Lasting Memories.....The Ones...

Por grannydew

43.3K 3.9K 442

Their lives are full, their hearts have been blessed with another child. This part 4 of the Memories series w... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty One

1.2K 136 17
Por grannydew

It's funny how things have a way of coming full circle, in this amazing journey of life. The choices that one makes for love over the course of a lifetime can be the very thing that they most regret.

The publishing of Ates Divit's book had been a major event in the young woman's life, but nothing could prepare her for the out pouring of love she received from her fans. The first booking signing after the release in the Uk, had turned out to be the largest for the most prestigious book store in London. The popularity of the book and of Ates herself, had reached almost a rock star status by the time her book had been released in the UK. Bedir had found another writer phenomenon, with her book set to make it debut in America within the next few months. Ates had a busy schedule once she had reached London, and barely had time to think. Sanem had so wanted to join her there, but the timing hadn't been right. " Ates I'm so sorry, but we won't be able to attend the signing, we are preparing for the 75th anniversary of Fikri Harika. It really doesn't seem possible, I don't know where the time has gone." Her mother regretted having to miss this very important event in her daughters life. 

Ates looked out over the sea of people as she was getting ready to enter the room. She had never expected such a large crowd. " Ms.Divit, this is the largest turn out for a signing we have ever had, in fact we have had to turn people away." The owner of the book store fidgeted nervously as he waited to announce her. Ates patted the older gentleman's hand, " I'm sure it will be fine, it will probably go quickly." She felt her heart beat a little faster, as they called her name and she entered the room. Her welcome was overwhelming, and brought her to tears, but everyone was so nice and excepting of her, they almost seemed like a crowd of old friends. 

After what seemed like hours, the line had finally reached an end. Ates was tired and glad to see there was only a couple of people left in the line, as she reached for the book from the next person. "Hello ma'am,  and your name," she asked, ready to personalize her copy of the book. " You do look just like your mother, and I see you have inherited her talent as well." Ates looked up quickly to see if she recognized the woman. " Excuse me, do you know my mother." Ates smiled at her, thinking how ironic. " Well actually, I am an old friend of your fathers,.....Polen Ersoy." She extended her hand to Ates.

Ates felt the blood drain from her head, and her heart beat hard. The woman was tall, slender, her hair that was streaked with grey, was pulled up tightly in a bun. Ates immediately got the feeling of being inferior. " I see, the name rings a bell." Ates looked directly into her eyes, " But I don't recall you being a friend." She continued the stare, not willing to break the look of denial from her. Polen smiled, "I understand, I'm sure my name hasn't been a topic in your home very often. But there are things that you don't know." 

The woman reached across the table to touch her hand. " I would like to talk to you in private, if I may. This place is a bit to busy." Ates jerked her hand away, " And why would you want to speak to me in private. There's really nothing you could say that I want to hear." Her face feeling hot from anger. Polen straightened, " I think you might, if you would just hear me out." Just for 5 minutes." She pleaded. For a second Ates thought of dismissing her like an annoying fan, having the security guard escort her away, but then the curiosity got the best of her. What could this woman, that had caused her mother so much heartache, possibly want to tell her. She turned to the owner of the book store, "Is there a room that I might borrow for a moment to have a private discussion with this woman." Ates felt the fear and anger that her mother must have felt for this woman wash over her like a tidal wave, her instinct to protect her mother came to the surface. 

The owner lead them to a room off the the main lobby, " Is this room ok. He asked, seeing the tension build between the couple. " Yes, and we won't be long, so please have my assistant pack things up." Ates felt the need to let her know she was in control. " Ms.Ersoy, you have 2 minutes, so I suggest you say what you have to say quickly." Polen lowered her head, " I can imagine what you must think of me, but let me explain my side of the story." Ates interrupted, " Your couldn't be more wrong, there's no way you could know what I think of you. I don't need to know your side of the story, because I know my parents' side of the story, and that's the only side that matters." She turned to leave, " But Ms. Divit, I want you all to know what happened, and how sorry I am." She reached out to Ates with an envelope in her hand. " This will explain everything to your Mother and your Dad, if you would give it to them, please." Her eyes had filled with tears, Ates stared at the envelope, " So this is the explanation of why, and how you tried to destroy my mothers life. That's not possible.....there isn't an explanation. Polen shoved the envelope into Ates' hand, " Take it please, give it to your mother." She turned quickly and hurried out of the room. Her first thought was to rip it up and throw in the trash, but instead, she stuck it in her pocket. 

By the time she arrived to her hotel room, she had already called Bedir, "I must go home before I can go to the next signing, can you make the arrangements. Bedir did so immediately, without asking any questions. She was able to get a flight out that night, but it was a late one. Making her arrive in Istanbul before sunrise, she took a cab home, not wanting to tell anyone she was there. The thought of telling her Mom who she had met, made her nervous to say the least, but she knew  it had to be done. She let herself in with her key, and went to the kitchen to make tea. It was still early and she wasn't sure if her parents were awake or not, so she waited. Sanem heard the noise from the kitchen but thought it was Duman, scavenging the fridge for food, as she made her way to the kitchen, " Son, you must get food for.....she stopped mid-sentence.......Ates, my dear, what are you doing here. She threw her arms around her neck, " I'm so glad to see you, how was the signing." Sanem squealed, hugging her tightly. Can came in, hearing the commotion from down the hall, " Ates, why are you here, did you come for the anniversary party." He scooped up his daughter in his arms, " It doesn't matter why you came, we're just happy you're here." 

After all was settled down, they took their tea to the garden, where her Dad built a fire in the fire pit to chase off the nip in the early morning air. Sanem could tell there was something she wanted to say, but it wasn't something easy. " Ates, it's written all over your face, something is wrong, so just tell us." Ates sighed, " Mom, Dad, I met someone in London. Someone you both know." She reached in her pocket and pulled out the envelope, " Polen Ersoy,....she came to my signing and brought this letter for you." Sanem began to feel that same feeling from over 30 years ago rush up through her body. " What did she tell you, Ates, how unworthy I am of your father. Well that's old news, and frankly, I'm quite tired of hearing it." Can took the envelope, " A letter, for what. Did she say why." Ates shook her head, " Nothing more than, this letter would explain everything that  happened and why." And she wanted you to read it Mom." Sanem took the letter, letting all the memories of that time in their lives play through her mind. 

After a few minutes, Sanem realized that Polen didn't have the same effect on her anymore, her life hadn't fallen apart at the mention of her name. She stared at the letter.

" I really don't need an explanation or a reason from her......

She placed the letter in the fire pit, unopened.....

" My life is what is was destined to be.............And there's nothing she could say to change that.

Sanem had moved on, she had unshackled herself from that feeling of dominance that Polen had once held over her. She didn't need to know why, she just needed to know she had won!!

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