When Worlds Collide

By Courtneylynn177

16.2K 369 39

The Cullen's leave, Jasper leaves, so RaeLynn runs away. Where does she go? Who does she meet? Will she ever... More

Bella's 18th Birthday!
Mystic Falls?
first full day in my new home
The Founder's Ball
Founders kick off party
Miss Mystic Falls
You don't belong here.
Turned Against My Will
Heading Home
The Switch
Advice from Sam
The Engagement
Graduation Party
Victoria's Newborns Require Wolves
Newborn Training
Jasper's Past
Sibling Session
Jasper Finally Understands
Giving Jazz the Gifts
Final Training
The Battle/The Volturi
Talking With The Pack
My Suprise!
17 Years of RaeLynn!
Book 3

Freak Out

768 14 5
By Courtneylynn177

I woke up in my bed I was alone but a coffee cup was sitting on my bedside with a note.

Dear RaeLynn,

I'm sorry this happened, the drink I gave you every morning had my blood in it and was a precaution but it wasn't supposed to be necessary. When the truck hit the wall you and Caroline had internal bleeding, but while they could save her... They couldn't save you, I am sorry but you died with my blood in your system. Now you have a choice, you can drink the blood in the coffee mug or you can wait out the 24 hours and die again. I am very sorry this happened but remember we all love you and will respect whatever you decide to do. 

P.S. The Cullens and your siblings are still here.

Love Damon

I sighed and said "Well damn." I grabbed the cup and looked inside, it smelled good, but I know that is just vampirism. I leaned against the headboard and sighed as I thought about what I wanted, I wanted children but no matter my choice it ain't happening because I'll either be dead or a vampire. If I died I wouldn't have to deal with the Cullen drama but I also wouldn't get to enjoy life. I have to talk with them, especially since Alex and Bella took Alice and Edward back. Getting alcohol would be easier, with compulsion, I saw a box on my dresser so I went over to the box and picked it up. On top was a little note.

~In case you choose to live~ -Love Bonnie

I opened the box and saw a daylight ring, I smiled and took the box to my bed, I hollered out "Bella! Alex!" They came in and crawled in bed with me. Bella said, "Jasper has been sitting outside the door since we got here." I said "I'm not surprised. I'm sorry." Alex said, "For what?" I said "For everything, for being stuck with me as your sister, for being a screwup, for running away, for barely speaking to you... I mean the list goes on." Alex said, "Why did you run?"

I looked at my twin "Because I was scared and upset. We celebrated Bella turning 18 and then I was gonna share the news of my emancipation. I fell asleep in his arms and I had an amazing dream. He moved into my house with me, and life was good, I healed mentally and physically. We were good, we didn't argue since all we argued about was the abuse. We graduated and got married, we had two kids a boy and a girl, Then I woke up and he was gone. He had left me and didn't say goodbye. He swore he'd never leave me and then he did like it was nothing, like I meant nothing to him, which hurt because he is my everything."

Bella said, "Didn't he leave you a note?" I said "Yeah and all it said was 'Sorry your too good for me.' He didn't even sign his name that was all that was written. Suddenly the only thing I was working for, surviving for was gone like smoke and I didn't know how to handle it so I got in my car and I drove. I drove away from the abuse, I drove away from every good memory of him, eventually, I made it here and I was hungry and people were nice so I stayed. Now, these people some of them are vampires but different from the Cullen's, they can eat food, and sleep, and go in the sun with a magical ring."

I got up to sit against my door so he didn't bust inside and said "The accident gave me to options. I am in transition to be a vampire so I can either A) Drink the human blood in that cup, put on the blue ring, and live my life forever as a vampire. Or the one im leaning toward option B) I can dump out the cup and in 24 hours I can go to sleep and never wake up again." The doorknob started to jiggle I said "There would be no abusive fathers, no abusive boyfriends, no boyfriends that make out with friends moms, and no boyfriends that leave you, making you question what you did wrong to deserve being left without a goodbye like you were nothing. Make you question everything he has ever told you." The jiggling stopped and we heard him slide down the door to sit on the floor.

I hugged my knees to my chest and said "I would finally be at peace, nothing and no one could hurt me ever again. It's tempting, but he can stop planning his death as I haven't decided yet. When did they get back?" Bella said, "Funny story actually." They came and sat with me as she said "I was depressed and didn't eat or move much, I jumped off a cliff at the rez because dangerous stuff made me see him. But there was a storm so I almost drowned. Jake saved me..." Alex said "Jake, Quil, Embry, Paul, Sam, and Jared all phased."

She said "Yeah, anyway Alice saw me jump but didn't see him save me so she thought I killed myself and came to check, Rosalie told Edward and he ran to Italy to kill himself so, me, Alex, and Alice raced to save him. The whole family came to Forks and when we got back Jasper asked where you were and when we said we didn't know, we gave him your number and he had you tracked. And boom here we are." I said, "Oh yeah, got it, so I ran away, you tried to kill yourself, and you did what?" He said, "I did nothing, she left with the family but she still kept in contact with me."

I said "Now I understand, you got the good one, the one that actually loves you and couldn't bare to actually leave you. Ain't you special." Alex said, "Rae Rae you can't die." I said, "Actually I can, right now it's rather easy, you just don't want me to." He said "No I don't, neither does B. And neither do any of the Cullen's. Carlisle and Esme call you their daughter." I said, "A daughter that they left, without even a goodbye or hell asking me to come with I was emancipated and they didn't know because they only cared about getting away from me."

Bella said "Just tall with him... Please?" I sighed "Fine." We stood up and group hugged before I opened the door, they walked back downstairs and I saw him after five long months I saw him and he looked like shit. I moved from the doorway and he followed closing the door behind him. He went to hug me and I backed away. I said, "Jasper don't." He said, "Baby Girl please drink this." He tried to hand me the coffee mug.

I grabbed it and threw it at the wall making it shatter and said "Why? What's the fucking point, Jasper? I lost my mom when I was little, I lost my father at the same time, I lost you twice, I lost my second set of parents, I lost my home, I lost everything so what's the point of even living anymore when I have nothing left?"

I threw my open medicine bottle and screamed "What's the point in waking up each day, taking pills I don't even want, and living only for everyone I love to either beat the shit out of me or leave me. Not to mention I now can't even create a person that won't leave me because I'm technically dead no matter my choice." I shoved his chest over and over even though he didn't move and whispered "You left me twice, I got emancipated and out of the abusive house for you and you left me. How many more times do I need to put myself in the heartbreaking position for you to leave me over and over until I get to die."

I fell to the ground crying, he came down with me and hugged me tightly to his chest. He said "RaeLynn Mazalea Uley-Swan I will never leave you again. I swear to you." I said, "You've said it before and left me anyway." He said "I will prove to you that you are stuck with me forever but I need you to live for that to happen. Please Rae I am begging you. Live." I fell asleep with him whispering to me as I cried in his arms.

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