(KaoEarth) The Force Of Desti...

By Bank_Teresa

37.8K 1.4K 176

Some men can be born with the capacity to get pregnant, others do not, what Earth did not know is that he was... More

The Day I Met You
Next target
My First Kiss
Freshmen Ceremony
Be My Boyfriend
I want to stay πŸ”ž
I swear to you
I hope to be with youπŸ”ž
Cold and painful words
I lying in bed with youπŸ”ž
Chapter closed
I Lost You
I do not want
Thinking Of You
The Reencounter
Fathers And Daughters
I Will Never Forgive You
Erony Of Destiny
Running Away Again
A Dangerous Contract
I Came To Fix My Mistake
Give Me A Chance
Words Without Thinking
Fear In Our Eyes
A Pleasant Day
Lie Discovered, You Had No Right
You Are My Destiny
I Want My Daddy
A Moment With My Daddy
I Have a Daughter
We Only Have One Life
You Banned But I Remember
You What?!
No Strength To Speak
I Was The First Love
Feelings Of Guilt
Do You Regret It?!πŸ”ž
Maya Smart GirlπŸ˜›πŸ˜
Our First Photo Together
An Unexpected Apparition
Don't Touch My Daughter
In The Middle Of The Night
Me What?!
Is Not Waking Up
My Love For You My Daughter
Inexplicable Kiss
Always Together
The Force Of Destiny Parte 1πŸ”ž
The Force Of Destiny Part 2πŸ”ž
Unexpected News
Six Months Passed
Love At First Sight
A Normal Day
Blood Type
Complicated Day At The Hospital
Apology Request
There Is No "We"
Are You Sure?
Free Words
It's Him....!
Be What I'm Not
Discovered Lie
Relentless Seduction
The UltimatumπŸ”ž
Three Minutes
I'm Going After You Part 1
I'm Going After You Part 2
Fanfic characters πŸ“–

No One Will Take You Away From me

574 24 4
By Bank_Teresa


Fluke had the twins, Earth went to the hospital room.

Fluke was sleeping, Earth came in, approached fluke touched fluke's forehead gave a tender smile, Fluke felt a hand caressing his forehead, in bits and slowly Fluke started to open his eyes, which a dazed vision he started to see Earth, feeling a little in pain from the cesarean, he said in a slightly weak voice

Fluke : N'Earth! Where are mine....

Earth always stroking his forehead and fluke's hair, interrupted fluke's words.

Earth: shiiiiii! Don't say anything ... The girls are fine and you're fine too.... everything worked out ... So rest ... When you wake up you'll see them, now rest my sweet friend ...

Tired Fluke closed his eyes, and slept, Earth stayed in the room until it was already 5 pm, Kimmom had gone to get something for Earth to eat, fluke opened his eyes, looked around the hospital room and saw Earth sitting on the couch with a huge belly, Fluke gave a happy smile when he saw Earth sitting tired and worried about him, knowing that Earth is beside him in this moment of joy was everything for him, but then he looked at the roof of the hospital and thought of Ohm, he thought of the day when the man he loves most reneged on the daughters he just gave birth.

Thinking (Ohm: you are going to abort this thing that is growing inside you ...

Ohm: I don't want to have this child ... I never wanted to have a child, especially a child from a man .... If you want to be with me, you will have to take this thing out of you .

Ohm: I just can't accept it ... Men were not made to give birth to a baby ... I find that unreasonable, something disgusting ... Why? .... Why didn't you tell me?! ... You knew you were born with this damn curse of getting pregnant ... So why didn't you tell me, I would protect myself, and none of that would have to happen ...

Ohm: you won't be able to raise this child yourself ... Why don't you take out this baby?! We were doing so well a few minutes ago .... I don't want to lose you, my love! ...

Ohm: I love you too ... But I don't accept this child ... understand me I can't accept the idea of ​​having a child with a man ... I don't ...)

Fluke thinking about all this, couldn't contain his tears and started to cry, he cried and tried at all costs not to make a sound so as not to wake Earth, but unfortunately it didn't work, Earth woke up and hear the sounds of crying from fluke, worried, he left the couch and approached fluke touched with both hands and arms around Fluke's head, wanting to know the reason for the tears.

Earth: what happened ?! Why are you crying ?! Are you feeling any pain ?! Standing Earth tried to leave fluke's side ..... I'm going to call a nurse, you must be ...

But fluke grabbed Earth's wrist, in tears and in so much pain, loving Ohm so much, he said with a heavy weight of heart pain.

Fluke: I ... I love him N'Earth ... I love p'ohm ... I love him so much ... Why! why did he disown our daughters ?!... Why did he hurt me so much, if I just gave him love ?!

Earth seeing the pain in fluke's tears, didn't stop thinking about Kao, sadly, he sat on the bed next to fluke touched fluke's face with one hand and said.

Earth: I know you love him very much, he just didn't know how to appreciate this love ... I will always be by your side, I will never leave you, we both will raise these childrens together ... You will be fine, with the time passing you will eventually forget this love, you will see ... Earth started to wipe fluke's face .... Maa, wipe away these tears, and be strong, because that is what you are, you are strong ...

Fluke on hearing Earth speak these words gave a weak smile, but it was enough for him to calm his heart full of pain and sadness, Fluke said worriedly.

Fluke: thanks, thanks for saying these words .... But! ... But where are my daughters ?! I want to see them ... Where ...

Earth with a smile when he saw the worried face of recent father, he said happily.

Earth: I already told you not to worry, the girls are fine, the doctor will bring them as soon as he can ... They are in the incubator to increase their weight a little, they were born with a little low weight, but tomorrow you will see them ..

Fluke was less concerned as soon as he heard that and said concerned about Earth.

Fluke: what about you ?! Why haven't you been home yet ?! Look at the size of your belly, you only have a week to have your daughter ... You shouldn't be here, you should be resting at home!

Earth with smile.

Earth: being in the hospital is better than being at home ... I'll be prepared, because I'm in the hospital ...

Fluke: but ...

Kimmom came into the room with a container of food, and said with a smile for the two that he found in the hospital room.

Kimmom: look what I brought to the future daddy and the newer daddy! I'm sure you two are starving ..

Fluke and Earth smiled when they saw Kimmom bringing food and talking in such a euphoric and happy way

Earth said.

Earth: thank you very much p'kimmom! I'm really starving.

After an hour Earth went home, and Kimmom stayed with Fluke, Earth didn't want Fluke to be alone so he asked Kimmom to stay with him, when he got home he heard the phone ring and answered it.

Earth: Hello N'Newyear!

Happy Newyear shouted worriedly.

Newyear: so ... So ... has he given birth to the twins ?!

Earth smiling with happiness.

Earth: yes, they were born, and they are very beautiful ... But ...

Newyear: but what ?! What happened?!

Worried Earth

Earth: but they are both very similar to p'ohm, and the most aggravating of all this is that p'fluke loves this man too much, even after everything this man has done to him ... I am worried, because every time he look at the twins he will end up thinking about him, and cry ...

Newyear: don't worry about it, you don't know, but p'fluke is strong, and he is certainly more severe than you .... He may still love p'ohm, but he will never forgive him ... Well .. you two will never see the two idiots who just brought pain and suffering to you both ... So over time he will forget about p'ohm.

Earth: I hope you're right ... But now I have to go, I'm going to sleep ... Tomorrow I'm going back to the hospital, I want to see those two cute dolls ... Hahahahah

Newyear: okay! Take a picture and send me to see them both ... When you have your daughter, don't forget to let me know ..

Earth: don't worry, snooper! I'll let you know ... It's still a week away ... Now goodbye, because I want to sleep ...

Earth hung up and went to sleep, the next day Earth woke up with a huge smile on his face, looked in the bedroom window, touched his belly and said with a happy smile.

Earth: so my beautiful, let's go for another day ?! We will see your uncle and your beautiful cousins, and then we will go to university, Daddy has to take care of our future ... Earth looked ahead .... When I finish university I will get a job as an architect as I always have wanted...

Earth got up from the bed and showered and went to the hospital, upon arriving at the hospital and entering the room he found the doctor, Kimmom, Fluke and the twins in fluke's lap, smiled, took one of them in his lap and said surprised and trying to figure out which is which.

Earth: she must be Akira, isn't she ?!

Fluke with a cute, happy smile.

Fluke: no, you're picking up Ara, Akira is the one with me!

Earth confused, not knowing who is who, he said.

Earth: seriously, they are already twins, and you give more complicated and difficult to pronounce names! Why did you even choose these names ?!

Fluke: because I always liked Japanese names, they are very beautiful names ...

Earth: that's a lot of you, to choose strange names from someone strange like you! ..

Everyone smiled happily at the conversation so welcoming and full of happiness, Earth said passing two hours later.

Earth: look at the time ... I already have to go to university ...

Earth trying to go was grabbed on the wrist by Kimmom, worried said

Kimmom: don't you think you should stay at home ?! You only have a few days to have your baby, it is very dangerous for you to walk alone and go to this university all the time!

Earth was happy with Kimmom's concern, but as always Earth is a young man who is going to fight for his dreams, nothing and no one will let or manage to make Earth give up his dreams.

Earth: don't worry ... I'm fine ... My daughter is yet to be born, while I'm not yet born, I'm going to enjoy university ... now goodbye, I'm late.

Earth left and went to the university, when he arrived at the university, he had some classes, but in the middle of the last class Earth felt a twinge under his belly, he squeezed both eyes, and said.

Earth: what was that ?! What was it?... As soon as he finished these words, another twinge followed ..... Ouch! What was that ... Don't tell me that I ?!

Earth got up from his chair worried, started to leave the room slowly, one of the colleagues said worried to see Earth squirming.

: p'Earth are you okay ?!

Earth was not managing to contain the pain, it was hurting him a lot.

Earth: AAAAAAAh! My God! Please, what pain is this? ! It's hurting a lot! What is it?!

The young man was still worried and shouted the name of Earth several times.

: p'Earth! P'Earth! P 'everything okay ?! What are you feeling ?! Do you want something?!

Earth couldn't stand it, afraid, worried, scared, and perspiring on his face, he grabbed the young man's shirt very hard and said shouting loudly, hard, and in great pain.

Earth: AAAAAAAAhiii! Shut up and take me to the hospital, shit! I'm going to have my baby ... Take me quickly, please ...

The young man, not knowing what to do, worried and also scared, grabbed one of Earth's arms and put it around his neck and slowly took Earth and put him inside the taxi, on the way to the hospital, Earth clutched the seat tightly of the taxi with one hand and the other gripped the young man's hand tightly, the young man narrowed his eyes because of the strength that Earth did in his hands, Earth desperate, worried and angry screamed loudly, making the taxi driver and the young man frighten .

Earth: what the fuck is this ?! My God, I can't have my baby here ... I want to kill you p'kao, I hate you ... For ... Because of you, because of you I am in this state and in this situation, I swear if see you again I will KILL YOU .... Aiiiiiiiiiii! ..... Aah ... AAAAAAAh ..... Earth looked at the young man and shouted ... Is there still much left ?!

scared young man said.

: no p ', just a little ... Hold on a Little..

Earth: I can't take it anymore .... It hurts a lot, shit .... P'kaoooo you idiot, you shit, bastard, womanizer, traitor, I hate you, I hate you P'kaoooo .....

After thirty minutes Earth arrived at the hospital, nurses took Earth out of the car and took him straight to the operating room, halfway there with Earth lying on the bed, the nurse said.

Nurse: my love, calm down, you'll be fine ..

Earth worried and full of pain, perspiring so much.

Earth: ah! ... Will my daughter be okay ?! .. She ... She'll be fine, won't she ?! .. Aii ah ... She

Nurse: don't worry, you and she will be fine ...

Earth went to the operating room, after an hour, Earth had his daughter, two hours passed Earth started to open his eyes, seeing bad, he saw someone in front of him but he couldn't see who it was, and went back to sleep.

Two hours passed was already 20 hours, Earth opened his eyes wide, looked around the hospital room and saw no one, but suddenly he heard a small sound of a baby playing with one hand and moving the two small feet of on one side and the other, Earth looked and smiled happily, touched a hand to his mouth and tears started to fall from his face. Kimmom and the nurse enter the room and look at Earth, Kimmom worriedly approached Earth and touched his shoulder, asked.

Kimmom: what happened N'Earth ?! Aren't you feeling well ?!

Earth was still crying hard, trying to contain his tears but he was not succeeding, he was in tears.

Earth: her ... this baby ... this baby, is she my daughter ?!

The nurse with a happy smile, took the baby approached Earth and said.

Nurse: yes! It's your daughter! Do you want to catch her ?!

Earth still crying, held out both hands and arm forward, said happily.

Earth: yes! ... I ... I want to touch and pick up my daughter ...

The nurse slowly gave the baby to Earth, Earth looked at the daughter and tears began to fall more strongly and with great intensity, he said when he touched the baby's delicate face.

Earth: my daughter! Earth looked at the nurse and Kimmom ... She is my daughter ... he looked at the baby again, smiling and crying ... My girl! My Maya! This is your name Maya, which means rebirth ... Thanks to you my love, I was reborn ... Earth started giving many small kisses on Maya's face and on Maya's small hands ... I am so happy. .. But suddenly Earth thought of Kao, sad loving the man so much that he betrayed him said hurt but with precise words, short and objective .... No one will take you away from me, let alone him, he will never and will never know that you exist... Now it's just the two of us, you're mine... my sweet more than anything.


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