A Light in the Darkness Book:...

By Bastion86

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In a dark world those who hold light hold power. Humanity thrives due to guidance from the Order of Flame Wea... More

Prologue: The Web of Fate
Chapter One: The Ember
Chapter Three: The Thief in the Alley
Chapter Four: Chance Encounters
Chapter Five: The Jester's Tale
Chapter Six: Lessons at the Sanctuary
Chapter Seven: A Bad Day at the Palace
Chapter Eight: Trouble in Low Town
Chapter Nine: Convalescence
Chapter Ten: An Imperial Dinner
Chapter Eleven: The Great Palace Heist: Part One, Getting In
Chapter Twelve: The Great Palace Heist: PART II, Getting Out
Chapter Thirteen: Revelations from an Emperor
Chapter Fourteen: The Aftermath
Chapter Fifteen: The Departure
Chapter Sixteen: Campfire Tales
Chapter Seventeen: Bedside Manners
Chapter Eighteen: Finding a Lord Mayor, Part I
Chapter Nineteen: Finding a Lord Mayor, Part II
Chapter Twenty: Everyone Expects The Inquisition
Chapter Twenty One: The Old Pinemist House
The Web of Fate: Part II
Interlude: The Great Chocolate Fudge Cake Conspiracy
Chapter Twenty-Two: At the Crossroads
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Jester Has No Shoes
Chapter Twenty-Four: The One-Eyed Man
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Candy Man Can
Chapter Twenty-Six: A Night on the Town
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Family Affair
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Sentinel Flame
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Mountain Beetle Prairie
Chapter Thirty: Pleasant Conversations
Chapter Thirty-One: I fought the Law
Chapter Thirty-Two: And the Law Won
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Thief and the Joker
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Return
Chapter Thirty-Five: Sent out the Flares
Chapter Thirty-Six: What You Are In The Dark: Part I
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Lady of Peaks Pass
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Stone Walls
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Grey Warrior
Chapter Forty: The Inner Fire
Chapter Forty-One: The Minister of War
Chapter Forty-Two: Festival Chores
Chapter Forty-Three: The Endgame
Chapter Forty-Four: What You are in the Dark: Part II
Chapter Forty-Five: Controlled Chaos
Chapter Forty-Six: Ways and Means
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Eye of the Storm
Chapter Forty-Eight: Rising Flames
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Threshold of Victory
Chapter Fifty: That Quiet Little Voice
Chapter Fifty-One: City of Darkness
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Diverging Paths
Chapter Fifty-Three: Simon Says
Chapter Fifty-Four: Mopping Up
Chapter Fifty-Five: The End is Nigh
Chapter Fifty-Six: Imperial Justice
Chapter Fifty-Seven: As the Wind Blows
Epilogue: The Web of Fate: Part Three

Chapter Two: The Empress

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By Bastion86

While Drake was stuck out in the street, there was someone else trapped. Not in a physical prison exactly, but a prison, nonetheless. The vast incline of the Imperial Causeway lay at Market street's western edge. It rose along a great edifice which separated the city's main districts, into many lavish businesses and manors of the Heights. Higher still at the western precipice of the city, behind a modes wall and brick gatehouse lay the Imperial Palace, itself. It was an imposing grey stone fortress composed of a main hall which extended back into a stone keep. The spiraling Sentinel's tower rose over the main structure with a flaming beacon visible to all below. It housed the palace's advisory Flame Weaver. The north wing of the palace searched as a headquarters of the City Watch and barracks for both watchmen and the emperor's elite force, the Phoenix Guard alike. The southern wing housed the Empire's administrative center and many of the palace's servants.

The main hall was made of white stone with light fixtures attached to marble pillars, lining either end. A dim light faded in through high stained windows as various nobles entered through the side doors. Many were already seated or standing in the hall, quietly discussing the day's business. At the hall's end there was a raised dais with two golden thrones lined in purple. One sat empty, in the other sat, the empress Silvia Cevarius, held evening court, with a frown on her face.

She was a middle-aged, women, with light blue eyes, and faded blond hair, wearing an ornate red dress with green trimmings, a silver diadem perched on her head. Her face once vibrant and youthful was now lined from stressful years and ruling the empire. It had been a long week for her and the current issues in the city had only made it worse. The nobles were demanding more action about the murders and tensions with the Order of Flame Weavers had been at a fever pitch. The situation in the capital hadn't been this bad since the war.

Silvia had been struggling the past three years since her husband, the emperor began to spiral into despair. While listening to the various nobles prattle on about politics and recent events; she grew distracted. Her mind drifted back to how her husband had begun to fall apart.

Emperor Sigmund Cevarius III was a tall man with the build of a warrior. His face was hardened from years of trial which had endured throughout his reign. He had been through war, assassination attempts, and lost family members. But still, for years, he managed to keep things together. Until recently that is. Silvia had been living the capital nearly twenty-six years, but never quite got used to it. She missed the sea and the crashing of waves while sitting by her family's home out in Sky Harbor. As the oldest daughter of the Navalia family lords of the East, it had always been her obligation to rule and now she stood over the entire Cevarian Empire.

What had started off as partnership had seen more duties falling on her every day. There few people around she could trust. One of those had been her son while he'd been around.

Prince Owin had gone on a military expedition to secure the border and to investigate strange rumors from in the Western Forests. He had been gone for about a year now and it was around the time that her husband completely withdrew from presiding over court. He spent his days either trying to rest or pouring through ancient tomes on lunar lore and flame manipulation. His moments of lucidity were fleeting, and their conversations were few. When they did speak, he always had a hushed tone and a far off look in his eyes. This was not the strong and charismatic man she had married all those years ago.

To make matters worse, it had been weeks since word had come from the prince. It was possible he was merely preoccupied with his mission, but Silvia had a mother's worry and the pressures she faced at court only made her wish more for her son's swift return. Like his father once was, Owin was a forceful personality who could rally people to his cause. His presence was greatly missed, and she believed that if he were still in the city, the current problems would not have gotten so unmanageable. She missed her other two children as well, but she at least had the fortune of knowing where they were. However, she had not the time to engage in these thoughts further, as a voice broke her from her contemplation.

"Further investigation must be made! The situation in the city has gotten out of control! First these murders, and now a Flame Weaver has been robbed. And not just anyone but one of our most respected scholars!" a familiar woman spoke, as she gestured to an older, robed, and bearded gentleman behind her.

The speaker was Adelais the Sentinel Flame assigned to the palace. Her rank and position at the palace gave some importance within the order and was the main intermediary between the rest of the Flame Weavers and the Emperor. Adelais had greying hair tied back into a ponytail, that matched the color of her eyes. her was constantly face fixed in a stern look, which portrayed dedication to her career. She had been working at the palace for a long time, since before Silvia had even arrived there to marry the emperor. The two women did not talk much and Adelais often regarded her with cold indifference as she did with most people, but there was no doubt of the Sentinel Flame's commitment to her role and loyalty to the imperial family.

The empress considered the woman's words, and beckoned the older man forward, "Thank you, but I think the court would prefer to hear the story from the gentleman, himself", she said as Adelais stepped aside with a bow, allowing a hunched elderly man to move toward the dais.

The man wore navy robes, with a large ornate lantern emblazoned on the back to signify his rank. He gave a bow and began to speak, "Your Majesty, I am Caius, Sentinel Flame and Scholar. A thief accosted me five days ago, in the evening, as I walked back toward the sanctuary after shopping trip in Low Town."

"Was there anyone with you when the incident occurred? Guards or other Flame Weavers?" Silvia asked, leaning forward attentively.

The elderly man scratched his head and replied, "I was by myself at the time. I had set my subordinates on their usual duties and was about halfway back to Ash Mountain when I felt a slight tug on my satchel. It was ripped clean off, with all my gold, and half my research materials. I looked to find the culprit but saw no one."

"I'm sorry for your experience. Normally a thief would not be so brazen as to attack someone of your stature. Is that all you had to tell me?" The empress inquired leaning back in her throne, with her eyes raised, appraising the scholar.

"Well, I may have scorched the street up a bit in my initial response to the robbery," the man replied with his head bowed in contrition.

"Thank you for your honesty. We'll see about compensating you for what was lost.", the empress responded with a look down at a sheet of parchment in front of her. "After looking over a list of what was taken, I think about sixty-five Cevri should do," she continued, calling the steward forward.

The imperial steward, Preston Varrus, was a middle-aged man whose had slightly greying light brown hair, brown eyes, a face lined with stress, and scar below his right eye. He was tall, thin, and always moving quickly with a light spring to his step. As usual, he wore a red silken outfit with intricate gold patterns with Cevarian Empire's phoenix symbol emblazoned on it. He came from a noble family and had been serving as the imperial steward for over ten years. As the steward, Preston oversaw a vast bureaucracy of economic ministers and tax collectors. Though his work kept him busy, he still had time to attend court and advise on financial matters. He approached the scholar and swiftly produced a small coin pouch. The Sentinel Flame took the sack gratefully, bowed and shuffled from the hall, escorted by several other robed figures.

Adelais again stepped forward to speak, "You all heard what he said. The situation has grown out of control. The inquisition has been hounding me to get imperial approval to scour the streets for this killer. When a sentinel flame can be robbed with impunity, no one is safe. What if that had been me, who got robbed?"

The room fell into a tense silence, as the empress and the sentinel locked eyes. A voice spoke up from the corner, "What do you get when you cross Adelais with a pickpocket?"

Slowly, the members of court glanced over to where the speaker was. Over by the side door, stood, Nicolaus, the imperial court's jester. He was a tall, young man, aged twenty-six with shortly shaven brown hair and dark blue eyes. He wore a red and purple patched jester's outfit, complete with a three-pointed, belled cap. The usual smirk lined his face as he scanned around the room, eager for a response.

"Well, does anyone have an answer?" He spoke again, smiling as he danced toward the center of the room.

"We don't have time for your antics, fool!" Adelais snapped, giving the merry man a scathing glare.

He clammed up for a moment, but the empress gave a wave of the hand and spoke, "Carry on, jester, I think we'd all like here this one." She meant it too. A good laugh was surely in order during these tough times and it was certainly needed to lighten the mood.

"Well, when you cross Adelais with a pickpocket, you get a dead man, and one who has been burnt to a crisp, at that," the jester spoke in a serious voice, removing his cap and bowing his head as if in mourning. The court erupted in laughter while Adelais continued glaring at him. Once the chuckles had died down, she addressed Silvia again, asking, "Will you grant the inquisition the authority to take the clearly necessary steps to hunt this criminal or not?"

The court's eyes drew back to the empress who took a moment to think and replied, "No. This situation is serious, but I do not believe it warrants their attention. There isn't enough evidence that this crime falls under their authority, and I feel that they may further agitate the populace at this time. Give the guards three days to make some progress and the inquisitors' request might be entertained."

She had considered allowing the inquisitors full access to investigate these crimes but to do so might cause unease within the city. The Inquisition had been relatively inactive in Aldus for last few years. Of course, they were present but for the most part they weren't busting down people's doors these days. Either the heretics were gone, or they got better at hiding.

"Very well, Your Majesty, I shall defer this issue to your judgment, for now. However, I request a further audience in three days on behalf of my brothers in the Inquisition, that they may plead their case directly", the sentinel spoke, eyes not leaving the empress. This would of course be another "delight" itself, Silvia mused. However, coming up with another excuse to deny them wouldn't be that difficult.

"Your request is granted," Silvia stated with a nod.

Adelais gave a curt bow and turned striding out of the hall, stoking the flaming torches on both sides as she passed. She stopped momentarily to give the jester, who was now seated at the edge of the room, one final glare, he responded with a smirk. She continued walking in the direction of the Sentinel's Tower.

As the palace's Sentinel Flame left the room, the empress spoke again, "Now, is there any other business that needs to be brought before the court before we retire for the night?"

A heavyset man with a thick brown beard and blue eyes stepped forward from among the gathered nobles. Silvia recognized him as her husband's older cousin, Quintus Cevarius. He was clad in thick grey cloak, connected with a gold clasp, over a dark leather vest with matching pants. Quintus was once a formidable warrior and still stood with the vigor of someone who had fought and survived dozens of battles. His eyes had a hard look, despite his age and declining physique, he was a man whose presence was still enough to intimidate. Silvia recalled how Quintus had fought alongside her husband in the war and how he had led the Cevarian forces to victory at the Battle of Mountain Beetle Prairie, when Sigmund had taken a heavy injury. This same battle had cost Quintus his father, the former high priest and leader of the Flame Weavers, Titus and marked the end of the war. He was never the same but for his loyalty and skill in battle, he was granted the honor of being named Minister of War.

Though his victory had made him a hero, his reputation took a hit due to the City Watch's general corruption and lack of progress on the murders Though Silvia was not close with Quintus himself, she had gotten to know his wife, Maria, quite well over the last twelve years since they had married. She also fondly recalled interacting with their young children Tullus and Lydia. Tullus was proud and headstrong much like his father while Lydia a was more of an innocent, peaceful soul. Back when the emperor was in better health, he had taken great joy in spending time with his extended family, but their visits had grown less frequent. Quintus was under a lot of pressure these days and he had often ben to the palace seeking help in dealing with the murders.

The guards were in a difficult position and many ill-at-ease they couldn't seem find the killer. The common folk were in turn growing more restless. The lord mayor of Low Town generally was able to calm people but he lacked the resources to give Quintus what he needed for the city watch. So, here he was again.

Quintus stepped up toward the throne and spoke with his booming voice, "Your Majesty, these have been difficult times. Recruitment has slowed but we are still lacking for proper supplies and rations for our forces. Many are forced to use worn armor and dull weapons. The people grow restless. If order is to be maintained, we will require additional funds."

The present nobles began to murmur at this as the empress looked down in thought. The steward looked uneasily toward the throne for a response. She could understand his unease. The funds were tight and with current issues in the south and west, they were likely to remain so.

"How much coin do you need, Lord Quintus?", Silvia questioned, rubbing her forehead in exhaustion.

"About five thousand, gold Cevri should suffice, for the remainder of the year, at least", Quintus replied, swiftly after examining some papers he had in his hands.

"That it is quite a sum, can we come up with that?", the empress inquired, turning back to the steward. She knew Preston could likely find the funds, but it was best to leave it to his discretion. If he could find a way to placate Quintus without overburdening the imperial treasury, that was all for the better. He had been burdened enough already,

He stepped forth and answered, "my Empress, the imperial treasury mostly is committed to infrastructure projects along with funding some recent trade and military expeditions. I possibly could obtain half the funds within a couple days, but the rest could be more difficult." He frowned. Silvia knew that this is not what Quintus wanted to hear. He had been trying to push for greater resources for ages, and truthfully this was the third time he had made such a request in the last month. Crime in the city had increased since the murders started and he was being blamed.

The empress gave a sympathetic look to her long-suffering steward and replied, "It may not be what was requested but we'll have to make do with what we have. Raising taxes at this time would only create further unrest." It was true. With much of the army away, the emperor indisposed, and a killer on the loose there was already enough trouble in ruling and keeping the local peace.

The Minister of War began to protest this decision when another figure stepped beside him. It was Silvia's younger brother, Kaeso, who placed an uneasy hand on the guard commander's shoulder. Kaeso was wearing a light green and gold vest with matching pants and a brown belt. His blond hair slicked back and his light blue eyes stared intently at the throne. He was thin, and his face had light stubble on it. Though, now a man in his mid-thirties, he wore the same confident smirk that he mastered as a youth. Kaeso had always been confident even since his childhood. Though her junior by nearly eleven years, he had displayed confidence and cunning that impressed and sometimes frightened others. To her, he was always her annoying kid brother.

He moved with the vigor of a man on a mission. This was always how he'd acted. With purpose. Being their parents' only son after several failed attempts to conceive, his desire to prove himself worthy was always there. As a man he was even able to charm his way into places that other men had failed to As the heir to their father's title, his place was back home in Sky Harbor, but he had chosen to attend court in Aldus to assist his sister and though Silvia appreciated it, she was sure he had other reasons.

She waved her hand, and he began to speak, "Sister, I believe I can be of assistance in Quintus's plight. I could have the additional twenty-five hundred Cevri rounded up within a few days. It's for the good of the Empire, of course. However, if it were possible, I do have a few good men in need of employment and there are some guard positions that are surely available."

Silvia stopped him for a moment. "And what would you want in return for this act of generosity?" She asked, knowing Kaeso better than to think this was an act of pure altruism.

His answer did not surprise. "A tax concession on trade goods coming from Sky Harbor could alleviate my financial burdens. If those conditions could be met, I think getting the necessary funds for the guards could be managed. My men would come fully equipped, naturally. No need to further burden the treasury. Sister, Quintus, can we reach an agreement?" He took a breath and clasped his hand behind his back, awaiting a response.

There it was, the catch. Of course, he wasn't going to give something for nothing. That tax request would likely make him much more money overall than giving away a few thousand gold coins. There could also be advantages to having his men in place within the guard. Having a few extra eyes could be beneficial for her as well.

Quintus spoke first, "If you provide me with some details, I can see to it that your men are put to good use," he grumbled, annoyed by the younger man's energetic appeal. "How many men did you say?"

"I have fifty men, some of them are from my personal guard, a few peasants in need of work, and some offspring from some noble houses that I promised to help out. They all have some degree of combat training, and as I said, are fully equipped," Kaeso replied with a courteous smile.

"That should be fine. Provide me with a list and I'll have Jack make the necessary arrangements," the emperor's cousin said, as he strode back to his seat. Silvia was relieved. This was going much easier than she originally feared. Though she did have one point to make.

"I suppose some tax arrangements can be made but understand it would only be on a temporary basis," the empress followed.

"Naturally," her brother replied with a smile and a curt bow. He was too used to getting his way, but his support was essential to maintaining the strenuous balance of the imperial court. Who could you trust, if not family? He'd had always come through for her in the past. Though he was the younger sibling he always looked out for her. Perhaps he felt some obligation for the time she had spent caring for him when he was young. In the end they had never failed to depend on each other.

"Very well, I believe we can get this taken care of. See that Quintus is provided with the necessary funds within the next few days and that tax arrangements and guard additions are handled," Silvia ordered in a firm voice, as she eyed the steward.

Kaeso and Preston both nodded in agreement. She might be able to make it through the evening yet, but if the killings continued, more problems lay ahead. However, those were problems for another and having enough of the pointless bickering of the courtiers for one evening; she decided to dismiss them for the evening.

"Today's audience is now concluded. I believe we could all use some rest. Let us resume with fresh minds, tomorrow," she said, rising from the throne and bidding farewell to the gathered assembly.

The various nobles bowed and uttered pleasantries as they exited the hall. As he walked out the door, her brother gave a light wave and mouthed they would speak later. Once everyone dispersed, she started back toward the imperial apartments when a elderly figure approached the throne. The man was easily recognizable as the Lord Mayor of Low Town, Gaius. He wore a dark suit with a top hat. His advancing age required him to move with a cane, but Silvia waited patiently for him to advance.

The elder smiled, his green eyes widening as he gave a light tip of his hat.

"It's good to see you again, your majesty," he said, warmly.

"And you, your honor," replied Silvia with a nod. "Was there anything you needed this evening, Gaius?" She asked.

The mayor shook his head and responded, "No, I only wanted to thank you for setting up that arrangement with the city watch. Terrible business, these murders. Quintus has been getting on me to do more. I'd been meaning to address you myself on the issue, but he beat me to it."

"Yes, he can be quite... forceful," the empress stated.

This is elicited a chuckle from the lord mayor. "That's one way of putting it," said Gaius. His face shifted to a frown. "It pains me to see all this violence. In my younger days, I'd be out there with a sword, fighting the killer myself," he huffed, gripping his cane tightly.

"I'm sure they'd be glad to have you," Silvia said, indulging the old man.

"You're damn right they would," he said, giving his cane an impatient tap. "You know, I nearly caught the last serial murderer in this city fifty years ago. I came close several times."

"I'll have to take your word for it; that was before my time," replied the empress, wearily. Her guards shifted impatiently, so Silvia attempted to end the conversation, but she was stopped by the old man's cane. The guards tensed but she waved them off.

"Was there something else you wanted, Gaius?" She asked, nervously.

His voice lowered. "I was actually hoping to discuss a matter of grave importance with your husband," said the mayor.

Silvia leaned in. He wasn't the first person to request a meeting with the emperor and he wouldn't be the last. Gaius had been a big help and his support was key in maintaining order in the city. His advice had also proved trustworthy in the past when there was need. She pondered taking him back to see Sigmund but decided against it. It was unlikely her husband would even bother with talking to him.

"My husband isn't taking visitors. Whatever you have to say to him, you may say to me," she stated in a calm voice.

He frowned once more. The old man was uncomfortable and puzzled by her response. It took him a moment, but he did reply. "If it's all the same, I'd rather speak to the Emperor directly," he said tiredly. "But do tell him I stopped by for a visit. Perhaps I'll return another time," he concluded.

Silvia and agreed that she would, despite the annoyance that Gaius wouldn't simply discuss it with her. He tittered nervously but otherwise unperturbed. He had business in the city it seemed, and the empress was more than ready to finish up her business for the evening as well. The Lord Mayor gave a light bow, another tip of the hat and exited the main hall. Finally, Silvia was free to head back to her quarters for the evening.

She arrived at the royal chambers and dismissed the guards, who began patrolling hallways. The interior of the royal apartment had wooden paneled walls and hardwood floors which were covered in violet carpets. On the far side of the room was a stone fireplace, recently extinguished. Above the mantle hung an old, worn down sword, an heirloom of the Cevarius family. Next to the hearth was a large rectangular aquarium which her husband had installed shortly after their marriage to make her feel more at home. It was mounted on wooden stand carved with seashell patterns. The stones at the bottom of the tank gave of a faint glow, illuminating the multicolored fish which swam about.

Sigmund was already asleep on their bed and he seemed to be getting actual rest, so she tried to be quiet. She contemplated waking him to discuss the lord mayor but decided against it. His desk, which was on the end of the room near the fireplace, was cluttered with papers and old books, as well as a half-finished meal. She reached for a bottle on a nearby shelf and poured herself a glass of wine. She sat down and began to relax before her final appointment for the night. It wasn't long until there was a knock at the door and wearily the empress rose to answer it.

Standing on the other side of the door was Nicolaus, still dressed in his jester outfit. He looked tired and Silvia felt guilty for giving him more work to do tonight, but it was essential.

"I'm glad you could make it, Nick, I'm in need of some assistance," she said, as she gestured him inside with a weary smile. He slowly stepped in.

"Always happy to be of service," he replied with a quiet bow. As he walked in it became clear he was concerned with waking up Sigmund, who was still soundly asleep on their bed. She silently cursed herself and gestured over toward her husband's desk, where they could both talk. Nick crept over there and grabbed a spare piece of fruit that had been left over from dinner.

"What? He's not gonna eat it," he stated matter-of-factly with light smile.

Silvia rolled her eyes, "That's still your emperor. Show a little respect."

"Right, right. I'm sorry. It's with how long I've been coming around here, it breeds a certain sense of familiarity that makes me forget my manners," he said as he innocently rubbed the back of his head and took a bite out of the fruit.

Silvia sighed; it was true. Nick had been a regular attendee at the palace for over ten years now. It had started out when one of the older military advisors, Tyrus, had needed a servant to help them get around and fetch refreshments. Nick, a common boy from a Low Town bakery had brought in. The future jester proved to be an intelligent youth, despite his background and in time had assimilated himself with the court. The idea of having a jester had ironically started off as somewhat of a joke at first but eventually the title stuck and so he remained.

She often speculated whether that decision was an official reason to keep him around. After his grandparents, who'd brought him up, had died; Nick had been understandably downcast. He had no close relatives, that she knew of, when not staying at the palace he lived in his small home in the Heights, alone. Whatever the reason, he had become an established figure at the imperial court and for the most part, he seemed to be enjoying his position. Not that all the nobles cared for his antics and Adelais always gave him a cold reception, but their scorn had never gotten to him. The empress even found herself laughing at many of his jokes, and these last few years she had precious little to laugh about. However, his humor was not what she called him for tonight.

As equally obvious as Nick's quick wits became during his time at court, was his ability to move around unnoticed. He tended to overhear things as well and in time proved useful. It wasn't long after he became the jester, Silvia and her husband began relying on him for information as well. Nobody tended to notice a fool and thus he always managed to stay up to date on the dealings of many nobles. From what Silvia knew, he had some connections throughout the city as well. Though for now, he had been unable to learn anything substantial about the recent murders. She held out hope that he could come up with something for them to go on.

"So, do you have any news?", she asked, wearily.

"The man killed two nights ago, Oppius, was a prominent merchant with ties to several of the desert clans and the Omri. He was in town overseeing a trade shipment for a few days, but obviously his business was cut short," Nick explained. "He was seen on Market Street prior to the murder, and he was conversing with an unidentified individual. That's all I know, but I'm still digging up leads."

Silvia had heard of this man; he was one of the wealthier in the empire. He had attended court a few times but not in recent years. His death would surely have an impact in their dealings with the South. She may need to write to her daughter to see if word has gotten back to the Desert Lord about this.

"Have you gotten anywhere in finding the culprit?", Silvia questioned.

"Well, I've been investigating some of the other nobles. I've crossed Proculus, Quintus, Lucius, and Caelus off as subjects. I don't think Antonia or Atia are involved but Claudia is a possibility. There are still more I need to look at. However, there is the possibility a noble isn't committing these crimes. Whoever is responsible has resources and they're good. Otherwise they would have been caught by now," Nick stated, as he paused in thought.

Silvia doubted that any of the nobility were personally responsible for these killings but as he said this person was no amateur. Therefore, it was possible somebody with wealth was paying them. At least they were no random indiscriminate murders. The victims had all been people of wealth and standing in society. There had to be some reason for all this. The city hadn't faced this kind of murder spree since before she was born. The last serial killer to plague, Aldus, the Twilight Phantom, had terrorized the nobility and commoners alike. That was fifty years ago, perhaps whoever was committing these crimes now was trying to emulate them or they had somehow returned.

Regardless of the reason, it was greatly concerning that there hadn't been progress in catching the killer and or even discovering how they were getting away with these crimes. The last killing happened a few days ago marked the sixth one of its kind in the last two months. The kills were always a stab in the back or a slit throat and always at night. The killer was doing their best to avoid detection and not create a scene, but several of the victims even had their bodyguards slaughtered right alongside them. This could be an indicator there were multiple people involved, but the guards would've noticed.

"Do the best you can. If things don't change, we may even have to bring in the Inquisition," the empress said, as she considered what that could mean for the city.

"We've already got a real mess here. If the guards can't handle this, I don't know that the Inquisitors could help. They may make matters worse," Nick shook his head. "I can't have them banging down my door, after all." He gave light chuckle.

"I know, but we've had no luck tracking down the culprit. Perhaps they can find something we can't," Silvia sighed. Their methods could be questionable at times but when the inquisitors were properly motivated, they were nothing if not efficient.

"Of course, there is the possibility the killer isn't human", the jester whispered, as he looked down at the desk.

This was something that had occurred to Silvia as well. There were Fen, Alluvial mole men and even the odd Omri orc living with the city. Someone from one of those races was doing this, which could explain why the guards were having difficulty finding them. The Alluvials mostly stuck to the Forge District and their small community in the catacombs beneath, Lower Town. The few Fen that resided here were mostly scattered. She didn't know what any of them had to gain from killing these people except a little gold, but a little gold was usually enough motivation for any criminal. If it were indeed someone from a longer-lived race than it well could be the same murderer from all those years ago.

"So, do you think it's a Fen or Alluvial? Possibly an Omri?" she questioned, as she placed her hand on the desk. The elves and the mole men had found their niches within the Empire, but they tended to keep to themselves more often than naught. The orcs were a rarity this far north with the primary Omri bands keeping to the desert.

"No. It could be something else. These killings only happen at night and there have been no witnesses. There's some kind magic at work here. I don't want to rule out vampires, either. Though I'm not going to be spreading those ideas around." Nick said nervously.

Memories of the last conflict flashed before her eyes, causing the empress to wince. Since the end of the war, great efforts had been made to track and eradicate such creatures including the demonic knave and vampires. The Inquisition, along with their Inferno Knight allies had been exhaustive to purge such evils from the land. After what they had all endured in the past decades, she couldn't blame them. However, since the burning of Setna, six years prior, there hadn't been any recorded vampire or cultist activity within the empire, at least none publicly discussed.

"You can't be serious, Nick. I'm sure this is some common cutthroat, probably doing it for the gold either because they were paid, or they wanted to loot the victims," she scoffed. She wasn't sure about this assumption and wanted to make sense of this. It was more reassuring to think this was merely a regular murderer, but with how long it was taking to catch them, there was something different about.

"Well, we can't rule out any possibilities. I can go check with my sources and see if I can learn more," he promised as he turned toward the door.

The Empress didn't know who all of Nick's sources were but usually he was able to get the information he needed from them. There were indications he ran with some less than reputable people, when not at court, but she tried not to think about it, even if she did worry for his safety at times. Aside from his value as a jester and a spy, he still meant a lot to her and the rest of the family. Though she wouldn't fully admit to his face.

As he was headed toward the door, she reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a paper with the imperial seal, "You'll need this, if you're going out into Low Town tonight. There's a curfew going into effect. It wouldn't do for you to be arrested", she said with a smile as she handed him the paper. "And be safe" She added.

"Thanks, I always am", he said with a smirk and a wave, as he left on his quest to trace the killer.

Once he left Silvia poured herself another glass of wine. After her day she needed something to take the edge off. She looked over a few more documents on the desk. There was a letter from her daughter, Serena, and some messages from a few nobles with various requests. It could wait until tomorrow. Shortly after putting down the papers she got into bed next to the, still sleeping, emperor. He appeared to be having a nightmare as he was tossing and turning a bit. Eventually he settled, and she tried to relax and get some rest as well, though it was awhile before sleep came. The Empress hoped the next day would bring better news. It didn't.

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