Waterworks (BNHA x OP Reader)

By AveryMackenzie1

7.8K 243 135

Follow the story of a young child who has a quirk which allows them to do some pretty amazing things! Not eve... More

Chapter One: They're Just A Kid
Chapter Two: I'm Taking Her
Chapter Three: A Second Chance
Chapter Four: Show Us What You Can Do (Part One)
Chapter Five: Show Us What You Can Do (Part Two)
Chapter Six: The Recommendation Exams
Chapter Seven: I Did It!
Chapter Eight: The First Day
Chapter Nine: Hero Vs. Villain (Part One)
Chapter Ten: Hero Vs. Villain (Part Two)
Chapter Eleven: Break In
Chapter Twelve: No Matter What (Part One)
Chapter Thirteen: No Matter What (Part Two)
Chapter Fourteen: No Matter What (Part Three)
Chapter Fifteen: First Day Back
Chapter Sixteen: She's Awake!
Chapter Seventeen: The Apology
Chapter Eighteen: This Would Be Devastating To Her (Part One)
Chapter Nineteen: This Would Be Devastating To Her (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty-One: Reliving It Isn't Any Easier (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Festival Begins
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Calvary Battle

Chapter Twenty: Reliving It Isn't Any Easier (Part One)

213 7 19
By AveryMackenzie1

Burukku's POV:

I went back to class after lunch feeling much better than I did beforehand. Talking with the third years really did help me feel better and it was very nice of them to offer to train with me. I walked into class with a small smile on my face, not noticing everyone looking at me as I walked in. I completely missed the smiles that spread on the faces of most of the class as I walked to my seat.

Our next class was hero informatics which basically meant we had a free period to start training for the sports festival. We all changed and made our way out to the training grounds where we were dismissed to start training. As I was about to walk off to find a place to train, I was stopped by All Might, "Young Burukku, Nezu needs to talk to you in his office." He said causing me to nod and head off back to the school. It took me a few minutes to make it to Nezu's office; upon arriving I knocked and was promptly greeted by the door opening revealing a full office. There were a few heroes and several police officers in the room causing me to get slightly nervous, "You needed to see me Nezu?" I asked in a slightly nervous tone, "If I'm interrupting something, I can come back later..." I trailed off. Nezu stood before he spoke, "I did and you're not interrupting, I have a question for you." He stated prompting me to move further into the room. I was painfully aware of all the eyes on me but I did my best to ignore it, "You've mentioned before that water holds memories, can you elaborate on that?" Nezu asks causing me to relax slightly. "Well, yes," I started moving my hands to pull some of the water from my body as well as the room and creating an image of me sitting in a chair across from Nezu. I made sure to pick a memory that Nezu would remember, I let the memory play for a few moments before I dissolved it and looked back to Nezu who was smiling at me. Before he could say anything one of the police officers spoke, "So you can only show things? You can't have sound or anything?" he asked in almost a mocking tone which caused the air in the room to become slightly hostile. I could see the heroes getting slightly angry and Nezu looking like he was ready for his office to be destroyed, before that could happen, I spoke up; "I can, but for that to happen I need to focus more and it takes more energy. I don't know if Nezu needs anything else but my class is doing training for the festival and I would like to save my energy for that." I explained.

I looked over at Nezu hopping he would pick up what I was hinting at and I was happy to see that Nezu was about to speak, however the words he said made me less than happy. "Burukku, we need you to go back to the USJ and show these officers what happened there." Nezu said causing my eyes to widen, "You remember what happened there, what I went through and yet you still ask me to do this? To relive it all?" I asked with slight hints of anger and fear in my voice. Nezu didn't seem terribly effected by what I said, "Yes, I am and I'm sorry that I have too. As far as we can tell, you're the only one around who could do this, please Burukku." He said causing me to pause and drop my eyes to the floor, I could feel the atmosphere in the room shift to one of nervousness as everyone awaited my response. With a small sigh I nodded my head causing Nezu to also nod, "You'll leave immediately." He said prompting everyone in the room to stand.

The ride to the USJ was tense, nobody spoke and it was clear to anyone who looked at me that I did not want to be doing this. Everyone present knew that if there was another option, they would have taken it in a heartbeat and they also knew that that was the only reason I agreed to this. When we arrived, I got out of the car and froze as I looked at the building already remembering what happened the last time I was here. I didn't move for several minutes which was enough time for everyone to get out of their respective vehicles and look over at me with looks of sadness and understanding, they all knew this was going to be a horrible experience for me. With a deep sigh I walked to the building prompting all the adults to follow me.

Being inside the building was worse then when I was outside of it but I knew I needed to do this; I turned to the adults and let out a sigh before I spoke, "A lot was going on at once and I think it would be better to go area by area so you guys don't miss anything." I said causing most of them to agree. Over the next few minutes, I explained the layout of the building and which areas we were going to do in what order, for the most part everyone agreed to the order knowing I had set it up so I would be doing the major fight last. They knew I had done that so I would be able to go see my dad immediately after and almost everyone thought that this was a good idea, 'almost' being the key word here. "Why don't we do the middle after the entrance? It's closer." The same police officer from earlier said causing an irk mark to appear on me; "First off," I started, "that would mess with the order of how things happened. Second, I'm setting the order, you have no say in it." I said causing him to adopt an angered expression. "Listen little girl, you need to show some respect..." he started but I cut him off, "No sir, you do. Last time I checked I was the one who had already lived through this. I was the one who watched friends almost get hurt, who watched family almost die, who fought to save everyone here and almost died themselves. I don't have to help you; I owe you all nothing yet I am here willing to help. The center is where the worst things happened and it will be the most taxing on my mental health which is why I am leaving it until the end. Now, if nobody else has anything stupid to say then shall we get started?" I asked. I received no response which caused my eyes to start glowing, prompting me to begin pulling the water from the area of the entrance and start showing what had occurred.

It took a few hours to get through almost all the areas and to finally end up in the center area. It was very clear to everyone present that I was more hesitant to show what had happened in this area versus the others but before anyone could say anything my eyes began to glow again and the water began rising and taking shape. What everyone failed to ask before this started was what would happen if I went over my limit or even get too close to it, that meant none of the pros or police who were there knew what they should be looking for when it came to differences in me using my quirk. Nobody realized that, for me at least, reality was beginning to blur and I was starting to get confused as to where and when I was.

*~Meanwhile Back At UA~*

Class had ended almost half an hour ago and Aizawa was confused. Normally, unless she had said otherwise, Burukku would have met him in the staff room so they could go home yet he hadn't even received a text from her saying that she would be late which confused him greatly. It took another five minutes for him to start pacing catching the attention of the other teachers in the room. "Hey Shota, what's wrong?" Mic asked knowing this behaviour was completely out of the normal for his friend. His question prompted him to stop pacing and, begrudgingly, tell Mic what was on his mind. As he explained several of the other teachers were listening and found the silence from the girl odd; one of the teachers though was able to offer some form of lead for Aizawa. "Last time I saw her was when I sent her to Nezu." All Might said catching the attention of the conversing heroes. Aizawa cocked an eyebrow as if to ask why she needed to go meet Nezu prompting All Might to explain further, "Nezu had told me he needed to speak with her, she wasn't in trouble from what I could tell." He said causing Aizawa to nod, "I'll go ask him then." He said before leaving the staff room with Mic hot on his heels.

The pair arrived at Nezu's office and entered without even knocking. "Hello Aizawa, Hizashi." Nezu greeted, "What can I do for you?" he asked prompting Aizawa to ask about his daughter. "Ah yes, Burukku's quirk was needed." He said causing confused looks to cross the two heroes faces prompting Nezu to explain further, "You remember how Burukku can show memories from the water in an environment. Well, that ability was needed by the police and heroes who are investigating what happened at the USJ, they needed to see what happened inside not just the recounts of the students." He finished. Anger rushed through Aizawa, "Are you telling me that you're making her relive all of that?!" Aizawa demanded, even Hizashi's face held anger at the news. "If there was another way, I would have advocated for that but there wasn't and Burukku understood that." Nezu stated but Aizawa was having none of it; "Do you realize what the side effects are for her showing memories for a prolonged period of time? Reality blurs! She'll get confused and not realize that she isn't in danger which could cause her to try and attack the memories!" Aizawa explained angerly causing Nezu's eyes to widen slightly. "How long has she been gone?!" Aizawa demanded slightly panicked, "She left just after lunch..." Nezu trailed off. At his words Aizawa burst from the office with Mic following closely behind.

The entire trip to the USJ Aizawa had only one thought: 'Please be okay.'

Hey guys! I'm so sorry it's been awhile since I've updated, I finally got a day off and made sure to use it for this! I hope you are all being safe and trying your best to find something fun to do during this pandemic, my city is currently in a shutdown so nothing is really open.

I would like to say a huge thank you for having this story hit over a thousand reads! That is absolutely amazing and I thank you all for it! It means so much to me and I really hope you all are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it!

I would like to remind you all that no matter what I am here for you all and that I am always up to talk to anyone and everyone who needs it! Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all for reading and just remember that I love you all!


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