Wrong Time, Wrong Scene, Right Person

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Bakugo lets out a long, tired sigh as he rests his chin on his palm, trying his best to not look outside. The craving for movement was something he always felt, although it was much easier in to control it in middle school, but this is the hero course, so why shouldn't he be waiting to finally go outside and get some action?

It's been one full week since the start of the school year, and ever since the school year started, all they've been getting is action — they even got to visit the USJ, otherwise known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, and ended up in real-life situations from which they had to save dummies, and almost got drowned in the process, and Mineta broke his arm, but they don't talk about that.

Would've been much better if we spent more time there than listening to this stupid lecture... Bakugo thought, annoyed. Bakugo once again shifted in his seat, trying to somewhat change his seating position. Suddenly, he perked up as he heard his teacher's tone change.

"...Anyways, I understand that most of you are more careful than Mineta is, and I probably should've left this lecture for later, but Nezu asked me to do this, since I'll have to be giving you the full lecture about it later." Aizawa finished, thankfully admitting the annoyance of the lecture. "Now, for the good news that you'd probably been waiting. Today, we're going on another field trip." The class smiled excitedly, and Bakugo couldn't hold back a smirk. He would never hold back showing the, as Bakugo always called them, extras from his class (especially Todoroki, otherwise known as half-and-half bastard and many other nicknames) the abilities of the future number one, and the field trip will be the perfect way to do it.

"The SCAC, or Simulated City Attack Center is also a training center owned by Thirteen, although for safety reasons, it's further away than the USJ. It's an open zone that simulates a city under a villain attack. There are hired professionals that play the role of villains, which are mostly pro heroes, and also professionals playing the role of citizens. For this training, we will exclude the citizens in order to help you train minimizing collateral damage before adding the citizens into the equation." Aizawa smirked slightly at their enthusiastic reaction, and the students hesitated; the class already knew well that when their teacher smirked, he is definitely going to say something that will worsen their mood and make them more anxious to the supposedly exciting experience. "The villains will be included though. And I made sure to tell them not to hold back, only unless you might seriously injure yourself, or die."

The class all internally groaned, even though they had already guessed that the villains wouldn't be excluded. This might be a great excuse to finally get to move around...But it was going to come with consequences, and Aizawa knew exactly how to put them back into their place.


A few minutes after, the class was settled in the bus, Kirishima sitting next to Bakugo, despite Bakugo's obvious displacement and the explosion sent towards his face (luckily and unluckily deflected easily by Kirishima's hardening quirk). Bakugo immediately zoned out of the one-sided conversation with his bus seat partner, watching the lively morning city of Musutafu pass by.

That is, until he saw someone, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Bakugo jerked upwards, staying in a half standing position as he watched the green haired male intently, not blinking. Suddenly, the male turned around, and Bakugo felt his chest tighten.

The male had mutant marks of cat whiskers...One that definitely didn't belong to the person he searched for.

"Hey, Bakubro...What was that about? You're pale, need some water?" Kirishima asked, surprised by his classmates unusual behavior. It didn't take long for the class to know each other well, and when it came to Bakugo, Kirishima already knew what he was like, and knew better than to ignore the sudden change in attitude of the explosive boy.

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