The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

31.5K 796 514

Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



5.2K 93 39
By mini0nguy

In this story I am having Y/N using she/her pronouns. I do not wish to make anyone uncomfortable, so I am putting this at the beginning as a heads up :) I hope you enjoy! Disclaimer: There are spoilers from MHA, so please be aware!

You sighed as you watched the clock slowly made it's way around the circle. Making little ticking noises for every meaningless second that passed by. Then there was the teacher. Explaining on and on about how his own personal life was. You tapped your pen a few times before putting it in your mouth and started to lightly chew on it as you just looked out the window.

School was not your idea of a fun time. Your grades were bad, and you never took notes. There wasn't a reason besides the fact you just didn't want to. You would rather spend the time starting at the clock or looking at the window until the bell gave you the signal it was finally time to go home.

Finally the ring of the bell sounded, and you quickly grabbed your bag and left. It was easy since you didn't take anything out for class anyways. The hallway was flooded, and you made your way through the crowds of people eventually to outside where you stood there and waited for Izuku.

Groups of friends and people clumped together because of the rush came out of the building at a steady pace until it seemed to be random and sporadic. Eventually there was nobody else coming out, and it was just you standing out there, looking at the building waiting. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed something fly out of the window, and it took you a second to realize it was a notebook. It was pretty much right above you, so you leaned over the water it was headed towards and barely managed to catch it. The pages that flew out of it because of the speed weren't as lucky. You took off your shoes and got in the water to retrieve them before getting back out and looking at it. Oh wait, this is Izuku's. Why was it thrown out the window? You looked back up towards the open window, but you couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. You put the soggy pages in between the cover and shut it before climbing out of the water and putting your shoes back on where you continued to wait.

You clutched onto the notebook wondering why he was taking so long, and then you saw Bakugo walking out with his gang of minions, so you liked to call them. You made eye contact with Bakugo as he passed and bumped into your shoulder hard, "Stupid Y/N, still waiting for her helpless brother. What a waste of time." He snickered, and the rest of them started to laugh before walking away. You sighed and shook your head before hearing heavy breathing coming your way.

"I am so sorry for taking so long! It's just I had to write something down, and then I dropped my hero notebook out of the window, and-" He stopped when he noticed you holding the mostly dry journal in your hands. "Oh you got it for me? Thank you." He took it back and started to look through it. It had some burn marks on it and it looked rough, but it still had the information he kept in there. You had only looked in it a few times, so you didn't know how much was really in it anymore. "You're all wet now though."

You looked down at your legs and socks that were now soaked and shrugged. "It's whatever. Can we go now though? I have homework to do. And notes." You added with a delay.

He looked over with a side glance, and sighed, "You didn't take notes again did you?"

"I tried to, but it's soo boring I just couldn't! Then my teacher was rambling on and on about his boring lonely life, and it was just not possible." He started laughing, and you looked over, "Anyways, why'd you really take so long?"

"I had to stay after to ask something, and I needed to add more to my notebook."

"Then why did you toss it out the window?" You raised an eyebrow, "You suck at lying."

"No, I'm just clumsy. C'mon you know that."

"Whatever you say, but I know that's not what really happened. Eventually you'll tell me." You guys made it to the apartment, and you put your key in and opened the door for the both of you.

After shutting the door and taking off your shoes you looked up at the door to see your mom looking around the corner. "How was my favorite pair of twin's day at school?" She asked before coming towards you guys with her arms outstretched for a hug.

"It was good." You both responded in sync almost like it was planned.

"Well that's good to hear. I'm sure you guys have work to do. You always seem so busy these days. There's some food on the table if you want it. I'm so proud of you guys." She said as she walked back into the kitchen. You both heard a chair get pulled out and walked in to join her. There were freshly made dumplings sitting on the table, and you guys sat down and started to eat.

"This is delicious mom!" You said, and picked up another one to stuff in your mouth. "The flavor just pops it's so good. I'm so jealous of how good you cook, because if I could cook this good I would never stop eating." You laughed as you swallowed what was in your mouth and ate another.

"Yeah, no kidding!" Izuku said as he stuffed another one into his mouth. His mouth was full, and his cheeks were puffing out. "We should probably go do our homework now though, thanks mom." He stood up, and pushed the chair in after. You looked up at him, and he smiled giving you a face letting you know to come on. You thanked your mom and followed into his room where you both started to take out your notes. After looking over the pages he pushed back in his chair and sighed, "You didn't take a single page of notes?"

"No." You looked over, and he sighed again, "Look, I'm sorry it's just that-"

"It's fine, but you can do fun things you want to do sooner if you would actually do your work. You know that right?" He crossed his arms, and gave you a warm smile. You just looked at him, and back down towards the blank pages in your hands. "For example, playing video games and creating stuff?"

"Yeah, yeah. I get it, but it's probably not going to change much just so you know." He laughed, and scooted closer to the desk. He started to reword the lectures that they taught that day in more simple words so you could pick up on it easier. It worked sometimes, but other than that you just nodded and pretended to know what he was explaining. Unlike your brother, you didn't really have academic talent. However, ever since you were little you had both wanted to become heroes. There was one issue though, and that was the fact that you were both quirkless.

Izuku kept explaining, and your mind went back to when you were kids. Taking turns to be the hero and villain when your mom wasn't home. When she was though you would both be the hero and save her from a villain that existed in your imaginations. That, or you would use stuffed animals as the villains to fight. You both swore you were going to be heroes, but when your mom took you guys to the doctor those dreams seemed to be shattered.

Something about both of your toes indicated you guys were quirkless or something. That's what your mom said at least. Just like that the games stopped. You both stopped playing as much, and instead you took to other things. For example, drawing. To be more specific they were more like scribbles. Meanwhile, Izuku would watch that All Might video on loop. You could hear your mom go in there multiple times a day followed by Izuku crying. Then you could hear your mom crying and apologizing. It's not like it was her fault though, and you knew that.

Eventually you started watching that same All Might video on repeat too. He saved so many people. I want to be like him so bad, but I can't. Neither can Izuku. We don't have powers like the other kids. These thoughts intruded your head, and even with your young age it clouded your vision on life and possibility. I thought they said anyone can be anything.

Izuku eventually came in one day, and wiped the tears from his eyes. He walked over to you sitting on the floor playing with toys, "Want to still be heroes?" After that he helped you up. You started to open up to each other again. Not to mention held onto that hope that maybe there was some way you could become heroes in this world even if it was unlikely. Your mom still was kind, but it felt like something changed. Almost like it was always sadder, and you two had to cheer her up. Even though she had a quirk.

You guys stayed close, and school passed through the years. Unlike Izuku you told everyone you had a quirk, but you just chose to not show it. Barely anyone asked, and you would respond with the same thing if they did. "I have a quirk, but I don't like to use it." Surely there were suspicions but who cared? People found out Izuku was quirkless though, and you had a feeling he got bullied. However, whenever you asked him he would just shake it off and say that nothing like that happens. You couldn't prove it either since you weren't in the same class.

Here you guys were though. Nearing the end of middle school, about to go into high school. Izuku started to take longer and longer to come out of the building to go home until one day he just told you that you didn't have to wait for him anymore. After he started coming home right before dinner to eventually after dinner entirely. You started to barely get to see him, and when he did get home he went to bed right away after showering. Your grades started to drop even more since he didn't have time to help you anymore, and you couldn't even wrap your brain around what the concept they were trying to teach was most times.

One day you made it home, and sat down at the table to attempt to start doing your homework while your mom started to make dinner. She ended up walking into her room, and your head looked towards the door when you heard the door handle jiggle. Izuku walked in all sweaty, and breathing heavily. "Oh, you're home. Hey Izuku do you think you could help me-" You stopped talking as you watched him walk into his room and shut the door without saying a word. You cracked the door and peeked in, and he was passed out on his bed. You looked at him before grabbing his schoolbag and going back into the kitchen, shutting the door behind you.

"Y/N what are you doing sweetie?" You looked up to see your mom coming back out from her room.

"I don't know. Izuku just came home and is already sleeping. I figured I could at least maybe try to help him with something like his homework. That is, if I can figure it out at least." You sighed, and started to pull out the homework papers and notes.

"Why don't you ask someone else for help with your school? Look up some videos maybe?" She recommended, and you shrugged.

"Oh, he already did all of it." You said as you started to look at all the problems that were filled out nicely.

Your mom looked back at you, "You seem worried about him. You should just ask him what's been going on. I'm sure he'll tell you."

"Maybe." You sat there and tapped your pen for a while before writing down random numbers to see if you had guessed right. You looked at Izuku's and they were nowhere near the right answer, so you just erased them and wrote down the right ones before putting his papers back in his binder, and your papers in yours.

The next day at school was the day to turn in requests to get into UA. The second you got permission to leave your class to turn in the papers you did. When you stepped into the hallway you saw Bakugo ahead, and ran to catch up to him. He held out his fist to the side knowing you were there, and you met it with yours with a little smile.

"You know there's no way for you to get into UA without using your quirk. You're going to have to show me it eventually dumbass."

"Well I guess you'll just have to wait until then to see won't you Boom Boy?" You told him, gripping onto you bag tighter.

"Hey guys, wait up!" Izuku called, running up to you guys barely holding onto what was in his hands.

"What the- You look stupid. Why are you even trying to get into UA you worthless-"

"Hey Izuku." You told him with a smile, and stopped walking to turn towards him. Bakugo walked for a bit before stopping with a scowl since you stopped. He was clearly irritated, but you ignored it. "Are you okay?" You asked with a little laugh, "I mean you can barely carry everything it looks like." He nodded which threw off his balance, and things started to drop out of his hands. The notebooks he still had grip on had papers halfway hanging out, begging not to be dropped, and he was holding his pencil in his mouth. "Here." You told him, and started to take a few things out of his hands and pick stuff up off the floor. "Why don't you just put all this into your bag?"

"I didn't have time to put my stuff in there before Kacchan walked off, and I'm glad you happened to be out here. Thank you." He turned his backpack towards the front, and you helped put his things in before zipping it up for him. After he turned it the right way he started to walk with you towards Bakugo. "Also, I know I haven't had time to really help you with school lately, and your grades are dropping because of it. I'm really sorry." He leaned over apologetically, "I promise I'll try to start making more time, and help."

"Uh, Izuku it's fine. I'll get my grades up somehow so I can try for UA. It's okay. Please stand up, it's embarrassing." You said the last part kind of quiet, and looked to make sure it was just the three of you, and Izuku stood up straight again. "Plus, it's not your job it's mine."

"Yeah, but you try to ask me for help, and I feel bad so-"

Bakugo was glaring at you guys and cleared his throat, "Let's go!" Izuku looked forward, and ran towards him, and you sped up your walk to catch up. The three of you turned in your forms, and started to walk home. You stood in the middle to make sure Bakugo didn't get any more pissed which wasn't working.

All of the sudden Izuku started hesitantly walking away. "I have to go, but I'll be home around dinner." He held out his hand as some way to try to calm anyone if they got upset before turning. You slid the bag off of his shoulder, and slung it over yours as he started sprinting towards the beach. You sighed and watched him run for a second before turning back towards the street and walking.

"What was that all about?" Bakugo asked. "Is Deku trying something pointless that won't help at all again? There's no way he's getting into UA without a damn quirk."

"Deku?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why do you call him that? Nevermind actually. He's been coming home later and later every night. Honestly, I don't know what he's doing. It's been going on for a while now." You shrugged, and picked up the pace a little bit.

The two of you kept walking in silence, the only noises being the ones in the city and the footsteps from feet hitting the sidewalk. "What he was saying earlier. Are your grades dropping?" You ignored him, and he punched your shoulder. "Answer me I'm talking to you!"

"What?" You shot at him, and he kind of stopped for a second to analyze your tone. It was annoyed, and angry.

"What are your grades?" He asked more demandingly. You looked at him and groaned.

"I'm failing math, have an C in English, A in Art, and a low D in everything else. Happy? Even when people explain it simpler I don't get it, and Izuku can't help me right now." You spoke quick and fast just wanting to get home quick, because you knew he was about to lecture you or something.

He didn't say anything at first, and you quickly turned to the entrance of the apartment building. "Want me to tutor your dumbass? How are you ever doing to get into UA with grades like that?" He crossed his arms, and glared at you. You just stood there and glared back.

"Hope I do good in the physical part I guess?"

"You have to pass the written exam first. Do you even pay attention in class? It's not that hard."

"Look, school isn't easy for me. It's boring, so if it doesn't interest me, then it's pointless." You shrugged, and turned back to the door.

"Ahem, I could tutor you, but no falling asleep or zoning out in class. That's not an option. You also have to take your notes. I'm not letting you copy mine."

You stopped and registered what he said. You turned and looked at him. "Wait, are you serious? You'll tutor me?"

"Well yeah. How else are we both going to get into UA if you have grades like that?"

"Thanks dummy!" You sighed in relief, and smiled. He had the best grades in his class. He scored even higher than Izuku.

"We'll start tutoring tomorrow. You will do notes in class, and pay attention. Got it?"

"Bet!" you ran over and punched him in the shoulder. "Thank you!" You ran back to the building and swung open the door and let it shut behind you as you ran to the elevator to go to your apartment. He waited outside to make sure you were safe inside before turning to walk back to his own home.

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