Dream took a quick pause to take in a sharp breath. "You know, I'm amazed when I look at you, every time I lay my eyes on you. Not just because of your looks, but because of the fact that everything I've ever wanted is right in front of me.. You mean the world to me.."

Dream searched George's face. Confusion? Shock? His face was red- really red..

Dream cleared his throat. "Also I'm really sorry if this is cringy I-" He was cut off when George pulled him in closely while standing on his tiptoes, their lips meeting. Dream quickly recovered from shock and returned the affection, cupping George's jaw. They then parted to catch their breath.

"D- dream, this is the best thing that anyone's done for me. Thank you.."

Dream smiled warmly at him, still feeling nervous. The scariest part was about to happen.


"Hm?" He looked up at him again.

"W- will you be my boyfriend? I promise I won't hurt you-"

"Of course, dummy. And I know you won't."

Just then, they both felt rain. It poured down, causing their clothes hair to slowly be soaked. Dream cupped George's jaw and pulled him in close, their noses brushing. They both giggled.

"I love you, Gogy."

"..I love you too, Dweam."

For a while they just drowned in the depths of each other's eyes as the rain poured, taking in every beauty and perfection. Just as Dream stopped nightdreaming [see what I did there] in George's eyes, he heard the gentle melody of the music stop. The musicians were probably heading for cover.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Dream asked.


Dream smiled. "It's a surprise."

George rolled his eyes and smirked. "Fine."


Dream closed the door on his side and went to open George's.

George's POV

George heard a gentle voice behind him. "You can open your eyes now."

George slowly opened his eyes to reveal the navy-colored sky with stars scattered across it reflecting on the calm ocean water. The scent of fresh salt water drifted in the air. He smiled.

"Dream why are we here?"

George side-eyed Dream, watching his smile grow.

"To star gaze, obviously."

George smiled. Dream basically read him like a book. He knew that George always wanted to go to a beach and that he could stare at the stars for hours.

They both laid down, George cuddling him with Dream's hand wrapped around him. He could feel his heart racing.

In near silence, they stared at the sky, pointing out constellations to each other.

"Hey, Dream?"


"Thank you. I love this-" He paused for a moment. "But not as much as I love you."

George felt the arm around him tighten, making him feel even more safe. He smiled.

"I love you too, mi amor."

George flustered at the nickname and cuddled even closer.

It finally happened. After a year, after all of the jokes, and after all of the anxiety, I can officially call him my boyfriend.

And with that, George drifted off to sleep with the warm feeling of Dream—no, his boyfriend right next to him.


(1216 words)


Btw thank you for all of the recent support!!

Stay safe, Ily! <3

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