Among the Stars ✔️ [Completed...

Par KateEmily789

163K 11.1K 3.6K

*** Spoiler Alert - This is book three in the trilogy, so please do not read below until you have read Out o... Plus

Quick Question...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Author's Note

Chapter 63

1.8K 131 32
Par KateEmily789

Absentmindedly I continue to fidget with the gold button of my black, loose fitting silk shirt. I try not to look around the dressing room too much as the stark white walls against vivid red furniture causes my pulse to race even faster.

"Two minutes, Mr and Mrs Weston." A young man by the name of Billy that we've seen several times says with a false smile as he pops his head round the door. His brown curls are crushed by the headphones and attached microphone that he wears. He looks ridiculously stressed. Before we can answer, he disappears with his red cheeks as fast as he arrived.

"There is still time to back out, if you want to." Daniel says softly from across the room.

My Mom's head snaps up to stare at him. Her surprised expression shows me that Daniel has said out loud exactly what she was thinking.

"I'll be fine. I need to do this. It's time." Hearing the babies start to moan, I stand to rock their double pram, thankful for the distraction.

My Mom practically pushes me out the way when she takes the handle from me. "I'm looking after Jack and Grace while you do this. They will be OK with me. You just prepare yourself, sweetheart."

I sit down heavily and pick up my cup of tea with a trembling hand. "I can't possibly prepare anymore!" I exclaim while I sip the tea. "We've rehearsed the interview... we know what she is going to ask... and she roughly knows what my answers are going to be." I smile warmly towards Daniel. "Thank God for Chris sorting all this out. I don't think I could do a live interview right now!"

"She really is a God send." My Mom comments sincerely while popping Grace's dummy back in her mouth. She smiles down at Grace when she immediately settles. "Did I hear right that Chris gets to see the whole interview first, and it can only be show with her prior approval?"

Daniel stands to straighten his light blue shirt and brushes his hands down the front of his fitted dark blue jeans. "Yep. Nothing goes out without us seeing it and Chris seeing it first. It has to be edited if there is anything we're not happy with." Daniel squeezes my Mom's hand. "It's going to be OK." He says confidently.

Billy knocks and enters the room, looking just as rosey cheeked. "Kathy is ready for you now." He leaves the door open so we can follow him out.

"Thank you." Daniel says before turning towards me. "You ready?"

"Let's do this!" I exclaim with more strength than I feel.

Mom kisses my cheek. "Your father and I are beyond proud, my darling. The twins will grow up to believe that no matter how hard things are or how dark it may seem, you are stronger than you know and there is always a way through... and that is because of who their parents are."

"Who their mother is." Daniel corrects swiftly.

"Nonsense... you absorb strength from those around you. Daniel, you are there for Lizzie... and that unwavering support enables her to do this." Mom's voice wobbles, so she turns back towards the twins. "Now, get out there!" She orders, turning her back so we don't see her cry.

"I love you, Mom." I say softly.

We follow Billy through the labyrinth of corridors back out to the set. Kathy is sat on one of the light brown sofas reading back through her notes with her glasses perched on the end of her nose. As we approach she looks up, removes her glasses and smiles warmly. "Before we begin, are you happy with everything from the rehearsal? Is there anything you would like to change?"

"I'm happy. What do you think, Daniel?" I need his approval or suggestions if he is not happy as I feel completely out of my depth.

"I think it was perfect." He grins reassuringly.

"Fantastic," Kathy's tone is clearly relieved. "Myself and Chris have watched the rehearsal and we feel that you both came across wonderfully. Shall we begin?"

I turn to Daniel who takes my hand in his, stroking my fingers lovingly. His blue orbs are filled with emotion, but he manages a small smile. "Yes," I answer feeling a little nauseous.


"Lizzie, the reception to this is in-fucking-sane!" Chris shouts. Her expression on the screen is of pure shock. She must take in both mine and Daniel's dumbfounded faces. "How are you both doing?"

I open my mouth to answer, but can't find the right words to explain how I feel. My insides feel like a gooey mush of emotions. "Fine." I decide is the best way to respond.

"We will be fine. But, the whole process yesterday was a lot more emotionally draining than we were expecting. It's just a relief that the media have been so supportive." Daniel sighs while he sips his lager.

"Have either of you switched your phones back on yet?" Chris asks curiously.

"No, not yet." I say while glancing over at our two phones that have sat, devoid of life, for the last twenty four hours.

"After this call I really think you should have a look at them." She says simply, but I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Why, what's going on? You've already filled us in on how well the interview has been received on all the networks and on social media." Daniel says quickly, his tone full of intrigue.

"We are being inundated with offers to help your new charity! Absolutely inundated, Lizzie! I've emailed the details across to you and Daniel, but we're talking millions!" She waits for our reaction, but we both just stare opened mouthed at the screen. She takes our muteness as her opportunity to continue speaking. "In the space of one day you have made a real difference already... #standwithlizzie has gone viral. Other people are sharing their stories with the hashtag. Women from all walks of life... from all over the world... are joining with you... oh, Lizzie... we can make real changes to women's lives! I have my whole team on this... we are going to make this dream of yours a reality." She gushes proudly.

"Are you serious?" My voice trembles with disbelief that other women are stepping forward just because I have shared my story.

"Of course! Lizzie, we spoke about how now that you're married to Daniel you have a platform for your voice to be heard... and by God Lizzie, you have been heard. I've read social media posts of famous women, career women, stay at home moms, young women, old women, all engaging with your past and feeling strong enough to share their own stories! Shit Lizzie, this is fast becoming a movement and we have to act on it now while there is so much interest to get this charity up and running. We've had calls from so many actors than Daniel has worked with over the years willing to do what they can to help."

Daniel gulps the rest of his beer. "I need something stronger." He returns with two shots of vodka. His expression is still one of complete surprise. "I'm not sure what to say! We're meeting with solicitors to get everything with the charity legal in two days."

We both down the vodka, feeling the burn in our throats. "I'm... I'm..." I stutter, unable to organise my thoughts.

"Overwhelmed?" Chris asks, and I nod immediately. "Well, I'll let you go and you can process what I've told you. Switch your phones on... and I'll call you later."

"Thanks, Chris. I think that's probably the best plan. Speak to you later." He ends the call before he reaches across to embrace me. We sit still, cuddling each other, not really sure how to take the next step. "Shall we switch them on?" Daniel flicks his head towards our dormant phones.

"I guess we better." I stand to retrieve our phones. As I switch them both on, we hear the twins begin to cry. "You could set your watch by them." I smile knowing how they love their feeds.

"I'll put both phones on silent while we feed them. Then we will look through whatever has been sent once they are settled again. Yeah?" He asks with an unsure tone.

"Yeah." I respond, knowing some cuddles from our babies is just what I need right now.


"Wow!" Daniel exclaims loudly once we have read through all of messages and emails, and listened to all of the voicemails. "I feel really emotional." He confesses with a small smile.

"I just can't believe all of this. The offers of help, the messages of support, the love that is being sent our way. It's all too much!" I sob into my hands still feeling completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of emotion that my past has evoked around the world.

Daniel is next to me on the sofa in a heartbeat. "Look at me." He demands while he gently pulls my hands away from my face. "Lizzie, this is karma coming back to you! The help and support is exactly what you deserve! Shit, Lizzie! If anyone deserves it, it's you baby! You have wore your heart on your sleeve and told the world how you were a victim of domestic abuse. That is no small thing to fucking do! You went out there and let the world see you vulnerable and you shared your pain... and you did it like a fucking superhero!"

His words just make me cry more. "I'm sorry. I'm not sad about it. I just wasn't expecting this..." I wave my hands towards the coffee table where we have been keeping notes of the offers which have sent that are either monetary, the offer of properties for the charity to use, or people's hard earned time. "We can help so many people to change their lives." I whisper.


Hey guys!

I hope you are all well and safe.

What do you think of this chapter?

You all still supporting Lizzie's decision?

We're getting very close to the end now... I can't believe it!!!

Thank you all so much for your continued support. Love T x -

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