𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐭, 𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 �...

By mollyville

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❝ got high off what you see, the darker side of fantasy, yeah. you'll get exactly what you need, feel the pr... More



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By mollyville

as she desperately searched for something to do. it had been fifteen minutes since reggie and vinnie left her, and she felt like a ten year old kid sitting in the front seat for the first time with her feet resting on the dashboard. looking around the car, the girl couldn't help but feel nosy as her eyes trailed over to vinnie's glove compartment.

what someone keeps in their glove compartment says a lot about them, she'd say.

tempting to open it, her eyes narrowed in on the black leather compartment, and just as she was about to place her hand on the knob, she heard vinnie and reggie laugh about something outside, causing her to jump. the girl got out the car and met the brothers in front. "well?"

"it's a motel." reggie told her, "50 dollars a night."

"damn." jasper bit her lip. "how long are we gonna stay?"

"till we get to the nearest gas station, i guess. guy said the next one is about thirty miles from here." vinnie shrugged, "so we'll probably pick back up tomorrow morning or the day after and walk over to get a gallon and fill the jeep up."

"never thought i'd see the day where i'd be spending the night in a motel." jasper muttered, grabbing her book bag from the trunk. she tossed vinnie and reggie their bags before closing the door.

"okay, but to be fair, the place isn't that bad." reggie told her, "but the only problem is that there's only rooms with two beds." he scrunched up his face.

"what, no couch or nothing?" the brothers shook their head in response. "welp, i'll take the floor or something. it doesn't make sense to purchase three rooms just for one bed."

"don't tell me you're still afraid of the closet monster." reggie teased.

"shut up." jasper giggled, pushing him away from her, "it was one time and it was only because my clothes on the chair looked like a sleep paralysis demon." she muttered lowly, scratching the back of her neck out of embarrassment. "no but seriously guys, with enough blankets and pillows, i'll be able to--"

"you're fucking crazy." vinnie shook his head, "there's no way i'm gonna let you sleep on the dirty floor."

"i am not sharing a bed with either you." jasper scoffed as she looked between the two. "y'all both sleep bad as fuck." she laughed.

"which is why we can't share." reggie gestured between him and vinnie as they walked down the street. "you can sleep with me if you want, i don't mind." he offered, causing his brother to glare at him.

"okay, but please don't take up all the blankets like you did last time. left me all cold in the middle of the night." jasper rolled her eyes.

"um, last time i checked, you did that to me with your fetal sleeping position ass." reggie bought his hands to the girl's waist to tickle her, causing her to laugh. vinnie internally gagged at the sight of the two.

within half an hour (due to slow walking of course) the three teenagers finally made it to the motel where vinnie payed for their room. "oh, it's not so bad in here." jasper said in a surprised tone as she rested her things down on the bed. "reg, close the door please, it's so cold." she requested as she began placing sheets on both of the beds.

reggie did as told and placed his things next to hers. "jas, what the fuck are you doing?" vinnie couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the short girl attempting to cover the queen sized mattresses with thin sheets.

"you're crazy as hell if you think imma let y'all sleep on these hotel sheets. this place looks deserted and god knows how long they washed them." she said as she continued making the bed. vinnie raised his eyebrows in impressment before he decided to help her.

when the girl was finally done, she jumped on the bed and crossed her legs boyishly. "so, what's for dinner, boys?" she smirked at reggie and vinnie who both turned red. "what?"

"you guys up for pizza?" vinnie looked between the two.

"that's the smartest thing you've said all say." reggie said as he took his seat next to jasper, pulling out their systems. the two teenagers turned on their consoles and continued their game from earlier while vinnie ordered food.

"okay, that was the manager. he said that the only thing they offer were pasta, nuggets, and like snacks and stuff. so i got the pasta and nuggets, but it may take them awhile. we can get some snacks later." jasper mindlessly nodded her head as she focused on the mario kart game before her. "okay y'all, i did not drive you two up here for you to be nerds ll day."

"you game on a pc." jasper squinted her eyes. "what do you wanna do then?" she paused the game and sat up to face the boy.

"i don't know, let's play truth or dare or some shit." vinnie suggested, causing reggie and jasper to groan dramatically. "the right way this time." he teased.

"you and jas are the only ones who never play right!" reggie exclaimed defensively. "when playing the game you're automatically bought up with a question that you have to answer truthfully. if you choose not to, then you're subjected to a dar. you don't get to choose." he stressfully ran his hand along his face.

"ohhh i get it." jasper nodded before she scooted back on the bed, making room for vinnie to sit in front of her and reggie in a triangle shape. "wait. before we start." the girl leaned to the side and dug into her bag. she then pulled up a large bottle and a couple shot glasses while she grinned. reggie and vinnie took a glass while the girl poured the alcohol to their favor. "this is pink whitney, so if we blackout tonight, i have failed my first month of being 17."

"pink whitney? dangerous." reggie shuddered.

"reg? since when do you drink?" vinnie teased, taking a sip of his drink.

"since like always." reggie said cockily, downing the entire shot, but not before making a funny face. jasper giggled before she ruffled his hair and drank her own shot. "okay, let's start." vinnie began pouring more vodka into everyone's glasses.

halfway through the game when the teenagers were about drunk, jasper giggled as she waved the large vodka bottle around, "alright vinnie, what was the most embarrassing time where you got horny and wanted to jack off?" the girl giggled, leaning back against reggie's chest.

whew, too many times for him to even count.

"this girl i knew-- she was stretching and she had on like a short shirt, so when she raised her arms up-- i got like a clear view of her ass." vinnie laughed, intoxicated. "and i swear my jeans couldn't fucking fit for the rest of the day."

jasper covered her mouth as she let out a giggle, "you're fucking sick." she cried of laughter.

"reg," vinnie caught his brother's attention, "how many bodies do you have?"

reggie blushed brightly as jasper looked up at him, even though she already knew the answer. he wasn't as intoxicated as the two, but he could still process everything that was going on. "i'm not sharing that with you." he tried not to laugh as he shook his head. don't get reggie wrong, he loved his brother to pieces, but all vinnie did was make fun o him whenever it came to sexual experiences. i mean yeah, he'd go to him for advice on girls and such, and vinnie would gladly give it to him, but the boy wouldn't dare do it without making a few shitty puns about it first.

"you gotta do the dare, brotha." vinnie smirked, thinking of something from the top of his head. "i dare you to call mom and tell her you're fucking a girl."

reggie widened his eyes, "okay you might not mind being the disappointment of the family but-"

"do it do it do it do it." jasper chanted, lazily. "do it do it do it do it do it do it!" vinnie chimed in. reggie rolled his eyes before he picked up his phone.

"i can't do it!" the boy groaned.

"pussy." vinnie huffed. "now you have to do another."

"i'll go." jasper say up.  "name the person who you have a crush on." reggie raised his eyebrows and shook his head for the hundredth time that night.


jasper huffed, "please?"

"nope." reggie decided. "give me a dare."

"okay" jasper thought to the top of her head, "i dare you to kiss me." she said, causing the boy's eyes to widen.

"what?" reggie choked out,

"you heard me," jasper sat up from his chest, "kiss me." she smiled, leaning into his face. reggie's eyes hesitantly flicked between her eyes and her lips. finally, he leaned in and kissed her, causing a drunk vinnie to cheer loudly. reggie rested his hand o the girl's lower back as he pulled her to sit on his lap. they were caught in a makeout session before there was a knock at the door.

"i'll get it, lovebirds."

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