y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka'...

By Gavi_is_Queen

419K 11K 2.8K

Please don't copy, repost, or/and steal my work! ------------------------- "Ah, you're both twins. Not identi... More

||1, Prologue||
||71, Epilogue||
||OHSHC as Vines||
||Famous Last Words||


5.7K 158 19
By Gavi_is_Queen

{23; A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!}

Y/n and Haruhi were sleeping in their shared bedroom in the Fujioka residence until the alarm clock woke them up.

Y/n groaned tiredly, not attempting to move or open her eyes. "Turn it off, Haruhi."

Haruhi sighed and turned off the alarm while sitting up on her mattress. "Come on, Y/n. You said you'd go shopping with me and it's better to go early since the store isn't full with people at this time."

Y/n grumbled before getting up from her bed. "Fine..."

The two sisters went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth and then got dressed to go to the grocery store.

Haruhi wore a white shirt underneath her watermelon-pink colored dress along with denim pants. Y/n wore grey sweatpants with a pure black tank top and white sneakers.

"Alright, let's go." Haruhi gleefully smiled as she opened the front door to their apartment. "I heard there's a sale going on."

- - - -

Y/n and Haruhi were now walking back home from Marutomi Supermarket, both of them holding plastic bags filled with food and items. Haruhi was carrying two bags while Y/n clutched onto one bag, a small blueberry flavored lollipop in her mouth with the thin white stick standing out between her lips.

"That was some sale, huh?" Haruhi annotated with a closed lipped smile. "There's no better time to hit the supermarket than a Sunday morning."

Y/n nodded with a small smile on her lips, withdrawing the lollipop out of her mouth. "Yeah, now all we have to do when we get home is clean and do some laundry." She glanced down at her candy and noticed that the blue circular treat was way smaller than it was before. She brought it back to her mouth and bit off the candy, now holding the plain lollipop stick in between her thumb and index finger.

Y/n and Haruhi stared straight ahead and saw a small crowd of people situated around a long, black vehicle. It was a limousine.

'What's going on? Why're they in front of our apartments?' The fraternal twins speculated, pausing their movements as they shared a glance with one another.

They identified a middle aged man wearing a suit open the door to the limousine, granting the people that were seated in there to be let out. Departing the vehicle was Tamaki, Kyoya, the Hitachiin brothers, Mori, and Honey.

Haruhi and Y/n leaned their heads against a pole that was nearby and groaned quietly, disconcerted with the Host Club's presence.

"Wow, so this is where Haruhi and Y/n lives?" The younger Hitachiin twin surveyed.

"It's pretty big, huh? Bigger than I thought it'd be." Hikaru articulated.

"Yeah! Look at all the rooms!" Honey jumped excitedly as he and the others stood in front of the apartment complex, Tamaki pacing back and forwards in an anxious demeanor.

"This building is what you might call an aggregate commoner dwelling." Kyoya described. "Haruhi and Y/n's home is just one of many units in this building."

"Kyoya!" Tamaki began in distress as he placed his hands on Kyoya's collar. "Why?! Why'd you bring these idiots with us?! Especially those two doppelgängers!"

"Well you see. I knew you didn't have the courage to come here alone so I thought it'd be best if everyone came along." Kyoya answered and put his hands on both of the twins' shoulders. "Alright, let's go home. I guess I underestimated our great leader."

"What?! I'm not going home!!" The twins protested and tried to remove Kyoya's hands from them.

"I'm sorry. Don't leave." Tamaki stopped the three of them, hurriedly. "I don't want to be alone. Now listen up, men. Don't you forget! We must be polite." He spoke as the small crowd of people admired the two limousines. "This is a casual 'we just happened to be in the neighborhood' kind of visit. We're not here to judge the Fujioka family's lifestyle. The words 'shabby', 'cramped', and 'run-down' are absolutely forbidden!"

"Right! Yes, sir!" The twins and Honey saluted.

Haruhi had an irked expression on her face while Y/n's eye twitched.

"Don't say anything that might offend Haruhi, Y/n, or their father and cause them to ask us to leave." Tamaki added, his hands shrugged out.

"Well it's too late for that--go away!" Haruhi piped up, making the Host Club look at the two sisters who just made their presence known. Some of the males gasped at Haruhi's harsh tone.

"Y/n!" Tamaki began then looked at the other female. "Haruhi!"

"That pink dress is pretty cute!" The twins, Honey, and Tamaki held a thumbs up as they smiled brightly at Haruhi.

Tamaki glanced back at Haruhi's younger sister. "Y/n! What are you wearing? Why didn't you wear a dress like Haruhi's!"

"Shut up!" She snapped, aggravated at his comment and slightly towards them being at their apartment unannounced. "Today is Sunday and I wanted to be comfortable! Now get the hell outta here!"

Tamaki gasped in dread. "Haruhi and Y/n are so mad they actually cursed at us! I'm so sorry, Y/n! I didn't mean to insult you!" He pointed a blaming finger at the twins. "All of this is your fault!"

"Hey, it wasn't us." The twins spoke in unison while Tamaki continued to bluster them.

An older woman that lived in the apartment complex advanced towards Y/n and Haruhi and asked secretly, "excuse me, Haruhi, Y/n, but is everything alright?"

"Oh hi, Miss Landlady." Haruhi greeted respectfully.

"Those young men are driving such fancy foreign cars," she pointed out, "they're not Yakuza, are they?"

"No, they're not." Y/n replied politely but the older woman resumed her concerns.

"Do you want me to call the police for you?"

Y/n and Haruhi moved out of the way since Tamaki took their place in front of the woman.

He gently held one of her hands and displayed his charming aura. "Pleased to meet you, madam. My name's Suoh I'm one of Y/n and Haruhi's friends."

"Really? My goodness, well aren't you just adorable?" The landlady lightly blushed, placing her free hand on her cheek.

"And he's got her." Haruhi mumbled, her shoulders vaguely slouching.

"I can't believe it. He even got an old ladies attention..." Y/n observed with the same expression as her sister.

Tamaki moved his blond hair to the side a bit and continued to speak. "We're just stopping by; we didn't mean to cause a scene. I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's no problem." She giggled and quickly moved next to Y/n and Haruhi. "I'll stop by later with some snacks for you and your friends." She giggled as she walked away. "See you later!"

Y/n, Haruhi, and the rest of the Host Club walked up the metal stairs to where the two sister's lived, the home unit number being 203.

"Okay, here's the deal, I'm only giving you guys a quick peak. Three seconds. Then you all go home, got it?" Haruhi directed, standing next to Y/n as they stood in front of their apartment.

"Look, I brought you a gift. I know how you two love cake; there's both chocolate and strawberry!" Honey smiled and held up a cerulean-blue box. "I think we should have some!"

Y/n glanced down at the box of cakes then looked at Haruhi for an answer.

"Fine, guess we'll make some tea." Haruhi sighed and Y/n unlocked the front door to their apartment.

Y/n opened the door and walked inside with Haruhi. The both of them took off their shoes and placed them on the side so nobody can accidentally trip on them.

"What a hovel." Hikaru muttered once he caught view of the apartment.

"Shut up!" Tamaki scolded and pinched Hikaru's cheeks, stretching them out.

"A wood-built two bedroom unit." Kyoya examined while standing in the entryway. "That's normal for a commoner family of three since I'm predicting you two share a room."

"Haruhi and Y/n are such pipsqueaks," Kaoru remarked, "at least we know they won't hit their head on the low ceilings."

"Well, I think it's a super cute, little room!" Honey tributes with a wide, kindhearted smile.

"You don't have to struggle to compliment it." Haruhi deadpanned.

"Actually, don't say anything at all about it." Y/n resolved as she advanced towards the kitchen to place the plastic bag of groceries she was holding on the counter and throw away the plain lollipop stick.

"Hold on, are we supposed to take off our shoes, too?" Honey questioned, gazing down at Haruhi's sandals that laid neatly on the floor.

"Please, if you guys don't mind." Y/n responded, dusting off her hands as she leaned back on the counter, observing the male Host Club members.

Honey looked up at Mori. "Did you hear that? We have to take our shoes off! It's kinda like going to the dojo, huh?"

"Yeah." Mori simply agreed.

"Do you have any slippers for us?" Hikaru requested to Y/n and Haruhi.

"Wait, the room's covered with tatami mats." Kaoru pointed out.

"In that case, we don't need slippers."

"Great; thanks for inviting us in!" The twins and Honey expressed as they walked inside the apartment.

"Yeah, thanks." Mori said.

"It's greatly appreciated." Tamaki added.

"Yes, thanks Haruhi and Y/n." Kyoya said as he walked beside Tamaki.

"Whoa! Talk about small!" Hikaru commented as they all tried to fit in the compact living room.

"Ow." Mori let out once he bumped his head on the lamp hung up on the ceiling.

"Be careful. That light bulb's just hanging from the ceiling." Kaoru professed, looking up at the light bulb.

"This place is quite unpleasant but I think I may have underestimated commoner housing." Tamaki admitted. "I know it's a tight fit in here men but just pull your knees in and sit gym-style. Commoners have specially developed this position to conserve space." He acquainted, sitting on the tatami mat with his knees to his chest.

Y/n put a hand on her forehead, moving to stand next to Haruhi. "Oh lord."

The two sisters turned around, about to walk into the kitchen. "We're gonna go make us some tea." Haruhi notified, an irked definition on her face.

"Hey. Here's an idea." Hikaru began and held up a orange-yellow colored coffee-looking bag. "Why don't you two make us this? It's black tea that our father brought us as a souvenir from Africa. Here. Try it." He handed the package to Haruhi.

"Um, sure, no problem." Haruhi disclosed, inspecting the bag of black tea.

"It's best served as milk tea." Kaoru determined. "Do you have milk?"

"We should have some. When was the last time we've bought milk, Haruhi?" Y/n enquired with her index finger on her chin in a thoughtful manner.

Haruhi contemplated her sisters question. "I don't really know... Let's just go to the kitchen and make this tea."

The two sisters advanced to the kitchen and began to prepare the African black tea that Hikaru gave Haruhi.

Tamaki's violet eyes widened and he wrapped his arms around the twins' shoulders. "Stop it! What the hell are you doing?! Don't be so mean to them, you idiots!" He whisper-yelled.

"What do you mean?" The twins quizzed with a raised eyebrow.

"I know you're trying to embarrass them by asking for that African tea. Look! They have no idea how they're supposed to prepare it!" Tamaki attested as the three of them looked back at the two sisters who were in the kitchen.

"They don't even have a teapot!" Hikaru silently cried along with Tamaki and Kaoru.

"And they're too embarrassed to tell us that they don't!" Kaoru reached an unsteady hand out towards the two sisters. "I'm sorry, Haruhi and Y/n. You don't have to go to all that trouble. We don't need any tea, we'd be fine with a glass of water."

"What? Why? We already made it." Y/n conveyed, turning her head to the side to glance at Kaoru.

"Oh, well then in that case." The twins blankly said in unison and went back to the small circle with Tamaki.

Hikaru released a breath of relief. "Man, that was a close one, boss."

"We have been rescued by commoners' wisdom." Tamaki settled in a low voice.

"What do you mean, sir?" Kaoru asked.

"Nothing we know to be true in our world holds true here." Tamaki versed. "We have to be careful how we react. One little offhanded remark could break Haruhi and Y/n's heart. That means, in this fight. The first person to embarrass Y/n or Haruhi loses."

"While your antics are amusing I don't understand why you feel the need to turn this into a contest." Kyoya enunciated as he analyzed the books that were lounging on the bookshelf.

"Okay guys, the tea's ready." Haruhi announced as she and Y/n handed the cups of tea out.

"Sorry that not all the cups are the same." Y/n confessed, placing the last cup on the small, wooden coffee table.

"Come on, Haru-Chan, Y/n-Chan! You guys can choose your cakes first." Honey insisted with a generous smile.

"You sure Honey-Senpai?" Haruhi waited for confirmation.

"Go ahead. We're rich--we eat this kinda stuff all the time." Hikaru accepted in a convinced tone, making Tamaki and Kaoru shush him. "I was trying to be considerate!" He whispered to the two males.

"Well in that case..." Haruhi and Y/n began, sitting next to each other on the tatami mat.

"I'll have the strawberry." Haruhi indicated.

"And I'll have the chocolate, please." Y/n replied.

"They're so cute!" Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru whisper-yelled.

"Okay, Haru-Chan and Y/n-Chan." Honey smiled and gave the strawberry cake to Haruhi and the chocolate cake to Y/n, carrying on the conversation he was having with the two sisters.

"I wish I could tell her how cute she is but there's no telling what might offend her." Tamaki panicked quietly, referring to Haruhi.

"The traps of the commoner's world are terrifying!" The twins concluded, the alarm evident on their faces.

Y/n began to take a bite of her chocolate cake when she saw Mori evenly place some strawberries on her and Haruhi's plate.

"You like strawberries, right? You both can have mine."

Y/n finished chewing the small amount of cake that was in her mouth. "Thank you, Mori-Senpai." She smiled sweetly.

"Thanks! That's nice of you, Mori-Senpai." Haruhi smiled gratefully, making a small, closed lipped smirk appear on Mori's lips.

The twins and Tamaki cried as they slammed their fists on the tatami mat. Y/n looked at them with an imprecise expression mixed with a slightly bothered one.

"Why didn't we think of that?!" Hikaru attached his hands to his head.

"I should've been sharing strawberries with them!" The blond haired second-year whined.

"Why'd we let him trick us?!" Kaoru placed his hands on his cheeks, shaking his head.

Honey ate his cake peacefully, swiftly finishing it. He lets out a satisfied sigh. "Eating all that cake sure wet my appetite."

"Yeah, isn't it lunchtime about now?" Hikaru asked, redeeming his previous actions along with Tamaki and Kaoru.

"Well then, what's for lunch?" Tamaki, the twins, and Honey questioned in unison, the blond haired male and the twins tilting their heads side to side.

"Would you guys quit being so happy-go-lucky all the time, please?" Haruhi deadpanned.

Kyoya stood up from where he was sitting. "We'll take care of it. We did drop in unexpectedly. So we'll pay for lunch, why don't you just order all of us some of your favorite sushi."

"Thanks but no thanks." Y/n and Haruhi declined respectfully, moving so they were now standing in front of Kyoya.

"I know that if we let you guys pay we'll only regret it later." Y/n acknowledged.

"Oh, don't worry, Y/n." Kyoya started and took out a shiny golden credit card. "We'll just pay for it using the profits from the photos of you two we auctioned off."

Y/n and Haruhi flinch as their mouths became agape before letting out a weak groan, their shoulders slumping in defeat.

"So we're really paying for it after all." Haruhi mumbled. "Well, if that's what you want, we do have a friend who runs a nice little sushi shop nearby so we can just give him a call."

"Yeah, and their stuff is pretty high quality." Y/n accorded, making Tamaki's eyes widen and for him to release a gasp.

Tamaki began to write on a piece of paper he found, the twins staring at him with confused expressions.

Tamaki glanced at his surroundings before giving the piece of paper to Haruhi, not muttering a single word.

Y/n looked over at the sheet of paper her sister was holding as Haruhi read what Tamaki wrote. "'Be careful, Haruhi and Y/n. Just because the sushi's packaging says 'premium' doesn't mean that it's high quality.'"

Y/n rolled her brown eyes and Haruhi crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it in the wastebasket.

An irk mark appeared on Haruhi's head. "We're not stupid. We could figure that out on our own."

Tamaki began to fuss, tears streaming down his face. "How could you do that?! Daddy even attempted to look casual and not embarrass you two!"

"I'd really love it if you'd make us something for lunch, Haru-Chan and Y/n-Chan."

"No, Honey-Senpai!" Hikaru began as his face paled, his hands clutching onto his cheeks in terror.

"How could you ask that of them?!" Kaoru chimed in with the same expression as his brother.

"Don't upset them! Try to restrain yourself!" Tamaki exclaimed.

Y/n hummed and glanced at Haruhi before looking back at Honey. "I guess we could make something but it's gonna take a while."

"We can wait!" Honey jumped joyful, his aura felt like there were small flower blossoms floating around him.

"Why didn't we think of asking them that?!" The twins exclaimed while crying with Tamaki.

"This means that we'll get to eat Haruhi and Y/n's cooking!" Tamaki claimed, his tears spilling out from his eyes heavily.

"We're gonna have to go to the supermarket again." Haruhi told them, glancing at Y/n.

"We're coming with you!" Hikaru declared.

"We want to see a commoner's supermarket!" Kaoru revealed with a modified expression.

"Me, too! Me, too!" Honey piped up excitedly.

"This could be a learning experience." Kyoya thought out loud.

"Yay! Commoners' supermarket! Commoners' supermarket!" The twins chanted as they hurried out the door along with Honey, Mori, and Kyoya.

"This is gonna be fun!" Honey smiled widely while skipping away.

Haruhi sighed. "Well, that's it. So much for having the day off today. Y/n, can you go to our room and get some coupons that I have saved in my drawer?"

Y/n nodded. "Sure."

The shoulder length, wavy haired girl walked to the bedroom she shared with Haruhi and walked over to her sisters bedside table. She opened the drawer and dug through it.

"Hmm... Shouldn't it be in here?" Y/n asked herself quietly.

Meanwhile, back in the living room with Haruhi and Tamaki.

"Hey, Senpai? Aren't you coming with us?" Haruhi stared down at him. "Y/n's just getting some coupons really quick."

"I am I just wanted to pay my respects to your mother before we left." Tamaki replied, kneeling in front of the small shrine of Haruhi and Y/n's mother.

"Thank you. You don't have to do that."

Tamaki carefully grabbed the picture frame of the sisters' mother and held it in his hands. "Looks like you and Y/n take after your mom."

"I guess. That's what our dad always tells us." Haruhi shared, standing behind Tamaki.

"She was a beautiful woman and I bet she was a smart one as well." Tamaki complimented with a gentle smile.

Haruhi sat down next to Tamaki, her knees touching her chest. "I'm not really a good judge of beauty. But she was smart. She was a lawyer."

"Oh yeah? No doubt she was a great lawyer! I can tell." Tamaki smiled. "Trust me, you can't fool my eyes, Haruhi."

"I'm not so sure about that, Senpai." Haruhi began and Tamaki's smile faltered. "But Y/n and I's mom..." She trailed off, thinking back to a memory of their mother, making a soft, nostalgic smile form on her lips. "Mh. She was a great lawyer."

Tamaki looked back at Haruhi with a small, light blush on his cheeks. He put the picture back where it was and began to stand up from the tatami mat. "Everyone's outside waiting for us, we should probably get going, don't you think?"

Haruhi began to stand up as well. "Well, not everyone's outside waiting for us. Y/n's still getting the coupons. I wonder what's taking her so-"

Haruhi was interrupted by her own gasp when Tamaki slipped on a banana peel and fell on top of her.

On the other hand, Y/n has finally found the coupons, holding them out in front of her with a triumphant grin.

She let out a victorious laugh. "Ha! I found it-" Her words were cut off when she heard a loud thump come from the living room.

Y/n rushed to the lounging room to see Tamaki on top of Haruhi.

"Uhhh... What's going on in here-"

Once again, Y/n was interrupted but instead of being cut off by a thump of some sort, her words were discontinued by her father arriving at the front door.

"I'm home, Haruhi and Y/n! Hey, why'd you girls leave the door open?"

The man standing near the doorway was dressed in women's clothing and was wearing makeup. His long, wavy maroon hair flowing behind him. He stared at Y/n, who was standing a few feet away from Haruhi and Tamaki, then looked down at the young man that was on top of his other daughter.

"Welcome home, dad." The two sisters greeted, Y/n's tone of voice held a bit of apprehension in it.

After a moment of tense silence, Tamaki screeched and cried out.

Y/n faintly began to sweat drop. 'Oh dear... I wonder how this is going to turn out.'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey everyone!
I meant to update a chapter on New Years but I didn't.
Hopefully 2021 is better than 2020. Let this new year bury 2020 six feet under!
"See you then!"

Posted on: January 3rd, 2021.
Edited on: August 16th, 2021.

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