Chapter 30

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   Dinner flew by fast, but was an eternaty to Reagen. Reagen felt so girly with her churning stomach and boyfriend. After diner, she changed into something that wasn't a track suit. She was wearing skinny jeans and a spagetti-strap shirt with pink sequins. She felt cute. Since she was very active in gymnastics, her skinny jeans looked perfect on her.

   She climbed out the window that was 2 floors up. She made an almost impossible flip and landed gracfully under her window. She didn't even notice Ted standing 10 feet away untill he whispered a wow.

   "Oh, I didn't know you saw that." Reagen said, twisting a lock of hair through her fingers, her face turning red.

   "That was incredible! Just one degree of angle off and you would be a heap of broken bones." Ted exclaimed.

   "Let's go! We have to be back soon." Reagen said as she walked twords the garage.

   "You do know how to drive, right?" Reagen asked.

   "Of cource I can drive! I've probably engineered more cars than Henry Ford! Get in!" Ted said pointing to a specific car and grabbing a key off of a hook on the garage door.

   Ted started the engine and manuvered through the driveway. They got to the smothie shop next to the small mall the town had. He turned the car off and waited as Reagen got out of the car. She walked next to him and slipped her fingers inbetween his. She wished her family wouldn't judge them for being together.

   They walked into the shop and Ted pulled her over to a table.

   "Hey, guys!" Ted said with a grinn.

   The whole table of four others said something like 'Hey, Ted. Who's your girlfriend?'.

   "This is Reagen. Reagen, this is those Ekat friends I was talking about." Ted introduced.

   "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You mean she's not a Ekat? What branch? Or is she even a Cahill at all?" a blonde girl said. She had large glasses with no lenses, that was apparently the new style, and a sweater.

   "I'm a Thomas, got a problem?" Reagen said, taking offence.

   "No, no. Didn't Ted tell you? I'm his ex. Brenda Wilmington. So you're Reagen? Heard alot 'bout ya. Sure got Ted wrapped around your finger. Good luck with him." the girl said.

   A boy in the courner with a black T-shirt and ripped jeans started talking. "Brandy Oakland." He said with a nodd.

   One nerdy girl on the other side held out her hand, "Amanda Olson, the obvious nerd." She said, pushing up her purple glasses.

    "I guess I'm the last one to introduce myself. Garrett Thompson, I'm actually part Janus as well as Ekatrina. I know how it feels to not fit in with this crowd. Nice to meet you." He said flashing a bright smile. He was one of those guys. The popular, 'I'm better than everyone' kind of guy. At least he was nice to them.

   "So, back to what we're supposed to be doing, the mystery enemy. We need to figure out who this is before we can figure out what we're gonna do about it. Any suggestions?" Brenda asked.

   "Well, Amy said she shot him and the school reported that he woke up and ran off. We should check any hospitals within a few miles. If we don't find him, we schould check the school and look for any blood spatter; then we can check for a DNA match in some systems. If he was in the army, arrested, or anything that someone would take a DNA  sample for we got him." Reagen explained.

   "Wow, a Thomas with a brain. That's a first." Garrett said with a laugh.

   Reagen didn't know to be offended or proud. Sure, most Thomas weren't the brightest, but they could be smart. This date was going to be a long one. Then, Reagen's phone rang. She pulled it out and the caller ID said; Ham the bro. She looked up and out the shop's window to see her brother with a stern face. He mouthed the words;Explain this and walked back into the parking lot.

Amy and Ian - The Unspoken Truth- 39 CluesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora