Chapter 10

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Alexa and Amy were practically dancing through the crowd.

"Okay my locker number is..." Amy said looking at the sheet she and Ian got from the office. The principle was a low grade Lucian so he recognized Ian immediately and with an unspoken request, Ian and Amy... and Alexa had nearly the same schedule.

"D0167, for me and D0168 for Ian and ..... I don't know yours Alexa."

Ian and them also had lockers near each other.

"Okay so our first class is... HISTORY!!" Amy said with a giant smile." Ah... I heard the history teachers are really nice this year. Well, that and I love history!"

"You sorta proved that during the clue hunt." Ian joked

"What clue hunt?" Alexa said and Amy quietly stomped on Ian's foot.

"Oh, we had this scavenger hunt party thing around the end of the summer." Amy lied, used to lying, but not to her best friend.

"I bet Grace did really well with that!" Alexa said.

Tears filled Amy's eyes and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. Ian knew she didn't want to have people see her crying, so he put an arm over her shoulders and gently pulled her head into his shoulder, rubbing slow, soothing patterns on her back. Alexa looked down right confused.

"Grace died this summer...." Ian explained to Alexa, "She is taking it really hard."

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry!" Alexa said putting a comforting hand on Amy's shoulder.

"It's okay" Amy said regaining her composure and wiping her eyes. "Let's focus on getting to our lockers."

Alexa led them through the crowd of mostly 9th graders, every once in a while checking back to make sure Ian and Amy were still behind her in the crowded hallway. And here is our lockers Alexa said stopping in front of three select lockers.

Amy and Ian quickly put their stuff in their lockers and the three of them walked to class.

When they walked in the room, Amy realized that Madison had this class to.

"There's a new hottie in town!" Madison said loud enough for them to hear. Madison stood up and saw Amy and Alexa next to him. "Hello, I'm Madison. I believe we are going to be good friends ...sooner or later." Madison said with a dazzling smile.

"Hello, I'm Ian. I'm new here." Ian said as suave as ever.

"Why are you hanging out with...them?" Madison said to Amy and Alexa as though they were poop.

"You mean my girlfriend? Do you have any nerve or human decency what so ever?" Ian countered, wrapping an arm around Amy's waist and kissing her temple to prove his point. This caused Amy to blush and hide her face in his shoulder slightly.

Madison turned a color only Amy and Ian had seen before back in Australia when Hamilton had saved Amy from Isabel after she had fallen in fish guts. The thought brought a small smirk to her face.

"We'll finish this later, Cahill!" Madison exclaimed.

Amy and Ian - The Unspoken Truth- 39 CluesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum