... She's Mine... (Yandere!Al...

By QueenOfNekoWriters

194K 4.5K 8.7K

... I can't believe it... ... I'm finally in Alola! I've been waiting for this for like... Ever! Yes, I'll mi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Option One: Break the Door
Option Two: Escape Through the Window
Option Three: Use The Secret Back Door
Option Four: Do Nothing

Chapter Thirty-Six

1.4K 41 8
By QueenOfNekoWriters


I can't believe it...

Hau's gone...

He sacrificed his life for me...

... This isn't fair!

... knock... knock... knock...

"Leave me alone, Grandma. I just want to be left alone..." I pleaded, my voice sore from the crying...

"I think you'll want to come out; trust me."

I sighed, while standing up, and opening the door to my room.

"What is it?" My strained, quiet voice asked.

Grandma then moved to the side, revealing that Hau was standing behind her.

Wait... Hau!?

"Wait a minute... is this real...?"

"Yep! It's the one and only Hau, at your service." Hau stated, making a small gesture of a fake bow.

Tears of joy began streaming my face as I rushed up to Hau, hugging him.

"How'd you survive?!" I questioned, as I pulled away from the hug I had forced onto him.

"Well, when I heard about the bomb, I ran away as far as I could. But as you can see... I still got caught up in the blast."

Hau then gestured to some of the cuts and bruises he had acquired.


"Well, I'm just glad that you're here, safe."

"Yeah, I can agree with that."

The both of us were now smiling, relieved that this was now over.

"I know what we should do! We should have a party to celebrate your well-being! Or... At least have a fancy dinner...."

My suggestion ended up making Hau smile once more.

"I don't think I can host a party here, but I can go make a fancy dinner." Grandma stated.

"Thanks Grandma!"

Grandma nodded, a soft smile on her face as she left the two of us alone.

"So... Is there anything you want to do until dinner's ready?"

"I think I'd just like to take it easy. My body's still in quite a lot of pain..."

"Makes sense... Say... Have you ever heard of (show/movie/etc)?"

Hau nods softly.

"I've heard of it... From what I can tell, it's a good (movie/show), but unfortunately I haven't had the chance to watch it."

I gasped softly.

"I think we found what we're going to do!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"(Name), Hau, dinner's ready!" I heard Grandma shout.

"We'll be there in a second!" I shouted back, before pausing the (show/movie).

Hau and I then climbed off my bed, and after setting the laptop we were using to the side, we headed to the kitchen, where a major feast was waiting for us.

"Wow..." Hau simply said in shock.

I laughed softly.

Guess Hau wasn't expecting such a meal...

But this is my Grandma we're talking about here....

"Well, are you two going to sit?" Grandpa questioned.

"Oh, sorry!" I stated, and the two of us quickly sat down.

After doing so, we ate.

I don't think I've seen a boy my age eat so much... And still be at it!

My grandma had made a ton of food, and at the end of the meal... There was none left!

"The food was amazing, Mrs. (Last Name)."

"Thank you. Glad to hear you enjoyed my cooking."

Grandpa, who had been clearing his plate, spoke as he returned.

"Well, I think it's about time that we get you home. I'm sure your grandpa's worried as well. I'll drive you home, since you're probably still in pain. (Name), would you like to accompany me in taking your friend home?"

"Sure, I'd love to!"

"I'll clean up while you three head out." Grandma stated, already working on the newly dirtied dishes.

Grandpa, Hau, and I then headed to Grandpa's car. It wasn't the newest or oldest car. It was somewhere in the middle. For Grandpa, it was 'just right'.

While I sat in the front next to Grandpa, Hau sat behind my Grandpa in the middle seat.

"You're going to have to tell me how to get to your place Hau. I haven't driven around in a while; that's my Sweetheart's job." My grandpa stated with a laugh.

"Of course; I'd be happy to." Hau said.

Hau then gave directions to Grandma, and soon enough we were in front of his house.

"Too bad we weren't able to have our fun day today." Hau said with a sigh as he exited the car.

"Yeah." I stated softly, a frown appearing from the memory of today's events.

"Well, I should probably head inside now. See you some other time to hang out? Perhaps after school starts?"

I nodded, "Sure; we'll have to see how things work out."

As Hau entered his house, I pressed the button to raise my car window.

"Let's head back." Grandpa stated, before driving us home.

Once home, I was quick to call it a night. After such an 'exciting' day, I figured I deserved some rest. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as 'exciting.'.

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