It started with your gym lock...

By xxApex

70.2K 1.8K 1.6K

Kazuichi Souda has always been picked on, it was never new. But when he gets pushed into a gym Locker things... More

The start
We walked together
One hour before gym. . .
It's all different now...
A sexual attraction
Sure why not?
Author announcement
We can do this. . .
Time flys way to fast. . .
Not a chapter
Where have you been?~
Oh my god!!
Anxiety strikes again ( felt that-)
Locker doors
Words spread quickly don't they ?
Important A.N
This dont realy matter but i mean your here sooo U3U
Knock knock
Cold air
This is semi important
This is just a thank you💛
Such a crybaby
Worth a shot.
This is a thanks💛
Slip away
Tenko chabashira
So much to do
Please read
Pure hapiness
* insert spy music*
Hair pin
One week.

Any volunteers?

384 12 8
By xxApex

Just wanted to let you all know that your worthy of life. Even if you feel useless you'll do something to change the world! Everyone will, it can be a good change or a bad one. We can't really choose but try to make a good change! No matter what your going through I know you'll get through it, don't let it make you a bad person. Grow and learn from the experience!!
happy reading💛

Kazuichi's POV

"These things look important..what if he notices?" I say looking through all of the letters and numbers. Amami has brought a folder of codes. It also had a few passwords in it. But that didn't matter, it had been a week since he had gotten them. We were all in the theatre, it was lunch so we had a small amount of time on our hands.

"Yeah, but that's the thing. They could be useful. We need to figure out what some of them are for. So, I think some people need to snooping into his office again." The grassy haired boy said calmly. He was right, every little piece of information can be useful..after this all we need to do is escape.

"Any volunteers?" He said officiating it. 

People were quiet for a moment, thinking if they would be up for it. Some people, like Soina, Himiko, Aoi and Shuichi were looking away. Like a teacher saying they would pick a random student to answer a question they didn't know the correct answer for. It was reasonable really.
"I suppose I could. I'd much rather not do it alone though." Korekiyo slowly raised his skinny hand.

"Nishnishnish~ I love sneaking around..I volunteer to go with Mr. mask man!" Ouma threw his weird grin at all of us, "anyone else?" I ask looking around. Seeing as most people were still deciding "Uuugh. I'll go since none of you pigs have the balls to!" Hiyoko roller her eyes as she crossed her small child like legs. Maiharu (I don't know if I am spelling that right-) sighed as she took her lovers hand "I should go as well. To keep an eye on her...and Ouma most likely. I can also take pictures of anything that would seem useful!" She said confidently pointing at her black camera
This sounds like a decent amount of people..
"Auta says that you all will succeed!" Angie suddenly buts in smiling widely. "So when should we leave to do our investing?" Korekiyo asks tilting his head to the side and as well as putting his hand to his covered mouth. ( I do that when I'm deciding something I wanted to add it) "He stays in the school until 11:35PM. He usually goes inside of his office at 11:30PM, and someone always checks in on him around that same time. It would be better to go now so we can get it out of the way.. I also recommend you all should go at around 10:00 and you would have a decent amount of time to check things out."
Kirigiri says putting her hand to her chin. "If you know so much then how about you join them Kiri?" I chuckle softly as she looks at me. "Very well." After her sentence we heard the loud bell we've all heard.

Thank god we were able to finish our discussion. I hate it when we all have to wait until next break.

As well all left I felt excitement come over me, we're so close to's breathtaking on how quick this is going. But the sooner the better right? I sigh as we all head to where we are going, thankfully me and Tanaka had classes close to one another, which meant we could talk as we walked. "Things are going fairly well." He says calmly "mmh! It's awesome, we're making friends and going to be able to get outta here with them...thanks for thinkin' of the idea Gundy." I smile as his face flushed a soft tint of red. "You are welcome Kazuichi. Well I must be heading off now, goodbye." I quickly give him a peck before heading into the class, looking back with only my eyes to see him smiling like a dork...


And done! God I really love how this turned out!! 💛

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