Unstable Friendship

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Midoriya woke up, his lids looking way-too ​​bright for his liking. Squeezing them shut tighter, he shifted slightly, trying to gain control of his seemingly numb body. A low hum escaped his throat, and he tried to open his eyes as the soothing beeping of a machine, which Midoriya didn't bother trying to remember, slowly began to fade into his hearing.

Something new sounded next to him, but Midoriya couldn't make out what the noise was, and so he continued to ignore it as he slowly managed to open his eyes, although only partially, and his eyes blurry and unfocused. All he saw was white, and for that...He couldn't help but feel relief.

If he died, then this probably wasn't hell after all. And no matter how stupid, that thought let him close his eyes again and drift back to sleep by his own will.


Midoriya woke up again, this time, more conscious than he had been last time.

He could remember he had woken up before, and now that he had partially opened his eyes again, he managed to slowly comprehend what the white he had previously thought of as heaven was. A hospital ... Midoriya realized. He may be late on events by a little less than a decade, and may have thought that he was in heaven at first, but his mind was now more clear than it had been previously, and he knows what a hospital is, excuse you.

He slowly moved his head to his left, the flaring pain not there anymore, which caused him to let out a breath, similar to a relieved sigh, but more half-hearted and weak than he liked. To his left was a closed window, revealing the nearly cloudless sky, and closer to his head, his calmly beeping heart rate monitor. Turning his head to his right, he blinked a few times to clear the blurriness in his vision, before he finally recognized that, whoever it was, someone was sitting behind his bed.

A slouched figure, hands on their lap, blond, and short, spiky-looking hair covering their face. Midoriya took in the, most likely, male's figure, trying to understand who he could be, before his mind clicked, and an image of a blond fist bumping him as they walked to school together for the first time appeared in his mind, reminding him of who the guy beside him was.

"K ..." Midoriya tried, finally recognizing the male beside him. "K-Kac-ch ..." Bakugo shifted, letting out a long breath as he unsuccessfully changed positions.

"Ka ... Kacchan ...?" Midoriya managed as he tried to move closer to the blond, but quickly stopped as his head protested, even if slightly, but Midoriya quickly obeyed his body's orders anyway; he didn't want another headache as bad as the one he ...

Flashes of what happened suddenly appeared in the greenette's mind, and he nearly gasped from the sudeness of remembering everything that happened. Once again, his head began to ache in protest, but Midoriya simply bit his lip and frowned as he tried to concentrate on one thought at a time.

He killed Chisaki. Luckily, probably because of the tiredness and the mess in his mind, he didn't feel as panicked about that - and he hoped it would stay like that, because he didn't want to have another trauma in his already messed up life.

After that ... What happened? He had woken up in an alley, changed into another hero costume, the original of which disappears a few minutes later. Then everything started aching too much, and he fainted ... Something along those lines.

But if he was in a hospital, who found him? He was in an alley, for god's sake, so what were his chances of being found? He was lucky no maniacs or smugglers passed by, the last thing he wanted was to be cut like Chisaki ... Huh . That was almost funny to Midoriya. If not for the fact that Chisaki was–

Wait a minute. Chisaki was dead. He killed him, cut off his hands, and then fainted, leaving him in the semicircle structure. Did the heroes find him? Did they connect the dots? Will he be blamed for the murderer ?!

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