Realms of Magic: Demon Invasi...

By daniellie802

853 155 185

Status: Complete, but under editing Everything seems fine in Irvine. The economy is great, public satisfactio... More

0. Prologue
1. Demonic Powers
2. A Day at Blazewing
3. Old Nemesis
4. The Librarian
5. Training Regime
6. Imperial Trial
7. The Royal Dinner
8. Attack of the Demons
9. Preparation of the Guard
10. Maiden Voyage I
11. Maiden Voyage II
12. Battle on Juggernaut
13. First Mission
14. Duel of Prodigies
15. Arrival of Help
16. Atrocities
17. The End of the Beginning
18. The Order
19. Banishment
20. The Demon Lords
21. Mission of the Twelfth
22. Second Voyage
23. Port Sekizaki
24. The Purists
25. A Small Reunion
26. The Mermaids Strike
27. Lady Sakurako
28. The White Witch
29. Cleaning Up
30. Infiltration Plan
31. Infiltration Plan II
32. Escape
33. The Great War
34. Battle of Toulon-Prelude
35. Battle of Toulon I
36. Battle of Toulon II
37. Battle of Toulon III
38. Expedition Golden Oasis
39. Expedition Golden Oasis II
40. Secret Mission
41. Secret Mission II
42. Prison Cell
43. The Ray of Light
44. The Ray of Light II
45. Strategical Movements
46. Return to Irvine
47. Attack on Plywood
48. Crippling Strike
49. Lovebirds in War
51. Irvine in Confusion
52. Irvine in Confusion II
53. Irvine in Confusion III
54. Irvine-Erwing War: Prelude
55. Irvine-Erwing War: First Phase
56. Irvine-Erwing War: Traitor Guards
57. The Underworld
58. Gladiators
59. Party
60. Reversal
61. Betrayal
62. Kingdom of Lutzia
63. Agnes
64. Celebration Feast
65. Fort Void
66. Noble Slaves
67. The Masked Lady
68. Bitter Reunion
69. Bitter Reunion II
70. Bitter Reunion III
71. A New Mission
72. A New Mission II
73. A New Mission III
74. Collapse of the Ferris Wheel
75. The Oedipus Club
76. Hidden Enclaves
77. She Returns
78. March on Batavia
79. Defence of Irvine I
80. Defence of Irvine II
81. Siege of Pazna I
82. Siege of Pazna II
83. Mirakarta Massacre
84. Mirakarta Massacre II
85. Southern Campaign
86. The Art of Diplomacy
87. Six Days Campaign
88. Six Days Campaign II
89. Six Days Campaign III
90. Hero of Elaise
91. Battle of Trest
92. The Road to New Trier
93. The Road to New Trier II
94. The Road of New Trier III
95. The Road to New Trier IV
96. Old Memories
97. Old Memories II
98. A Truce
99. Battle of Pallastria
100. Battle of Pallastria II
101. Amnesia
102. The Alliance's Gambit
103. The Defence of Batavia I
104. Defence of Batavia II
105. Defence of Batavia III
106. One Last Dance
107. Clash of Sovereigns
108. Clash of Sovereigns II
109. Princess Rescue Mission I
110. Princess Rescue Mission II
111. The Aglatis Law
112. Trial of Vengeance
113. Epilogue

50. Tag Team

3 0 0
By daniellie802

"Nisa!" I shriek as Lady Sakurako's flame covered blade stabs her in the neck.

"Vio!" Nisa's voice calls out from far behind, "get away! Art of Puppets: Disguiser Puppet: Suicidal Explosion of A Hundred Birds!"

Nisa's puppets retreat to its owner. "Blood Wings!" I fly upwards. The puppet that I thought was Nisa turns into a hundred small birds, all of which explode simultaneously.

"She's not hit," Nisa asserts with a firm sense of composure. I nod quickly.

"I'll distract her," Nisa says, "prepare to finish her with a single strike."


Nisa grabs a green gemstone from her pouch. The gemstone turns into another puppet clad in emerald armor.

"Art of Puppets: Emerald Marionette: Poison Mist!" Green smoke seep out from the pores on the hands of the new puppet, covering the air. 

"Art of Puppets: Emerald Marionette: Hail of Poison Daggers!" Poison coated daggers propelled from the chest of the puppet rain down on the smoke. 

"Art of Puppets: Fire Marionette: Triple Flamethrower!"

"Blood Vortex!" I clap, a torrent of blood blitzing into the smoke.

"Blood Bone Serpent!"

Lady Sakurako's slim figure jumps to the sky unharmed. "Fire Dragon!" A gigantic dragon of fire appears from the sky, propelling itself unto us. 

"Art of Puppets: Aqua Marionette: Water Dragon!" The puppet with blue garments waves its hands, summoning a flood of water that turns into a dragon. The two dragons slam themselves at each other, nullifying both. The puppet collapses to the ground with a thud. 

"It's out of mana," Nisa mutters as the puppet returns to a gemstone which she tucks in her pouch.

"Do you have a puppet that can erect a barrier?" I ask.

"Only one."

"Plenty enough. Make sure she doesn't have any petals outside. I have a plan."

"Very well. I trust you."

"So, what else can you show me?" Lady Sakurako asks, her dagger on her hand.

"A lot. Blood Orb Bullet!" I eject small bullets of blood from my mouth, tearing apart a few of the petals. "Nisa, now!"

"Art of Puppets: Hawk Shield!" Nisa throws a black gemstone which transforms into a hawk. The hawk then dissolves, erecting a purple barrier in its place.

"Blood Mist! Dance of Bones!" Red mist fill the entirety of the barrier, bones protruding from the ground, impaling all inside. 

"Gotcha!" I mutter as sounds of bones penetrating flesh fill the air.

"Gotcha who?" Lady Sakurako smiles widely, her aura becoming more grim, sending shudders down my backbone. The mist clears and I can see that my bones have impaled Nisa. I immediately retract the spell. The barrier is taken down. I jump back to the ground with Nisa.

"She switched place with me," Nisa explains, blood bursting from her wounds. "what an advanced spell."

Lady Sakurako leaps, her dagger aimed at my neck. My weak arm raises my blade in a feeble blocking attempt. She teleports behind me, my body too fatigued to avoid her slash on my shoulder. 

"Ice Spikes!" Several ice spikes force Lady Sakurako to retreat.

"Darryl! Don't return!" I bark.

Lady Sakurako lunges at Darryl, who raises a blade of ice.

"Tornado!" Agatha's firm voice declares, her great windstorms repelling Lady Sakurako's advance.

"Lightning Slash!" Remi blitzes, her lightning coated dagger slashing Lady Sakurako's cheek, as she has let her guard down.

"Remi! Give me some lightning!" Joe orders, "Water Wave!"

Remi extends her palm, lightning mixing in with the water. "Be careful!" I warn. "She can switch with other people!"

And in that split moment, I feel as if a powerful force is grabbing me. I am suddenly in Lady Sakurako's position, a big wave of lightning enhanced water wall in front of me.

"Aakh! Cancel the spell!"

"Vio!" Joe and Remi shriek at the same time. The water blast stops.

Just in a split second, Lady Sakurako teleports in front of me, her dagger almost coldly plunging into me, only to be stopped by Remi's counter assault.

"I am your opponent!" Remi barks. "Lightning Bomb!"

Lady Sakurako casually ducks, dodging the giant thunder bomb. "Multiple Lotus Teleportation!"

"Thunder Dash!"

Remi and Lady Sakurako, moving at speeds tens of thousands of times faster than sound, engage in a blurry duel that I can barely track.

"Too slow!" Lady Sakurako mocks. She moves back and forth and Remi falls to the ground, covered in blood and gashes.

"Water Prison!" Joe entraps Lady Sakurako in a sphere of water while Remi stands up, wiping off the blood on her armor.

"Blood Chupacabra!" I clap, a giant dog mauling Lady Sakurako.

"Circular Flame Burst!" Lady Sakurako unleashes fire from her body, neutralizing the chupacabra.

"As expected, you're annoying."

A hot blade pierces my chest, its pointy end covered in red blood. Lady Sakurako swings her blazing dagger.

Ugh ... damn it ....

"Rotating Wind Blades!" Agatha interferes, forcing Lady Sakurako to duck.

Darryl comes to me and encircles my fatigued arm around his shoulders. He then grabs the hot dagger and pulls it out. "We'll pull out for now," he affirms.

"Leave this to us!" Agatha shouts, "Tornado!"

"Flame Bombardment!" Lady Sakurako fires several fire arrows at us. Darryl leaps from building to building, avoiding them.

"Sorry, but I can't keep up like this," Darryl says. He grabs my legs and carries me by my back.

A giant wave of water covers our retreat. Darryl jumps downwards to a makeshift hospital–a simple but gigantic tent.

Inside, a multitude of healers are healing John and Aelita, both unconscious.

"Impossible," I mutter, "they lost?"

I lay down uneasily on a pillow. "Too exhausted to fight properly, just like you, I imagine," Darryl says. He puts his hand on my stomach, transferring energy to me, closing my wounds.

"Don't worry, Vio, they'll be fine."

That familiar voice causes me to roll my eyes upward, facing Nala.

"Nala!" I gasp weakly, "you're here, too?"

Nala nods equally weakly, sweat dripping from her forehead. "I have to go back," I declare as I get up. The pain reappears, making me clench my chest.

"Don't," Darryl warns. Just as he says so, Remi, Joe, Agatha, and Nisa enter the tent.

"Huh? The battle's over?" I ask.

"Well ... how should we explain this?" Remi questions herself, "Lady Jessica took Lady Sakurako away."

"Who did what to who?"

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