That wolf-boy ~ Jacob Black

By avadakedavra_xo

47.5K 727 103


1. Bella's first day
2. 'Welcome back' party/saving Bella
3. Discussion
4. School trip
5. Bella's visit
6. Baseball
7. the tracker
8. Prom
9. Bella's 18th
10. Edwards Plan
11. Packing up
12. New York
13. Motorcycles
14. Suicide
15. She's Alive
16. Wolf-Boy
17. Volterra
18. The Volturi
19. Back In Forks
20. Run
21. Wiskey
22. An Imprint?
24. Meeting The Pack
25. Trouble
26. Argument
27. Apologies
28. Passed out
29. Graduation
30. They are coming here....
31. Training
32. The First Date
33. More training
34. Day off
35. One long night

23. Change the treaty

1.3K 18 0
By avadakedavra_xo

I woke up laying on something hard, it didn't feel like my bed at all. I started tapping in front of my head trying to figure out what it was. it seemed pretty chiselled...

"Ivy... what are you doing?" Jacobs raspy morning voice rang in my ears as he chuckled
"Jake?" I questioned, still laying down
"yeah... You alright?" his arm that was somehow wrapped around my waist pushed me into his chest... so its him im laid on
"im fine yeah, how did you sleep?"
"best nights sleep ive had in a while" he chuckled again
"yeah well this bed is super comfy so" i shrugged
"yep... the bed" i heard him sigh and turn his head up to the roof, i sat up very close to his side and stared at him
"so, what do you want to do today?" i asked
"who said im going to spend the day with you huh?" he teased
"your brain did"
he sighed "ive told you about that... i would like to keep my thoughts private thanks"
"I'm sorry... you know i cant help it at times"
a smile crept on his lips "I need to call sam"
and just like that he picked my body up, laid me on the bed and walked to the hall, that's when I realised he was shirtless, I started to stare.
"get changed!"
I snapped out of it and laughed slightly before going to my closet to change, just in case he would walk in.

As I tied the shoe lace around my waist I heard him walk back into the room..

when I was out side of Ivy's room I immediately called Sam

"Jacob what do you want, its 9 am!" he scolded me down the phone
"sorry, but uh, I went to see ivy last night" I sort of whispered
"yeah... I heard that you didn't go home either" I could tell he was smirking though the phone "but seriously, what did you want?"
"can we tweak - or easier, change the treaty?" I asked
"depends" he yawned
"for her to be allowed on our land, with permission of course, and the same for me on their land?"
he sighed "only because she's your imprintee. but for you to be allowed on their land I will have to speak to that doctor"
"alright man. so you know today we were going to hang out--"
"yes you can bring her, but dont be shocked when the others call her names" and with that he hung up..

"whispering didn't help" I chuckled walking out of my closet to come face to face with him
"yeah, I forget your weird" he sighed, but then a smile formed on his face "anyway, I got Sam to change the treaty so you can come to our land, with alphas permission."
"right" I hummed going to sit on my rocking chair, he sat on the edge of my bed facing me
"and today I was meant to hang out at Emily's with them, but after last night I didn't want to--"
"let me guess, I'm allowed to go now?"
"Jake, thanks for considering it but its not the best idea is it? they'll hate me"
"come on, please? for me" he looked at me with pleading eyes
I huffed "if I must hang out with the dogs"
he shook me off "right just put my t-shirt on and we can head out"
"I heard you got scolded, isn't it a bit early?" I asked watching him as he pulled the t-shirt over his head
"well yeah... when I said 'we can head out' I obviously meant we can sit here for a couple of hours and then head out, duh"
as he was talking I realised i was meeting the pack - meeting his 'family' so to say.
i got all nervous and stood up, i started to pace back and fourth.
"whats up with you?" he asked standing up also, i didn't reply "Ivy" and again i didn't reply "Ivy!" he grabbed my shoulders standing me in front of him "whats wrong?" i still didn't reply, he huffed and sat on the bed, pulling me down with him so i ended up sat sideways on his lap, i felt both his arms wrap around my waist, i stiffened for a second but soon relaxed into his chest, placing my head down on his shoulder
"whats wrong Ivy?" he asked yet again
"I cant do this, i know they'll hate me--"
"you've already said" he cut me off
"yes, i know, but them hating me it might upset you, and i dont want you to be upset" i slightly lied, i knew i didn't want him upset but i was more worried of my sensitive ass getting all upset, especially without Jasper, Rosalie or even Edward at home for me to go and whine to.
"i wont get upset Iv's, I promise"
"okay, but I'm still upset about this whole thing"
"you cant back out, you already said yes!"
"i know" i sighed...

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