Let me be lazy please!

By Xiao_Shin00x

370K 16.9K 2.9K

If there was an award for laziness then everyone was sure that Ryo would be the one to get it every year but... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Arc 1.3)
Arc 1.4
Arc 1.5
Arc 1.6
Arc 1.7
Arc 1.8
Arc 1.9
Arc 1.11
Arc 1.12
Arc 1.13
Arc 1.14
Arc 1.15
Arc 1.16
Arc 1.17
Arc 1.18
Arc 1.20
Arc 1.21 (End)
Reine's POV
Arc 2.1
this is NOT an update
character profile
Arc 2.2
Arc 2.3
Arc 2.4
Arc 2.5
Arc 2.6
Arc 2.7
Arc 2.8
arc 2.9
Arc 2.10
Arc 2.11
arc 2.13
arc 2.14
arc 2.15
Arc 2.17
🌟 IM BACK!!! 🌟
arc 2.19
arc 2.20
arc 2.21
arc 2.22
arc 2.23
Mo Qing Yu pov
ARC 3 teaser profile
Arc 3.1
Arc 3.2
arc 3.3
arc 3.4
arc 3.5
arc 3.6
arc 3.7


4.2K 261 37
By Xiao_Shin00x

It had been a few days since the little incident, and Xieran is more than happy

Why you may ask?

Because a few days ago, his dear system gave out the most beautiful message in its mechanical tone,

[mission status:

Prove his innocence- 10%

Bring the one who accused him to daylight- 0%

Protect his brother- 14%

Improve his relationship with brother – 32% ]

Some may ask why this was that much of a deal, but! for Xieran....well, he found a little rabbit hole 

'Bella, I need you to do something'

[what is it host?]

' from now on, keep track of Shi Jin, Shen li, Dai Na and Rose'

{ authors note : for those who forgot who they are :

Shi jin- the kid who doesn't seem to like Xieran/ Shen li's cousin

Shen li- Qing Yu's assistant

Dai Na – FL

Rose – The employee Xieran became friends with in the beginning }

[ I can understand why host wants to keep track of Shi jin and FL but why Rose and Shen Li?]

' Dear Bella, do you want to complete this mission fast or not? ^-^ '

[ of course I want to complete it host !]

' Then just get to work and don't ask any questions '

[ wait host, can I ask what you are planning on doing?]



The system realizing that her host's never going to share his plan quietly got to work

Meanwhile, Xieran did his usual in the college and at evening visited Qing yu at work

This had basically become his every day routine.

Entering into Qing Yu's office, he noticed that there were some other people in the room and decided to quietly wait in the couch

After a while, the discussion seems to have closed and the people eventually left.

Qing Yu looked at the little mouse who had sneaked into his office and leisurely playing on his phone,

"Not even a 'good evening'?

Xieran who had finally managed to enter the next level in game, raised his head towards the direction of the voice though his eyes were glued to the phone and said a ' ah, good evening'


Qing Yu sighed as he got up from his seat and headed towards the youth

Realizing the youth had not noticed his presence even up close, he snatched the other person's phone

" MY GAME!!!!!!!"

Xieran shouted in grief

"Brother!!! Give me back my phone! I didn't save my game status !!"

Xieran heart was crying for the game

" No"

A simple rejection and he closed off the phone and kept it in his pockets

Xieran who was legally an adult yet his phone had been taken: (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸!

With a look of disbelief and anger, Xieran turned his head and looked at the other way from Qing Yu

Looking at the little mouse giving him the ' silent treatment', Qing Yu could help but smile

" Xieran"

"Don't disturb me, I'm busy crying invisible tears"

The little angry tone simply made Qing Yu smiled deeper

" Playing too much is not good "

Having said that in the most gentle tone possible, Qing Yu rubbed the youth head as if coaxing a child

"Hmph! I'll forgive you this time"

'clearly he still hasn't forgiven me' Qing Yu thought as he just kept on smiling

How to coax little children? By gaining favor by doing things they like!

" What do you want to do today? "

Looking at his brother, Xieran couldn't help but sigh

"I want to buy a house"

Qing Yu was prepared for a lot of responses, but this, this wasn't even there in his wildest dreams!

The smile on his face froze for a second.

" You're that angry?"


Can someone explain him why Qing Yu looked like his family had abandoned him, his girlfriend broke up with him, his company fell bankrupt, and he wanted to simply go on a rampage but have to control his emotions?

"* Clears throat* Xieran, I know you are angry at me but are you angry to the extent of wanting to buy a whole another house and live there? "

" oh "

he seems to have suddenly understood the problem

" brother, you are mistaken. I do want to buy a new house but it has nothing to do with you mercilessly snatching a game from an innocent soul like me"

Qing Yu who was suddenly indirectly called heartless : ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Controlling his emotions, Qing Yu asked,

" Then why do you want a house?"

".....because I want one?"


Qing Yu didn't know how much longer he could keep his expression up

His face was giving up on him okay?!!

" Do you have the money?"

" Why do you think I came to you then ^-^ "

*Crack* *Crack*

" ....where do you want a house?"

" at xxx city side "

" I have a villa there, you can have that"

" No thanks, I'll have a new one please ^-^"



A few days later, Qing Yu had taken Xieran into a villa he bought from an old friend who had recently left the country

Looking around the villa, Xieran was quite pleased

" how far away do you live?"

" not much far"

Qing Yu spoke from the door

"Its up the stairs "

" ?‿?"

"The entire top floor is mine ^-^"


It was now Xieran's turn.

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