Todoroki x reader Necromancer

By DimensionJumperXE

107K 3.5K 1.1K

(Previously known as Ghost) Quirk: Ghost I'm practically a ghost at will, I can turn almost completely trans... More

1. First Impressions
2. Not so great meeting
3. A little help
4. Only been one day
5. Our song
6. A group to walk home with
7. Todoroki's Realization
8. USJ and Familiar Faces
9. Shigaraki
10. Love
11. Ghosts
12. Secrets out
13. My new life
15. Sports Festival pt.1
16. Sports Festival pt.2
17. Hero Names and Date?
18. Best Day of my Life
19. The Mall Incident
20. Home Sweet Home
21. Wild Wild Pussycats
22. Shinso
Thank you
23. Let the Games Begin
24. Why me?
25. Touching Reunion
Oneshot: Baby 1A
26. Permanence. 
27. Interruption
28. The Stairwell
Tis surgery week
29. The days Before
30. Lets Dance
The last

31. The End.

2K 72 34
By DimensionJumperXE

Before I start, yes I changed the cover and the name again😂 I like changes and I believe this is the one since this is the end of the book!
Ps. I highly recommend listening to this song🥰 Also! Picture above is Xao.

This felt wrong. Everything felt wrong. What was I thinking when I said yes. I'm not a villain...

I lay on my back facing the ceiling of the dark room. The smell of mold is so prominent it makes me want to gag. "You know you'll need a new name if you're gonna be a bad guy!"
"Shut up Xao..." I turn on my side facing away from the tall boy. "Aw come on y/n, you have to embrace it!" Xao is a spirit that manifested after I got here. He hasn't left my side since he found out I could see him. I feel the bed dip beside me and ahead of black hair come into view. "Xao-"
"y/n~" I push his head back and sit up making the old bed creak and groan. "Alright, I'll give!" He laughs putting his hands up defensively. "Why do you insist on sticking with me?" I get off the bed and walk over to the singular black table with a glass of water on it. Maybe the water will wash away the ugly taste in my mouth. "I just want to help you!" He twirls around my small room making his black tailcoat swirl around him. "Plus... I need to make you stronger, in a way Ena never could" He smirks as I unintentionally shatter the glass water in my hand, my eyes glued to the wall in front of me. "Keep her name out of your mouth Xao"
"Or what?" He leans down gracefully and picks up a piece of glass from the floor. He gives me a smug look and twirls the shard in between his fingers like a drum stick. "Gonna cry?" My eyes snap to his yellow ones and my fist connects to his jaw in one swift movement making him fall to the floor with a grunt. He sits on the floor holding his cheek for a moment before bursting into hysterical laughter. "Do it again!" he looks up at me with crazed eyes and a wide smile. "It felt good~" I roll my eyes and sit back down on the bed. "You're sick"

Todoroki's POV

This morning I woke up in my bed like normal, only I didn't have any memories from anything that happened yesterday. I was picked up y/n for the dance, we danced for a while before I got a drink. Then I woke up here. The night must have gone by fast? I put on my uniform as usual and headed out the door walking to the train station with my bag.

I sit in my normal seat and wait as the train moves forward. I place my bag in the seat beside me as usual and wait. Why can't I remember anything? The sounds of the train calm my head in the morning, but that peace was quickly disturbed when y/n did not get on the train. I set my bag back down in the seat next to me in confusion. She almost never misses the train.

I step into school and almost like a switch was flicked, I hear the whispers of other students around me. These were different whispers than usual though, it felt as though they were directed at me.  I pass through the halls with my eyes focused on the floor, almost feeling nervous about their gases.  The whispers stop when I walk into 1A and I was met with a stern gaze from almost everyone. I stand there frozen and confused. "What?" Uraraka stands up from her seat next to Deku and was the first to approach me. "Is there something wrong?" I question. Her face darkens and her hands bawl into fists connecting with my chest. It did not hurt but it was surprising to see her angry face. "She's missing because of you.... you... you idiot" She refused to meet my eyes as she finds the words to say. "What do you mean, who is missing?" My eyes wander over the class quickly and see the one empty desk... y/n.


"Let's be honest... Ghost really?" Xao rolls his eyes walking in circles in front of me. "Hey, I like it!"
"Oh come on, be more original. There's literally a guy named suneater" He stops and picks up a glass from the bar and swirls the dark liquid in it. "Well... I don't necessarily want to become a villain like them you know..." Xao rolls his golden eyes and sets the glass down. "Well, you should have thought of that before you joined hon" He slides the glass over to me and I stop it with my hand. I pick the glass up and examine the liquid myself. "I can't drink it, but I'd hate to waste it" he laughs turning around pacing in circles again. "Why can't you drink it?"
"I'm dead dipshit" I look at the glass again when suddenly a thought comes into my head. When Ena would appear for others... she could eat and drink like normal. So why can't Xao? I bring the glass to my lips and take a sip, the liquid tingling my tongue in a way I never felt before. "What is this? It's good" I take another sip, loving the way it made my heart race. "Just somethin special. So about that name-"
"Alright... what do you got Xao?" He sits on the stool next to me excitedly. "Ok, so I was thinking something badass like "Horror!"
"Shadow walker~" I laugh.
"Absolutely not "
"Darkness!" I roll my eyes and continue to drink my drink. "You're getting worse Xao"
"Maleficent!" I stay silent and give him a look. "You like it?"
"Aw come on. That was my mother's name"
"That's not creepy at all..." I down the last of my drink and begin to walk back to my room when I get a thought. "Hey, Xao... what about Necromancer?" I turn around to see Xao blink a few times before waving his hand dismissively. "Nah"
"What why?"
"I got it! Umbra. It's a Greek mythology word meaning shadow or shade. In literature and poetry, a shade is the spirit or ghost of a dead person, residing in the underworld. Plus I think it sounds badass!" Surprised by his sudden knowledge I didn't hear Dabi come up beside me. "What are you tw- you doing" Dabi corrects himself for some reason. "Oh... I was just thinking about a new name I guess. What do you think of Necromancer?" I look up at him. "Too long" He leans against the door frame with a smirk. "UMBRA!" Xao shouts behind me and I sigh. "What about... Umbra" Dabi takes a step towards me and puts his hand on my cheek. "Sounds great... Umbra"
Oh yea, that's what I was thinking when I said yes.

No one's POV

"We all saw you Todoroki!" Uraraka yells angrily points a finger at the boy. He puts his hands up defensively, trying his hardest to understand why they would accuse him of such a thing. "I would never hurt her like that" Todoroki stands his ground, getting more annoyed by the second. "Bullshit! We were all there you bastard!" Bakugo shouts slamming his hands down on the desk in anger. "Not because of you, SHES GONE!" Smoke pours from the blond's hands as his temper rises and his patience shortens.
"W-wait Kacchan... that's a little unfair..." Deku interrupts. "SHUT UP YOU DAMN DEKU! BECAUSE OF THIS ICY HOT BASTARD THE ONE GIRL THAT ACTUALLY HAD THE GUTS TO STAND UP TO ME- OF ALL PEOPLE- IS GONE" People were shocked to hear this but still understood why he was so upset. "She's... gone?" Jiro sighs and plays with her headphones "Aizawa came in this morning looking awful... he said y/n never came home last night. We're all to stay here, for the time being. Present Mic is freaking out"
"I assure you that what you saw that night was incorrect" The gears in Todoroki's head turn and he starts thinking out loud. "Is this the reason I can not recall what happened last night?..." Everyone looks at him strangely as he puts his hand on his chin in deep thought. "What the hell do you mean you can't remember what happened last night?!" Bakugo continues to tell in anger. "Last night... all I can recall is going to pick y/n up... dancing to a single song then getting a drink. Then waking up in my room"
"That's super weird!" Kirishima speaks up.
"So... that wasn't you at the dance?" Kaminari talks for the first time sounding less peppy than usual. Todoroki shakes his head.
The door to the classroom suddenly opens to see pro hero Vlad King in his usual hero costume. "Todoroki Shoto, please come with me"


"Come on slowpoke, he ain't gonna wait all day for your slow ass" Dabi holds open the door tall metal for me. I step into the room and see an unknown woman standing in the middle of a sparing mat. She had long white hair to her mid-thigh, large tinted goggles covering her eyes and she looked to be in a black and grey catsuit. Her most noticeable feature was the long jagged scar across her neck, jaw, and cheek. "Hello darling, my name's Nav" she smiles brightly at me. "I'm here to assess you!" She puts her hands on her hips and Dabi pushes me lightly towards her. "Ah... Dabi... what is this for?" I look back at him and he just smirks. "Your assessment for your new suit of course"
"Wait I'm getting a suit?" He chuckles. "There's no way we're letting you fight in your old thing. It was depressing" I guess we're changing everything... "Alright girlie, don't hold back ok?" Nav gives me a nod as she bends her knees and holds her fists up to me. "Got it" I whisper feeling the all too familiar chill go up to my spine. I attempt to call Xao to my side but he doesn't come. I'm caught off guard when Nav suddenly lurches forward and lands a punch to my stomach. I fall to the ground with a groan and the woman laughs. "Come on! That was pathetic" My limbs tingle and I turn myself transparent to walk behind her. I throw a punch at her back when she suddenly turns around and catches my fist. I gasp and look up at her to see her scar glowing a bright blue. "Eighth sense" Eighth? She chuckles and kicks my stomach making me fall to the floor. "You rely too much on your abilities" she walks over to the door and grabs a water bottle out of a small backpack. I get back to my feet coughing a little holding my stomach. She turns around and chucks the bottle at me. "C'mon, eight more times!"


No one's POV

The pro took the concerned boy to a basement room of the school where he could hear the loud arguing of many people at once. "WELL, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN SHE JUST VANISHED?" Todoroki recognized the voice of his teacher Aizawa. "The security footage shows her running to the baxon hiking trail but when we searched the trail... all we found was this" The two walk into the room to see pro heroes and police standing around a table of evidence and tapes.
The officer hands over an evidence bag with the red and white rose corsage he had given y/n just the night before. The boy stood there frozen as he watched Aizawa take the bag in his hands carefully. It was then that he noticed Present Mic in a chair on the other side of the table. He stands up slamming his hands on the table "THAT'S IT?" Everyone was shocked by his outburst. He never seemed like the type to get truly angry. "There were no signs of a struggle of any kind... although we did find more sets of footprints we ultimately ruled out the possibility of a second party because this is a hiking trail, after all, we don't know how many people walked this trail in the past few days" The loud pro hero sighs in defeat and slumps back in his chair covering his mouth with his hand visibly upset. Aizawa scratches the back of his neck in distress moving in circles. "This is all my fault..." He collapses in a chair against the wall and places his head in his hands. "I shouldn't... I shouldn't have been so hard on her... she would still be here" Even with the audible voice cracks, he doesn't allow himself to cry. Especially not in front of pro heroes and cops. Present Mic jumps from his chair to kneel in front of his distressed partner. "Hey... sho, don't you dare blame yourself. No one could have known this was going to happen" He places his hand on his partner's face forcing a small smile. "We're going to find her" Aizawa places his hand on his and nods his head before locking eyes with Todoroki. "You were the last person to see her. What the hell happened"


Days of the same training went by in a flash. Each day I would get more frustrated that I couldn't take her down, and each day she would push me till my body crumbled. My brain became clouded and I couldn't tell whether I was awake or not. "Rise and shine Umbra. It's day eight!" Xao rips the covers off of my body and throws them to the side. I mumble and force my aching body to roll over and face the annoying spirit. "Go away..." I close my eyes and sit up reaching for my pounding head. "Come on, drink up, and let's GO" He hands me my usual drink with a cheeky smile. "I'm not thirsty this morning, let's just go-" I could see Xao's eyes visibly darken. "What do you mean you're not.. thirsty"
"I mean I don't want it? Jeez what's up with you, weirdo" I stand up from my bed, and the room spins and swirls from side to side. I clutch onto the wall for support and take a few shaky breaths. "See... you're dehydrated" He angrily shoved the drink into my hand and holds it there. "Drink."
"Whatever..." I chug the liquid unwillingly and immediately feel better. "You didn't get me hooked on anything did you?" I ask him questionably. "Of course not, it's only your eighth one. Come on we're gonna be late!" His face returns to his smirk and we walk to the training grounds where Nav was standing in her usual suit. Today something was off though, she didn't seem to be as peppy as she usually was. Today she almost seemed nervous... no not nervous, more like anxious. Almost like she knew something bad was going to happen.


"Your dads and teachers could never train you like this!" Nav screamed as she dodged more of my punches. The more I hit, the more I drank, the more I punched, the better it felt, the more power I felt. My heart pounded in my chest and I physically feel my eyes dilating and changing color. I feel more power than I have ever felt flow through my body like a raging river. "Come on! YOU CAN DO BETTER" I throw more punches at her, all of them failing. She ducked under my fist and jabbed my side making me double over and cough. Not giving me a second to breathe, she swiftly brings her knee to my jaw making me fall to the floor with a painful scream. "ENA WOULD DO EIGHT TIMES BETTER." As I lay on the floor clutching my jaw I feel that familiar tingle flow through my entire body. I stagger to my feet and Nav smirks at my newfound strength. "That's it, feel it go through you-" Instead of focusing on being invisible I appear at her side making her eyes widen in shock. Before she could lift her hand or move I use my momentum to jump to her shoulders and swing her own body weight to the floor. I felt her head bounce as it hit the ground with a loud crack. The same move I used on Twice. I lost myself as I kept throwing punches at her face seeing drops of blood fly. The pounding of my heart in my head was all I could hear, the force of my punches was all I could feel as Nav's arms went limp at her side unnoticed by me. All I could see was red. I could hear the voices in my head telling me to keep going, to keep punching, to kill. I finally stop when the tingling sensation fades from my body. "God damn..." My breathing was erratic, the ringing in my ears was slowly fading, and then I finally saw the appalling sight in front of me. The bloody outline of a face was all that was left of Nav. Dabi walks over to the girl and puts his fingers on her wrist. After a few seconds, he finally looks up at me and smirks. "Congratulations, you killed her" I step back from her limp body and wipe my blood-splattered face with my forearm trying to catch my breath. At that moment Xao walks through the door and gags. "God it smells like sweat and iron in here- HOLY SHIT" Xao covers his mouth with his hands in disgust. I know I should feel awful for killing her... why the hell don't I? Dabi grabs my water bottle from the floor and hands it to me. "You did amazing" He slowly drags his thumb under my eye cleaning my face. I look up at him with tired eyes and lean into his hand. "As I said, I will take your pain away~" He pulls my other hand up to my face and puts the bottle to my lips making me drink all of its contents, the tingling sensation extremely present. The door to the room opens and I slowly turn my head to see Twice walk in with a box. I stand my ground, still conflicted with his presence. "n/n..." He sets the box on the ground and pulls off his mask. "I-it's me..." He smiles holding out his arms. When I didn't move, Dabi puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's fine, he didn't kill her. That was a lie to get you riled up" He reassured me. My feelings no longer seemed conflicted, my body seemed fuzzy all over, I felt as though I was on autopilot. I slowly walked to him and leaned into his embrace. Although I did not hug him, he hugged me with all of his might and sobbed into my shoulder loudly. This went on for a few seconds before he pulled me back to face him "my baby girl-" he puts his hands on the sides of my face and looks at me with sad eyes. "You're finally back home" he smiles a psychotic smile as tears flow from his bloodshot eyes. I didn't smile at him, I almost felt like I couldn't even if I tried. He seemed to snap out of it and come back to reality as he steps back and wipes his tears. "We ah, we brought you something n/n" he motions towards the large brown box he carried in earlier. I lean down and open the flaps of the box, pulling out the contents. The first thing I pulled out was a grey mask to cover my mouth, the second was a loose grey infinity scarf that had threads hanging from the bottom. "Nav thought we'd go for the more torn design since your whole thing is... well death and ghosts" Xao comments sitting on the floor next to me. I pull out the next items which were dark grey lace-up boots and a grey bodysuit with long sleeves and fingerless gloves. "You always did have a dramatic flare" Twice laughs. At the bottom of the box, there was a letter with a silver seal on it. I reach into the box and pull out the note, ripping open the seal and reading it.

Dear y/n,
If you're reading this, you were finally ready for what's to come. Don't worry, I know what I signed up for when I took this job.
Always remember, keep hydrated.

P.s When was the last time you said thank you?


Todoroki's POV

I was sent out of the room because apparently, I was being a "distraction" by telling them to hurry up and find her already. I take a seat on the bench outside of the meeting room and lay my head against the wall. It's only been a few days but it honestly feels like forever. Not hearing her music in the morning makes the world seem so dull, not seeing her gorgeous face makes the world seem so bland. I can only imagine what they are doing to her, and there's nothing I can do to help. My fists clench at my sides as I try to control the anger bubbling inside me. "This never should have happened. What the hell was I doing?" I clench my jaw and stare at my closed fist. I'm going to find whoever did this to her, and I'm going to end them. When they take their last dying breath, I will finally look them in the eyes, and I will smile.


It's been days since I've been able to feel much. I'm starting to lose my sense of self in this room. Each day of training gets easier... each day I get more lost in my own head. Xao doesn't seem to notice at all and I'm starting to forget simple things like where my shoes are or what I was asked. My mind is constantly fuzzy and blurry, half the time I don't know what I'm doing. When I focus on it, I'll forget what I was doing immediately and act as nothing happened. I know it's wrong but- how did I get to the bar? I stare down at my drink and watch the liquid shake slightly as Kurogiri moves behind the bar cleaning glasses. "Good morning y/n, how are you feeling?" He asks setting his rag on his shoulder. I hum in response unable to tear my eyes from the glass. "Sounds like you need more" He pours more of the dark liquid in my glass. Don't. My eyes wander to my side and see a blur of silver. "Is everything alright dear?" The talking purple mist asks. I nod my head and turn my attention back to my glass. No. My stomach turns as the pit feeling grows larger. "Gooooddd morning my newest, darkest addition!" I hear the door swing open and Shigaraki walks through followed by Toga, Dabi, and Twice. "We're going out today! Get your new gear Umbra!" He chuckles and walks over to his chair and sits down. "We're sticking with that name?" I slowly pick my head up to face him with clouded eyes. "Of course! It's badass" He twirls a piece of hair in his fingers. "Hurry up, I'm impatient" I stand up from the chair slowly and I make my way to my room when Xao appears beside me holding my scarf. "Don't you think this is a bit much?" He laughs swirling it around his arm like a toy. "It's mocking your "dads" isn't it" He puts quotations around dads, throws it in the pile, and sighs. "You're no fun teasing ever since you've been dru- ah" he coughs and scratches his head. "Yea you're just no fun" He takes his leave so I can get ready. Drugged. My head turns to the side to see the silver blur disappear again. I shake my head and pick up the scarf again staring at it feeling nothing. I change and head out to the main room where everyone was already ready and waiting for me. Before I could open the door I overhear a conversation from inside. "I can't fool that many at a time!" I hear Xao shout angrily. "You need to keep up the façade that you are dead boy, or she won't trust us anymore!" I hear Shigaraki's scratchy voice snap back at him. Façade. I hear that voice whisper to me. I forget what they were talking about and walk into the room in my new outfit.  "Now doll... what do you say we go have some fun" Dabi wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side. I can only nod my head as my brain runs TV static and I stare off into space already forgetting the question I was just asked.


The questioning of where the girl could be, went on for days before they came to the conclusion that there had to have been a second party at the trail. "So than that really wasn't you that day Todoroki... it was Toga" The officers came to the conclusion after looking at the leagues files. At this point, everyone involved in this case was exhausted. Aizawa and Present Mic hadn't slept in days and were running off caffeine and determination. Todoroki was no better, the dark circles under his eyes were very visible as his sleep schedule was destroyed by his nightmares. His mental state was in shambles without her around and everyone saw it. He never spoke to anyone, he barely went to class and became more irritable. If people weren't already nervous to talk to him, they were now. The class of 1A wasn't much better in this situation though. Most of the days they were sitting in class drowning out the noise of the substitute, their minds wandered to you, their teachers, and their friend. With everyone deep in thought, an officer bursts into the meeting room out of breath. "We've got eyes on her" Hizashi is the first to jump out of his chair, followed by Aizawa. "Where is she?!" The officer sighs. "She's with the villains... on star set street" Everyone rushes to their feet and flood out the door shouting orders along the way.

Upon the fourth floor of the school, a certain pair of heterochromatic eyes follow the movements of the officers out the front gates. The boy gets up from his seat ignoring the complaints of the teacher and leaves after the officers. Unbeknownst to the boy, another pair of students follow his actions.


Kurogiri opens a portal and we all step onto the asphalt road. The fresh air hits me like a ton of bricks. I forgot how good fresh air can be down in that... cave. I hear the muffled gasps and screams of civilizations around us as we all appear. "Oh look how they all run!" Toga gushes holding her knife to her face. Dabi comes to my side and pulls me close to him. "Stay next to me, doll. I got you" I force my head to look up at him as he places a small kiss on my temple. Something was off though, I could feel it. It was almost like my body wanted to reject it but I couldn't. The fuzzy feeling returns to my head and my body becomes numb. I turn my head forward again and Shigaraki gives the orders "Start causing chayos" The group disbands and the people that stayed to watch now ran in terror as they watched the group use their quirks. I stay in place, fighting against my legs that tell me to walk. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" I hear Dabi shout a string of curse words as he runs to me and hides me behind his back. "We need to get her away!" Dabi whisper shouts to a smiling Shigaraki. "No! she's ready. That's why we brought her here dumbass"
"We haven't completed-"
"NO! It should be done by now" Shigaraki takes my arm in his hand and pulls me from behind Dabi. "We've come too far to-"
"Y/N!" I hear my name from across the long road. I look up to see a man with black hair to his shoulders and a grey scarf like mine. There was another Man with him as well with longer yellow hair styled up like a birds, with speakers around his neck. "They know me?" I look to the side giving Xao a side glance. "It's done" Shigaraki laughs and Dabi sighs. "They thought they did. Umbra-"
"Careful they have a new one-" I hear the cops saying into their radios. Are they talking about Xao? Shigaraki leans down to whisper something in my ear. "Eight." My eyes light up like fireworks and my body fills with energy in seconds. "Kill them all~"


A head of red and white hair whizzes around street corners, occasionally bumping into passerby's with a loud "Hey!" Or "Watch it!" He wouldn't even give them a second glance as his mind was on a one track road only. The boy followed the cars and reinforcements to the location but stoped in his tracks at what he saw. A battle scene of pros and police trying to capture a villainous looking girl that he calls his girlfriend. Her disappearing and reappearing like a shadow killing the police backup like nothing. She finally reaches the pro she once called her father and he erases her quirk, but that doesn't stop her. She charges at him full speed and manages to avoid his capture weapon scarf. She almost makes it to his body before she is blown away by an ear piercing screach from the other pro. "YOU TRAINED HER LIKE A DOG TO BECOME A KILLER!" The pro with the speakers yells on the verge of tears at the villains. Shigaraki simply laughs and continues to watch. The girl gets up from the ground looking at the new addition to the "back up" Her cold white eyes drift to his blue and grey ones and an unsettling feeling makes it's way into his chest. "y/n..." He holds his hand out to her in hopes she would take it. Her face remains emotionless as the pros return their attention to her. "TODOROKI, GET BACK!" Aizawa yells as the girl charges at them. The girl launches herself at the boy with immense force and tries to land a punch on his face. He dodged at the last moment and falls to the ground with wide eyes. "CRAZY!" That word makes her stop in her tracks as two more people make their way around the corner. "For the love of AllMight, WHO LET DEKU AND BAKUGO COME HERE?!" Aizawa yells. Shigaraki gets an unsettling feeling, one that makes him scratch his neck nervously. "Dabi- I don't like this-"
"I got it"


My eyes lock onto the boy with blonde hair and the boy with green hair. Why do they look so familiar. "Crazy-"
"y/n" The one with red and white hair takes a step forward. I return my attention to him and I feel my eyes squint as my vision blurs. Distant voices yell as my body slightly spasms in response. Different memories of the people in front of me flash like a movie in my head. Xao appears besides me and lays a hand on my shoulder making the boys tense up and get into a defensive position. "Get away from her!" The boy with green hair shouts. Deku. The silver blur whispers to me. Wait. They can see Xao? "They see you..." I look up at him and see his eyes widen bigger than the moon. "Shit-" he backs away from me. "You're not dead-"
"Dead!?" The blonde boy yells loudly. "Nah he's clear as day!" Bakugo.
"y/n... they lied to you-" The boy with red and white hair talks calmly at me. There's something soothing about his voice, something I haven't heard before. Sho- "N-no! Umbra, listen" He laughs. "He has a mind quirk!" Deku yells. " lied..." They all did. My body convulses again as more memories flash through my mind.
"His hair is perfectly divided down the middle separating his red hair from his white. I wonder how he does that without anything holding it. I was deep in thought when Ena joins me by my side and stairs at him also. "You thinking about his magic hair also?" I hold in a laugh and smile at her words. She can be such a idiot but I love her."
"Ena..." I fall to my knees, my head pounding from the sudden realization. I hurt my family. 
"Welcome to the family..." Aizawa kisses the top of my head lightly and so does Hizashi. "You really are our little baby now" He leans back to look at me and Aizawa fully and a look of realization hits his face. "Oh my god... Sho... were dads!" His smile gets even brighter as he finally realizes what just happened. Chuckling, Aizawa nods his head and crosses his arms. "Yes we've established this already" Hizashi jumps up and down like a little kid fist pumping the air. "IM A DAD! Wait.. WERE DADS!"
"Dads..." My eyes water as realization hit me. I almost killed my dads... I fall to my knees and the boy with red and white hair runs to my side. "y/n!" I look up at him and he puts his hands on my face wiping my tears with his thumbs. It's so much more reassuring when he does it... but why? "WATCH OUT!" Aizawa throws his capture weapon to his significant other as he pulls him out of the way of the fire throwing villain. I snap my head to the scene and realize Dabis trying to hurt them. "NO!" I jump from the ground and rush over to help when I'm pulled back by someone. I don't look back and faze through their hand in panic mode. "Y/N NO-" Before I could reach the scene Mic blasts Dabi to the ground and Aizawa restrains him and deactivates his quirk. "THIS IS FOR MY DAUGHTER" I stand in shock as he punches Dabi over and over not letting up. In one final blow to the back of the head Dabis body falls unconscious. "Well I guess he didn't have it..." Shigaraki sighs loudly. The other pro heroes have Toga in custody now as well as Dabi. "Kurogiri... this didn't go as planned..." He takes a few steps back but then locks eyes with me. "Don't worry, I'll come back Necromancer~" he draws out the word. "Go to hell" He steps through the portal again and the silence of the road returns. The police audibly let out a sigh of relief and go out to help the injured troops and pros. I take a few heavy breaths and sigh as well, it's finally over. "Y/N!" My attention turns to my dads running over to me with tears in their eyes. Mic is the first to pull me in, along with Aizawa from the back. "Oh god my baby girl, you're safe... your safe!" He cries tears of joy. I hug back with just as much force letting my tears fall as well. "I'm so s-sorry... I left... I shouldn't have" my voice gets caught in my chest and they pull back from the hug. "No... baby it's our fault ok? We should have been there... we never knew... we were so angry" Mic puts a hand on top of my head and pats my hair down. "We're just glad you're safe... finally" He pulls me into another hug. My head still feels fuzzy but it's slowly fading as I let myself relax. I look up from his shoulder to see the boy with the red and white hair again staring at me with hurt eyes. Who is he? That voice comes back to me a second later. Shoto. My eyes widen as the memories are uncovered from my fuzzy brain.
"I have my head turned towards the window when I feel Todoroki tap me on the shoulder. I turn and see him look at me questionably. "Yes?" I'm confused by his actions at first, but then he holds out his hand and I instantly know what he wants. I laugh as I take out my headphones and hand him one. "You act like a little kid, you know that right?" He hums and closes his eyes once again."
"I look up to her and fall backwards laying on the grass. Damn, third place again. "Need a hand?" Todoroki stands over me with an outstretched hand. I gratefully take it, but I don't get up, I try and pull him down with me. Key word try. I pull his hand but he doesn't budge. "You've got to try harder than that sweetheart" He gives me a cheeky smirk and and my face turns red. I cover my mouth with my other hand making a fist. "Shut up.."
"There's something I've been wondering for a while now"
"What is is Shoto?" He pauses for a moment and takes a breath. "What are we?" I am taken aback by his question for a moment. " What do you want to be?" I ask looking down at my lap. He brings his hand up to my chin to make me look up at him once again. "I want you to be mine" The words get stuck in my throat as I try to talk. "Would you do me the honor?" I can feel his hand shaking lightly in mine. "How could I say no?"
"Shoto" Hizashi let's go of me and nods his head. "Go ahead" I leap out of his arms and run over to Shoto who holds out his arms to me. "y/n..." he wraps his arms around me tightly as he lets his tears fall to the floor. "I'm so sorry... I'm so, so, sorry" Mine fall as well as my fingers tangle in his hair reassuringly. "No, I'm sorry for leaving... I didn't know-"
"No!" He cuts me off by shouting for the first time. I'm shaking like a leaf in his arms. He pulls me back from his arms and kisses me. I'm taken aback by the kiss but instantly kiss him back with just as much passion. He pulls back and presses his forehead to mine. "I wasn't at the dance... I'm sorry that wasn't me... I couldn't protect you" He shuts his eyes tightly clenching my shirt in his hands. "I- that wasn't?" He shakes his head lightly and I try not to laugh. "W-what's funny?" He looks at me pulling his head away. "I- I thought you did that to me because I was talking to Shinso" I lightly smile at him and he gives me a small one back. "Of course not, I love you too much to do that to you" I let out a breath and lay my head on his chest again. "I love you too Shoto" I glance to the side to see the blur of silver come fully into view. The one that was warning me the whole time... I nod my head in thanks and it vanished in a flash of blue. "Thank you... Nav" We stay in each other's embrace and I can hear the police cars driving away with Toga and Dabi. Wait- My head shoots up from Todoroki's shoulder and I look around frantically, my breath quick and heavy. Todoroki grips my arms tightly trying to get a hold of me. "y/n, y/n, what's wrong?" He places his hand on my cheek moving my hair out of my face. "Where's twice?"

Confetti- Ghost
Jacob Tillberg- Ghosts
Mystery Skulls- Ghost
Sub.Sound- Magic
Ryan Caraveo- Murda
Can't Help Falling In Love- (night core version slowed)
Xan Griffin- Capricorn
Elley Duhé- Middle Of The Night
Fall Out Boy- Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea
AC/DC- Highway To Hell
Besomorph- Origin
My Hero Academia Opening 3- NateWantsToBattle
UPSAHL- People I Don't Like

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