Chapter 56

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Okay, there was some confusion with this chapter, so I'm rewriting it. It doesn't change the story plot, so if you already read the original chapter 56, then you don't have to read this. Nothing else changes. Thanks!

The moment the words were out of Sinead's mouth, Amy felt like she was hit by a bus. She wanted to cry, but everythiing was just numb. Just a dull ache in the back of her throat. Tears gathered in her eyes, but none of them fell. Amy simply stood up, ran her hands through her hair and cleared her throat before talking.

"I think I need a little while by myself. I'll be back in an hour, maybe."

Her brain was on auto-pilot as she walked through the door to the small sitting room in the mini-hospital they had at the mansion. She walked out the door, through the hallways and to her room which she walked in, closed the door, and locked it. She took the last few steps to her bed before she layed down on her bed in a ball.

Dan. He's going to die. He's not in good shape, Ames. He might not make it; I'm sorry. That's what Sinead said. He won't wake up for another 3 weeks, minimum.

Of course they acted like they hated each other half the time, cursing the others existence, but they were sibblings. Family. The only real family Amy had left.

She found herself thinking about all that's happened in the last few days. They found out that Ian and Natalie had been lying to them, which they had gotten away with because it wasn't like they had to tell Amy everything and they technically didn't lie. Ian had also cheated on her. Dan had almost died. She had lost the two people that she cared most about. Then Amy's thoughts drifted to Grace. They didn't really have time to mourn her passing with this crazy clue hunt.

Why did their life have to be so messed up?  She was just so done with everything around her. All she wanted was to forget. Just for a little bit, of course. Just long enough that her thoughts weren't crowded with the clues and the threat and everybody she cared about in danger.

At this point, Amy was desperate to get everything out of her head, just for a bit. She thought for a moment before a thought appeared her mind. Could I...? No. I can't do that, can I?

Amy debated it for a few moments before she got up, not letting herself change her mind. She knew that the rational part of her brain would never let her do this, but she knew that she needed this. With that thought, she took a deep breath to collect her thoughts and headed out her door, down the stairs, through the main floor, down to the basement and through a hidden door that few people knew about. 

She wandered around for a good five minutes trying to find what she was looking for. For the most part, she was surprised at all the things down here. It was basically a giant storage room for things the Cahill's had confiscated  from others for many different reasons. 

After thorough investigation and searching, she came across what she was looking for. The little baggy of the white pills would be exactly what she needed to forget.

++Anything beyond this point I have basically guessed about because I have no idea how drugs are used. This is probably going to be crap, but I don't care. On with the story...++

Grabbing the baggy, she shoved it in her pocket and tried to act natural if someone were to see her, before leaving the room and speed walking straight up the stairs to her bedroom. When she got to the room, she closed and locked the door, leaning against it for a moment to make an attempt to slow her fast-paced heart. 

Sitting down at her desk, Amy pulled out the bag and contemplated her decision, just the realizing that this was a stupid idea, simply because she had absolutely no experience with this kind of thing and had no idea what to do next.

After thinking for a moment, she made a hypothesis that, since they were just pills, she would just consume them as so. Going to the bathroom that was connected to her room, she found a plastic cup and filled it with water, bringing it back out to the desk and picking up the round, white tablets. 

Without a second thought, she put one on her tongue and sipped some water into her mouth, swallowing as soon as she thought there was enough liquid in her mouth. 

The pill went down easy, and so did the next one, and the next. 

And that was all Amy remembered before everything went blank in her memory.

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