Reborn As The Lead's Love Int...

By Nananana989

956 0 0

There was no light at the end of the tunnel, so when he emerged out as the main love intrest of The protag of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven

Chapter Thirty Eight

16 0 0
By Nananana989

While myself was a popular figure to the public, my family was not. They were known, but seeing them was a rather rare occurrence outside of social balls between elites.

So when I made it to the castle, my sister in her riding gear, proud and just as beautiful as I was, eyes caught. When I dismounted, I helped her down and she landed as graceful as a cat, smiling kindly. We led my house to a guard, who took it to the stables as we entered the castle, eyes following us every step.

I was still in my training clothes, and she in hers, so we weren't dressed to meet the royals, but we hardly ever were.

As it was, the royal family was gathered in the great hall. The emperor sitting neatly on his throne and the princes and princess sitting in the thrones nearby.

The person they were talking to, luckily finished upC which was great as eyes flew me and my sister's way.

"Duke Reynolds? What brings you and Lady Rose Reynolds?" A servant asked.

"Yes, I'm rather curious, we saw you not too long ago..." Damon muttered, clearly confused.

I let rose lead as she walked forward. "I'm here to reject prince Florian's marriage proposal. Does he take me for some whore to propose without ever meeting me?"

Everyone's eyes flew to Florian, who flared at both Rose and me. "We've met before."

"Yes, when was that again, care to remind me? And if you think mentioning an event my brother was at will save you, I hope to remind you that my brother and I don't go to the same events."

He stiffened, seemingly caught.

"I see you are wordless. If I want a woman, I could pick my own. And believe me, despite what you may think, I'm not into royalty."

I was so proud of her as she glared the fucker down.

"I... I apologize on my son's behalf," the emperor said, his voice turned and almost strained.

"Why must you apologize? I was simply extending my atta-"

I couldn't help myself but butt in, "if you say attraction as if you haven't treated me poorly in the past simply because I was 'attractive,' then I fear no person alive could save you from my fists nor my foot which I will kick up your ass until your balls are in your throat."

All men paled at the threat.

Floarian quickly recovered, "how dare you threaten a royal!"

"I'm not threatening a royal, I'm threatening a man who has once again tried to shame my family. Even if I were threatening one, my late husband trained the guards, I help from time to time. I'm blessed by the gods and goddess. If I had wanted to, I could."

"You can't just say those things!" He grouched.

I smiled, but it didn't reach my eyes or feel at all genuine. "And yet I did. Now, don't think about pulling this sort of thing again. My sister deserves the best, and you don't deserve her. You're far from ideal."

"And what would be her ideal?" He scoffed.

Rose looked at him with the biggest smile and to even my surprise, "a woman."

Yeah, definitely a surprise.

"I actually have someone who caught my fancy, but seeing how men are these days, I've been working on my sword fighting. Have already bested Jackson and James. But you are again, far from ideal."

"Actually didn't know that. Good for you," I said kindly.

"My tastes are better than yours. Seeing the types you like," she teased.

I rolled my eyes at her and we turned back to the royals. Damon had already gotten up. "Well, I'd like to extend apologies. And seeing as it will be dark long before you're able to return home, why don't you stay the night at the palace? We can room you both far away from Florian if you so wish."

"Ah, we're fine with sleeping at a h-"

"I insist. You should know how dangerous that road home is in the dark. And you both are better than some measly hotel."

The emperor butt in, "I have to agree here, please, stay here for the night."

I gave a bow and my sister a curtsy, "thank you for the hospitality."

With that, my sister and I were put in rooms across from another. Pretty modest rooms, but lavish nonetheless.

My room in particular had a small balcony, and it seemed to overlook a good portion of the empire. Though, I felt as if the emperor's room was truly more magnificent.

I had actually hadn't stayed at the palace much. Sometimes when I was younger, but it was more common for Damon to stay at mine when we were growing up. For whatever reasons that was.

Yet, there I was.

The balcony offered crisp air, and I adored the feeling of wind as it passed by me.

If I married Damon, this view before me would become my norm. I could imagine how wonderful it would be.

His arms wrapped around me, the heat of his body against my back as we stood close.

I had never wished to be held that way before, but with how Damon treated me in the relationship... I couldn't help but year to be submissive in his touch.


Thinking about him made me want to see him, but it would seem odd to go to his room so late at night.

As I was closing the doors to the balcony, drawing the drapes to darken my room, there was a knock on my door.

"Isaiah, it's me, may I come in?"

My heart fluttered a bit and I rushed to the door, opening it. "You're always welcome to visit prince Damon."

He walked in and I closed the door behind him.

"So what brings you?" I asked.

"Well, I thought that since you're here, I'd talk to you about what I planned to say tomorrow," he informed. Yet his eyes fluttered up and down my body, smirking a bit, "I also just like seeing you."

I moved over to him, throwing my arms loosely around him. His own hands settled at my waist.

"So I'm very glad for your visit," he whispered as he brought our lips together. I hummed happily into it, though it was brief.

"So what did you wan to discuss?"

He moved slightly away, still keeping me within arms length. "The party the emperor is throwing. He's announcing he'll be stepping down from the throne, meaning I'll be taking over not soon after."

I cupped his cheek, "I'm happy for you. You've been looking forward to this since we were kids."

"But that means I can finally take you as my own. Not fear what the world says."

"Is this your proposal?" I joked.

He laughed softly, shaking his head. "You'll know."

I would, but I still wanted to tease my beloved.

"I'm just glad I'll have you by my side."

"Until death do us part, I'm yours."

He covered the distance and roughly kissed me, taking me aback a bit. I gripped at his tightly and felt weightless as he dragged us to the bed, plopping me down and covering some, remaining feverish with his hot kisses.

He obviously didn't intend more than kissing, but I was still beautifully bothered by how he held me down.

His hands slipped under my shirt, giving rise to goosebumps along every inch of skin he touched. It was so warm. I gripped at him, pulling him closer, desperately trying to keep him there.

He pulled away, hovering over me with the biggest shit eating grin I'd ever seen. "I love you."

"I love you too." I went to reach for him again when there was a knock on the door. Damon and I startled so bad we both fell on the ground.

"Duke Reynolds, may I come in?"

I quickly rushed to the door as Damon tried to seem calm as he walked up to.

I opened the door to a servant who was inquisitive. "I'm sorry to intrude on your rest, but the emperor was looking for the crown prince, have you seen him?"

Damon popped up, "he's looking for me? I'll head down now. We'll finish talking at a later time." He smiled at me and nodded as he left, the servant following close behind, leaving me to truly get some rest.

The servants at home hardly bothered me, so it would definitely take some getting used to if I lived in the Palace.

But that was a problem for another day.

I just needed rest.

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