Queen of the Pirates

By Buttercup-Rosie

219K 7.4K 4.8K

After Gol D. Roger's dying words drove all kinds of people to the sea to chase after dreams that only the Gra... More

The Journey Begins
The Pirate Hunter
The First Fight with the Navy
Enter the Thief
Zoro VS Cabaji
Luffy VS Buggy
Guardian of the Forest
The Infamous Liar
Protecting the Village
The Meowban Brothers
Finally, a Real Ship!
Johnny and Yosaku!
The Baratie and The Flirty Cook
Hawk-Eye Mihawk!?
Sanji VS The Invincible Pearl
Gin the Betrayer
Luffy VS Don Krieg
Heading for Nami
The Girl Who Cried Help
Arlong Attacks!
The Town of the Beginning and the End
High School AU Filler Chapter 1
High School AU Filler Chapter 2
High School AU Filler Chapter 3
High School AU Filler Chapter 4
The Grand Line
Laboon's Tale
Whisky Peak
The Princess of Alabasta
Onwards to a New Island
Arriving on Little Garden
Trapped in Wax
Straight Ahead!
A Sick Nami
The Snow Country: Drum Kingdom
The Straw Hat's Doctor: Chopper
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 1
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 2
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 3
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 4
Mr. Bon Clay
Ace Arrives
A Journey Through the Desert
Trapped by Crocodile
Mr. Prince to the Rescue
The First Defeat
The Clock Tower
The Rain Returns
The Sign of Friendship
An Archaeologist Joins the Crew
A Run in with Salvagers
A Promise not to Fight
Noland the Liar
The Emperor Cloud
Search for the South Bird
The Knock-Up Stream
Off-Screen Events: Akari is Born
Off-Screen Events: Shanks in Foosha Village
Off-Screen Events: Akari Learns to Fight
Off-Screen Events: Ace Heads out to Sea
The Sea of Clouds
Skypiea and Angel Beach
Criminals in Skypiea
The Punishment Begins
The Challenge of the Ball
Reaching The Sacrificial Alter
The Search Team is Separated
The Question Corner! Part 1
Alone in the Forest
Respecting History
Shandora: The City of Gold
Refusing Endless Varse
Rubber vs. Lightning
Jumping Ship
The Question Corner! Part 2!
To the Top of the Vine
The Golden Bell Tolls
The Secret of Skypiea
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 1
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 2
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 3
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 4
Back in the Blue Sea
Long Ring Long Island
The Davy Back Fight Begins
The Foxy Pirates Choose...?
Zoro & Sanji in the Groggy Ring
Afro Luffy Appears
A Supreme Admiral!?
Frozen Solid
The Sea Train
The City of Water
Dock #1
Franky Family Fight
Luffy VS Usopp
Heading to Galley-La HQ
The Traitors: CP9
The Aqua Laguna
Journey on Rocket Man
The Nightless Island
College AU Filler Chapter 1
College AU Filler Chapter 2
College AU Filler Chapter 3
College AU Filler Chapter 4
Luffy and Akari Fight Together
Robin's True Wish
The Search for Keys
Luffy vs Lucci
The Buster Call
A Final Farewell
Off-Screen Events: Life on Going Merry Part 1
Off-Screen Events: Life on Going Merry Part 2
The Question Corner! Part 3!
A Fist of Love
Uncovering The Truth
Waiting for a Ship
A Ship of Dreams
Set Sail on Thousand Sunny
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The Humming Swordsman
A Fifty-Year Promise
The Despicable Dr. Hogback
Straw Hats VS Oars
Nightmare Luffy!
Luffy vs. Moria
Kuma the Tyrant
Bink's Brew
Honoring the Lost
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 1
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 2
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 3
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 4
A Real-Life Mermaid!
The Flying Fish Riders
The Face Behind the Iron Mask
The Yarukiman Mangrove Archipelago
A World Nobles Sighting
Shakky's Rip-Off Bar
Sold to the Highest Bidder
Rescued by a Legend
The Truth Behind Roger
Battle with a Pacifista
The Straw Hats Torn Apart
Awaking in Blacksmith Village
An Average Day in Blacksmith Village
Departing Blacksmith Village
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Zombie AU Filler Chapter 3
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Saved by the Devil
A Chat with Blackbeard
The Underwater Prison
Escaping Impel Down
Bon Clay's Sacrifice
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Luffy's Tale to Impel Down
The War Begins
Battling Through Marineford
The Strongest Man in the World
Roger's Bloodline
Rescuing Ace
The End of an Era
The Question Corner! Part 4
Canon Side Stories #1: Paulie
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Canon Side Stories #3: Smoker
Canon Side Stories #4: Koby
Aboard the Polar Tang
The Island of Women
A Spirit Broken
Flashback: Meeting Ace
Flashback: Enter Sabo
Flashback: Troublemakers
Flashback: The Treehouse
Flashback: A Great Fire
Flashback: The Promise
Short Break

Heading To Rainbase

1.6K 53 57
By Buttercup-Rosie


"This is going to be so much fun," I giggle, taking a seat on the bottom bunk of one of the beds in the room.

After reassuring the old man, he led us to a nearby inn where a big room was prepared for us to sleep this night away. There are multiple bunks, but a few of us will still have to sleep on the floor. I know that the boys would never allow us girls to sleep on the floor, but I just want to be wherever Luffy is. I want to curl up into his side and let the soreness of this day wash away. To let us rest up for whatever we have to do tomorrow.

"Well, this has been a long day," Usopp lets out a big sigh. After being inside out of the harsh weather, he finally came to. "We should all get to bed to build our strength back up for tomorrow. Good night everyone!" He hops into a nearby bed.

"You've been sleeping all day!" Zoro throws a pillow at his head.

"That was not fair! I collapsed because of the heat and exhaustion! I am only human!" He chucks the pillow back. "I am not a monster like you!"

"That does it!" Zoro glares, an evil shimmer in his eye.

"Besides, Mr. Blue Nose takes the grand prize for fainting!" Usopp throws a pillow right at Chopper.

"I am adapted for the cold!" Chopper screams, rushing over to me for help.

"That's right," I wrap my arms around Chopper as he stands between my legs. "Chopper is a lot different than all of us, and we have to remember that."

"Sanji, that's actually..." Vivi looks down at Sanji lying on the bed she claimed.

"Oh, I thought that you might want some company and not want to sleep alone," Sanji says, and then a pillow hits him in the head.

"What are you trying to pull!?" Usopp shouts at Chopper.

"Who threw that pillow!?" Sanji jumps up. "You have a lot of nerve!"

"Don't you guys know the definition of rest!?" Nami groans.

"Let's fight!" Usopp demands.

"I'll protect you from all flying pillows, Chopper," I smack away a pillow coming our way. "I like to think that I am pretty quick when it comes to my reflexes, and even faster when it comes to running, which is something that I am extremely proud of."

"You jumped into action to fight that monster without any hesitation," Chopper says. "Have you always been a fighter like that?"

"Not always, but once I hit the seas, it has been something that I have wanted to do so bad. I've wanted to prove myself to those around me that being a girl doesn't hinder me in anyway. That I can be just as strong as the men that surround me. That I can do anything that I set my mind too. Since figuring out who I am, who I come from, I think a part of me has been unlocked."

"Unlocked in what way? Like you discovered a new power?"

I giggle, "No, not really in that way. I don't have any Devil Fruit powers, just my speed and what I can do with shurikens. This unlock is more about a feeling."

"Oh, I think I understand," he slowly nods.

"Can you boys stop so that we can get to sleep!?" Nami screams.

"Of course Nami dear!" Sanji gushes.

"You kiss ass!" Zoro growls.

"I'm turning the lights out, so you better be in bed if you don't want to start tripping over everything," Nami says.

"Come up here, Chopper," I turn, settling into the bed. "You're too precious to sleep alone. I'll make sure that we both get a good night's sleep."

"Where is Luffy?" Usopp asks.

"He was out with Toto," Vivi says. "I'm not really sure what he was doing, but he didn't want to come in."

"That's Luffy," I hum, resting my arm over Chopper as he lies down next to me.

Nami extinguishes the light in the room, plunging us into a soft darkness.

My eyes close, hoping for a quick sleep, but it doesn't come. I can hear the soft snores of a couple of the boys, and Chopper makes the cutest little sounds when he falls asleep, but I do not fall into the sweet darkness that easily. And I know exactly why.

The door to the room opens, and I open my eyes just enough to see the old man place Luffy on the ground where a spot was made for the boy. Then Toto is leave as quietly as he came in.

"Sorry Chopper," I whisper, climbing out of bed and making my way down to Luffy. I lie down next to him, scooting right into his arms.

Even in his sleep, his arms reach out and pull me into his chest. "Dumpling."

I smile, letting my eyes fall closed again as I feel comfort in being in Luffy's hold. "I'm right here," I sigh. "Right where I should be."


The next morning is one of the more uneventful mornings we have had in a long time. Luffy was a little confused when he woke up with me in his arms, but there was no complaining. All he did was hold me closer before we were forced to get up and get ready. Then we had a small breakfast, doing our best to quench our thirsts with no water, and then we are heading out to get back on our desert journey.

"Vivi, I just want to ask for you forgiveness for the state of this place," Toto says as we stand at the edge of town. "It is a disgraceful sight."

"There is no need to apologize," Vivi says. "We may be going now Toto, but that is only because we have to stop all this hell that is happening."

"Here, I want you to have this," he hands Luffy a small barrel.

"Water! Whoa!" Luffy exclaims.

"You hit water!?" Usopp asks.

"I did, right after you feel asleep when digging last night," Toto nods at Luffy. "I hit damp sand, and that was what I was able to extract."

"I don't know what that means, but thank you," Luffy bows a few times. "I will drink it slowly!"

"It is genuine Yuba water, and I am sorry that there isn't more for your journey."

In the next few minutes, we head out the way we came in last night. Our destination in a complete opposite direction than we first thought. A small fight over the small barrel of water, but it is eventually decided that Luffy was the one who helped get it, so he will be the one to keep it. Using a piece of string, it is secured around his neck like a necklace.

We pass by a single dying tree, and the seriousness of our mission really settles on all of us. That there is so much at stake. That we have to save this entire country, but we're just a band of pirates. We aren't meant to be heroes in that kind of sense, yet here we are.

Luffy plops down, leaning up against the tree.

I stop, looking back at him. "Are you feeling sick, Luff?"

He shakes his head, putting his arms behind his head.

"Yeah, I didn't think so. That doesn't make sense."

"Luffy, what are you doing!?" Nami callas back to us as the rest of the group has kept going ahead of us.

Luffy frowns, as if the words can't come to him.

"What's wrong, Luffy?" Vivi asks, walking back to us.

"I quit," he says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"You quit!?" Usopp shouts.

They've all made their way back to us, and I really can't believe my ears.

"What are you saying Luffy?" Vivi asks.

"We do not have any time to waste on your messing around!" Nami snaps. "Now get up and move! Akari, I'm sure you can do something."

I shake my head, "No, I don't think I can. Not in this situation."

"You're going back, right?" Luffy asks.

"Yes, we have to go back," Sanji says. "To stop the rebels in Katorea."

Otherwise this whole country will explode into bloodshed," Vivi adds.

"This is for Vivi, so get off your ass so we can get going!"

"It's boring," Luffy says.

"Boring! Why you little!"

"Vivi," he waits for her response.

"Yes?" Vivi speaks up.

"I want to kick Crocodile's ass."

I can't help the smile that forms on my lips.

"Stopping the rebels is not going to stop Crocodile. Nothing that we do in that Katorea place is going to help with that. We're pirates anyways. It would be pointless for us to go there, so we shouldn't."

"Sometimes he makes a lot of sense for a dumbass," Sanji says.

"That's Luffy," Usopp comments.

"But-" Vivi starts to speak up but doesn't get far.

"You think you can stop the rebels without anyone getting hurt or killed? That none of us and none of your people are going to die? We're up against one of the Warlords of the Sea," his eyes fall closed for a moment. "A million people are itching to fight here, and you expect everyone to live!?" His eyes shoot open. "That's naïve."

"Shut up Luffy!" Nami bursts. "Vivi cares about her people more than anyone!"

"Nami, wait," Sanji holds his arm out to stop the girl.

"What's wrong with that!?" Vivi asks. "What is so wrong about not wanting people to die!?"

"Because, people die," Luffy says.

Vivi backhands him with all her might, sending him and his straw hat flying. "Shut up! Shut up! Don't say things like that! Say that again, and I promise you that you'll be sorry! I am going to prevent bloodshed!"

Luffy slowly pushes himself up.

I quickly snatch up his straw hat and hold it to my chest.

"I am trying to save everyone!" Vivi screams. "The rebels and the royal army! No one in this kingdom is to blame for what is happening! So why should any of my people, no matter who they stand with now, why should any of them die!? This is all Crocodile's fault!"

"But you're risking your own life!" Luffy punches Vivi right across the face.

"Luffy! Stop!" Chopper and Usopp exclaim.

"Why you!!" Sanji is fuming.

"Even I can see what needs to be done here!" Luffy says as Vivi relentlessly karate chops his face. "You can't do this all alone!"

"But I have to!" Vivi screams back at him. "I don't care what it costs!"

"Then let us help you!!" Luffy gets right in her face. "We are your friends, aren't we!?"

Vivi slaps her hand over her mouth as she sinks to the ground. The tears already spilling down her cheeks.

"Tears...Even princesses cry."

She grabs the top over her hood, pulling it down over her face as she chokes on a sob.

"The truth is, even you want to kick his ass. More than anyone, isn't that right?"

Nami goes to place a comforting hand on Vivi's back as the girl continues to let everything out through her tears. No one else says a word. We all know that Luffy is right, and we all know what has to be done.

I walk up placing his straw hat back on his head.

"All right then," Luffy places a hand on his hat, adjusting it as a drop of blood falls from his nose. "So, where do we find this Crocodile?"

"You are insufferable," Nami snaps, rubbing her hand up and down Vivi's back. "Take your time, Vivi."

"Your nose is bleeding, Luffy," I take a seat next to him.

"Oh?" Luffy wipes the back of his hand across his nose. "All better?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "Next time, take a moment to think through your actions. We are all hot and tired." I take the cloth around his neck and use it tocover his hat.

"Didn't you get a good night sleep with me?"

"Always, but my feet are still hurting from all the walking we've been doing."

"Here, let me show you the map," Vivi speaks up, a calm having settled in her voice. "This is the oasis Rainbase," she points to a town directly north of where we are. "That is where Sir Crocodile is. It will take a whole day to trek through the desert to get there."

"There's water there?" Chopper pants, having changed into his reindeer form when we headed out.

"Yes, and a lot of gambling, which means no rebels."

"Gambling?" Nami's eyes light up with dollar signs.

"Don't get any crazy ideas," Zoro glares at the girl.

"Seems like there's still one fun place left in Alabasta," Sanji sighs.

Usopp grabs the small barrel of water, going to take a sip from the straw.

"Gum-gum!" Luffy stretches to grab the barrel, "No way!"

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Can't you give it a rest already?" Sanji asks.

"Why can't I have a little sip?" Usopp cries. "What good is having it if we don't drink any of it?" He tries to for the barrel, but Luffy keeps it out of his grasp.


"Give it!"

"No way! I said Gum-gum no way!"

"Usopp, Luffy, stop, you are wasting energy, which is only going to make you thirstier."

Usopp drops into the sand, giving up on the barrel.

"That wrinkly old man dug all night to get us this water, so we can't waste a single drop!" Luffy proclaims.

I stand up, brushing the sand off me.

"Is that restraint coming from you?" Nami asks Luffy.

"What are you talking about?" Luffy's jaw is clenched. "Aren't I always?"

I chuckle, walking over to grab one of his clenched hands. "Care to give one example?"

"I do with you," he looks down at me. "I could never let you out of my arms, but I do."

My eyes widen as I look away. "Okay, I did ask for an example. That is my fault."

"Come on, we have to hurry," Zoro commands, starting to walk off in the direction we just came.

"Wrong way, moss head," Sanji says as we all start heading in the correct direction. "North is this way."

"It kind of sucks how all that is in front of us is endless sand," I pout.

Luffy intertwines our fingers, giving my hand a squeeze. "It does make it feel like we aren't getting anywhere. Like we aren't even moving at all."

"Are you sure you don't want to rotate out with one of us, Akari," Vivi asks as she and Nami are on Eyelashes, the camel.

"I'll be fine, really," I smile up at them. "I'm a lot tougher than I look, I promise. If the boys are walking, then I want to walk too."

"She's trying to prove herself," Nami says. "That's too crazy for me."

I shrug, "I've been trying to prove myself for years, and now I finally have the chance to do so. The stronger I get, the safer I feel."

We all go silent as we focus on taking the next step. One more step to get us where we are heading. One more step closer to Crocodile. One more step towards saving Alabasta. The sun is high in the sky, beating down on us without any shade in sight. Our clothes only so much help as our throats get drier the long we go. It becomes harder to ignore the thirst, but the water has to be saved. If we start to drink it, then there is no way we would stop.

"Ugh," Luffy groans, heavily relying on his walking stick. Our hands having separated a long time ago when they both started to sweat.

"Gah," Usopp groans with him.

"Can you both stop with the groans?" Nami snaps.

"Shut up. You get to ride on the camel."

"Let us ride!" Luffy whines.

"Camel hog!"

"More like Nami-hog," I say without thinking.

"Not you, Akari," Nami grumbles. "You're supposed to be the angel."

"I blame lack of water."

"You seem to be doing a lot better today, Chopper," Zoro grins.

"I'm doing my best to hang in there," Chopper huffs.

"Sanji, how can you keep smoking in this heat?" I ask.

"It takes my mind off everything," Sanji answers. "Or I could just stare at you all day to forget that heat."

"No," Luffy firmly states, stepping into Sanji's line of sight to me. "Nope."

I giggle, "Looks like you'll stick to smoking, Sanji."

"Luffy," Vivi calls out.

"Huh?" Luffy looks over at her.

"Thank you," she slightly bows her head. "I owe you a lot, for everything you've done."

"Then feed me."


"After I kick Crocodile's ass, feed me until I explode."

"It's a deal," she lightly chuckles. "You have my word!"


"I made a mistake, next time I am riding that camel," I grumble, feeling the effects of being out in the sun with no water for hours really hitting me.

"You can still hop on now if you want, Akari," Nami says. "No one will think less of you."

"I said that I would walk the whole way, and I am not stopping now." I squint as I see something appearing in the distance. "What's that?"

"Oh, that is Rainbase!" Vivi cheers.

"Finally!" Luffy and Usopp blurt out.

"Hell yes!" Luffy shouts, raising his fists to the air. "Time to kick Crocodile's ass!"

"Water!" Usopp and Chopper cry out.

"Can you not be so loud?" Zoro shakes his head.

"I think I am getting a second wave of energy," I stand up straighter.

"Hey, Usopp, do you have the thing ready that I asked you for?" Nami looks down at the boy.

"The thing?" Sanji questions.

"It is more than ready," Usopp pulls three small metal pipes out of his bag "Take a look at this. Exactly what you asked for, and I am calling it the Clima-tact!"

"Clima-tact?" Nami takes the metal pipes.

"That is correct," he nods. "I know that at first glance they just look like three little pipes, but if you combine them in various ways, then you have different attacks!"

Nami tries to combine them but is struggling. "How?"

Usopp takes back the pipes, attempting to put them together but failing as well. "Hold on, I can do this."

"Hold on, Nami doesn't need that weapon," Sanji puffs out his chest as he points at himself with his thumb. "None of the girls have to fight because I will protect them! Call me Prince Charming," he chuckles.

"I like it when Akari fights," Luffy says. "She's badass when she fights."

My face is already hot from the sun, so I don't know if I am blushing or not. I do smile at his comment.

"Yeah, so move it, prince," Zoro taunts as he walks by Sanji.

"Here, watch it!" Sanji glares at Zoro.

"Do you think Baroque Works knows we're here or that we're coming?"

"Probably," Vivi nods. "We know that Mr. 2 and Mr. 3 are here, so it would be safe to say that they know we're in Alabasta."

"So what?" Luffy crosses his arms over his chest.

"They know what we look like, so we have to be careful," Usopp replies.

"How come!?"

"Baroque Work agents could be anywhere in that city, and if they find out we are here, there is no guessing what they will do."

"Their specialization is assassination," Zoro adds.

"Then let's kick Crocodile's ass!" Luffy exclaims.

Usopp whacks the back of Luffy's head, "Do you ever listen? We need a plan."

"Actually, I have to agree with Luffy on this one," Vivi says. "There's no time to sit around figuring out a plan. We don't have enough time."

"No time to waste, so might as well head right in," I grin.

"You aren't scared, are you Usopp?" Nami teases.

"I am ready to fight!" Chopper firmly states.

"We should get some water once we get into town," I say. "We haven't had something to drink in a long time, and hydration is important."

"Usopp and Luffy can quickly get some water while the rest of us take a rest," Nami says.

"What?" Usopp looks at the girl. "Why me?"

"Because I said so, that's why," she scrunches up her nose for a moment.

"You don't want to come with us?" Luffy looks at me.

"After you already dragged me into a city the moment we got here, I think I am content sticking with the others this time," I grab his hand. "But I'll stick close while we walk into town."

It takes about twenty minutes for us to actually reach Rainbase, which we walk in silence. All of us thinking about the sweet water that we will soon quench our thirsts with. Once we reach the town, Usopp and Luffy head off to find the nearest place that will sell them water, leaving the rest of us to take a seat and rest for a moment.

"I have to pee," Chopper announces before walking off.

"Do you really think that it was a good idea to send them off alone?" Sanji asks as he looks around.

"It was a simple errand," Nami says. "I'm sure they can handle it. If I thought they couldn't, I would have had Luffy carry Akari with them."

I giggle, "They'll be fine."

"Eh, those boys are magnets for trouble," Zoro is tapping a stick against Eyelash's nose. "Be ready to run at a moment's notice.

"Speaking of them being magnets for trouble, the Navy is hot on their tail," Sanji grimaces.

I pop up, seeing the boys carrying barrels of water and heading straight for us. "Get ready to run!"

"Why are they leading them right to us!?" Nami exclaims in horror.

"Wait!" Vivi jumps to her feet. "We can't leave! Chopper hasn't come back!"

"Leave him," Zoro says. "He'll be fine!"

"Hey guys!" Luffy shouts as him and Usopp are almost to us. "The Navy is coming!"
"That's because you lead them right to us!" Zoro shouts as we all break into a run.

"Why can't anything ever be easy for us!" I groan as I pull ahead of everyone.

"We can't keep running around like this!" Sanji shouts. "Baroque Works is sure to notice us if we do!"

"Too late to avoid that," Zoro says as we pass by some agents looking at posters that must be our faces.

"Let's go then!" Luffy has a determined smile on his face. "To Crocodile's place!"

"Right," Vivi nods, pointing to the pyramid with a crocodile on top. "Does everyone see that building with the crocodile on top!? That is Rain Diner. It is Crocodile's casino!"

"We should split up," Sanji suggest.

"Good idea," Zoro nods.

"We'll meet up later!" Luffy wraps his arm around my waist to keep me with him.

"At Crocodile's place!" We all confirm before we split apart.

Luffy uses all his might to jump, a barrel still in his grasp along with me. "Catch us if you can, Smoker-roo!" He sticks his tongue out at the Navy man coming after us, and I can't help but mimic Luffy's taunt.

"The two of you have some guts, but you can' run forever!" Smoker growls at us. "White vine!" He disappear into a burst of smoke as he shoots into the air to surround us in smoke.

"Ugh, he is so annoying!" I grumble.

"Gum-gum...balloon!" Luffy blows his body up like a balloon, sending the barrel flying as well as Smoker. His hand keeps a firm grasp on me so I don't go flying.

Then we are falling right into a fenced in area full of horses. Well, I fall on Luffy that helps to break my fall, but he falls right on his face.

"Are you okay, Luff?" I take a slow breath as all the air was knocked out of me, and then roll off the poor boy.

"I should be asking you that, dumpling," Luffy helps me up.

I grab his hand, getting us back to running away from Smoker who has spotted us. "I've never been better!"

Luffy chuckles as he picks up his pace to be right at my side.

We must look crazy. A couple holding hands as we are chased through the city by a Navy man, but this is what being a pirate is all about. These amazing moments that I wouldn't want any other way.

"There's the place!" I point at the pyramid in front of us; everyone but Chopper, Sanji, and Vivi is standing at the entrance. "But that smoke bastard is still after us."

"Come on guys!" Luffy calls out to the rest of the crew. "Inside! Run!"

We take the lead as everyone runs to follow us.

"Here we come Crocodile!


Hope you enjoyed reading! I don't have much to say other than that. As always, I would love to know what you thought! :D

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