The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

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Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



3K 68 21
By mini0nguy

You started to go to Bakugo's every day for tutoring. However, the willingness to go soon changed to him making you, grabbing your backpack and dragging you if he had to. "You're going to get your damn grades up. You're never going to get into UA with shitty grades like that!" He would either yell or mumble something like that almost every day. He didn't even let you relax on weekends, and you started to regret willingly accepting his offer to tutor you for free.

Your only hope every time you went to get tutored was that Mitsuki would be there. Every time she was there, she would make you snacks. You even started to swear that it was the only thing keeping you sane from Bakugo hitting you on the head with a newspaper when you couldn't remember something. You started to get headaches the first couple weeks which turned into months because of that stupid newspaper. It started to fade overtime when your grades actually started to rise, and you didn't get abused by it anymore. It was only because you started to actually remember and learning things. Idiot, he's lucky I had enough control to not catch it or something. You thought almost every day that you walked home.

You were walking home from Bakugo's with Izuku one night when you reminded yourself of an incident. The memory always hurt your head and you overthought a lot whenever it played back in your mind, so vividly and clearly. The thought that you could've lost your best friend and brother the same day and time haunted you, and took control of your thoughts. As you walked, it was almost like you were on autopilot.

It happened about a day before Izuku started to not be able to help you anymore, right before he started disappearing and coming home late. You remembered Izuku running off on his own after school and Bakugo leaving with his minions which left you to walk alone. You decided to take the longer route since the boys weren't with you so you could listen to music longer without being pestered by everyone else. When you got home, your mom wasn't there to greet you as usual. You shut the door behind you and took off your shoes before walking further into the room. "Mom?" You called out, but there wasn't an answer. You looked into the living room where your mom was just sitting on the couch sniffling. The TV was on and there was fire and explosions on the TV. "Mom, what's up?" You tried to read her body language, but overall found yourself standing next to the couch.

She didn't say anything until she just looked over at you with tears streaming down her face. You weren't really nervous at first, because she cried at the most random things. That must be where Izuku got it from. She patted her tears, "Bakugo got attacked by a villain." She paused to get the tears out of her eyes again, "Your brother rushed in to help." As if the first part wasn't already enough, the second part left you standing there speechless. Stunned, paralyzed even. Your heart started skipping beats and your stomach dropped along with the bag in your hand which fell all the way until it thudded on the ground.

You managed to bring yourself to look over at the TV. The camera was really blurry at first, and you stood there with your impatience growing until it finally focused. The whole area was on fire, and there was rubble everywhere from explosions. There were a lot of pro heroes on the side, and a slime monster in the middle. No, a better way to describe it was a sludge villain. The blonde hair trapped inside of it being held captive was no doubt Bakugo, and the blurred green hair that rushed past the bottom of the screen could only be one person.

What the hell are the pro heroes doing? They need help. How are they going to let a quirkless boy do their job? You just watched for a second, and the reporter's voice started explaining what was happening. It was so monotone, and boring. He made it sound like nothing bad was happening and it was a normal occurrence.

Eventually All Might had to come and finish the job. You didn't see it happen though, because you already darted back towards the door and started sprinting to the scene. It was quite the run away, and you didn't stop once. Once you got there though it started to rain and there were murmurs coming from all around you. "Did you see that kid rush in? He's crazy!" "I know right? He should be glad All Might was there to help." "All Might always saves the day!" "What about that kid that was being held hostage. Is he okay?" "All Might helped of course he is." "All Might is insane, I mean he changed the weather with a single punch, and captured the villain at the same time."

It took a lot in you for you to ignore them and walk away. Your eyes started to scan the crowd for them, and you finally saw the blonde and green hair closer to the fire that was currently being put out. You were going to go over there until you saw their faces. You were close enough to hear the pro heroes scolding Izuku. Weird enough they were the same pros on the sidelines who had no room to talk. Bakugo was being praised and told that when he became pro he could work with them at their agencies. Even you knew that wouldn't happen. He would only go with the best, and they weren't even close. They both just stared off into space as they were being talked to, and you just looked at them. They looked fine, some scratches but overall okay. Physically at least.

You sighed in relief and started to walk home. When you got there the rain had started to stop and when you opened the door you could hear your mom, "All Might is the best!" She had both of her arms raised up in the air and looked over towards you. "Where's Izuku?"

"He got held up with some pros. He should be coming back at least in a few hours." She looked at you with her bottom lip quivering, "He's okay. You can breathe. He had a few scratches but that's about it. His skin wasn't even burnt from the fire."

"Thank you!" She ran up and hugged you, "Are you okay? You didn't go anywhere near there did you?"


"Alright, well you should dry off okay? I'll make dinner."

"Sounds good." You walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel, and walked into your room. When you got into your room you finished drying off and changed into baggy sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. You put your wet hair back into a messy bun, and slipped on slippers before jumping back on your chair. You scooted close to your desk and started tapping your pencil almost right away. You pulled up an app on your phone, and put both of your hear buds in your ear. You started to play a playlist that seemed to calm you, and put you in a good mood at the same time. It was calming, and you started to draw and map out story ideas along with your original characters. The crumpled pieces of paper started to pile up on one another in your trash can until when you threw it over there it hit the others and rolled onto the floor. You scooted back in your chair and spun in a circle a few times as you grabbed at your hair in frustration. I have no good ideas. I don't like any of them they just don't fit. You groaned before looking over at the time and noticed three, almost four hours had passed.

You cracked open the door to your room and just looked into the kitchen. Your mom had dinner pretty much almost ready, and then you watched as her head perked up and she ran to the door. You adjusted your angle to see Izuku walk in. He had been out for so long the only part of him that was still a little bit wet was his hair. Your mom ran up and hugged him really tight before examining him to make sure he wasn't hurt. You could see him tell her that he was fine just by the way his mouth moved. You shut the door and rolled back to your desk, turning the music up more. Trying desperately to just zone out into your own world again. One that was calm. One where you didn't have to worry about grades, or if people liked you or not. One where you could be you.

~~UA Exams~~

You yawned and stretched before rolling out of bed and getting dressed. You opened your door and walked into the kitchen. "Morning mom." You said while you rubbed your eyes and sat down at the table.

Izuku was already sitting and eating, and your mom brought food over. "A special breakfast for my special twins that have a very big day!"

You smiled, "Thanks." You started eating, and pulled your hair back when it kept getting really close to falling in your food. "Hey, Izuku, do you have a plan? I mean, it's going to be kind of hard without quirks don't you think?"

"Yeah, it's going to be challenging. I wish I did have a plan, but they didn't tell us anything about it." You sighed and looked back at the table. This is killing me. How are we going to make up for not having quirks? Hell, everyone else can probably just blast their way through it. "Don't worry about it. We'll find a way."

You looked over at him and gave a little smile to return his, "Yeah, you're right. I mean, it's our dream on the line."

He laughed before looking at his phone and standing up. "Oh! I have to go. I'll see you at the UA campus Y/N. Sorry, be safe on your way there," he called out as he ran out the door. You could see through the door that the sun wasn't rising yet. Judging at the lighter area at the base of the sky, it was about to start rising.

"What's up with him?" You asked, looking over at your mom.

"I thought you were going to ask him."

"Well I was, but I got distracted trying to get my grades up. I did pretty good too I think, I mean I have mostly A's and B's now."

"You do? That's great! I'm so proud of you." She walked over and hugged you, "But I think you better get going. You have a pretty long walk."

"Yeah, you're right." You grabbed your bag and put on your shoes. "Thanks for the breakfast, mom. Bye!" She waved as you took off to the school. It was pretty dark, but the sun was starting to rise slowly.

When you reached the school on time, somehow, the sun rose, and it was bright enough to see everything clearly. The school was really pretty and almost seemed to sparkle in the sun. There were a lot of other kids walking in with you, and you just stood still for a second taking in the sight. "Isn't that the guy who got attacked by the sludge villain?" "Yeah! He's here?" "He's the real deal we better be careful." "No way, man. Why are you scared? He had to have All Might save him. Are you for real?" You looked over at the kids to see them looking a bit ahead, so you looked that way. Sure enough, Bakugo walked right past you with a scowl on his face.

You ran up to him and nudged him. "What's up, Boom Boy? You too good to say hi to your bestie?"

"I hate you."

"Same, but still. You in a shittier mood than usual? I mean, god, if looks could kill, huh?"

"You're annoying me, get out of my way!" He shoved you to the side and you sighed.

"Whatever, save me a seat inside." You told him and just stood by the doors to give him time to walk ahead. Your head shot over when you heard yelling. What was that? Oh, it's just Izuku... floating? You started walking over to see a girl holding her hands together.

"I stopped you by using my quirk. I'm sorry that I didn't ask first, but I figured you wouldn't mind me stopping your fall. Isn't this really nerve racking?" You stood there as he stuttered and tried to keep back your laugh, "Well, see you inside. Bye." She turned and walked right past you and you decided to make your way over to Izuku. 

You nudged him and it broke him out of his weird trance where he was just standing there, "You good bro?"

"Ah- Oh- Woah- When did you get here Y/N? I thought you walked in with Kacchan."

"Eh, he's in a shitty mood. Anyways, was that a girl you were talking to?" You smirked at him and watched as his face turned bright red.

"No, she was- I mean! Yeah." 

"Already pulling the girls huh?" He couldn't form words and you laughed, "Chill out, I'm just teasing you. Come on, we should go in or we'll be late."

When you guys walked in, you sat by Bakugo and Izuku sat on the other side of him. You were each given examinee cards and watched as Present Mic walked onto the stage. "What's up, UA candidates? Come on! Let me hear ya!" Nobody said a word. In fact, you had to hold in your laugh. It was dead silent, "Playing it mellow then. That's fine, let's talk about how this practical exam is going to go. Are you ready?!"He was met with more silence, and then continued.

You looked over at Izuku when you heard mumbling, "Oh my goodness! It's the pro hero, Present Mic! How cool! I listen to his radio show every day of the week!"

"Will you shut up?" Bakugo didn't even move and kept his scowl the whole time. You looked back towards the stage and sighed.

"You guys will be doing mock battles. After I drop a like, you'll be heading to your specified battle stations. Okay?" He was met with more silence and people started to talk with their friends around them.

"I see. They're splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends," Bakugo grumbled as he looked at his card. You picked up yours and looked at it.

"Yeah, our examinee numbers are one after another, but our battle stations are different." You looked past Bakugo and saw that Izuku's was "B". You looked over at Bakugo's the same time as Izuku and his was "A". 

"Get your eyes off of my card." He glared over at Izuku and you started looking at your own card again. Your battle station was "G". Based off of the picture Present Mic showed, you were going to be on the totally other side from them. He mumbled something else, but you didn't care to listen.

"Okay, okay. Let's look at your targets. There are three types of villains in every battle center. You earn points on their difficulty. Your goal is to use your quirk to raise your score. Make sure you're keeping things heroic! Attacking other examinees is a huge hero no no."

"Excuse me, sir? I have a question!" A spotlight turned on and pointed towards a guy who had his hand stuck straight up, standing. One glance and you could tell he was the kid who followed rules all the time and you couldn't help but roll your eyes as you prepared for a speech. "On the printout, there are four villains listed, not three. With respect, if this is an error on UA, it is extremely shameful. As students wanting to be a part of the most prestigious school, it is unacceptable. And you..." He looked back and pointed towards Izuku, " with the unkempt hair. You've been muttering this whole time. Stop it. If you can't take this seriously, then leave. You're distracting the rest of us."

"Sorry..." Izuku said, and covered his mouth as he sunk back in his chair.

"Thanks for your request. The fourth villain type is zero points. There's one in every battle station, so think of it as a hurdle to avoid. It can be beaten, but there's no point. I recommend you ignore it and head towards the top of the charts!"

"Thank you." The guy bowed and the spotlight turned off as he sat.

"That's all I got today. A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortune. Now, go beyond plus ultra! Good luck!"

You found yourself standing outside of the gates with the other examinees in your group. They all started talking and making friends with one another. That, or planning how to get in. You awkwardly stood away from everyone and since you didn't really want to talk to them, you started thinking about how you could score points. The robots shown were only silhouettes, so it's not the ideal setting to plan. Shoot, I'm just going to have to play it by ear. You looked back towards the gate and it was very faint, but you heard the crack of the speakers turning on. This is it. You braced yourself towards the door and once the speaker crackled, forming words this time, you started sprinting into the area. As you ran, you started looking for bots left and right as quick as you could. The second you saw one, you stopped dead in your tracks. It wasn't even the sight of it that alerted you. It was the sound of a machine locking onto a target, and you turned just in time to get out of the way. The only way being throwing yourself onto the ground and rolling out of the way of the attack. You got scraped up, but ignored it as you stood to your feet and faced it. I have to at least beat a one pointer. The other ones are going to be harder. Just dodge, and attack. Look for a weakness.

It started to move towards you again and you prepared to dodge, but you watched as it seemed to play in slow motion. You pivoted out of the way and grabbed onto the arm without thinking. It felt as if time resumed, and the robot was swinging it's arms around. The moves were all so unpredictable and jagged, so you started to cling to it tighter and move towards the base of it. You managed to brace yourself, but one out of the way movement almost flung you off. Your fingers reached for something, anything to hold onto, and locked onto some sort of hatch. With the movement, though it popped open, and you looked at the wires inside of it. A weakspot... Without wasting anymore time, you reached with your left hand and gripped onto the wires, and with one burst of energy you ripped them out. 

The bot went haywire and started to pop and sizzle because of the broken current of energy. It sped up and slowed down over and over until eventually it fell over. Unfortunately for you, it was going fast and you lost the grip you were so badly trying to hold onto. It flung you down the street and you could feel the skin on some places of your body burning off. You just laid there for a second. You didn't have to look to know that you were bleeding from where your skin was burnt on the asphalt. 

You managed to get up and start looking around for more. That's only one point that won't get me in. You started to run again and heard a girl screaming. Naturally, you looked in the direction and there was a girl backing up and crawling backwards against a 2 pointer. The exam just started and someone needs help? I guess I should be glad I'm not in that situation, but... You started running towards her and managed to push her out of the way as the, what looked like a tail, came crashing down into the ground. The ground cracked and you started to breath more heavily. "Get out of here if you can't hold your own. I don't think anyone should get hurt."

"Thank you," she huffed out and started to run towards the exit, but the robot still had her focused as the target. You grabbed onto it and started to get dragged as it chased her. She kept looking behind her as you tried to yell at her to calm down and just get out of its way, and that you had it covered. "I'm going to die," she cried out, and then you saw it. You wedged your fingers in the hatch and forced it open. This one didn't just pop out like the other one, but once it was open, you yanked the wires out and it slowed down. It thankfully didn't skid like the other one. The front of it crashed onto the floor and the girl stopped running for a second to catch her breath. "Thank you so much. I would've died if it wasn't for you."

"It's no problem, but you should seriously get out of here if you don't feel up to it anymore."

"I will. Thank you so much again." She stood there for a second before she started running toward the gates and you turned back. I need more points three isn't enough. I'm running out of time too, I need to go faster. Once I rip the wires out of one I need to jump off as soon as possible to find more. That's what you did. You turned towards the robots and thankfully the weak spots were all in the same spot. You started to rank up points quickly and you knew that the time was almost up.

"42 points," you huffed out and leaned over to catch your breath. "I hope that's enough because time is most likely almost out."

"That's it! Time's up," came from the speakers. You fell onto your knees and tried to get your breathing to a normal pace. Everyone around you was breathing heavily, too. You all just looked around before medical care people came and started to treat those who needed treatment. 

"Hey, you look rough. Are you okay?" You thought the guy was talking to someone else. "The girl with the fluffy green hair." You looked over. "Yeah, you." He kept walking over to you with a bag crossed over his body. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Got thrown around a little bit."

"Let me help you. What hurts? If you tell me what happened really quick, I can treat you accordingly and be on my way to help others. We're trying to help people who are the most injured first."

"I'm not that injured, but I just have burns from the asphalt from momentum."

"Alright, do you have any medical allergies?"

"Not that I know of."

He smiled and nodded as he grabbed an ointment and some bandages from his bag. He got a cotton ball wet with some kind of disinfectant and wiped the burns before putting on the ointment and wrapping them in bandages. "There you go. Is there anything else that needs treated?"

"No, thanks though."

"Of course. You can head home now. There's going to be the trucks that brought you here to take you back to campus. From there you can go home. Be safe." He said as he walked off to help others.

You got into the truck with some of the other kids. When you got to the campus, they told you it would be a couple of weeks before the results were out. You walked home and when you got there, Izuku was already home. Probably because you took the long way to listen to music again, but your mom had dinner already made.

"How did the exams go," she asked right as you walked in and straightened your shoes by the door.

Izuku looked down. Apparently, she was waiting until you both got home. He didn't look happy, so you spoke up, "I got 42 points!" You got a huge smile on your face and your mom smiled. 

You sat down next to Izuku and he looked at you with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open. "What? How? You don't have a quirk!"

"Yeah, and? You don't have one either." You took a bite of your food and continued talking, "How many points did you get?"

He looked down at his food and got a weird look on his face. "Zero." You dropped your utensils and just looked at him. His face changed from regret and disbelief to trying to hold back tears and his voice got shaky. "I got zero. The chances of me getting in is pretty much none at this point. The only hope I have is getting in through the written exam."

You didn't know what to say. Comforting him would probably just make it worse, so you continued eating and then went into your room.

He was really down the next couple of weeks and you tried to ignore it. It was hard. When you would walk into the house, most days he would just be sitting on the couch lifting weights endlessly. You checked the mail every day. As it neared to when they said the results would be in, your mom started to check it before you got to it. One day, you were relaxing at the table, drawing there for once. You couldn't help but hear your mom come in, slamming the doors clearly in a rush. She was out of breath and you took out an earbud and peered at her, "They came. Y/N! Izuku! They came! They're here! A letter!" You put your phone in your pocket and stood up as Izuku came out of his room. "Here, this one's for you Izuku and this one's for you Y/N." She handed you guys your envelopes and there was clearly something in it that wasn't paper. It was in both yours and Izuku's. You knew because of how lopsided they were when you guys held them. 

"I'll go watch mine by myself, " Izuku said first and walked into his room.

"I'll go watch mine then, too, " you said and walked into your room, too. Your mom stood in the kitchen, waiting for you guys to come out. You had no doubt that she was probably pressed up against one of your doors.

You sat in your chair and spun in a few circles before tossing the envelope on the desk. What if 42 points wasn't enough? What if I don't make it in because my written part scored too low? This is my future. What am I going to do if I don't get in, even more what am I going to do if I go get in? What if Izuku doesn't get in? We're in this together. You took a deep breath and opened the envelope to have a letter and a disc thing fall out of it. It sparked some light and a hologram lit up. You were so startled, you fell backwards on your chair and quickly got back up and sat in it again when a voice started coming from it. 

"Hello, Young Midoriya! I am here! I am sure you are surprised that I am here since this is from UA, but you are looking at the newest faculty member! Moving on, you passed the written test. You scored on the lower side, but you still passed. You got 42 combat points on the practical exam. However, there were other factors as well. You also earned 12 rescue points! Not only did you save that one girl once from being crushed, but also took down the robot as it was chasing her! There is nothing more noble a hero can do than saving people! Actions inspire others and give them hope. We could never reject someone who is willing to go out of their way to save someone else. There were judges who watched and awarded points based on the way you rescued people. I am sure you are worried about your brother, Young Izuku Midoriya. You have no reason to worry. You both passed. Welcome into the hero course, Y/N Midoriya!"

The hologram flickered before retreating back into the disc and you pushed back from your desk. You wanted to cry out of pure joy, but you couldn't. You were in so much shock and when you opened the door, your brother and your mom were hugging and crying. "I did it! I can be a hero! I made it in," Izuku cried out in between sobs. "You made it in, too. All Might said it on my clip."

"I'm so proud of you guys!" She started uncontrollably crying and held out her arms for you to join their sopping, wet hug. You hesitated, but joined. "I love you guys so much. This calls for a special dessert since we already had dinner. What do you guys say?"

"Can we have mochi," you asked with your head poking up because food was involved and you laughed and wiped Izuku and your mom's tears off of your face. 

"Of course! Izuku, do you want some as well?"

"Yeah! Sure!" Your mom pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears. You looked at Izuku and he hugged you. Nothing was there except pure joy. "We're both going to become heroes." He started laughing and you joined.

"Yeah..." you responded and hugged him back. "...we did it." You sniffled and looked forward with a bit of relief. Your guys' dreams were coming true. It was all you asked for your whole life and here it was, finally becoming a reality.

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