The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

31.5K 796 514

Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



2.7K 63 72
By mini0nguy

How. How could someone like me make it? How could I be fortunate enough to have a chance to work for my dream? To be this happy. It feels like a trap.

You got up and put on the uniform that was delivered to your apartment a few weeks before. Your mom made sure to clean it as well as iron it to get the wrinkles out from the packaging. You put on your bag and walked out into the kitchen where your brother was sitting already eating as usual. His hair looked fluffier than normal which means he probably brushed through it. "Good morning sweetie. How'd you sleep?" You looked at your mom who greeted you with a warm smile and breakfast.

"Pretty good how about you?" You asked as you took the food from her and sat down by Izuku.

"Good. Are you guys ready for school?" You both replied with some form of nodding, "That's good. I do have to say though, for going to such a nice school don't you think your shoe choices are rather interesting? I mean we could've gotten you two better shoes."

You looked over at your old pair of tennis shoes sitting neatly at the door with the laces falling over and bringing down the fabric of the shoe. They were black, underneath the piles of grime and dirt built upon them through the years. Not to mention the holes forming, and the ones that were already formed. They fit perfectly though and did the job. Why would you need new ones? Plus, Izuku has the red shoes he's had for a while. "I like my shoes. Thanks though." You told her and put the plate in the sink before walking over and putting them on. "Ready Izuku?"

"Yep." He smiled and kissed your mom on the cheek. "See you after school." He put on his shoes and you waited half outside.

"Be safe, I'll see you after work. Izuku, look after your sister, please. Y/N, don't get into trouble and be nice to the teacher. Oh and the other students."

"Yeah, yeah, I will. See ya." Izuku shut the door, and the two of you started to walk to UA.

The second it came into view he started to run towards it, and you started to run too. It felt fake as you got closer, and you even got to use your student cards to bypass the security that turned on in the case of an intruder. The tall buildings stood there, and there was so much space. You started to look around, and before you knew it Izuku was out of sight. Shoot. You curled your hands and started tapping them at the side of your skirt and look around. Everyone was in a hurry, and you couldn't bring yourself to ask anyone for help. Class 1-A, class 1-A. You kept repeating it in your head so you didn't forget. The bells rang through the entire school, and you found yourself standing alone in the courtyard. Great, this is just great. You put in your headphones and prepared to be looking around for a while. You started to ignore your surroundings and bob your head to the music as you started walking up and down hallways and stairs of the different buildings.

You eventually found yourself looking at the class 1-B door. Was it 1-B or 1-A? You couldn't remember now, so you cracked the door open and peered in. You didn't see Izuku and the second a guy with gray hair looked over shortly followed by another obnoxious blonde you shut the door quickly and walked away. You could tell just by the way he looked that he was going to be annoying. You walked over to another door that had 1-A written on it. Even the doors were huge. You cracked it open and peered in. There were two, no one seat open, and you made eye contact with Izuku and sighed in relief.

"Are you just going to lurk in the doorway or come in?" The teacher was clearly already irritated but you didn't hear him. You opened the door and walked in looking around like you just got caught trying to escape prison. You took out your headphones and you could hear music playing from them as you draped them around your neck. "What are you doing?"

"Coming to class?"

"You're late. Only rookies and students who aren't serious about their work are late. You're expelled."

"Ouch. I got lost, sorry. Who are you?"

"The teacher. I'm Shota Aizawa, call me Mr. Aizawa. You're Izuku Midoriya?" He glared at you. That, or he had a major case of dry eye that got worse all of the sudden.

"Y/N. Y/N Midoriya. Close though Mr. Teacher, sir."

"Incompetent. I'll be sending your expulsion papers home today. You should be thinking of a different future career path. "

"I was here on time. I just got lost."

"Get out of my classroom. The gate to leave is where you came from."

"Good to know so I can go home after my school day. That's my seat I presume?" You pointed to the empty seat behind a yellow-haired guy. "You have my apologies Mr.Aizawa, but I came here to become a hero. I don't really plan on giving that up. Especially for something as stupid as getting lost. I mean, nobody was around to ask and there's no maps anywhere in this place. If there was I must be dumb since I looked everywhere that I walked. I even checked online. Do you know how hard it is to try to find stuff like that?"

"Sit down. This is your only chance." He marked something on the clipboard on his stand before he continued.

It was probably that one day of class rules that every teacher speaks for the first week of school. You started to look around you and took note of the people. There was a girl to your right, a yellow-haired boy in front, a red-haired guy behind you, and to your left was a black-haired guy. Boring. You leaned your head toward the ceiling and sighed quietly. This teacher was no joke. To your left, you saw Izuku and then Bakugo in front of him. Yikes, but there was no doubt in your mind this teacher would give them any time of day when it came to their bickering.

Izuku looked over to you and mouthed, "Sorry." You smiled and mouthed back, "It's okay." Before looking forward again. "...quirk apprehension test." Your head perked up a bit. You didn't have a quirk, but it would surely make things more interesting. "If you were listening and here on time you should know that we are doing this after your normal core classes." The teacher looked over towards you. "You will be going through a normal day of school, and meet your other teachers."

Some other pro-heroes came in, and Izuku was excited. You didn't even have to look to know because you could hear him practically bouncing out of his seat in joy. You thought because this was a hero school that it would be more interesting, but school was school. You found yourself drifting off into your own world and starting at the ceiling. Yeah, the ceiling was higher than the one in middle school, but this school was huge.

You were zoning off and just looking aimlessly at the ceiling when something hit your head and fell to your side. You looked to your side to see a pen laying down on the floor. You started looking around until you saw Bakugo looking directly at you. He looked pissed. He pointed his pencil at you, and then towards the board. You held the pen up and gestured it towards him with a "what the hell, why did you do that?" face. He looked towards the board again and you took out your notebook. Present Mic had his back turned towards the board and you wrote down two notes before dropping the pen in the book. You rubbed your hands on your face before grabbing the pen and throwing it back at him. You shut the book and put it back in your bag before he had time to react and just continued looking at the ceiling. Of course it would be harder to slack off. Bakugo was actually in your class now.

Mr.Aizawa woke up from his nap on the floor, and Present Mic left. "We're going to go do quirk apprehension tests. I will be testing your current physical level. I'll explain more when we go outside. Go to the locker rooms and change. Meet me outside." He tapped papers on the stand. "Dismissed, go. Get changed there's no time to waste."

You stood up and grabbed your bag when Izuku walked up to you. "Hey, Y/N. Did you get the notes?"


"You didn't did you? It's okay. Do you want to look at mine when we get home? I have time today to help you."

"That would be great. Thank you."

"Of course," He smiled, and you couldn't help but look behind and stick your tongue out at Bakugo before flipping him off behind your back.

"Y/N. Stay after class. I need to speak with you." You looked up at Mr.Aizawa and just sighed before sitting back in someone's seat near the front, waiting for everyone to clear out. Izuku sat next to you and decided to wait for you. Once everyone was gone Mr. Aizawa walked over to you, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers, and sighed. "Where do I even begin with you?"

"Sorry, sir. I didn't mean to be late and stuff. I just figured it wasn't a big deal." You shrugged, "After all, it is the first day and typically it's just going over the rules and stuff."

"That already passed. You're lucky you're not getting punished further for disrespect. I'll let you off with a warning since it's the first day of school. That's not what I wanted to talk to you about though. You still haven't filled out your quirk registration forms or your costume forms. We need to start sending the requests for the designs in so the costumes can be made. Modifications come later. Before you continue we are going to fill out your quirk registration here."

"I'm not meaning to be rude sir, but I don't think now is the best time."

He shuffled through papers before grabbing one along with a pen and setting the paper on the table. "What's your quirk? If you choose not to cooperate I'll just expel you right here. No more warnings."

You sighed and looked around to make sure everyone left besides the three of you. Izuku was smiling with reassurance, "I don't have a quirk, sir. I'm quirkless."

He clicked the pen and started to jot down a few things. "Alright. The rest doesn't need to be filled out for example the details since you don't have one. That was simple enough I'm sure?"

"Yes sir." You looked down at the ground.

"It's not bad. Don't be dramatic. I'm just surprised you managed to pass and even rank 11th without getting hurt. The same couldn't be said for your brother though." He looked over at Izuku who's posture immediately got straighter and tense. "For a girl without a quirk, you seem promising. Don't get cocky though. You better bring that costume paper by tomorrow or you're expelled. Understand? You should've had those in a few days after you found out you got into this school."

You nodded. "Thank you, sir." You went to walk out but he stopped you and handed you the costume paper. You laughed nervously, "Thanks." This teacher was different. It's like he already knew the things you would pull. You lost the costume paper, so the fact he knew you needed one caught you off guard.

You walked out with Izuku, and he nervously asked, "Why don't you ever want people to know that you're quirkless? I don't think you've told anyone, have you? Even when we were kids."

"I haven't told anyone. I feel like I would get bullied you know? It's not as common for kids to be quirkless nowadays. Plus, it's embarrassing. If people who go to this school find out then I'm sure they'll ask questions as to how I got into the hero course of all things. I don't want to talk to new people right now."

"That makes sense. How did you get in without a quirk though?"

"There was a weakness on them. I think I just got lucky. How did you get in without a quirk?"

His voice got high pitched, "Oh- I-"

"Nevermind. Don't say anything if you're going to lie. I'll meet you outside okay?" You split into the different locker rooms and joined everyone outside after you got changed.

~~Everyone got dressed and met back outside~~

"We are going to start with basic exercises. You will all be ranked on your physical abilities. I'm sure you guys have all done fitness testing at your old schools correct?" Everyone responded with their different variations of yesses and a few kids stayed quiet. Probably homeschooled. "Since this is a hero school, unlike how it was there you are allowed to use your quirks. Bakugo. You scored highest on the entrance exam. No easy thing to do, so come here." Mr.Aizawa handed him a baseball, "Stand in the circle and throw it as far as you can. Use your quirk if you're able to."

"What a joke." He snickered with a smirk as he walked over. He gripped it a few times before getting into a pitching stance. "DIE!" He yelled as he launched it into the air followed by a powerful explosion. Everyone's hair blew back and the sand around everyone got pushed back.

"705.2 meters. Not bad for your first time." The teacher's voice was so monotone and boring it was painful. Bakugo started walking back towards everyone, and he continued. "You all will be doing this along with other multiple tests. Understand? Nobody will be going home until everyone is finished."

"What about orientation?" You looked over to the brown-haired girl that said it, and then back to the teacher.

"Future pros need all the training they can get. You won't be going to the orientation. It won't help with your future so it's meaningless."

You stood there with your arms crossed while Bakugo walked towards you. "I'd like to see you make an attempt to beat that. I'm better than everyone here and it's staying that way."

"Oh shut up you're annoying. You know, you could probably actually make friends if you weren't an asshole to everyone."

"I don't need anyone. I'm going to come up on top, and then there won't be a need. People will be the ones coming to me and asking for advice, wanting to be just like me. Make sure you try your best too. I'm not going to win with you half assing it. You hear me?!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say Explosion Boy."

"Make sure to try then!"

"I seriously already said that I would. I don't have a flashy quirk like you do, and there's nothing I can do about it so deal with it."

"Knock it off you're wasting time. Someone needs to come and throw next. Since you have so much to say Y/N, you're next." You stood there while everyone's eyes looked at you. You looked like a deer in headlights trying to process what Mr.Aizawa just said.

"Uh, sure." You managed to choke out followed by a sigh, "Great going dumbass." You mumbled and grabbed the baseball from Mr.Aizawa. You walked over to the big circle on the ground and started tossing it in place. "Ready?" You called out.

"Throw it." Was responded. His lifeless voice was getting irritated and it was only the first day of school. You stretched back your arm and threw it. You leaned back on one foot and transferred all of your momentum forward as the ball went flying and hit the ground.

"72 meters. Next." You didn't want to even look at Bakugo after that. Not bad for not having a quirk though. I could make this work.

You walked back and purposely chose to stand on the other side of some of your classmates to be separated from him, but you jumped a bit when someone tapped your shoulder. "Hey, I'm Eijiro Kirishima. What's your name?" It was said in more of a whisper almost like an attempt to not surprise you.

You looked over to see the red-haired guy you sat in front of in class. "Oh, I'm Midoriya. Y/N, Midoriya."

"Oh yeah. You're the girl who came late and then talked back to the teacher. I thought you looked like that other man. Twins?" He put his hands on his hips and smiled.


"Knew it. Who's older?"

"I am. Just by less than a minute though."

"Oh cool. I'll uh talk to you later." He looked behind him and then forward towards Mr.Aizawa and whoever was throwing the ball.

"Oh, okay?" He awkwardly slid out of the way, and you looked back to see Bakugo staring you down. Shit. You chose to ignore him and look back towards the field where Izuku was getting ready to throw the baseball. He had a good start. He took the same approach you did, but you just watched as the ball landed flat in front of him. Giving him maybe 4 meters, and that was being generous.

You just stood there baffled. That's all he could pull off? Mr.Aizawa started to say something, and you heard Bakugo responding to someone. "Probably telling him to beat it. Only the best of the best go here. There's no way a quirkless loser like Deku could ever do it." You looked over to see him talking to a tall guy with blue hair. You managed to bring yourself it ignore it and look back forward. He grabbed another ball and was walking back over to the circle. He leaned back on one foot and transferred his weight over. You were hit with a sudden burst of strong wind and managed to look up. There was dust coming from all around Izuku, and the ball was nowhere in sight.

"705.3 meters. That's the best we've gotten so far. Next."

What the hell? How'd he do that? Your thoughts got interrupted by Bakugo running towards Deku screaming in what you think was anger. It was hard to tell since he pretty much screams and yells all the time. Bakugo was stopped with Mr.Aizawa's scarf, and you just stood there as Izuku quickly passed him and headed to the sidelines. Of course, Bakugo was glaring at him the entire time, but it was normal at this point. "Hey, how did you-" You stopped talking when he walked right past you, and over to that brown-haired girl from earlier. "Cool, all right." You couldn't help but mumble it to yourself after her just ignored you.

"Does that damn nerd actually have a quirk?" The sudden raspy voice at your side startled you for a second before you realized it was Bakugo.

"Aren't you too busy winning? Why does it matter? Oh yeah, he beat you by 0.1 meters huh? That must suck for you."

It wasn't hard to not notice his teeth clenching before he managed to get a grip. "Hey! Answer the question!"

"I'm trying to think, shut up!" You groaned and started rubbing your temple.

"Does Deku actually have a quirk?" You looked over to see him talking to that blue-haired kid again.

"Of course he does. You saw the way he threw that ball. Plus, I don't think anyone without a quirk could've made it through the entrance exam." He moved his arm up and down before fixing his glasses.

Bakugo walked back over to you and nudged you. "How long has he had that quirk?" You just stood there trying to think. "I'm talking to you! Hey!"

"I don't know dude leave me alone!"

"You're his sister! If anyone knows it should be you! How did you even make it in? Deku's quirkless, and it didn't even cross my mind that you could be quirkless-" He got cut off by your hand hitting him across the face. Everyone got quiet and just looked from where the sound came from. He just stood there for a second, it had been a while since you'd hit him. The slap sunk in before his cheek started to sting and turn red. "What was that for?!" You still didn't answer but turned and started to walk away instead.

"I'm out of here." You pushed open the doors. "You're going to end up losing the friends you have." You rolled your eyes and walked inside, letting the doors shut behind you.

"Y/N, wait!" You heard just before the doors shut but still ignored it as you started walking down the hallway. The anger, echoing with every step you took down the dim lighted empty hallway. "Please wait, don't go. If you leave then I'm leaving with you. How are we going to become heroes if we can't get past the first day of school?"

"There's no way that dream is going to become reality. Even you have to be smart enough to know that. In the future, it isn't going to be like the entrance exam. I can't just find a weak area and rip out the control wires to stop a real villain. I won't even be able to save people. I don't even know how I passed it was probably just dumb luck."

"What about how hard you worked though? You managed to get your grades up so you could have a chance to get into this school, and you're telling me once you're here that you want to give up? Come on, Y/N. We can do this."

"We?" You took a deep breath and turned towards him, "You're hiding something and it's obvious. How about that?"

"What do you mean?"

"How did you throw that ball so far without a quirk huh? You managed to beat Bakugo, and that guy barely loses. You can't even deny it, because look at your finger. That hurts doesn't it? It's broken, shattered by the way it's just dangling there."

"That isn't important right now." He was met with your eye roll and glare. "Please just trust me it'll all make sense soon. Please, just stay. Let's go back outside and finish this."

He smiled and held out his hand, but you just looked at him. "Fine." You ignored his hand and walked past him, pushing back open the doors. You saw Bakugo straying away from the crowd, rubbing his cheek. Even his hand couldn't cover the irritated skin that was turning bright red.

He looked over at you, but you just looked away and walked towards the crowd. Mr.Aizawa was already explaining the rest of the tests. The only reason you probably weren't in trouble was that he knew that you weren't as lucky as the other students. Not as blessed, how some other people would say.

For the rest of the physical exam, you did great. Good enough to feel confident that you weren't in last place. The person in last was the one going home, and as you continued with the exercises you didn't feel as agitated anymore. Of course, Mr.Aizawa had to end it with the mile run, and you waited at the end for Izuku who came last. He was breathing heavy and fell onto the ground after seeing you, "You okay bro?" You asked and held out your hand to help him up.

He just looked at you before taking the offer. "Yeah, it was just rough. I don't know if I made the cut." He sighed and leaned over.

"Well, we'll find out I guess. C'mon."

"These are the results. Take them into account for how much you need to improve. These are just numbers, but a good way to give you an idea of where you're placed." He clicked on something, and a hologram board popped up. It had everyone's names with their rankings in different colors.

"Y/N Midoriya, Y/N Midoriya..." You kept mumbling to yourself quietly as your name searched the list. Your eyes stopped on your name in 9th place. I did it! Yes! You started to look for Izuku's and you froze for a second when it was in the last place. You looked over to him to see him mumbling even more than you were a second ago.

"I wasn't being serious." The board closed and everyone looked towards Mr.Aizawa. "Nobody's getting expelled. That's it for the day. Class dismissed."

"He had us all scared! He should've made it more clear." The brown-haired girl whined and you sighed and started to walk over to Izuku to remind him to breathe.

"You guys didn't notice? I'm sorry I guess I should've spoken up. I thought it was pretty obvious." It was the girl with dark hair and a high ponytail. She was really pretty but seemed very sophisticated.

You stood next to Izuku and lightly hit your shoulder into his. "Breathe." You told him and he took a deep breath. "Damn. You even let grape head beat you?"

"It wasn't intentional..." He looked down and smiled a little before sighing.

"Anyways, since class is dismissed we should probably get ready to go home. I'm sure Mom's waiting for us. Plus, I'm waiting for an explanation on how you threw the ball so far still."

Everyone started filing in one by one to get changed back into the school uniform to go home. When you met back with Izuku to walk home Bakugo shot you a nasty glare before walking in front. Slouched over too, gosh was his posture terrible.

When you got home your mom hoarded you guys with questions about how the first day was, "Fine." "Good." That was all you two responded with. The typical answers, but at least it wasn't completely bad or anything.

You laid down in your bed that night and just stared at the ceiling for a while. Your fist clenched and unclenched rapidly as your thoughts roamed freely. Why? Out of all the things he could've said. He had to say that. You went to bed, still not saying a word to Bakugo which was pretty unusual since you typically managed to get him to play video games with you. It felt empty though. Kind of like your day wasn't fully completed, but there wasn't anything you could do about it.

You sighed and closed your eyes. Tomorrow is sure to be just as hard if not harder. I don't know how I managed to get in, but now that I'm here I should make the best of it. Izuku did have a point there. You felt your eyelids flutter before they finally gave in and shut, and you found yourself slipping into sleep.

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