Frostbite (a komahina fanfic)

By g0thymothy

45.2K 1.6K 2.2K

Two high school boys cross paths at a bus stop one winter evening. One Nagito Komaeda is intrigued by the bea... More

Chapter 1 (A Burning Curiosity)
Chapter 2 (Not Again...)
Chapter 3 (What a Mess!)
Chapter 4 (New Wounds)
Chapter 6 (Panic)
Chapter 7 (Games vs Reality)
Chapter 8 (Impulse)
Chapter 9 (Autopilot)
Chapter 10 (Modern Day Magician)
Chapter 11 (Lucky Surprise)
Chapter 12 (Sparks)
Chapter 13 (Hope Is Not Enough)
Chapter 14 (Unknown Caller)
Chapter 15 (The Plan)
Chapter 16 (Brighter With You)
Chapter 17 (New Beginnings)
Chapter 18 (A Firework of Butterflies)
Chapter 19 (My Hope)
Chapter 20 (Sinking)
Chapter 21 (Reunited)
Chapter 22 (Good Feels)
Quick A/N

Chapter 5 (Ethereal)

2.1K 78 155
By g0thymothy

Nagito/3rd person POV

Nagito walked out of the grocery store with the goods he came for. Just as he rounded a corner out of the store his phone vibrated with a text from Kazuichi.

Kaz: hey! you should stop by that convenience store and pick us up some ice cream cuz its cheap there!

uh yeah sure thing. :Nagito


Nagito shook his head slightly and redirected himself to the path for the convenience store. The white haired boy checked his wallet to make sure he had enough money for Kazuichi's request. Looks like I have the exact amount if I remember correctly. How lucky of me. Nagito thought with a smile.

A sudden gust of wind made Nagito shiver and pick up his pace significantly, wanting to get out of the cold as soon as possible.
After what felt like an eternity, the shivering boy finally made it to the convenience store. He shook the snow off his hair as he stepped in, then; he saw him.

Everything moved in slow motion. Their wide eyes met, recognizing each other immediately. Nagito could hear his heart pounding rapidly in his ears as a faint blush spread across his face. Wow. He thought. His eyes are more beautiful than I remember. Nagito's face was fire, his blush getting darker and more evident on his pale cheeks the longer they held eye contact. The white haired boy wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment forever. The other looked so ethereal. With red tinted cheeks and slightly parted pink lips, along with disheveled hair from the wind blowing it around.

The mystery boy suddenly broke the time spell by tearing his eyes away from the Nagito, in an almost panicked matter. As soon as he looked away from Nagito he fled down an aisle with his hands covering his face. Leaving the white haired boy flustered and dizzy.

Nagito stood there dumbfounded, blinking repeatedly. Trying to bring himself back into reality and calm his racing heart. Oh my god. Did that really just happen?! Nagito put a hand over his mouth which was apparently agape. The blushing boy mindlessly walked to the aisle he needed; replaying the events that took place a few moments ago, over and over again in his mind. Nagito grabbed the ice cream and headed to the counter getting out his money. As he handed his money over to the cashier, he saw the boy hurriedly pushing a girl he recognized as Chiaki, out the door. Nagito raised his hand to wave to his classmate. She smiled slightly and waved back before being pulled out of his view.

So he was here with Chiaki? Are they dating..? Chiaki never said she had a boyfriend.. Nagito frowned at this. His thoughts were interrupted by the cashier. "Here is your recept sir."

"Oh! Thanks-" Nagito reached out for the receipt then made his way out of the store. Curiously Nagito looked around the parking lot, even though he knew the boy was already gone. As he walked back home he couldn't stop thinking about the brunette. I wish I at least knew his name.. Nagito pouted, wanting to put a name to the pretty face he couldn't get out of his head.
Nagito was so lost in his thoughts on his walk home he had almost gotten hit by cars countless times. If it wasn't for his ultimate talent he might have been a goner.

Once again Nagito entered his apartment building and made the journey to his floor. "I'm baack~" Nagito sang as he stepped through the door, putting the bags of goodies on the counter. His roommate came barreling into the main room and snatched up the ice cream while grabbing two spoons. Grinning widely he held up the spoons and ice cream towards Nagito. "Lets watch a movie and have this before dinner!" Kazuichi exclaimed while securing his spot on the couch. The white haired boy nodded still in a daze, and took a spoon and a seat beside his roommate. Kazuichi noticed his spaced out look and poked Nagito in the shoulder. "You okay man??"

Slightly startled by the sudden poke Nagito nodded and responded "Yeah, I just can't stop thinking about someone I ran into again.." The pink haired saw the twitterpated look in the olders eyes and smirked.

"Ooooooooooo someone has a crushhhhhh! Mr. Hope boy likes someoneeeeeeeee~" Kazuichi teased. The aforementioned's eyes shot open wide as his face flushed a hot shade of pink.

"N-no! I don't have a crush! I didn't mean it like that!" Nagito rebutted trying to be convincing, although he wasn't sure who he was trying to convince. As Kazuichi continued to torture the flustered boy relentlessly, Nagito got swept away into his thoughts once again.
Should I ask Chiaki about him? Or maybe I should look him up on social media? Hmmm... As hard as he tried, Nagtio couldn't keep his mind from wondering back to the brunette..and one question in specific.

I wonder why he was in such a rush to leave after seeing me...

845 words

wpdodhdifiena i had so much fun writing this chapter my ship ahahaha

i think nagito and kaz make a good friend dynamic lol they just seem so chaotic together and i love that- even though kazuichi doesnt like him in the game

anywaysss hope you have a good *insert time of day*

and hajime kinnes out there- hello please talk to me bc im a nagito kinne and yeah :)


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