The Arrival of Meredith Grey

By ilovegreysanatomy129

64.9K 1.6K 686

Story about Meredith being in the army, but gets injured badly and goes to Seattle grace for treatment. What... More

The Arrival of Meredith Grey
Getting better
When can I leave?
The New Normal
Let me take a look
Better looks
Meeting the family
Together forever
Best day of our lives
Push through
Big news
Doubts & fears
16 weeks
20 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks
Bed rest
29 weeks
30 weeks
32 weeks
34 weeks
35 weeks
37 weeks

Moving In

1.9K 47 178
By ilovegreysanatomy129

(Meredith POV)

Today was the day that Derek was moving in with me. After we woke up and got ready, we drove over to dereks trailer to collect his stuff. We got out of the car and walked hand in hand to his trailer. "Derek, this land is beautiful!" I exclaimed as I looked at the view. "It is." Derek agreed.

They stepped into the trailer and starting grabbing stuff from the kitchen, closet, bedroom, everywhere. "Hey Der!" I called from the bathroom. He appeared in the bathroom and I motioned to the hair toiletries. "Der, do you really use all this?" I asked with a giggle. Derek blushed and smiled. "I gotta tame beast somehow." He said with a corny grin. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair. "I guess you have nice hair." I joked. Derek laughed and put his hands on my waist, kissing me deeply. I kissed him hard, and he led me to his bedroom. "You can tame the other beast too." Derek said with a smirk. He pushed me onto the bed and you know what happened after that.

After our quick detour, we changed back into our clothes and resumed packing.

When everything was packed away in boxes, Derek took one last look at the trailer and sighed in contentment. I came up from behind me and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his back. "I love you Meredith." He said with affection. "I love you too Der." I replied. We hauled all the boxes out and into the car, where we drove off and headed back to my- our house.

(Derek POV)

As we got to the house, my excitement was through the roof. I was moving in my the love of life. We got the boxes into the house and they were scattered across the house. We started on the bedroom first, where we unboxed all of my clothes and loaded them into the closet. Then, I put my bathroom things in hers, which crowded the sink area significantly.

When we were done unpacking, I could tell Meredith was getting sore. She gingerly walked around, and inhaled sharply. "Let's sit you down, okay?" I said softly as I came up to her. I put my arm under hers and guided her to the couch slowly. She sat down and sunk into the pillows. "Can you get my heating pad?" She asked, her voice strained. I nodded and jogged off to go get it.

A few minutes later, I came back and placed the heating pad on her stomach, and she sighed in relief. "Thank you." She said. I nodded and sat down on the couch next to her. "I guess lifting boxes all day was a little too much." Meredith said with a chuckle. "Yeah. You just gotta take it easy when you feel bad." I said softly. "I know." Meredith sighed.

After a pause, Meredith spoke. "Im glad you moved in today." She said softly. I smiled. "Me too Mer." I replied. "What do you want to do tonight?" I asked. "Well, I saw this recipe online that I wanted to make. So we can make dinner and just watch some movies?" Meredith suggested. "Sounds good. What recipe is it?" I asked. "It's a spicy penne vodka pasta. Gigi Hadid made it." Meredith said. "That sounds good. How do we make it?" I asked. "Well, I got the groceries. And I don't really know how to make it I have to look at the recipe. Want to make it now?" She asked. "Sure." I said. I helped her up to the kitchen and we slowly made our way over.

As we were making dinner, I had this vision of Meredith, myself, and 2 little kids running around the house. I smiled at the thought of Meredith and I having kids. She'd be an excellent mother. "Mer?" I asked. "Yeah?" She said, making the pasta sauce. "You ever...want kids?" I asked hesitantly. She looked at me, eyes wide. "I mean, yeah at some point. Not anytime soon. But sometime." She said. "Why do you ask?" She added. "I don't know. I was just wondering." I said with a smile. "You wsnt kids?" She asked. "I do." I responded. "How many?" She asked. "I don't know. 2, 3. I'd be fine with 1 too." I answered. "I'd be a terrible mom." She said sadly as she went back to her past. I frowned and walked up to her. "No you wouldn't. Why do you say that?" I asked. "My mom was never there for me. I don't know how to take care of a kid." She said. "Mer, I've seen you with kid patients before. You have this...maternal Instinct. I can see it. I know you'd be a great mom." I said softly.

"Well, when would you want them?" She asked. "Whenever your ready. I say we should wait a little while. Maybe until we run out of condoms." I said with a laugh. "That'll take a while. We have a lot of condoms." She responded with a giggle. I nodded and smiled. "Dinner is ready." She said.

She took two plates and placed them on the table. We sat down across from each other and I dug in and marveled at how good it was. "Wow Mer! This is fantastic! I didn't know you could cook!" I exclaimed. "I didn't know I could either!" She said with a laugh.

We enjoyed our meal and the second we sat down on the couch and started the movie, both our pagers went off. "Ugh!" Meredith said in annoyance. "Damn. This better be good." I groaned. We stood up from the couch and quickly changed into extra scrubs we had.

We got into the car and drove off. Life of a surgeon. Gotta love it, right?

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