Chapter 44

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Natalie was over the moon. She got to leave the mini-hospital and go back to her room in the mansion area of the property. Over the few days, everything was boring yet calm. Dan, Amy and Ian came everyday to keep her company. She had remembered more about her life but not everything. What she remembered came back when she was sleeping in dreams. She usually woke up sweating with memories from the clue hunt. Not that she would admit it, but she had developed a large crush on Dan.

"Natalie, you ready to go?" Dan called, peeking his head through the doorway. They both held eye-contact for a few moments but Natalie looked down.

"Umm... yeah, be there in a few seconds. I gotta grab my phone charger." Natalie reached for the plug in and grabbed it out of the wall before putting it in her bag.

"Ready?" Natalie whipped her head around to see Dan still there. Dang! He sure knows how to scare the crap out of me!

"Geez, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" She asked sarcastically.

Dan simply rolled his eyes and walked into the room and grabbed one of her bags. She muttered a quick 'thank you' and walked out of the room to find Amy and Ian leaning in and about to kiss.

Dan smirked and pulled out his phone and took a picture, obviously fighting the urge to break out into a fit of laughter on the ground. As the picture was taken the flash went off. Ian and Amy flew apart and Amy was red as a tomato. Ian rolled his eyes. They both stood.

"If you think this picture is already funny, wait 'till you see it after I edit it." Dan whispered into her ear.

Natalie's hand flew up to her mouth in a failed attempt to hide her laughter. After a good while, Natalie recovered from her histerical laughing fit that Dan joined in and caught her breath.

"I'm helping you with that." Natalie pointed her finger in his face like a mother scolding her child.

Ian and Amy looked at each other in confusion and worry, embarassment evident in Amy's face. Ian walked closer and whispered something into Amy's ear that made her and smile.

"Alright, I don't know about you, but I can't stand too much more of their PDA's. I'm leaving." Dan looked over at them and pretend threw up.

"Me too," Natalie said trailing behind him as they walked out of the room and into the more familiar part of the mansion.

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