Charming and Snow white

By dani_x_d

19.9K 796 5.6K

(Gonkillu) A war rages in the enchanted forest, Prince Killua flees his infested Kingdom after his siblings a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Bonus : The Ten Curses
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 17

553 23 279
By dani_x_d

Recap of the end of Chapter 15 brought to you by Chrollo :
Chrollo : please accept this complimentary holy water

Readers : thank you

Chrollo : no probs, as long as you vote Team Chrollo.

Leorio : you can't bribe them with holy water.

Chrollo : it's not bribing, they can take it whether they in my team or not... It's just a suggestion

Leorio : stfu

Kurapika: stop it!

@snipermasksrifle now not only you can enjoy my reply

Recap over.

Play Til the light goes out by Lindsey Sterling

Killua P.O.V (but there will be moments when it's in third p.o.v or like no ones p.o.v in particular)

The army walks together in silence, reaching the point where we meet the reinforcements Mito sent. "What sort of men do you think your aunt would've sent us?" I ask Gon, the council and the Troupe listening carefully. Gon shrugs his shoulders. "I haven't any idea, but we do have great soldiers back home, however in this war we would need more than great soldiers on our side." Everyone nods in agreement. He is right, no matter how great our numbers and skills, the fact is their forces come back to life after twenty four hours we need more warriors who won't die easily, more like the council and the Troupe. But beggars can't be pickers.

When we finally stop at the exact destination we meant to meet them, no one is in sight. Which irritates me to no end because we need to get a move on and I don't need people who can't follow simple instructions and tell time.

"Killua!" Screams Gon in panic as I catch a apple that was thrown like a bullet at my head and crush it in my hand. I turn to see A girl with black hair with blue tips and red stripes in it, you can sense her power as she leans agaisnt the tree, she smirks her eyes sparkling both blue and red. "Well they certainly have great reflexes Tenzin." She says, before a guy with black unruly hair and glasses steps out from another tree. "Sorry about that Aino, she just thought she would test you out." He smiles.

I raise my eyebrow. "I am sorry and you are?" The guy named Tenzin chuckles deeply and waves his hand around dismissively as he walks closer to me, my eyes narrowing. "How rude of me. My name is Tenzin, Son of Zeus. And this is-"

The girl walks off the tree and stands beside him. "I am Aino daughter of Hephaestus." My eyes widen after who they said they were. Holy shit. Tenzin smiles at my and every other witches faces. "I suppose you all know our story." Aino says nonchalantly.

"Where's the rest of you?" Pika asks with a raised eyebrow. While the no magic users look confused, all but Gon and Leorio, royalty also know the tales. Tenzin then waves his hand again. "Guys come on out." Eight more people emerge from the shadows that are barely present, it's almost as if they appear out of thin air, none of us witches could even sense them. "Introduce yourselves." Tenzin says.

A girl with blue hair, red eyes and horns smiles sweetly. "I am Ame No Mi Kumari, you can call me Ame, I am the daughter of Poseidon." A guy with white hair and red eyes that stands beside her, glances at us and smiles. "I am Tsukiyomi, son of Artemis."

A girl with red curly hair and yellow eyes rolls her eyes. "We really doing the whole parent thing? Wow okay, then I am Enyo daughter of Ares." A man with Red hair and eyes filled with mischief, one being red another being grey smirks. "Well Darlings I am Raijin, son of Hermes."

A guy with purple hair, pink eyes and a bored expression on his face gives a little wave. "I am Amida Son of Hades" he then looks out into the woods a certain look in his eyes, that I can't quite read, nervousness? Fear? Aino glances at him and pulls him in for a rough hug that he seems to appreciate. A girl with white hair and pink eyes nonchalantly looks up, and then suddenly smiles. "I am Uke Mochi, Daughter of Apollo"

A girl with long brown hair and red eyes, a visible tattoo on the side of her stomach, she oozes knowledge you can partially feel it, she seems like she would be handy in a war. And I already know why, if her mother is of any indication. "I Am Akibimi, daughter of Athena." I am in awe, how does Mito know these living legends? The last guy with pink hair, green eyes and irritation and boredom written all over his face sighs. "I am Aizen Myoo son of Aphrodite." I nod at them.

"Its great to meet you The Ten curses, never thought I would have the pleasure." I state as the entire council and Troupe bow in respect. "The world owes you a debt it can never repay, especially considering the troubles it placed you all through." Pika says politely.

Zushi raises his hand. "I am confused. Who are the ten curses and why do we owe them?" Feitan shoots a glare in Zushi's direction causing him to squirm. Shalnark places a calming hand on his boyfriends shoulder. "Who wishes to tell the non witches and non royals the tale?" He asks as he kisses Feitans cheek, Feitan grumbles and his face turns red.

"We do not have time for this." Aizen sighs out. We all nod. "We should get a move on, Pika can you give them a brief background while we continue?" I ask as we all begin to move once more. Pika nods

"So basically they broke the laws of the Olympians in order to save the world of a threat that they saw coming, their parents didn't believe them and cursed them to earth for eternity to never die, they all were personally cursed as well." He states as we keep moving, everyone nods in understanding, Pokkle seeming like he is about to ask a question. "No we will not tell you our personal curses." Hissed Aizen. Tenzin smacks him upside the head. "Be nice." He warns. "But Aizen is right, its futile to have this conversation before the war, perhaps after we have won." He states confidently.

And so we continue our journey to a place I havent seen in months, a place that held many memories I hold dear to my heart, a place that demolished the fantasy that was my security, a place that only holds misery now. A place I called home.

I take in a deep shuddering breath when we at the edge of the borders. My hands feel all clammy, this is real. It's happening. I feel fingers brush agaisnt mine, I turn to my left to see Gon smiling at me, I give him a small smile back as we interlace our fingers. He squeezes my hand, I take in another deep breath as I look infront of me. "Let's go show them what happens when you fuck with the Zoldycks." Gon whispers in my ear. I nod.

I then turn back and look at all the soldiers and at the ten curses Gon by my side. Kurapika to my right, Leorio beside Kurapika, the rest of the council and Troupe slightly behind us. My eyes flicker across everyone's faces and body movements. "I know you all nervous, and you have every right to be, this could very well be the last day you draw a breath." I pause and gauge everyone's reactions. "But today we make history, we may not live to see our glory, but glory we shall have. Today marks the day everyone will talk about years from now, and you can either be spoken about in awe or in shame. I won't judge you for either choice. So this is your last chance to leave and save your skin." The silence that follows is almost deadly, no one moves an inch.

Zushi steps forward. "We're not going anywhere, I will lay my life down if I must." Zushi makes a fist and punches it twice against his chest. Pokkle and Ponzu share a longing kiss, they stare into each other's eyes, seeming to have a moment that lasts an eternity yet it only lasts a minute, before they step forward, hands connected and punch their chests twice. Those two found each other in this tragedy, I hope to the Gods they both make it, they have been through far too much individually, finally finding peace in one another. Knuckle follows, and soon every member stands together their fists on their chest. I smile. I punch my fist on my chest twice. "Osu!" Everyone follows my lead. "Osu!" I turn back around and take out my machetes, my eyes glowing. "OSU!" I scream as I charge forward everyone charging after me.

It seems my parents anticipated the attack even before we screamed to let them know of our presence, every single villager and kingdom family members were there waiting for us, in a postion I would call a human wall. I clench my teeth as I slide on my knees and slice two people clean through their middles, kicking down four others in my wake. I then speed through the crowd of innocent people tapping about 50 "Forgive me." I whisper as my eyes glow blue. "Pierfrsoon" Everyone I touched lights up as electrical currents surround their bodies and they fall to the ground, spazzing and twitching as they get electrocuted, the smell of burnt flesh wafting through the air as some scream in pain. A tear slips down my face as I increase the percentage to 100% and everyone stops moving all together. I then add electricity into my weapons, my hands clenching around them. As I charge for the next group.

Zushi grunts as he stands from the floor dirt covering his body, his eyes widening as his heart stops. "Knuckle!" Knuckle gives Zushi a reassuring smile, Zushi screams in distress as a hand goes through Knuckle's chest and pulls the heart out squeezing, blood shooting out everywhere as the heart is reduced to nothing, his smile still present as his body drops to the floor. Zushi punches the ground as he cries out and stands grabbing his lost weapons and slicing five of their heads of in the span of a minute.

Kurapika gasps as he feels a familiar magic enter the battle and his eyes transition back to normal, his head whips from left to right trying to spot him. To see him. A hand lightly touches his shoulder. "Looking for me Pika?" Chrollo whispers deeply into Kurapika's ear as he shudders. He turns around, tears filling his eyes. He wants to hug and kiss him, but nows not the time. Chrollo simply smiles at him as he waves his hand, before his eyes turn black. "Onekoioi" (kill). The second he utters the word about fifty of the brain washed people drop dead. Kurapika simply shakes his head with a smile as his eyes once again glow Scarlet. "Spike alicetu twist liertu hearts frde liertu enemy" (Spike and twist the hearts of the enemy) His chains raising to the air and multiplying before striking into the chests of the forsaken and twisting, causing them to draw their last breaths and drop to the ground. The Ten curses skillfully slaughter everyone in their wake, the battle seeming to be leading towards their victory. Leorio glares at Chrollo's back, then shakes his head trying to remember Chrollo is a friend. A friend who has the love of his life. He shakes his head and takes out his emotions in the battle.

Gon panics when he can't find Killua anywhere. "Killua!" He screams, as he searches. Not even caring for the cursed ones attempting to Kill him, he just strikes them down. "Pika! Find him" he screams. Kurapika tries to contact him in his mind but he can't seem to reach him. "Gon I can't reach him!" Gon's head snaps back to Kurapika, as his heart beats rapidly. "What!? Where the fuck is he?"

I pant heavily as I stare at Alluka and Kalluto. I am not even sure how I got here, one second I was slicing a head off the woman who would tailor all our clothes the next I am in the same spot, but no one else in site. Just my siblings, who I have longed to see since the day I left, that was months ago and a lot has happened since then. I can't help the relief that washes over me, my heart finally feels more at ease and I don't even care or question how I got here as I run towards them beaming ready to pull them in for long overdue hugs "Guys!" Only for Alluka to try and swipe a dagger at my throat and Kalluto to try and plunge a dagger through my heart, I react quickly and dodge both attacks, my heart dropping as my eyes widen as I look into their eyes. Its black. It's not their eyes, if anything I can sense someone else's eyes within them "A-Alluka this isn't you" I whisper. Kalluto smirks as she charges for me, throwing a knife that I dodge only for her to swipe at my legs and for me to fall on the ground with a grunt of pain. Now this is when I start to worry about the fact that the others are no where in site, and as to how I got here. It was so subtle I didn't even sense the magic, it was definitely a power of an old one. A forsaken one. A dark witch. The ones who started all of this. That means they close. Unless they can conjure this powerful magic in a distance.

"Really cause I feel fantastic brother." Alluka states. I gulp as I stand and back up from them. "I am not going to fight you guys!" I scream. Kalluto simply pouts as she tosses and catches the blade in her hand, her eyes blazing with the need fo fight. Itching with the need to kill me. "That's too bad brother because we are surely going to fight you and it would be no fun if you didn't put up a fight." I look around, it's just us three in some sort of see through dome, like we blocked from the world, like no one else exists. But I know it's not true. I can sense it, it might be very slight. But I know their close, their there, I just can't see or feel them but I know their there.

Gon's back leans against the dome, however he feels nothing but air as his head snaps around trying to find Killua, he backs up and kills through many, but no sight of the white haired prince. Of his Snow white.

I gasp, my eyes fluttering closed for a second. He is here. I can feel it. My hands lean backwards, it feels like I could be touching him. "Gon" I whisper. My head leaning backwards.

Gon's head leans backwards, he feels tingles shoot up his spine, it's like Killua is here but he can't see him. "Gon" Gon's eyes snap open and he looks around vigorously. "Killua!?" He screams, he looks at Pika. "Pika! He is here I know it." Kurapika's eyes glow Scarlet as he tries to search to see something, anything. Chrollo gently grasps his hand as his eyes glow. The rest of the council and Troupe doing the same. "Come on Killua." Kurapika whispers.

I am full of dirt and blood, as Alluka and Kalluto relentlessly try to kill me. "Come on Brother you cant die this pathetically."

"He is not pathetic." Killua looks back and watches as the dome disappears and he sees everyone standing there. All the forsaken are dead. He looks around, there are many of his men dead as well. Alluka and Kalluto simply smirk as their charge at the army, with no regard for their life. "No one attack them they have been bewitched. Theres only one way to end this" everyone looks at me expectantly. "I need to have a little family meeting with my parents." An evil laugh sounds around us. We all turn and look for any sign of movement.

"Aren't you guys just so cute. Pitou was right, this should be fun." Finally an army appears as if out of the shadows. An army of witches from the dark side. "All though it is such a shame not everyone here has the abilities of the witches, it wouldn't make this a fair fight would it?" The sickly sweet woman simply smiles, then breaks out into a laugh. "Not like I give a fuck about that." She then snaps her fingers as every witch activates their powers and rushes at our numbers. My eyes widen, God! What do I do?

"Killua! Go! Once you break the spell all will be good. That's Morgana in spirit form, their not really here! She was once the most powerful witch besides from Merlin, now she can do shit compared to us. Dont worry." Kurapika states. I simply nod as I speed off to where I sense my parents energies.

Gon curses, he wants to be by Killua's side but they need him here. He watches as Killua disappears almost like lightening. "Ponzu!" Screams Pokkle, tears filling his eyes, as Pokkle gets hit with a thousand magical blades, blood leaving her mouth, as she screams in pain. Pokkle slides across the battle field, catching her in his arms. "Y-You're gonna live you hear me?" He whispers as the tears leave his eyes. Ponzu gives him a soft smile as she caresses his cheek and then coughs out blood. "Y-You're my first love Pokkle Archer, T-Thank you for loving me. I-I will say hello to your wife up there." Pokkle sobs and shakes his head, his heart breaking. "N-No you're gonna live." Ponzu simply smiles at him. "Kiss me" pokkle nods and presses his lips agaisnt hers. She cups his cheeks as she deepens the kiss. That is until Pokkle no longer feels her lips moving, he opens his eyes and looks at her as he feels her heart beat stop agaisnt his chest. He screams out in agony. The witches of the dark having no mercy at all as they slice his head off mid heart wrenching cry. "God he was annoying." Mordred simply states.
Gon clenches his fist rage filling him as he charges at the ghost wizard.

Killua bursts through the castle doors, expecting to have to search for his parents. But no, they sit there in the throne room smirking at him. "Care for a game of chess son? It's been far too long." Killua grits his teeth. He glares at his parents.

"No I don't quite fancy a round of chess Father." I hiss out. Glaring into his soul. My father chuckles darkly. That's when Killua notices the two smirking witches standing behind my father and mother. I clench my fists. "A duel then perhaps?" my father asks. Now that doesn't sound too bad. I study my parents and actually see the talisman hanging around my father's neck like a big target. I nod. "A duel it is Father." My eyes glow and I charge forward, my father smirking as he too charges.

My main objective isn't to fight my father even though that would be satisfying at this point, but no, its to use my powers to destroy that bloody talisman. My eyes glow as my Father and I begin dodging and throwing punches. The ones I know as Retz and Pitou have fear striking their faces. Good. Their reign is about to end. "Don't look so smug son. You haven't won yet" my father tells me arrogantly. I meet his eyes. Or the eyes that are simply holding his captive. "Haven't I?" I ask coyly. My father and mother blink in confusion. I take that tiny slip up as my opportunity. My eyes electrify blue at this point as I grap the talisman in my hand. "Ek killua zoldyck sierfr has been greatly affected by liertu curse frde liertu talisman alicetu ekpi frde sieklisoer waoifrfrem alicetu flesh sofrceouniratu all neze piliratucesalier alicetu neze emtunefrce's, as well as all sierfr ekpi safrfrem alicetu bound lifr Tualiralier lifr lend netu their piliratucesalier as Ek voalicevanipier lierekpi cursed object derafrne our lands, alicetu waraekcesa forth peace." (I Killua Zoldyck who has been greatly affected by the curse of the talisman and is of witch blood and flesh conjure all my strength and my demon's, as well as all who is good and bound to earth to lend me their strength as I vanquish this cursed object from our lands, and bring forth peace.)

I hear distant screams of complaint that I pay no mind to. The talisman shatters in his hands, almost in slow motion, I watch as it breaks apart, the peices moving away from each other in the air as if they were done with each other, sick of each other. I notice my one finger getting pricked, the drop of blood sliding down my index finger and making it's way down, until it is airborne. Half the pieces already crashed onto the floor, breaking into finer pieces, the last of it falling and sperating as well, as my drop of blood splashes on top of it. Other droplets following. I suck on my finger as my eyes flicker to my parents. I watch their eyes slowly turn back to their usual colour. Their eyes no longer captive. My eyes look passed them, no longer seeing Retz and Pitou. I internally curse, I should've killed them when I had the chance.

"K-Killua?" I focus back into my parents and see their tear stained faces. I smile at them. "Father. Mother." My mother sobs loudly as she rushes forward, wanting to bring me in for a hug. Out of reflex I step backwards, remembering everything they did. I regret it when I see the hurt flash through their eyes. I know it wasn't them, I shouldn't be mad or take it out on them. "Sorry" I simply whisper and smile briefly.

"Killua!" I turn at Alluka and Kalluto's voices. I smile when I notice they are also back to normal. I rush towards them swooping them both in for hugs. They both clutch my shirt for dear life as they sob. I gulp, as the tears leave my eyes. "I am right here." I whisper, causing them to hold me tighter, I squeeze them both and kiss their heads. "You guys were so brave and strong. I am proud of you. I-Illumi and Milluki would've been p-proud of you too." My voice cracks. They sob even more at that, my bottom lip quivering.

The Ghost witches disappear. Some of the forsaken people wake up, once again normal, others have already went to the light. Gon immediately sprints off to the castle, itching with the need to see Killua. Chrollo cups Kurapika's cheeks. "Hey" he whispers. Kurapika shakes his head and punches Chrollo's shoulder. Before smashing their lips together. Chrollo smiles against the kiss and deepens it. They only pull back for air after minutes. Both breathless, with flushed cheeks. "Welcome back." Kurapika simply says before walking off swaying his hips. Chrollo standing dumbfounded. "You coming or what?" Kurapika smiles. Chrollo shakes his head and rushes after him. Leorio who saw the whole thing smacks his sword agaisnt the floor aggresively. Zushi lays a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Its going to be okay." Leorio wipes away the tears that want to break away. He sniffs and nods. "Yeah." As they all soon follow where Gon ran off too.

"Killua!" I hear Gon scream with excitement, I raise my head and smile at Gon. Alluka and Kalluto let go of me and turn to look at my friends, my new family. "Are you and Gon, you know?" Alluka pushes her hands together and I laugh and nod. I stand and hold their hands, and start introducing them to everyone. Gon, Kurapika and Leorio laughing with my siblings. I smile.

"Well I suppose you guys don't need us anymore, so we will be on our way." Tenzin says with a smile. I turn and smile at the ten heros, covered in forsaken blood. I shake Tenzin's hand. "We appreciate your help, really, you want to say for a bit?"

Aino shakes her head and gives us a sweet smile. "We couldn't possibly intrude, besides we should get going." Just then a women enters through the castle doors, her hair orange in colour her smile kind, like a mother's. She shakes her head. "Nonsense you guys should stay for the celebration." Her voice is sweet, naturing. I watch Gon light up and sprint towards her. "Aunt Mito!" He brings her in for a hug. She chuckles and hugs him tightly. My eyes widen. That's Aunt Mito huh.

Gon pulls Mito towards me. "Mito, I would like you to meet, Killua. He is the love of my life. And I am going to make him my King if, he would allow me that Is." He blushes and looks at me. My face immediately redens, as my eyes widen. Was that a proposal?

Kurapika smacks Gon upside the head. "If that's how you propose to my bestfriend I am kicking your ass." Gon yelps and shakes his head rapidly, waving his hands around, causing me to crack a smile. "N-No! That wasn't my proposal. I have more class than that! When I propose you will aww your ass off Kurapika!" Kurapika smiles at Gon, as everyone as chuckles.

Mito then walks towards my parents. "Give me a minute with these two will you?" I simply nod and they disappear behind closed doors. Bisky claps her hands. "Let's start cleaning the mess we made." The villagers and everyone starts cleaning, but we use magic to make the process go quicker.


Two hours have past and we still have halt the rubble left, because the witches were already drained from the fight, so our powers aren't at 100%, it was hell and I could feel myself getting drained, all the witches seemed physically and mentally drained and everyone else physically drained, as well as mentally and emotionally, everyone is still so tired with everything that went on. My parents and Mito finally exit the building, their faces unreadable. "People of the Enchanted forest, we would like your opinion at the end of the season on what you would like your King and Queens action to be, as for the living purposes we would like to invite you to come to our Kingdom, where we will open our homes to you for the time being." Everyone cheers.

Soon we are all packed, because there wasn't much to pack and on our way to Gon's castle. "So you taking me to your home, are you Charming?" I tease, Gon smiles and kisses my cheek. "I am taking you to our home." He whispers, I blush and smile at him.

A/n firstly I would like to apologize, I haven't updated in months. Since 2020!! I am honestly so sorry. But I am back in the vibes of the book sk fear not I will update more frequently now. The bonus chapters of Gon, Kurapika, Chrollo, Leorio and the Troupe's past is going to be after Chapter 18. Then we are actually by the halfway mark of the book! So yay!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS AND ENJOY THE CHAPTER. I hope it's worth the wait cause Mmh I am not too sure just yet if I am content with it. Might edit it might not. Mmh who knows.

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