Chapter 3

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Jimin's POV  -  

 I walk into the open from the back after fixing my hair and touching up my make up. I was so nervous for my solo but I promised Sooyoung I would do it. I wonder if she is back from the bus station. I hear a high pitch voice call my name. Yeah she's back I go towards her she was standing next to my Dad. " Jimine, do you want to meet my nephew gukkie ?" she asks. "Sure I would love to meet gukkie" I say with a smile ready to meet the little guy. "Gukkie over here" she calls out. Then a deep voice responds "Auntie what did I say about calling me that foolish nickname" my eyes widened as a tall well dressed figure appeared in front of us. 'This is little gukkie' I thought to myself as I viewed the boy skip that as I viewed this man. You can tell he worked out often by his well built frame, his strong arms, broad shoulders and chest were no joke. His hair pulled back in a man bun and fresh undercut on full display. I really wanted to touch it, it looked so soft. His black button up was ironed to the crisp sleeves rolled up to reveal his tattoos. He had three earring piercings on both sides. Not to mention he was super tall. I came up below his shoulder well, that's with heels on, who knew how tall I was compared to him without any shoes on.

I was straight up mesmerized by him. I didn't even feel my Dad tapping my shoulder until Sooyoung called out my name "Oh I'm sorry I zoned out what were you saying ?" I say as I felt my cheeks heating up out of embarrassment. "I said this is my nephew gukkie" she said smiling wide. I looked up to him as he rolled his eyes. He sighs then stretches out his hand "It's Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. What's Yours ?" he says with a glint in his eyes. "I'm Park Jimin you can call me J-Jimin though" I signed as I realized how I fumble over my words. He smirked at my stumble. God that smirk was breathtaking. I didn't miss how his huge hands basically covered my whole hand. His knuckles looked a bit bruised. I tilted my head at that. "Well I hope you guys are well acquainted." Sooyoung said after having a short conversation with my Dad. "Gukkie this is the Pastor of the church and Jimine's father" my Dad shook his hand but my Dad had a weird look in his eyes after the conversation with Sooyoung. "Nice to meet you young man. I hope you enjoy your stay. I also hope to see you here at the church often" my dad states letting go of his hand. He just nods and looks around. 

He pulled his Aunt to the side and from the irritated look that covered her face she wasn't pleased with his words. She signed then nodded her head. He then started to the back of the church but he had to pass me to get there, our hands brushed against each other. I then felt an electric shock go through my body, not a huge one just a small one. He stopped, looked at our hands, and then at me a smirk was plastered on his face. I blushed then looked down. I look back up to see him sitting in the far back pew not many people sit there but he did, his eyes never left mine. He then winked at me then pulled out his phone. My face was probably red as a tomato. I turned around fast and started to take in deep breaths. I tried to calm down. As I knew I was going up to sing any second since the church started to fill up with people. I made my way to the front of the church and sat in my spot next to my fathers chair which was on the stage as well. I look back to Jungkook. He had some earbuds in and bobbing his head up and down to whatever was playing through his ear phones. I crossed my legs and signed, clearing my head. I then hear my fathers voice gathering the church to give him their full undivided attention. I tried to focus on my fathers word but my mind kept drifting off towards Jungkook he was so mysterious looking and he truly gave me goosebumps but in a good way and I liked it. 

A/N ~Here's another chapter enjoy make sure to vote and follow~ 

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