The Eight Precepts of Death

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"Hi! You're Midoriya, right?"

Midoriya smiled at the older blond, shaking his hand.

"Yeah, that's me. You must be Togata — it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Right back at you! C'mon, I'll show you to the changing room, and then we can go check in with Nighteye."

Midoriya couldn't help but smile brightly as he followed Togata towards the changing room of the Nighteye agency, the agency belonging to the All Might's sidekick. It was almost hard to believe that he was there, walking alongside another intern that had beaten all of Class 1A (including Bakugo, to Midoriya's shock and dismay). It just seemed unreal, and yet here he was, walking down the corridors alongside one of the members of The Big Three of UA.

They made it to the changing room and the both heroes in training changed, Midoriya taking a deep breath as he nervously fiddled with the latches of his case, hesitating.

"Midoriya? Is everything alright?" Togata asked, side-eyeing Midoriya with slight concern in his eyes. Midoriya nodded nervously and turned towards his case again, only to let out a tired sigh and turn towards Togata again.

"It's just...I didn't check my hero costume before getting here, because it only came today, a couple minutes before I had to leave with you, so...I'm not...Sure about it. "Midoriya said, his voice small as he once again fiddled with the latches. There was more to it than that, but spilling all his life to Togata wasn't something he was planning on doing, not to him, not to anyone, for as long as he could keep the secret.

"It's alright. Even if it's not as good as you wanted it to be, I'm sure the support course will help you out quickly, and you'll only have to bear with it for today." Togata reassured, turning around and starting to change into his costume. "So don't worry about it. It's fine either way."

Midoriya sighed again, and glared at the case one last time before he finally forced himself to open the case, holding back from closing his eyes. He narrowed his eyes at the suit, studying it, before taking it out of the case and examining it.

It ended up just like he had asked: at least for the colors and patterns, he didn't know about the size. A black and green suit, with no sleeves (in order for Midoriya to be able to make contact with his opponents, since his quirk was limited to actual skin-to-skin touch), made out of anti-fire material, the same pattern of the colors as the PE uniform of UA's hero course. Black boots where he could put things like knives and binding tape to be able to tie up his opponents. And lastly, a dark green oxygen mask, with black lenses and the rest of the color darker than his suit, but seemed to work well either way. Similar design with his villain costume, but...Midoriya didn't want to think about that, since he was planning on making this his hero costume from the beginning. It was a mistake, an accident, nothing else. It was fine.

Midoriya smiled to himself, ignoring the gnawing memories, sending them to the back of his mind as he quickly started to change, finally feeling his mood lighten up.

"Alright! Let's go, Sir is going to explain what we'll be doing today." Togata cheered as he playfully bumped Midoriya's shoulder, and Midoriya tried to beam back, although it ended up being more of a nervous smile and he simply blushed, looking away. The two rode the elevator to the floor of Nighteye's office, and walked towards the door at the end of the corridor, Togata humming some melody cheerfully as he walked, spinning at times, and winking at Midoriya, making Midoriya smile even more, feeling infected by the blond's happiness. Finally, they made it to the door, and Togata knocked, although, much to Midoriya's surprise, ended up putting his head through the door.

"Sir! I brought the other intern!" Togata announced, his voice muffled because of the door, and Midoriya gaped in shock for a few seconds before doing his best to hold back his laughter at the strange use of a quirk. He had almost forgotten that quirks could also be used for fun...

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