Chapter 7

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No one's POV - 

After hours of setting up. Jungkook's room was finally done and I have to say it looks nice. Take a look :

Jungkook was looking around his room at the well out come

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Jungkook was looking around his room at the well out come. "Thanks for your help Jimin," Jungkook says, looking down at the smaller. Jimin looks up at Jungkook with that beautiful eye smile. "No problem kookie, I'll help you whenever you have a problem" Jimin says but then his smile drops as he realizes what he called the older. Jungkook smirks "Kookie huh" Jungkook says sarcastically. Jimin walks up to him and lightly slaps him on the chest. "Ow Jimin that hurts" Jungkook says playfully pouting. "Then stop teasing me you buff bunnie" Jimin says continuing to hit the laughing taller. "Who are you calling bunnie shorty?" Jungkook says ruffling Jimin's hair. Jimin gasps "My hair! Also who are you calling short ?" Jimin says full on jumping on Jungkook causing them to fall on the recently made bed.  

Jimin was punching Jungkook. Of course it didn't hurt. His punches were so soft compared to what Jungkook did to that punching bag this morning. Jungkook let's Jimin have his fun before grabbing around his waist and flipping them over to where Jimin was under Jungkook. Jungkook starts to tickle Jimin making him laugh loudly. "S-s-stop it hahaha kookie p-please" Jimin laughs face red. "Say your sorry or I won't" Jungkook says laughing as well. "F-f-fine I-I'm sorry" he says. Jungkook pauses his movements placing his hand on the younger's wasit while the other keeps himself in plank position so he wouldn't crush Jimin as well. The two equally out of breath after everything calms down; they both realize their position. 

Shocked as they both were, they stayed in the position. Then the two slowly began to move towards one another so close they could feel the warm breath of each other on each other's lips. But before they could touch Jungkook's bedroom door swings open "Hey Jungkook have you seen Jim- Hmph I see you guys know each other better than I thought" says Tae standing in Jungkook's doorway with a smirk. Jungkook scrambled off Jimin and ran to his closet where he came out in a black jogger set. 

Jungkook's Outfit : 

"It's not what it looks like Tae Hyung" The younger ones protested

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"It's not what it looks like Tae Hyung" The younger ones protested. Tae walked into the room farther "Nice room Kook and wow the bed looks pretty comfy. It's pretty big as well hmmm have fun you two" he says winking then walking out the room laughing. By then the two potential lovers' faces were beet red. "Umm...I'm going to go downstairs and uhhh make something to eat. Do you want anything?" Jimin asks, crawling off Jungkook's bed. Jungkook was just sitting on his couch with his phone in his face too nervous to really do anything but he didn't want to be a wimp in front of Jimin. 

"You know what, I'll come down stairs with you and make something together" Jungkook says smiling he liked Jimin and he wanted to get to know him more. Jimin was happy the younger wanted to spend more time with him. He was a little nervous his father told him to be wary of Jungkook. But he was excited and nervous at the same time but he liked this excited feeling of living on the edgy side.

A/N : ~It's a pretty short chapter but enjoy I have more to come don't forget to vote and follow~

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