By scoopsaharrington

139K 2.3K 624

𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒 𝐕𝐎𝐋 𝟏-𝟐 & 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊 BEST JATP FANFIC '22 WINNER the boys were connected... More

✨ 𝕙𝕚 !! ✨
𝟙 , ghost of you
𝟛 , birthdays and... is that julie?
𝟜 , flashbacks & first kisses
𝟝 , used to be
𝟞 , big news
𝟟 , headaches & hesitations
𝟠 , secrets & reality
𝟡 , a tell
𝟙𝟘 , mental preparation
𝟙𝟙 , regret & confessions
𝟙𝟚 , better
𝟙𝟛 , too many questions
𝟙𝟜 , some bobbie therapy
𝟙𝟝 , whoops
𝟙𝟞 , now or never
𝟙𝟟 , that could work
𝟙𝟠 , tell me everything
𝟙𝟡 , clouded judgement
𝟚𝟘 , unsettling feelings
𝟚𝟙 , needing more
𝟚𝟚 , early risers
𝟚𝟛 , familiar words
𝟚𝟜 , what a time
𝟚𝟝 , my forty year old friend
𝟚𝟞 , spill everything
𝟚𝟟 , that spark
𝟚𝟠 , end
𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞.
1 - the abundant its
2 - the beginning
3 - good listeners
4 - the third crash
5 - happier
6 - still broken
7 - moving on
8 - parents suck
9 - meant to be
10 - traditions
11 - too close
12 - THAT NIGHT , her
13 - THAT NIGHT , him
14 - to healing
extra, how they met
extra, "can we do it again?"
extra, meeting the boys
extra, "we're playing the orpheum"
extra, lets get married
extra, drivers license
extra, just for a moment
extra, rehearsing with the band
extra, skateboarding with willie
extra, iphones & tiktok pranks
extra, tiktok pranks 2
extra, movie night / jealousy
shocks ♪ sunset curve
shocks part two ♪ sunset curve
willie's sister ♪ sunset curve
replaced ♪ sunset curve
tshirt ♪ luke patterson
amp in the rain ♪ reggie peters
back to december ♪ alex mercer
julie's mom ♪ sunset curve
guitar lessons ♪ luke patterson
interviews with the band ♪ the band
new ♪ reggie peters
new2 (lover who can play the bass) ♪ reggie peters
new3 ♪ reggie peters
mad ♪ luke patterson
nightmare ♪ luke patterson
nightmare pt 2 ♪ luke patterson
panic attack ♪ reggie peters
blue for you ♪ reggie peters
student drop off ♪ charlie gillespie

𝟚 , ghost of us

7.2K 123 52
By scoopsaharrington

long awaited part two !! ah !!
so proud of this, enjoy!!
have ideas for future parts.... maybe??
1287 words

♥ ♫ ♥ ♫ ♥


the boy abruptly stopped in his stride, the same converse squeaking on the floor. a shaky breath left his mouth as his jaw dropped slightly, and his eyebrows rose at your word.

"you-you can see me?" luke asked as his head spun. was this his imagination? was he dreaming?

the girl said nothing, staring blankly at the boy in front of her.

definitely imagined it, luke thought as he saw no reaction, you didn't move an inch.

he looked down, he was stupid to even have hoped there was a way...

all thoughts slowed as he watched his girl's eyes fill up with tears, and she bolted forward. luke didnt even see her run to him, it was only a second and she was in his arms.


his arms quickly responded to the gesture, gathering the girl in his arms. she felt the exact same as he remembered, fitting perfectly on his chest. how could he hold a human in his arms like this? she hadnt died with them...

"i've been looking everywhere for you." she whispered in his ear, and he tightened his grasp on the girls waist.

♫ ♥

the boys sat with their old friend back at the garage, and they all stared at each other.

it had been an odd reunion. seeing the girl they hadnt seen in 25 years not looking a day over 20 was a shock, none of them really knew what to do. but after the first few minutes of processing, the boys were just happy to see their best friend again and buried you in hugs.

you now sat in a circle of chairs, and a rain storm set the mood outside, the water playing beats against the windows.

"it was two years after you guys died," you started, bouncing your gaze between all the guys, "i had been distraught ever since, of course, but i was finally getting into a routine again," luke's heart faltered at his girlfriends words. he hated hearing that her past had been so lonely, hating himself for letting it happen. his face fell as the girl's eyes filled with tears again, and he saw her hand shaking and reached to grab it, holding it steady. the girl let out a shaky laugh, "i even sued the hotdog stand that poisoned you guys," the boys let out a hushed chuckle, "after the autopsy, they found out that it was the street dogs, so i took the matter into my own hands." luke rubbed her hand with his thumb, and she smiled over at him.

"good job." alex beamed, giggling, leaning in to put his elbows on his knees.

"it actually helped, i think." you let out another short laugh, but shook your head as you started your next sentence, "but it wasnt long after that when..." you stopped, looking down at your feet.

"what?" luke said quietly, finally ready to get some answers.

"i was driving with bobbie," you cleared your throat as your voice shook, "a-and we, uh he.." you mumbled, "took a turn to fast... and it was raining..." you sighed, and the whole group began to get it. all the boys leaned back into their chairs, running their hands through their hair or putting one in front of their lips, you didnt feel a need to fill in the blanks, "we had gotten really close. after your deaths, we were able to grief together and he helped me through everything." you nodded, not taking your sight off of luke's hand wrapped around yours, "he survived the crash, obviously."

the news seemed to settle into the group, and no one said anything for a moment.

luke slowly stood up, walking closer to you to grab your arms and raise you up off your chair. before you knew it you were engolfed in a hug, and the two boys around you joined in as well. you giggled slightly as you felt the warmth radiate off of the band, and felt all their arms around you. you finally felt safe.

"im so sorry this happened to you." luke spoke next, "but in a way, im glad." you looked up to meet his gaze as you were intrigued by his words, "you would be so out of my league by now."

you let out a laugh, a full, genuine one, and you slapped his chest lightly. alex and reggie were chuckling too, and smiles could be seen by all sides.

reggie leaned out of the hug suddenly, tilting his head in a puppy dog way, "wait," he dragged the word out in a questioning tone, "how old are you?" the group hug dissembled as they all waited for your response.

you brushed the hair off of your shoulder slyly, smirking at the boys, "turned 19 a week before the crash." you held up two peace signs as the boys laughed all around you, all looking impressed.

"man this sucks," alex sighed, "you were the youngest back then, a month behind me," his chest seemed to deflate, "now youre the oldest and im the youngest!"

you stuck your bottom lip out and pushed on his shoulder slightly. "awwww alex, dont be a baby about it!" you earned laughs from everyone, and you smiled again.

"so you've been alone in this ghost world for 23 years? or did you just come back as well?" reggie asked as you all took your seats again.

"well, you have to be remembered... or recognized to be brought out of that in between place." you spoke with hesitation as you tried to explain, but the boys seemed to already get it.

"yeah we know," alex spoke up, "julie played our single on her radio, and thats how we came back."

you nodded, "well, bobbie played the same song we were listening to when we crashed..." you laughed at your words, "it was a weird moment, but a good one i guess." everyone nodded around you, "it brought me back about a year ago."

a year. the words hit the boys like a brick.

luke was instantly sad to hear that, he couldnt even imagine you walking around what used to be your town all alone. looking for him and the boys.

ive been looking everywhere for you, you had said not an hour ago. he understood it now.

"a year?" luke whispered, "what on earth have you been doing since then?"

you shrugged, "i mostly just watch bobbie, i felt bad for a while. i mean, first losing you boys, and then me after we had gotten so close." you shuddered, wanting to change the subject, "he's pretty entertaining sometimes. has a family and everything. oh, and i visit people i know, all your parents... some friends, fam-"

"you've seen our families?" luke asked, and you immediately regretted saying anything at all.

after reggie's family house got torn down and raised as a bike shop, they moved away and were actually doing quite well under the circumstances. and alex's had realized their mistake on hating their son for who he was, and seemed to be trying to get their life back together again.

and you hadn't even gone near your own parents. but you weren't going to bring that up now.

but luke's, was another story. you had been with them on his last birthday, watching their tradition of making a cake and blowing out the candle together. you could barely handle it, they had made the least improvement. you barely went to their house after that day.

but you couldnt break the news, not now, "briefly, now and then," you played it off cool, "they all seem to be alright." sighs left the boys mouths, and you urged a new conversation, "what have you guys been up to?"

luke's eyes perked up at that, and alex and reggie shared a look.

"just wait till you meet julie."

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