Unwanted (BoyxBoy) ~Completed~

By xXPsychodicPandaXx

279K 8.9K 1.6K

(WARNING!: DEPRESSING CONTENT, POORLY WRITTEN: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK) "I deserve just as much pain as she... More

Unwanted Ch.1
Unwanted Ch.2
Unwanted Ch.3
Unwanted Ch.4
Unwanted Ch.5
Unwanted Ch.6
Unwanted Ch.7
Unwanted Ch.8
Unwanted Ch.9
Unwanted Ch.10
Unwanted Ch.11
Unwanted Ch.12
Unwanted Ch.14
Unwanted Ch.15
Unwanted Ch.16
Unwanted Ch.17
Unwanted Ch.18
Unwanted Ch.19
Unwanted Ch.20
Unwanted Ch.21
Unwanted Ch.22
Unwanted Ch.23
Unwanted Ch.24
Unwanted Ch.25
Unwanted Ch.26
Unwanted Ch.27
Unwanted Ch.28
Unwanted Ch.29
Last Note Ever!!! Promise
Unwanted Ch.30
Unwanted Ch.31

Unwanted Ch.13

7.6K 308 21
By xXPsychodicPandaXx

Updated. It sucks and I hate the chapter but enjoy cause I don't know when the next one will be. Sorry for the long wait but those that understand and are patient I LOVE YOU!!! No I seriously do <3 <3 <3


Andy's POV.

I toss and turn on the bed but nothing seems to let me rest. It's been two hours since we arrived at Luke's place and I've been up in the guest room the whole time. It's a pretty decent room with a bed in a corner and a dresser big enough to fit a good amount of clothes. I'm thankful for being allowed to stay here but I just can't wait to leave.

It's just that I can't be here when they're basically strangers to me and I'm not much of a people person so you can imagine how awkward I feel. But for the moment I literally don't know where to go. I plan on never seeing my fucking bitch of a stepmom anymore and hopefully they find her and put her in jail or kill her. Either one suits me. Shivers go up my spine as the terrible memories return. Hearing the door open I see Luke come in with a glass of water and a bottle of pills. 

"Here's some pain medicine since your probably a bit sore. Also my mom said to come down for dinner." He said handing me the pills and water.

"I'm not hungry." I told him but he refused to take it and leave.

"Andy you know what the doctor said. Plus my mom said she'll come up here and get you if you don't come." He told me which made me get up annoyed at being forced to go downstairs. I gulped down the pills and than followed after Luke.

Walking into the kitchen I see everything set up and way to many vegetables on the table. Oh god I hate vegetables. Taking a sit next to Luke I can't help but feel incredibly uncomfortable when Luke's mom stares at me with a way too cheery smile on her face. Ok is she on drugs or something? Luke's dad just looks angry at my company and I bet he's just counting down the days until I leave. Don't worry asshole, I don't want to be here either.

"Andy don't be shy, pile up your plate with as much food as you like." Says Luke's mom. Uhh does she really think that I'm going to eat all the food she's made? I start putting some food on my plate to make her happy but it's not like I'll finish it. Yeah me and food just aren't on best terms. We've never been.

"So Andy what school do you go to?" Luke's dad asks me. Before I can even process and answer Luke is already answering for me.

"He was actually going to be enrolling in my school. Though his parents never got a chance to do it. Isn't that right Andy?" He said looking at me. I just nodded since I didn't know where this was leading but if this ends up how I think it will than Luke is fucking dead.

"Oh we could enroll you than. That'd be perfect if both of you go to the same school. Than Luke can finally have someone to talk to. We'll do it Monday." His mom said. Ok now I'm seriously pissed. There's a reason I don't go to school and Luke's just about to get seriously hurt.

"NO! I mean no, there's no need for that." I said.

"Oh and why not?" Asked Luke's dad. Of course he would.

"Just because." I said annoyed.

"No you need to go to school so you will be enrolled after tommorow. Now no more disagreeing." Said Luke's mom.

"Whatever. Fuck you Luke, I'm out of here." I said and got up ready to storm out of the kitchen. I literally was seeing red of how pissed off I was.

"Andy now why are you so angry? You haven't even touched your dinner." I heard Luke's mom say.

"Like I was even going to eat." I said and than left. I stormed up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door. Pacing back and forth I tried to cool myself down to prevent any damage to the desk lamp. Hey it has no fault in any of this. Why am I so angry and most likely overreacting you ask? Well let's just say that school is not really a place I trust being in. Here let me explain.

When I was in fourth grade I had this friend. He and I would be inseparable no matter what and we used to spend nights at each other's houses. Ok so once I told him that I had a crush on him and it was the worst mistake I ever did. The class started mocking me saying how I was covered in cooties for liking another boy. Hey it was fourth grade and my class was pretty fucking childish. I ended up losing my bestfriend and no one wanted to get close to me ever since than. Don't worry it gets worst.

Once I hit the eighth grade, my used-to-be-friend ended up being my worst enemy. I got made fun of, beat up, pranked in the most humiliating ways, and let's not forget all those painfilled trips to the emergency room. After all that I just kind of gave up on school. I was never good at it anyways so what was the point. So now back to the point, I am going to kill Luke for making me go back to hell.

An insanely bigass headache makes it's way towards me and I can only guess that my blood pressure is rocketing to the roof. Taking some of the pain pills off the bedside table, I swallow at least three. Hopefully this will stop the pounding and if not, will someone just please shoot me dead? No seriously.

I hear a knock at the door and guess who it is. Yep the son of a bitch himself, Luke. As soon as he comes in I tackle him to the ground which is a really hard thing to do when my body screams in protest but he's getting what he deserves.

"What the fuck?" I hear him scream from under me.

"You fucking bastard. You know i don't do school. Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut? Why did you have to say that?" I yelled back at him trying to do some lame attempts at punching him but seriously failling. Curse you sad excuse of a body.

"I only wanted to help. I thought making you go to school would give you somewhat of a normal life." He said stopping my punching.

"Oh and I don't have a normal life?" I questioned.

"No dude. You truly don't. Just look at all the events that have happened to you." He said. I got off him immidiatly when his words hit me and went and sat on the bed. Sadness quickly consumed me at the realization of this. My own parents never wanted me. The woman responsible for me wanted me dead. And I am stuck here with the family of a kid I met in a hospital. Could my life be anymore fucked up? Oh yeah there's still my past that hunts me whenever I close my eyes. Brilliant, just fucking brilliant.

I feel something slide down my cheeks and I realize I've started crying. I try to wipe the tears away angry at how much of a wimp I am. Why do I always breakdown? Images soon start to return of so many pain filled moments. I have to stop them and quick. Razor, where's my razor? I have to find it. I start searching through my bookbag frantically.

"Uh Andy what are you doing?" I hear Luke ask me but I just ignore him. Searching in the front pocket I find it. I turn around from Luke and press the razor to my wrist. Yes. Oh yes yes yes. My hands start to shake but I'm determined to finish this off. Ready to slice my wrist the razor suddenly gets knocked out off my hands and on to the floor.

"Andy don't do this" Luke says and than pulls me into his arms. Why does he seem to do this often? And why don't I get bothered by it? I will not brakedown, I will not breakdown, I keep chanting to myself. But guess what, I brokedown. Sobs escaped my lips and I clung to Luke for my dear life. Oh how I need the razor. I need it so so bad. I hate feeling pain that can kill me so hard inside.

After a while my sobs die down into small frantic whimpers. I ask Luke for my depression pills and he leaves the room to get them. The razor is still lying on the floor taunting me. No just count to ten, think of something else. But what is there to think of when there's nothing nice to think about? Ok how about this, think of a big empty space. Yes that way there is nothing there. Ok clear my mind and there's nothing but a big white space. Oh Luke hurry up this isn't working. As if he heard me he walks in with the medicine.

"Here you go." He says and I greedly take them. We take a seat on the bed and soon he starts talking.

"So I thought of something awesome to do tommorow that will distract you of all this shit." He happily says with a big grin on his face. This change of mood is sort of helping me feel better.

"Which is?" I question.

"We are going to the amusement park. Nothing can be more adventurous than an amusement park." He said.

"No I'm good. That really isn't a place for me." I say making his smile get smaller.

"Nope that's not the answer I'm looking for. Even if I have to tie your ass up to the car your going."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"





"Ok I'm tired of this." I say frustrated.

"Than say you'll go." He says. I think this over and I hope I won't regret saying this.

"Fine. I'll go"

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