Destiny Of The Divine - AOT x...

Autorstwa K-A-Y-V-A

3.7K 128 21

Are we destined from the start? Is everything written into rock the moment we're born? Or can we write our ow... Wiฤ™cej

A/N Before You Read!!!
Prolouge - Divine
Act 1 - Lost History, Who Really Am I?
Act 1 : 1 - A Change
Act 1 : 2 - Following In Your Footsteps
Act 1 : 3 - No Different, To That Of Cattle
Act 1 : 4 - Hand Of Fate
Act 1 : 5 - Eren! Mikasa! Armin!
Act 1 : 6 - You Wanna Be A Scout Right?
Act 1 : 7 - Just Like Old Times
Act 1 : 8 - It All Just Makes No Sense
Act 1 : 10 - Another Nightmare
Act 1 : 11 - Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt
Act 1 : 12 - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Act 1 : 13 - Hope, Willpower And Sanity
Act 1 : 14 - Destiny Is Inescapable
Super Important A/N
Act 1 : 15 - Trost
Act 1 : 16 - Fight!
Act 1 : 17 - Standoff
Act 1 : 18 - Reunion
Act 1 : 19 - Final Stand
Act 1 : 20 - Trial
Act 1 : 21 - Execution
Verdict? Ish?

Act 1 : 9 - Friends Help Friends

73 4 0
Autorstwa K-A-Y-V-A


Leon POV

One Week Later


One week has past, during that week, not much has happened. Mikasa's cut her hair shorter, just above her shoulders, it suits her to say the least, I've always known her with longer hair though, so it'll take a little to get use to. I've also found out Jean has a big crush on Mikasa, how exciting. I'm not je- nothing......

Why would I be jealous anyway? My eye wasn't on Mikasa, - fully. It was partially on another stoic and cold person, Annie. I'm not sure why, there's just, something......

Actual training wise, it was boring and full of study. We learned basic law, about Titans and even humans too. Me and Armin topped the class by landslides, me because I already knew most of this stuff, but Armin might be the smartest person alive, who knows?

Today is where the real work starts however, today we start actually training. We're starting with hand to hand today, in a few days we should be doing ODM, I'm confident about both. Luckily I had a great teacher.

Realistically I should be topping the class, but we'll find out afterwards I guess. It was simple hand to hand. No daggers, nothing. Just hand to hand for now.

"Okay! You know what today is! It's time to train your combat! We don't know how good or shit any of you fodder are, so you are free to pick your own partner for today. After today you'll be assessed and put into pairs based on your performance! So if you want that top spot, work hard!" Keith Sadies shouts at all of us.

"Yes Sir!" We all reply as one with a salute.

"Good! Find a partner and you may begin!" He says as he walks away.

Immediately people start wondering about trying to find a friend to partner with.

I walk through the crowd, attempting to find one of my friends. Until I run into Armin.

"Armin! Wanna be partners?" I ask with enthusiasm.

"Yeah sure, just go easy on me." He laughs nervously.

"I might." I shrug and grin. He shakes his head and sighs, followed by a small smile.

"Come on then." I motion him to follow me to an open area of the coarse, rough, sandy training field.

We reach a open area, "Ready?" I ask.

"Yeah, I guess so." He says a little nervous. I smile and ready my stance, he readies his.

(Just like the picture above! I'm too lazy to explain it 😂. I do not own this picture!)

I wait for Armin to make the first move. I strike a calm and defensive stance, while he looks on edge and anxious for a move.

I realise he's probably gonna be on the defensive to analyse me. I decide to play dumb and do very predictable movements, then come out with something big to put him off.

I charge towards him and throw a stray punch. He panics and dodges to the side.

He keeps his defensive stance and he doesn't look to attack at all. I begin to throw weak punches as he dodges.

This continues for a little bit, until finally he looks to attack thinking I've drained my stamina. He tries to take me down but I push him away. He charges and throws a punch.

I dodge and with the momentum from the dodge I roundhouse kick Armin. It hits him straight in the chest and he goes flying into the field. He releases a panicked screech.

"Oh shit! Armin I'm sorry, I went too hard." I rush to his side. He was groaning in pain.

"I-I'm fi-fine, ow- Walls, you got me." He groans with a small laugh. I smile and put my hand out, he accepts and I pull him up.

"You sure you're alright?" I ask slightly concerned. He holds his chest and winces slightly.

"I'm sure. I just have to take it like a soldier." He chuckles.

"Hey, pretty good. Can we have a fight?" I hear Reiner behind me. I turn around and his tall frame towers over me. His frame intimidates me a bit, tall and built is a scary combination.

"Oh, yeah sure." I nod, a little bit nervously. Reiner is a big guy, I'm not exactly sure how I'm gonna beat him. But I'll give it my best.

Reiner smiles and steps back. I take a step back and ready my stance. Reiner readies his, "Ready?" He asks. I nod.

I notice a small crowd arose around us, only a few people. But they must've seemed interested.

Reiner is definitely going to be more powerful, so I can't let him dominate whatsoever. I should let him drain his stamina first.

I draw closer to him, I wait for him to attack and stay on the defensive. The fight was very one sided for awhile, I just defended while Reiner just attacked. But with each attack, his stamina drains. Falling right into my plan.

"When are you gonna attack huh?" He asks unamused. I smirk.

"I'll attack, don't worry." I say, I decided it was time too, he was taking longer to recover after each hit. I very quickly feint a punch to his face, he blocks his face with both hands, I stop the punch and go for the kick to his side.

It connects and he goes to ground with a thud. I jump on top of him and put him in an arm bar. I pull on his arm as he groans. He taps quite quickly and I release.

Gasps erupt from the small crowd. I smirk and help Reiner up, "Touché." He chuckles.

"You did well." I compliment.

"Yeah, not well enough to beat you though. I'll get you next time." Reiner smirks. He looks over me and instantly gulps however. I notice and turn around.

"Nice move, care to teach me?" She asks without much enthusiasm and with much boredom.

"Oh, uhh- sure Annie. I guess I can spar you." I laugh nervously. I get lost for a moment in her ocean blue eyes, feeling a short burst of heat reach my cheeks before Reiner takes me back to reality.

"Well, good luck, you're gonna need it." Reiner grabs my shoulders and pushes me forward.

There's a bigger crowd watching this time. Including Reiner, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Armin, Eren and Mikasa. To lose now will be a bit embarrassing.

Annie readies her stance, I ready mine. "Fight!" Reiner shouts, indicating our spar has begun.

Annie is a interesting character, no shits given, cold and heartless is a good way to describe her. I feel a dark aroma constantly around her, she keep to herself a lot if not all times. She's quite scary too. So fighting her is going to be a challenge. A big one.

Annie suddenly runs towards me, I fake a left hook and she dodges right where I lift my leg and she collides with it. Stunning her.

I take my chance to pounce but she's too quick to recover. She knees me in the stomach and I stumble back.

She charges at me and goes for a punch, I dodge and go for a tackle as she passes. But she brings a knee up and knees me in the stomach. I stumble back.

She charges me and grabs me by the collar, before slamming me into the ground. I hiss as my body collides with the hard gravelly floor. I hit my head hard against the ground and it aches.

My whiplash hurts hard as everything becomes slightly muffled, and my vision is blurry. Not to mention I feel dizzy.

"Fuck, ow! Shit." I say dazed as I attempt to sit up. But Annie is quickly at my throat as she pins me to the ground. And just like that, it looks like she's beaten me. Seconds into the fight.

She looked too close for comfort, her face centimetres away from mine. Her breath warms my cheeks. Her eyes stare at mine. Her arm pressed on my throat, her free hand placed beside my head for support.

"Good effort. You're not the best of teachers though." She states coldly.

She must've had something on her mind, as the pressure on my throat eases slightly. And her eyes exchange glances with mine and my lips.

"Teach me that move Annie. I'd like to know." A stern voice brings Annie out of her thoughts. We both look to see Mikasa.

No one said our fight was over yet.

Ignoring the dizziness and throbbing pain I feel and I suddenly lift my knee up, shoving Annie off balance while I escape her grip and we switch places. Me pinning her on the ground. A knee resting on her back, with my hands gripped on her arms which rest above her head, she grunts in pain and taps.

"Distractions can make or break a fight, and no one said our spar was over, I didn't tap." I say before standing up and releasing Annie.

"Touché." She says annoyed. I would be too if that just happened to me. She begins to walk away.

"I'd still like you to teach me. Unless you want to sulk of course." Mikasa calls to Annie. Annie suddenly stops. Mikasa definitely pissed her off, I get the two are rivals, but what was the point?

"Fine. I'll fight you, I'm normally only good against humans though. I don't know how I'll fare with a beast, since you're clearly not human, aren't you Mikasa?" Annie says as she turns around. She begins to walk back towards her. What? Not human? Bit insulting, what is she meant to be? Titan......?

Mikasa stays silent as she begins to walk towards Annie. They both stop maybe ten feet away from each other. Annie readies her stance, while Mikasa just stands there.

I hold my head, it was aching like mad. I feel dizzy too. I must've hit it hard when Annie slammed me. "Guys, I don't feel so good." I say to Eren and Armin.

"What do you mean?" Eren asks.

"Like, I'm about to pass ou-"


Consciousness reaches my mind as I wake up. I open my eyes and clutch my head, I realise I'm laid down on a bed, inside a cabin. A familiar cabin.

"Ow, Walls why does my head ache so bad." I wince as I sit up. The cabin was empty and I was laid in my bed.

I contemplate for a few moments whether I can be bothered to get up and look around for my friends.

Oh yeah...... Mikasa and Annie fought, I wonder how that went. Well I can't be arsed getting up. Might as well enjoy the peace.

I lay back down and close my eyes to try and rest.

However the moment is quite short lived as the sound of the cabin door opening drifts me back to reality. I look up to see who entered.

"Oh, hey Annie." I greet. She enters the cabin and closes the door behind her. She leans against one of the bedposts.

"You hit your head a little too hard. You have to rest for at least two days now before continuing training," She says in her usual unenthusiastic tone, she goes to speak again but seems almost hesitant, "I'm sorry, I went too hard." Her voice becomes a little soft.

My eyes widen slightly at her apology, I thought she didn't cared about anyone or anything, "No problem, I signed up for it, I should just take it." I shrug. She only nods.

"I'm sorry about Mikasa too, I know she tries to get on your nerves sometimes. I'll talk to her about it." I say apologetically.

"Oh......" She pauses, seeming hesitant, "Thank you-"

Suddenly the door opens, I look as Mikasa enters the room. She looks surprised when she notices Annie in the room.

"You're up." Mikasa says as she looks towards me. I nod in response.

"Hey Annie, what's this?" Mikasa asks as she reaches into her front jacket pocket. She pulls out a silver ring. Suddenly a sharp edge pops out of the ring, acting as a weapon which could easily cut someone or something. My eyes widen in surprise. Annie's widen too.

"My father gave it to me. Why do you have it?" Annie asks, her brows furrowed.

"You dropped it while fighting Leon." Mikasa says as she tosses the ring almost carelessly to Annie. Annie catches it and slips it on her ring finger. She retracts the blade back into the ring.

I could tell both of them wanted to be at each other's throats, but they wanted to act nice to not cause a stir. The tension was tight.

"So, how are you feeling Leon?" Mikasa asks as she walks towards me. She sits on the end of my bed.

"I have a big headache. But that's it." I answer.

I exchange glances with Mikasa and Annie. I could feel the tension between these two. It was heavy and immense. "Who won the fight?" I ask. Both of their heads dart towards mine.

They both look away and down at the ground. "No one." They both answer at the same time.

"What? So you just didn't fight? Or it ended in a draw?" I ask confused.

"You passed out. So everyone's attention was on you." Mikasa answers. Annie nods.

"Oh, my bad." I laugh awkwardly as I scratch the back of my neck.

"You're okay now. That's the important part." Mikasa states. Annie nods in agreement.

"I'm gonna go now, got important things to do." Annie says before simply walking out of the door without giving me a chance to say bye.

I look at Mikasa, she looks a little relieved, "Why do you two hate each other?" I ask.

"I don't get a good vibe off her. There's more to her. It's not a grudge or gut feeling. I know it." She replies with a little fire. I didn't know just talking about Annie annoyed Mikasa.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to piss you off." I apologise.

"You didn't. Don't worry." She sighs quietly. I only nod.

"But, can you please try not to annoy her so often? It's not nice, I get that she annoys you too. But maybe if you stop, she'll stop." I ask nervously.

"Does it annoy you?" She asks.

"A little bit, I guess." I shrug.

"I'll stop being so aggressive to her if it upsets you. But that doesn't mean I'm being nice." She sighs.

"Don't do it because of how I fee-"

"I am. So deal with it." She glares at me. I only sigh in defeat.

"How is your head? You hit it pretty hard." She leans over and places her hand on the top of my head, it's met with a bump and instant pain.

I shove her hand away, "Don't! Walls don't! It hurts a lot." I wince. Mikasa gives me a amused look. She places her hand back on my head, "Why?! Just why?!" I ask in pain as I once again shove her hand away. She chuckles slightly this time. I get she was trying to joke, but it still hurts, a lot......

"I'm sorry, it's just amusing to see you in pain." She lightly smiles. My eyes widen a little, That's...... uhhh...... you okay Mikasa?

I give her my best pouting face, "It'll get better in a few days. Don't worry. Annie went too far, if she ever tries to do it again then I'll make sure she regrets it." She converts back to her protective self.

"Mikasa......" I sigh, she looks at me with knowing eyes.

"Fine." She grunts with a glare.

"You know, she didn't mean it to throw me that hard, she made a mistake, but they happen. I just have to take it. How am I supposed to be a soldier if I can't take a hit?" I shrug.

"She still could've gone a little easier. You've been out for about six hours." She replies, annoyed. Not by me, more by Annie. At least I hope, no one wants to be by a pissed off Mikasa. It's not like she'll go in a killing spree, not at all.

Although my eyes do widen when she mentions six hours, it surely didn't feel that long. Was I really out for six hours?

"Well, it is what it is. There's not much we can do." I sigh.

Mikasa shakes her head, "Of course not......" Mikasa pauses, she mumbles something under her breath that is almost inaudible.

We stay in silence for a few moments, just gazing around, or at each other. There was nothing more than a stare, she looks at me with conflicting eyes, and I only wait for her to speak.

She opens her mouth to speak, but seems to completely stammer over her words. Soon enough she just gives up completely with a embarrassed sigh.

"Are you okay? This is unlike you." I ask a bit concerned.

"D-Do you think Eren is interested in anybody?" She says quickly. She then buries her face in her red scarf. It was a quick, quiet mumble but I heard clearly.

My eyes widen in surprise, that was a sudden change of tone and subject, "Eren? I don't know. I see him looking Annie up and down a few times. I haven't seen him look at anyone else." I reply. Mikasa releases a sigh and says another inaudible mumble beneath her scarf.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." She lowers her scarf and sighs.

"Are you sure?"

"Do you think Eren likes Annie?" She suddenly asks. Still looking away from me.

"Umm, I don't know? Maybe?" I shrug. She looks down and slowly nods in acknowledgment.

"What's wrong? Are you sure you're okay?" I ask. It's obvious that something is up. But just what?

Mikasa stays silent, but I notice her shake her head just slightly.

"Oh...... Do you-Do you like Eren? Is that why you're always protective of him? And you're jealous of Annie because he likes her?" I piece it all together. I can't help but feel a strange pit in my stomach after mentioning her liking Eren......

Mikasa looks at me with crimson cheeks. Her eyes seek for something, anything, but mostly, comfort. For the first time, I've seen Mikasa look for help.

"I'm sorry Mikasa." I move over to her and wrap a arm around her. She pulls her scarf over her half of her face and leans into my shoulder.

"Ho-How long have you liked him for?" I ask.

"Children." She quietly replies. My eyes widen. That pit I feel grows larger, what even is it?

"You know...... after all the time I've known you for, I've never thought you'd be the type to show any emotion." I try to lighten the mood.

"I need to be strong, for Eren, for my friends. If I can't be strong, I'll let them down. I can't show them I'm weak." She says quietly.

"It's good to feel like you're weak sometimes. You can't always be strong. You have to show emotion now and again. You're still human after all." I shrug. A sudden memory occurs to me, with Annie calling Mikasa a beast and inhuman. A little nasty, it's not like she's Titan or anything I-

"Do you think Eren will ever feel the same?" She suddenly asks.

"I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see." I reply, Mikasa only sighs quietly.

"For what it's worth, there isn't anyone who looks out and cares for him more than you do. He's lucky to have someone like you. Soon he's going to notice that, don't worry." I reassure her.

"Thank you. I know this isn't like me. But I'm grateful for this." She stands up.

"Friends help friends. That's what they're for right?" I smile. Why does it hurt to say tha- wait...... no, never mind......

Mikasa gives me a tight lipped smile before wrapping her arms around me. I return the gesture. I feel my pulse accelerate for some strange reason.

For a moment it's peaceful, Mikasa's warmth is really relaxing for some reason, I enjoy her presence, I could stay like this all day.

But of course, I couldn't. We release, "Are you okay to go outside?" She asks, concerned for my health.

"It's just a headache, I'll be fine." I give her a reassured smile. She nods and walks towards the door, I follow.

We exit the cabin and pace around, trying to find any of our friends. But instead I spot Annie behind a cabin, she looked to be delved in conversation.

My curiosity takes the better of me and I begin to walk towards her. Mikasa notices my astray and just follows.

I reach the corner and eavesdrop, I could hear the voices of Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie.

"Annie you can't be serious. We're warriors of humanity, you can't go around liking people. Especially in the military!" Bertholdt panics. But if anything, he seemed a little jealous, but why?

"Hey, relax. I know we're warriors. We have a job. But that doesn't mean we can't try to get something out of it. We have three years of this. We can do whatever as long as we get that top ten." Reiner tells Bertholdt.

"I already know most of the boys are drooling over Krista, you in particular Reiner." Bertholdt retorts.

"Stop arguing like babies and shut up. The mission is simple. And it allows us to have our freedom. So let us be Bertholdt." Annie states coldly.

Mikasa besides me clenches her fist, and bites her lip. I look at her and shake my head. She sighs before reluctantly un-tensing.

"I-I'm sorry Annie. And Reiner too. But I don't think this is a good idea. Liking Leon and Krista? Krista is like a sweetheart, she won't be able to handle the truth. And Annie why like Leon? He's one of the best in the class, he's too smart. I just don't think it's a good idea." Bertholdt sighs.

My eyes widen, and so does Mikasa's. An-Annie likes me? What the fuck......

"Bertholdt! We can't control who we gain feelings for, do you not know that?!" Annie snaps.

"O- Of course! I- But....... jus- just please be careful! I really don't want any of you to forget our mission......" He sighs.

"We won't, we promise." Reiner nods his head.

After that I've already heard enough, I lean off of the wall and walk away from the corner with Mikasa. Both of us in a state of surprise. Annie likes me? A mission? Krista won't handle the truth? What new herb have they found I wonder......

We reach a good distance and Mikasa turns towards me, "So Annie's got a thing for you." Mikasa says somewhat stoically.

"I-I guess, I've never thought she'd be interested in anyone. After all she's obsessed with trying to get back to her father, I thought she wouldn't want any distractions, and I guess if Eren likes her, then you must be happy because Annie isn't interested in him." I say lowly.

"I guess so, do you feel the same?" Mikasa asks, brows furrowed.

"I-Uhh-I-I don't know? I- I mean uh......" I quickly stammer with crimson cheeks.

"You don't know so? I'll keep that in mind." I notice Mikasa smirk ever so slightly. I glare at her. She only smiles.

"Come on, let's just find Eren and Armin, then maybe we'll see about how he feels about you having a mondo crush on him." I smirk deviously.

Mikasa glows red, but glares daggers at me. And oh do they impale me, my eyes widen and I gulp, "L-Le-Let's j-j-just go." I say quickly before speeding off. Mikasa shakes her head and follows.


Note although this is a Mikasa x OC, bare in mine that I will also include other stuff with other characters like Annie, Christa and whatnot because I don't want this book to be strictly Mikasa x OC, although later chapters it will be dedicated to it, but I want Leon to have a mind of his own, and not focus on one girl.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!


Czytaj Dalej

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