In the Not-So-Friendly Circumstances

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Midoriya couldn't believe his ears.

He recognized the spiky blond hair of a familiar male, and the dark gray hair of the familiar villain, and he jumped before he could think. Taking the blow for Bakugo, jumping at the supposed ally as she gasped in anger and betrayal, and then black...Exhausting black, and voices. No, a voice...A rough, yet comforting voice. A very familiar one, yet one he back then couldn't recognize because of the fatigue and pain.

But to think he'd be able to see his closest best friend again was unbelievable, and as he gaped at his other villain friend, Midoriya could tell he was slowly understanding the true feelings behind the greenette's eyes.

"I know, I know! You don't believe it, but trust me, there's no way he won't come to meet you at the café. No way he won't notice the note." Mustard assured him as hooked his thumbs on the pockets of his loose pants, swinging on the spot side to side nervously while glancing back and forth from the floor to the shocked and suspicious look Midoriya was giving him.

"You...Really...?" Midoriya said quietly. He furrowed his brows slightly and narrowed his eyes, hoping that would be enough to intimidate his pranking friend to cut out the joke. A very cruel, not funny, joke. A joke.

"Izuku, please! You gotta trust me on this one, I wouldn't joke about something so serious!" Mustard pleaded as he walked up closer to his friend who was laying on a bad-looking imitation of a hospital bed. If not for the leather straps that hung loosely beside the bed, luckily not on Midoriya, he would've looked like he was simply in a bad-quality type of hospital. If only that were the case...

"It's a bad idea. A terrible one. He isn't going to stay quiet about the situation, and when he spills, we'll all be done for; him and the heroes that will try to protest against Shigaraki and Keisha, I'm not even going to speak about Master! I don't want something like what happened to Toga to happen again, and..." Midoriya went quiet as he realized he went overboard.

Mustard stopped swinging, and slowly his eyes slightly widened, a look of shock that made his mouth slightly gape open, and his eyes glistening in fear of the familiar memory. Midoriya gulped down the knot in his throat, he himself trying to recover from the sudden statement that usually went unsaid he had blurted out in the nervous heat of the moment.

"I'm sorry Kohaku, I just don't want something like that to happen again, you of all people should know." Midoriya mumbled as his suspicious and anxious expression was switched to true, heart-tearing guilt. He hadn't meant to make his friend sad, and he was actually really grateful for what he did, but when it came to their last attempt to free themselves, similar to this one...

"Yeah, it's fine...I get it. Toga wouldn't be pleased with what I came up with either, if she's listening to us right now..." Mustard mumbled the last part as he slowly rose his head, but still kept his eyes at the crack-littered floor as if furious about their awful surroundings rather than at the memories. The two stayed silent for longer than both were comfortable with, beforere finally Midoriya groaned and let his head fall onto the pillow, facing towards the also crack-littered ceiling of the underground they were in.

"I...I want to go, I really do. And I will." Midoriya stated firmly before letting out an exhausted sigh. A few seconds passed, and Midoriya turned to Mustard to check his reaction just in time see him taking two wide steps towards him, his eyes fearful and almost angry.

"Are you insane?!" He hissed at him as he leaned close to the injured boy. Now it was Midoriya's time to put on the assuring look on his face as he looked up at his friends' slightly angry and shocked eyes.

"Kohaku, I know you're worried, but now that I have this opportunity, I can't miss out on it. I have to do this, not only for my sake, but for all of us. And also, you're the one who offered this, right? You for sure thought this through one way or the other." Midoriya said quietly and calmly, the urge to calm down his best friend overwhelming his fear he had felt seconds earlier, replacing it with confidence and determination. "I'll be fine. I'll figure a way out to do this properly. So, as long as you keep the secret..." Midoriya fidgeted with his injured arm that received a stab 2 days before, and Mustard's eyes darted towards it in worry, before noticing how Midoriya weakly clenched his fist, his pinky sticking out weakly. Mustard looked at Midoriya, who smiled his assuring smile, and Mustard felt his panic and anger unwillingly melt away.

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