That wolf-boy ~ Jacob Black

By avadakedavra_xo

47.5K 727 103


1. Bella's first day
2. 'Welcome back' party/saving Bella
3. Discussion
4. School trip
5. Bella's visit
6. Baseball
7. the tracker
8. Prom
9. Bella's 18th
10. Edwards Plan
11. Packing up
12. New York
13. Motorcycles
14. Suicide
15. She's Alive
16. Wolf-Boy
17. Volterra
18. The Volturi
19. Back In Forks
20. Run
21. Wiskey
22. An Imprint?
23. Change the treaty
24. Meeting The Pack
25. Trouble
26. Argument
27. Apologies
28. Passed out
30. They are coming here....
31. Training
32. The First Date
33. More training
34. Day off
35. One long night

29. Graduation

1K 18 2
By avadakedavra_xo


(A/N - so ivy is wearing the white dress under that same graduation gown / hat as is seen on Edward in the other picture.
Also as you know Ivy is a year younger than Edward but she is enrolled as the same age as him - so people think they are twins and that's why she is graduating with them )
"Ivy! are you ready yet?" Edward shouted from the door, I was just doing my makeup
"Just. a. second." I struggled with my eyeliner
"Hurry up"
"Alright, stop moaning god" I finally finished so I grabbed my phone and cap as I headed out of my bedroom
"How do I look?" I twirled around, the yellow Graduation gown flowing just above my ankles, showing my black and white high top converses.
"Yeah, good" he nodded his head as I ran to the hallway mirror to try and sort my cap out, but I just couldn't
"Help me" I frowned in his direction
He shook his head with a smile as he came up to me and fixed my cap to my head with a few bobby pins.
"there, hows that?" He asked growing impatient, he wanted to go to Bella, who should already be at the school
"That's good thanks" I turned to him and smiled before making my way downstairs to meet with my family. when I got there, Just like every other graduation we've had Esme was tearing up and Carlisle... he seemed bored of it.

"Right, lets go, we are going to be late" Carlisle warned as he lead us to the garage. Once everyone was in a car we drove to the school.
I managed to stay awake through the first half, but the second was almost Impossible, Jessica Stanley did a huge speech about something I wont remember, finally it was the 'c' middle names to come up, so we knew we'd be next to get our diplomas.

"Ivy, Cullen" the woman at the front called, I clear my throat quickly before getting up and making my way towards the stage. I noticed that all the boys were all just watching as I walked pass the few isles in front of me, I couldn't feel anything but their eyes on me, I knew what most boys thought of me, that I was just a toy that was always bet on between guys, I'd never done anything with the boys in this school, but I knew, because of my 'Beauty' ability that the vast majority wanted to do something with me, It made me feel kind of useless most of the time. Ive heard girls talk about me and call me a 'heather', which I think means that everyone always seems to like that person, and everyone wants to be a heather, but sometimes I cant help but hate being heather.
Once I made it to the stage, and that felt like it was miles away, I shook off the staring eyes, thanked the woman, took my diploma, and got down. I then quickly made my way back to my seat and watched as my brothers and sisters got their diplomas.
"Okay! Ivy!" Edward shouted over the loud music
"Yeah?" I shouted back as I was still dancing
"I have a graduation present for you!!"
"what??" I couldn't hear him for the life of me "Where are we going?" I shout-asked him, as he grabbed me
"You'll see!" He shouted again pulling me lightly out the front door
"what are we doing Edward?, I want to dance" I whined
"Just shut up, you'll love it!" He got very excited as he dragged me to the side of the house. and that's when I saw it -

"Oh my god, no Edward" I threw myself into his arms "thank you, thank you"
He chuckled "your welcome do you like it?" He asked
"Of course!" I squealed "it's like the one in Italy"
"Yeah I'm sorry it's not the same, I knew you liked the colour and the sports type, though I think this is slightly better than the one you used there"
"I love it Edward" I hugged him again
"Its basically to say sorry for hurting you and stuff" He passed me the keys "its all yours"
"thank you!" I jumped up and down
"do you want to try and drive it into the garage?" He asked getting in the passenger side, I got in the driver
"Okay" I smiled, as it started to roared louder than the other one, I got very excited
"Please dont crash it... it was expensive" Edward worried as I drove it backwards so I could line it up with the garage
"I wont crash, did you see my driving skills in Italy" I scolded him. He chuckled slightly as I got the car inside. then I turned it off
"Right, lets get back to the party, you can play around tomorrow" he got out before me
"Okay" I smiled as I ran back into the house so I could start dancing again..
I was on my way back to the dance floor after getting a drink when three, tanned, muscley boys, who I knew all too well walked in. The one that seemed to be in the 'lead' turned into my direction and smiled when he saw me. He walked in my direction, the other two following him until we became face to face

"What, what are you doing here?" I asked
"Bella Invited me" Jacob shrugged, and almost like she was summoned Bella was by my side
"Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you" She told him
"Look, Bella, Im sorry - I'd blame it on the inner animal thing but it was just me.... being an ass. I'm really sorry"
"It's fine Jake, do you want a drink?" She asked
"No, i'm alright, but uh - " He nodded his head towards me and she instantly left, pulling Quil and Embry along with her.
"You look very nice in that dress" he waved his hand up and down
"thanks" I gave a little twirl
"the converse really show class" he laughed
"right!?" I called before also starting to laugh
"I brought you something" He smiled, guiding me through to the balcony "A graduation present" He went into his pocket and pulled out a little bracelet with a wooden carved wolf and a pearlescent heart on it. "I made it myself"
"wow, you made it yourself? It's actually really pretty, thank you" I pulled him into a hug, His arms snaked around my waist and mine were around his neck. We stayed like that for a couple seconds before I pulled away from his body
"Let's go dance!" I squealed
"I cant dance" He tried pulling me back out to the balcony
"I'll show you, come on" I grabbed both his arms and pulled him into the house
"I wasn't planning on staying long--"
"tuff, your staying here to dance" I stuck my tongue out as we got to the dance floor "ready?"
"not particularly"

the second we found a good spot to start dancing I saw Emmett go up to the DJ and the song changed to a slow one. I looked up and scolded Emmett, but I didn't realise he was already looking at me and Jacob, he knew exactly what he was doing.
As everyone else got excited for the slow dance, I was dreading it, I saw couples flood onto the dance floor, Edward & Bella, Jasper & Alice and Emmett & Rosalie in the middle of it all, As Jacob and I just stood where we were.

(Start playing the song now :) )

"So, uh how do we do this?" He asked
"You need to placed your hands on my hips" I grabbed his hands and put them on either side of me "like that, and I do this" I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Now what?"
"Follow my lead" I started to move slowly in and out of the other couples moving around, and after a short while Jake seemed to get the hang of it.
"This is easy" he laughed
I laughed along with him, before laying my head down on his shoulder causing his arms to wrap around my waist even more.

"I didn't know they were going to put this song on... I'm sorry" I chuckled lightly into his neck
"It's fine honestly, this seems easier than dancing to you know normal music anyway" he shrugged
"Yeah, it is. I guess it's easy to grasp"
He nodded gently before his head fell slowly down onto the top of mine as we carried on going, he was getting really good at it, the way he was completely guiding me around the room showed that.
After some time it felt like the two of us where the only people in the room.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" he whispered near ear
"wha-- no, uh but, um you told me I looked good" I whispered back
"Well, you look beautiful, not just good"
"Jake..." I sighed
"what? I'm just being honest with you" he shrugged his shoulders and kissed my cheek, I loved and hated how he treated me like his girlfriend, when we aren't even dating.

As I lifted my head off Jake's shoulder I saw Alice walking down the stairs, but she stopped and stared into space, I tried to see the vision but I just couldn't,
"I'll be right back" I got out of Jacobs arms and ran over to Alice's side...

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