Lasting Memories.....The Ones...

By grannydew

45.7K 4K 446

Their lives are full, their hearts have been blessed with another child. This part 4 of the Memories series w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Seventeen

1.2K 134 13
By grannydew

Ates regretted the fact she would have to miss the ceremony for Duman. There had been the end of the year exams and she couldn't miss them, but she talked to him on the phone, " Duman you know how proud I am of you, but I'm also upset with you. Why didn't you tell me about all the awards." She asked him. Duman had always been use to something going on with one of his siblings that demanded everyone's attention, so whatever was going on with him seemed insignificant. " Ates, really I didn't think it was anything, I won a couple of awards. It's nothing compared to what Yilly is doing at the agency, or Deniz getting married, or you getting a book deal. That's why I didn't mention it." She couldn't believe what she was hearing, " Since when are your accomplishments not important, you are always important to me. Look I can't get there for the ceremony, but I'm coming home next week and we'll celebrate then, anything you want to do." She explained, making him promise he wouldn't keep anything from her again. With everyone one in attendance on Friday evening, the University presented the Award of Excellence to Duman Divit. The couple couldn't have been more proud of their youngest son, as they watched the faculty of the school all congratulate him. Even some of the most influential people of Istanbul were in attendance and was shaking his hand and giving him praise. At nineteen, and completing his first year of law school with honors, Can was in awe, how did he miss the shaping of this boy into a man, when did all of this occur. He felt a twinge of regret in his heart for not taking more time with him, but he had always seemed as if he didn't need it. How wrong could a father be.

Ates had requested for Duman to pick her up from the airport, eager to spend some alone time with her little brother. He waved excitedly at her as she walked across the airport from her gate.   " Ates, where I am." He yelled, smiling from ear to ear. She ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck, " Duman, you have grown  foot since I was here last." She couldn't help but stare, he had changed, so tall and handsome. He looked just like their mother, but with dark blonde hair. She hadn't been home in several months, but didn't expect to see a whole different person in front of her, this Duman was a man. He felt the stare from her, " What, why are you looking at me like that." He asked, nervously running his fingers through his hair. Although he kept his hair in a shorter style, it was just a thick and wonderful looking as her Dads and Deniz's, his smile was just as electrified as theirs, and his olive skin along with those hazel blue eyes was sure to make any one stop and look,.....he wasn't her awkward little brother anymore. She smiled, " No reason, but you just seem so grownup, just wondering how that happened. So what do you want to do today, this whole day is my treat." She said, proudly taking his arm.

Ates had finished the last year of her studies in Naples, but she didn't have any plans to return to Istanbul just yet. She would take this time with her family to sort out what she wanted to do with her life. The response from the publishers in London had been more positive after she sent the next set of chapters to them. So it looked like she may have her first book deal. She knew her mother had sent her transcript to Bedir, her old publisher, but when he asked for a meeting with her she postponed it. It felt to much like a courtesy meeting, just something he was doing for her Mom. She felt like her days were ticking by without any direction, and to come back home might just make her stall altogether. She had to make this on her own, she knew her mother would understand, she may not like it, but she would understand. She would stay until after Deniz's wedding then she would go back to Naples and figure out the rest of her life.

Can and Sanem were happy again, all their children were home, under the same roof. It seemed so far in between times now, with Ates in Italy, but they hoped she would be coming home now that her school was finished. " Ates, when do you plan on packing up you apartment, we can come and help you, if you want." Her father asked. She smiled at everyone, " Well it seems I won't be coming home right away. In fact I'm flying to London in  a few weeks to meet with the publisher there." So I think it would be best if I stay in Italy, it seems more centrally located." She delivered, then looked away. Can frowned, " Are you sure, I thought the London deal wasn't going well, and what about Bedir, didn't he contact you." He added, with an urgency in his voice. Sanem felt that sick feeling in her stomach, but was waiting to say anything until Ates told them her plan. " No, not at all, the London office really liked the last chapters I sent, so it looks like we might have a deal. And Bedir,....well it just seemed to strange. I don't want to use Moms name for my gain." She looked at her Mom, seeing the pain in her eyes, but also the understanding. Everyone sat in silence for a minute, then Can slide his chair back and stood, " Well, we will discuss this later, so don't think all the decisions are made yet." He scoffed.

Sanem followed him to the garden, " Can, we can't make her come home, not if she's determined to be a writer. I'll talk to her again, and see about setting up a meeting with Bedir. Can knew he was fighting a losing battle when it came to Ates, she was her mothers daughter, full of spirit and hope and if she wanted something bad enough,....she would get it.

The triplets were soon to be 24 years old, each taking on their own lives. He knew his wife was right, but to let go of such a miracle in their lives would be harder than he thought. He thought back on the first years of their lives, how hard it had been. The demand of feedings, diaper changes, and the many hours of sleeplessness, but he would gladly relive it all in a heartbeat. He swallowed down the lump in his throat, and looked at Sanem, " Did we work so hard taking care of them for this, for them to walk away from us." It hurts much more than I thought it would. I'm not sure if I can stand it." She smiled, " My husband, my life, my everything, I know the pain, I feel it too. We have four amazing kids,..that have flourished into talented and beautiful adults. We can't hold them on our laps forever, they were born to leave." She kissed his cheek, " But I my dear, will never leave, so we will go through this together, and be proud parents of these strong and wonderful people." He looked into her eyes, how he loved her. His lips found hers, letting his heart open up to her. She could solve any problem he ever had, as she stroked his beard, setting him on fire with her touch.

" You're right, always." How did I get so lucky Mrs. Divit. 

" It wasn't luck my darling, was our destiny.....

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