Supercorp one-shots

By The_Phantom6

115K 3.4K 660

A journey between Kara and Lena, from complete strangers, to 'best friends', to a couple and to a married cou... More

It's always been you
A true love story...
Happy Birthday Lena!
I never got the chance
The life she once lost
Put a little love in your heart
We fall in love 3 times
A little help from my 'twin'
"God complex"
Little bundle of joy
Silver age of heroism
Don't touch her...
She's perfect
10 letters to Kara
What's a soulmate?
What was she like?
A Day at the beach
Family is not perfect
Quantum Entanglement
Our secret...
Catch me
I will join you one day
Approval and blessing
The way we were
It's a curse and blessing
Their only legacy
Sweet but cold
A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what
Bite me...
Bite me...Part 2
Fight for our love?
Fight for our love? Part 2
From whom is that...HICKEY!?
When she loved me
A little glimpse
Back home...2
Rewrite the stars
Changing the future
Unexpected genius
Unexpected talents
Late? 2
Parkour! 2
A letter to Lena
Die for you...
Die for you...2
She'd die for her too...
The long lost kitten
The long lost kitten 2
The long lost kitten 3
Jealousy fits you darling
It's about time
Your care is what I fell for
What would her life be?
What would her life be? 2
It's the jealousy for me
Blue gems
I want you back...
Home is here
Home is here 2

Back home...

1.3K 44 5
By The_Phantom6

5 years since Supergirl has gone missing. 5 years since Kara Luthor-Danvers has gone missing. It's been 5 years since a hero, a friend, a sister, a wife...And a mother has gone missing. 5 painful years for everyone...But especially painful for her family and friends. But the ones that suffered the most were her wife, Lena Luthor-Danvers and their 7 year old son, Keyan Lloyd Luthor-Danvers.

The night Kara didn't return home, was the most horrible day for Lena. When she noticed that her wife was late for hours, she finally got a call from Alex and sighed in relief...But it was the exact opposite. It was only one sentence...One sentence: "Lena...Kara has gone missing."

And that was the very last day she saw her wife...

The DEO has been searching for the missing hero for months, they literally ripped the whole city apart and even started to search the whole Earth. From searching the whole Earth, Alex and J'onn started to travel to different Earths, hoping that Kara would be somewhere there...But there was no single sign of Kara. It was like she never existed. The city also started to wonder where their local hero has gone and so many people sent messages through the whole world...Hoping that she would hear them. Even Cat Grant came back and sent weekly messages...All they wanted was their hero back. Not only was she their savior, but also a ray of hope through the darkness of times.

As the people started to stop sending messages and hanging posters...So did their hope start to fade away that their hero would never come back. The search began to weaken and everything was so hopeless. Everyone in the DEO had to start with conclusions they never wished for...Especially Alex and Lena. Both were in denial that Kara was gone...But in some way, they knew deep inside it was maybe true...

But still, Lena still didn't give up and hoped that her wife was somewhere out there trying to get back home. It pained her when she saw her son waiting patiently on the balcony of their penthouse. Sometimes he would sneak out of he's room and wait, ending up falling asleep on the balcony. Every night he would ask Lena where his Ieiu is and Lena just doesn't know how to tell the toddler that she may not come back. Keyan's bright blue eyes, just like Kara's, would look up every night to the stars...Hoping he would see his Ieiu flashing by, he would do that every night. They were the only ones holding onto hope that she would return home.

And they have been doing that for the last 5 years...

It was a rainy day in National City. Everything seemed so sad...The sky grey, from far away you could see lightning, the streets empty...It was so dull and sad. Lena was working in her office, while Keyan was in school. The CEO was signing paperwork and looking through her next projects, until the TV flickered on and a unknown pod came crushing through the sky. Lena looked worried at the TV screen and hoped it would not be some alien trying to invade Earth. The unknown spacecraft landed in the middle of the park that was dedicated to Supergirl. Not even minutes later DEO vans started to surround the crater. J'onn and Alex went first and all the other agents had their weapons ready for any attack. The pod suddenly opened and in there was the hero they all missed so much. Alex dropped her weapon and ran to her sister, taking her out of the pod and cradled her in her arms. Tears were spilling out of the directors eyes and looked at the unconscious Kryptonian. J'onn fell to his knees and spilled out tears...Could this be real?

When Lena saw who was in the pod, she let her tears fall. Her wife wasn't dead, she was alive. The hope she held for so long was all worth it. Immediately she ran out of her office and to her car and drove towards her son's school. Just when she arrived, the little half Kryptonian boy was ready and hopped onto the car. Not even with a second thought, Lena speeded towards the DEO and different scenarios ran through her mind. 'Will she remember me?', 'Is she still the Kara I would remember?'...So many thoughts that she forced herself to stop thinking about them. Keyan was clueless to what was happening. "Mom, where are we going?" He asked and Lena looked at him with teary eyes. "You'll see." She answered, her voice cracking and the little boy grabs his moms arm softly, to sooth her.

Lena parked the car quickly int the parking lot, grabbed her sons hand and rushed into the DEO. It was so busy...Doctors and agents running around and Alex barking orders. They walked towers the director. "Where is she?" Lena asked, Keyan following right behind her. "She's unconscious, but stable. The doctors said she would wake up in a few hours." Alex answered and brought them to her room. Lena knew this would be too much for her son and chose to wait outside. Alex nodded and brought them to the room next to her's.

"Honey, you can sleep while we wait." Lena said softly and was laying next to her son on the hospital bed. The young boy just nodded and didn't ask. He cuddled up next to his mom, while Lena stroked his black hair softly. She herself tried to sleep, but couldn't. So much was on her mind...

Kara woke up and started panicking. Where was she? Who took her? Where is her suit?. Alex came in rushing in and tried to sooth Kara. "Kara. I'm here don't worry. Im here. You're safe." Alex said softly and helped to calm down the heroine. "A-Alex?" Kara whispered as her voice cracked. Tears were starting to fall from her eyes and Alex just hugged her sister, and cried as well. "You're alive." The red head whispered in disbief and hugged her sister a little tighter, making sure she wasn't dreaming. "Where's Lena? Where's Keyan?!" Kara said in panic and looked at hr sister. "Don't worry. They're in the next room." Alex said and saw in those pleading eyes that she should get them. But then she noticed that big scar that goes through Kara's left eye. It was a deep cut and the blue in her left eye turned to grey. "Kara...What happened to your eye?" Alex said worriedly and examined her sister's face. Kara gave a sad smile and looked down. "It won't heal anymore. The Kryptonite sword cut it so deep, that the yellow sun couldn't even fully heal it." Kara answered her sister, with a tone that told 'it's okay'. Alex looked at her sister with sad eyes, she can't even imagine the pain Kara had to go through for the last 5 years. "Okay..." Alex accepted and went to go get her sister's wife and son.

Soon Lena entered the room and gasped in disbelief when she saw her wife. Tears were leaving her green eyes and she ran towards Kara, giving her a hug...A hug she's been craving for the last 5 years. "I can't believe you're here." Lena said as her voice cracked and looked at Kara who was crying too. "But I'm here." Kara whispered and kissed Lena's forehead...She felt a pair of soft lips that she missed so, so much on her forehead. They gazed at each other and Lena gasped when she saw the scar on Kara's face. "Honey...What happened?" Lena asked in shock as she traced the deep scar. Kara sighed and looked up to her wife. "I got into a fight and the Kryptonite sword made a deep cut, that it wouldn't heal fully anymore." Kara answered and grabbed he wife's hand, trying to sooth her. "I've missed you so much." Lena said and leaned their foreheads together. "I've missed you too." Kara answered and kissed her wife...And Rao, how they both missed this so much. They kissed as if it were their last time...It was filled with so much love and unsaid things, but for now...They enjoyed the kiss. "Where is Keyan?" Kara asked as they broke the kiss. Lena smiled softy and pecked Kara's lips before leaving the room to go get their son.

Not even a minute later came in a little dark haired boy and looked like he saw a ghost. "I-Ieiu?" He whispered and Kara nodded, stretching her arms open to let him hug her. Keyan used his superspeed to hug his Ieiu and cried in her arms. "I-I thought you left me...I thought you left all of us." He said through tears and hugged his Ieiu tighter. Kara was crying and so was Lena. She slowly stroked his black hair and answered: "Oh little one, I would never leave you. I would never, ever leave you on purpose. Everyday I was fighting to come back to you...To see you and mom. I fought everyday just to see you and return home. I held onto hope everyday...I never gave up and here I am...I am back home." They were all sobbing and hugging each other on the bed.

"I'm so sorry for the pain I've put you through." Kara apologized to her wife and son. As a response she got a tight hug and kiss on the forehead from her wife and her son just hugged her tighter than before, afraid of letting go. "You've returned home love, and that's all that matters."

After 5 years of fighting...Everything was worth fighting for. Finally she is back home...

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