Dear Dream (DreamNotFound)

By BreadWasFound

282K 5.6K 25.4K

The Dream Team are planning to meet up in Florida, although Sapnap can't make it until a week after the plann... More

Nightmares -Chapter 1
Excitement -Chapter 2
Meet up -Chapter 3
Jealousy -Chapter 4
Simp -Chapter 5
Melody -Chapter 6
Just My Luck -Chapter 7
Capricious -Chapter 8
Forget Me Not -Chapter 9
update (not a ch)
Home Sweet Home -Chapter 10
Addiction -Chapter 11
kind of announcement? (not a ch)
THANK YOU!/announcement (not a ch)
I Love You -Chapter 13
Yellow -Chapter 14
Confidence -Chapter 15
TYSM! <3 (not a ch)
Maid Dress -Chapter 16
AttentionNotFound -Chapter 17
another thingy (not a ch)
I Will Always Love You -Chapter 18
Dear Dream -Chapter 19
Dead or Alive? -Chapter 20
A Field of Dandelions -Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter -Wedding
New Fanfic
This Was What I Meant (not a ch)

Paroxysm -Chapter 12

9.6K 217 2.9K
By BreadWasFound

TW: swearing

George's POV

George blinked, waking up from a long and restless night. He had been tossing and turning almost the whole night, thinking about what Sapnap had said.

"You should tell him how you feel."

The words sunk into his heart and settled there, weighing him down.

"You are so blind, George."

His heart pounded.

What am I missing?

George decided to give up trying to think of it. He threw off the covers and slid out of bed, grabbing his phone off of the nightstand and checking the time.

5:19?! Wow, I really couldn't sleep..

George walked into the kitchen and decided to make some breakfast for him— and Dream.

George decided to go all out. He made a pancake mix, pouring some onto the pan, microwaved some microwave bacon, and started to scramble eggs. He laid out the syrup, milk, and orange juice, also grabbing two cups and three plates, two for Dream and George, one for the pancakes. He had just finished setting everything out, the food steaming, when he caught a glimpse of Dream getting up from the couch.

"G-gogy?" He said, his eyes blinking in confusion.

George forced a smile. "Goodmorning, Clay. Just in time for breakfast." He checked the time. 5:56. Breakfast had taken a while to make, apparently.

"Why so early?" Dream sounded tired.

"I dunno, I guess I just didn't sleep that well."

He hummed. "What's on your mind?"

George looked up. "Uhm, nothing-."

Dream sighed, waiting for a few seconds before responding. "I'm not gonna force you to tell me anything, but you can always talk to me, you know."

George's heart leaped.

Why does he suddenly care so much? Yesterday he was like- ghosting me.

"T-thank you."

Dream smiled. "Of course, Gogy." He sat down. "Soo, what's for breakfast?"

He started pointing naming the foods. "There's scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, and milk and orange juice to go with it."

"Someone went all in." Dream grinned tiredly. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's dig in!"

They started eating. Dream blinked in surprise. "This is so good!" He started shoving food in his mouth, making George giggle. He swallowed all of his food, and paused for a moment.

"You would be a great wife," He said loudly, making George blush fiercely. [he said it as like a joke btw hems not like misgendering or something idk how to explain it- my friends do it all the time so idk]


Dream smirked and started to make fun of  him. "Aw, is Gogy blushing? How adorable.."

"S-shut up!" George tried to hide his face. He melted whenever Dream teased him.

Dream laughed, holding his hands up halfway making the motion he'd stop. "Fine, fine. Really tho, this is amazing."

George smiled. "Thank you."

The both ate in a comfortable and happy silence. Afterwards, George started to collect the dishes, when Dream stopped him.

"Let me clean up. You made the food, it's only fair for me to clean it up."

"Nah, it's fine. I think you should go back to sleep. You seem pretty tired."

"Nonsense." He took the dishes from his hand and started washing them. As he did so, I started putting away the rest of the stuff.

"Leave it there. I'll get it after this."

George ignored him and continued putting things away.

"Stubborn little-"

"You better watch your next words."

"You better watch your next move." Dream washed his hands off and dried them. George hesitated, but put away the syrup, eyeing Dream the whole time.

"That's it." Dream picked him up by the waist and held him high in the air, walking to the bedroom. He laid George on the bed, and started tickling him. George burst out in laughter.

"D-Dream! S-stop!" Dream only giggled at him.

"This is payback for being stubborn!"

George squirmed under him, but Dream wouldn't release him. After a fit of laughter, Dream quit. George hurt from laughing too much and from being tickled. Dream flopped on the bed, right next to him. He sighed happily, turning his head and staring at George. George returned the gaze.

"Have you learned your lesson now?" Dream said in a predatorily way.

"Hmm, nah."

Dream got up and leaned over George. "What did you say?" He said in a low voice.

A shiver went up George's spine. "I mean, y-yes."

"That's what I thought." Dream flopped back down, grinning. They stayed like that for a while, until Dream got up. "I'm gonna finish cleaning up. You should try go back to sleep. It's like, almost 7."

George rolled his eyes. "I can't sleep."


"Ughh I can't-" The door shut, leaving George alone.


George pulled the covers over him, already knowing he wouldn't be able to fall asleep. He sat there for a few minutes staring at the ceiling when he heard the door click open. Dream came back in.

"George?" He said in a whisper.

George hummed in response.

"Oh, you're awake." He walked over to the side of the bed. "Can I uhm- sleep here? I won't bother you I pro-"

"Sure." George smiled softly. Dream shyly got under the covers.

"Thanks. The couch isn't the best place to sleep on." He chuckled.

"I bet." George closed his eyes, this time actually trying to fall asleep. His heart pounded from the fact Dream would be sleeping right next to him.


George woke up feeling something on his back. He leaned his hand backward, feeling a body-like figure.



Was he....spooning me?!

George's eyes widened in surprise, trying to prevent himself from his cheeks turning crimson. He carefully released himself from Dream's grip, and crawled away, sitting on the side of the bed. He checked the time.

10:24?! He had slept in for so long. As George was about to get up, he felt a hand grip his shirt, lightly tugging.

"Don't leave." Dream mumbled in his pillows.

"Dream it's like, 10:30. I have to do actual stuff."

Dream groaned, releasing his grip and pulling his hand back under the covers.

"I'm gonna make you some lunch." George got up and headed for the kitchen. He personally was still full from breakfast, hence why he'd only make food for Dream. He decided he would make him some ramen.

George let his thoughts wander as he waited for the water to boil on the stove.

Sapnap's coming today

George was excited to finally meet him after years of knowing him. They were like brothers, fighting all the time with Dream trying to get us to settle down. George laughed as he remembered once when Dream was streaming, he and Sapnap were fighting with their bows on the Dream SMP, Dream acting like their dad, and George had ended up shooting him with an arrow. It made him feel nostalgic [same].

8 minutes later, the noodles were ready. George drained most of the water from the pan, and poured the noodles inside of a bowl. He then put in the flavor packet and added a little bit of cinnamon and chile powder, clapping his hands when it was mixed in, then adding a leaf of cilantro. *insert chefs kiss*

George walked into Dream's bedroom, the ramen noodles in hand. He set it on the night stand and lightly shook Dream. Dream rolled over to face him, looking at him lazily. "H-hi Gorge," He said in the middle of stretching.

"I made you some lunch. It's on the nigthstand whenever you want it, but don't wait too long or it'll get cold."

Dream shifted. "Mmk."

George started to walk back into he kitchen so he could clean up his mess.


George stopped himself. "Yes?"


George felt the butterflies flutter in his stomach. "Of- of course." George walked out, closing the door behind him. He started putting away the stuff he used, and used a rag to wipe off the counter. As if on queue, a notification went off from his phone. He set the rag aside, and checked who it was from

1 new message from Dweam at 10:47

George rolled his eyes.

What now?

He opened the notification.

Dream: Come back rn

George: Why

Dream: Cuz

George: Ugh fine

George sighed, shutting off his phone and made his way into the bedroom.



"What do you want Dre-"

"Sit." He patted the mattress right next to him, signing he wanted me to sit next to him.


"Sit." He spoke a little more commanding. George sighed and walked over to the side of the bed, then climbing onto it, sitting next to Dream, almost touching him. Dream scooted closer.

"Hey." Dream smiled a little.

"Hi." George smiled back. "What's up?"

"We need to talk."

"Uh, about what?"


George was scared to hear what he had to say. He cleared his throat nervously. "Go on."

Please don't be bad please don't be bad please don't be bad please don't be bad please-

"Why do you think I'm going to replace you?"

George's heart dropped.

Sapnap wouldn't-


"I- uhm- what?"

Dream took in a shallow breath. "Can you answer my question, please?"

"Did Sapnap-" He couldn't find he motivation to continue.

"No, just uh- a good guess?"

George felt like crying into a little ball and sobbing, hiding away from everyone and slowly disappearing.

He overheard me, didn't he.

"How much did you hear?"


"You don't have to lie, you heard me talking to Sapnap in the bathroom."

Dream fell silent.

"How much did you hear?"

"Just the part where you asked Sapnap if I would replace you. I thought it was- a bad idea to listen in to your conversation, so I stopped listening."

Okay, at least he only heard that.


"So um, can you answer my question now, please?" He asked softly.

George hesitated. "I- I don't know how to explain this."


George took in a shaky breath, his emotions already taking over.

"I just- that girl from Chick Fil' A, you being on your phone all of yesterday, and when you hardly acknowledged me when I was streaming, i-it had me thinking. I guess I'm overreacting, but I just can't bear thinking about it! I can't fucking lose you, Dream!"

"George you-"

"I'm not done." George starting tensing, tears threatening to spill out.

Dream's POV

"The fact you tease me all of the time, it just hurts. It hurts me so much. Every day I think about you, wishing you weren't playing with me. These past few days I can't look at you and not think, 'I really wanna be with him.' I'm sick of it!" Tears were streaming down George's face.

Dream sat there in near shock. His words were almost exactly like his dream.

My dream-

"Wait Geo-"

"I'M NOT DONE!" He took in a deep breath, it seeming as if he was about to pour out ever bit of emotion he had left.

"Dream, everyday I just want you to love me, like actually. I want to spend time with you and not feel like I'm not a fucking joke. That's all I want. You. Everytime you compliment me or tease me, my heart aches. I wish it were true. You give me butterflies every time you walk in the room! I just can't get over you, especially if you keep making me feel this way! I just ca-"

Dream quickly embraced him, emotions flooding throughout both of them.

"George, please, calm down." George was sobbing in his shoulder.

"I c-can't.."

"George, I-"

George suddenly pulled himself together. "No, Dream, I'm sorry. I feel like I made you uncomfortable, I feel terrible I-. Pretend this never happened." He quickly got off of the bed and rushed to the door.

"George please wai-" The door slammed before he could finish his sentence. Dream slammed his head against the headboard.

Fuck- I made him think I felt uncomfortable. What is wrong with me?!

Tears blurred his vision. He quit trying to blink them away and sat there, silently crying. Tears kept coming.

How am I gonna fix this..

As he tried to think of ideas, even though his thoughts were clouded, he got a text notification. He clicked it and opened it.

Sapnap: I'm boarding my flight

Dream had completely forgotten Sapnap was coming today.

Sapnap: dont lev me on read pls

Dream: Stfu

Sapnap: Bitch you better be ready when I land
Sapnap: Hoe

Dream's laugh muffled as he sniffled. He still felt hurt, but this lightened his mood.


Sapnap: 🙄says you, bitchboy

Dream: Sippy cup😫

Sapnap: Pissbaby😣

Dream: Simp
Dream: Hurry over dumbass

Sapnap: Oh sure brb ill quick go get the plane to go faster hold up

Dream smiled half-heartedly. Sapnap always knew how to put a smile on his face.

Dream: you know what i ment
Dream: mant
Dream: mesne
Dream: fucking autocorrect
Dream: meant

Sapnap: dumb shit🙄

Dream: okay shit up ill see you in a couple hiurs
Dream: shut
Dream: hours
Dream: Also I need to talk to you when you get here- without George. I'm planning something

Dream shut off his phone, his tears already drying. He decided to go check on George.

"George?" The house felt empty.

Did he leave?

He looked out his window to see George sitting in the fresh green grass, curled up in a ball right next to the steps. Dream sighed.

I better give him some space..

Dream felt sorry for George. He had put up with more than a person visiting their best friend should.


Dream didn't know what to do for about an hour an a half. Sapnap's flight would be about 2 hours, and he really didn't have much to do.

I could stream-?

-No, I'd get distracted, and plus, it'd be short.



Oh wait, I don't have anything to edit.

After a while of brainstorming, he decided to talk to Rose a little. She was really an awesome friend. She wasn't homophobic. In fact, she's lesbian. Dream knew he could already trust her with his secrets, such as his crush on George. She was helping him plan out a- date.. He knew exactly how it'd work, he just needed Sapnap to help as well. If it went to plan, it would be perfect.

Dream snapped back into reality when he received a notification. He looked at his phone and saw that Rose had messaged him. He opened it.

Rose: so whens that other guy coming- sapnap?

Dream: in like an hour lol

Rose: oh damn
Rose: lmao i still cant believe youre doing all of this for one guy
Rose: guys are gross LMAO /j

Dream: youre talking to one rn

Rose: not denying youre gross🤮

Dream: i look better than you tf you mean

Rose: whatever

Dream: also he's not just a guy, hes my everything

Rose: simp

Dream: oh fuck off

Rose: hwheheheheheh
Rose: oh dang gtg bye

Dream set down his phone and ran one of his hands through his fluffy hair. He'd just watch youtube or something to pass the time.


Dream got ready to go to the airport. It was now about 11:45, meaning Sapnap would land very soon. He assumed George didn't wanna be by him, so he decided to leave George where he was, which was laying in the grass looking at his phone. Whatever, it would give him a little time to talk to Sapnap and try convince him to help him with his plan. He grabbed his keys and wallet while slipping on his shoes, and opened the door. He came outside and shut the door, not needing to lock it.

"Hey, George. I'm gonna go pick up Sapnap from the airport. Uhh, did you wanna come?" He decided to ask so he wouldn't seem rude. To his relief, George shook his head.

"Alright, well have fun...laying in the grass. Stay safe, okay?" Dream just barely noticed the curve of George's mouth move upward, almost smiling.


Dream got in his car and started it, putting it in drive and backing out. He took one last glance at George, smiled, and drove down the road.

This was going so well.


Dream sat down, checking the time. It was 11:58. Dream watched the 8 turn into a 9, and finally. 12:00. Sapnap would see him in a few minutes in person. He had already seen his face for they'd been friends for about 10 years, and they used to facetime every once in a while, but it was still scary. On the other hand, he had been scared to show George his face.

He snapped back into reality when he heard a voice over the speakerphone [idk what to call them]. He looked at the exit door, and as if on cue, people started coming out. Dream stood up and sighed. He took out his phone, checking the time.

Dream watched the exit door for what felt like hours, but eventually found the familiar face of one of his best friends. He smiled, walking over to him. He looked at Dream and grinned, speed-walking over to him with his suitcase rolling behind him. They both stopped in front of each other.

"Holy shit, you are tall-" Sapnap blurted out.

"Pfft-" Dream tried to hold back a laugh. "Ehhh, sure." He shifted awkwardly.

He continued on. "Okay, so I know you like just got here, but I really need your help with something."

"..Go on."

"Uhm, so you know how I like George and all, right?"

"Obviously. You're a simp."

"S-hut up." He took in a sharp breath. "Okay, so basically I planned out a date for me and him tonight and I completely forgot you were coming today, but it's perfect." He paused. "So there's this one girl name Rose-"

"Oh my lord, don't even mention her. I've heard too much about her."

"Oh yeahh, I almost forgot. George must've filled you in. Look, if you're assuming she likes me, she doesn't. Rose genuinely only wants to be friends with me."

"How do you know?"

"..She's lesbian."

Sapnap started at him with a shocked expression spread across his face. "Oh shit," he nervously laughed. "My bad."

Dream smiled a little. "Don't worry about it." He cleared his throat. "Okay, soooo.."


George's POV

George sat in the freshly cut grass setting down his phone, his tears drying. He felt a strange peace deep inside of him, giving off a sort of calm vibe. He felt a lot better after crying. He was relieved he confessed to Dream, but his heart also felt like a cold stone. He tried to think on the positive side.

At least I don't have to keep it a secret anymore.. at least it's not a burden holding me down anymore..


But what if he doesn't like me back, which he probably doesn't? It's gonna ruin our friendship forever, and what if he... stops talking to me because he thinks I'm weird or that I make him feel uncomfortable-?

George sighed.

I can't believe I let him get to me. Now I can hardly live a day and not think about him. I hate how he can pull at my strings so easily..

George sighed, putting his phone in his pocket and getting up, although after laying there for so long, his legs felt numb. He stumbled to the door, but regained his posture, and walked into the kitchen.

Sapnap's coming today and I'm bored. Maybe I can bake or something..

So that's what he did. He decided on making brownies. Nothing can go wrong with those.

Just as he had just laid his brownies to cool, he heard a knock. He took off his pot holders, laying them on the counter, and rested his elbows on the counter, his head cupped in his hands.

"Come in."

George watched the door assuming it'd be Dream, but he saw Sapnap's head peek out from behind the door.

"..Sapnap?!" George started walking over to him, his eyes widened.

"Oh, hey George."

They hugged awkwardly, and shortly after pulled away from each other. They stood there awkwardly when the door opened again, and Dream stepped in with a suitcase.

"You forgot your suitcase, dumbass."

Sapnap chuckled. "Maybe I forgot on purpose just so you could get it."

"You forgot on purpose? That doesn't even- nevermind." He turned his gaze towards George. "Hey."

George looked at the ground, shuffling his feet nervously. "..Hi."

He's acting like nothing happened.

Sapnap sniffed the air. "Mmm, what smells so good?"

George giggled. "I made brownies."

"You're a real one, George."

George laughed. "I guess?"

They all walked over to the kitchen, Dream and Sapnap sitting down on the stools under the island while George cut up the brownies on the opposite side. When he was done, he set the pan on it, and Dream and Sapnap right away grabbed for the brownies, making George laugh.

"Calm down, vultures."

"Shft uhp," Sapnap said, his mouth stuffed with brownies. George smiled. It felt good to finally have the Dream Team united in person.

After Dream and Sapnap had almost aten the whole thing, George only having one square, Dream went to use the bathroom. George and Sapnap sat in silence, until Sapnap's phone dinged. He picked it up, looking at it, and set it back down.

"Soo, what do you say, you and me go have a bro day?"

"What about Dream?"

"Psh, he's lame. Why would he wanna go?"

George half-heartedly smiled. "I guess, but we should still ask first."

After Dream came back from the bathroom, he sat back down.

"Uh, George was wondering if you wanted to come with us on our bro day.."

"O-oh uhm, no thanks. I have some... stuff to do and errands to run. You guys go have fun."

"Party pooperrrr." Sapnap smiled, Dream following shortly after. It was strange.

"Alright, well I'm ready to leave. What about you?" George asked Sapnap, looking at him.

"Yeah I'm ready. Let's go!"

[okay i know this makes no sense but just pretend that for some dumb reason Dream has 2 cars lol]

"Wait- Dream, can we use one of your cars?"


They decided on taking his greenish car.

For the rest of the day they just hung out at random places, not a single worry stopping them from laughing at each other. The sun began to set.

"Maybe we should head back. It's getting pretty late."

"Wait-" Sapnap quick typed on his phone, and waited a little until he put it away. "I have a surprise. You have to close your eyes though, and to make sure you don't peak, im using a bandanna to cover your eyes."

"What is it? You haven't even been here fir a full day how-"

Sapnap rolled his eyes, taking out a white bandanna. "It's a surprise, idiot."

He tied the bandanna around George's head, making it so he couldn't see. He carefully led him to the car, and George waited, very confused.

Dream's POV

Dream was dressed in a black suit, clearly nervous. He and Rose had been setting every thing up for the date, and just finished. He heard soft music playing. The musicians were probably warming up. The tension only increased as the time became sooner and sooner.

Paroxysm- sudden outburst of emotion

(4017 words)

Hii! Uh, I'm sorry for taking so so long to upload this, I've already explained a few reasons why I'm behind on this lol- but yeahh I hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter won't be super long at all probably, but I'm trying to put a lot of emotion behind it so sorry if I take forever! :) Also I'm sorry for some of these unfamiliar words as the name of the chapter, I find it better in a way because they're just unique words (idk) Have a nice day, Ily please take care of yourself! <3

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