The Past, Present, and Future

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Midoriya took a shaky breath as he released his grip on Bakugo's hand mouth, gulping down worriedly as he waited for any sort of reaction. Bakugo didn't move, continuing to look at the puddle reflecting Midoriya's movements, and Midoriya glanced at the puddle as well, watching Bakugo as if analyzing him.

Midoriya visibly gulped again and slowly stood from Bakugo before walking around the blond and kneeling in front of him, not caring about the puddle that soaked his knees. Midoriya slowly reached for Bakugo and stroked his hand through Bakugo's hair, as if checking him, and Bakugo took a deep breath, causing Midoriya to flinch away from the sudden movement.

Bakugo slowly sat on his knees and looked down, not bearing to see Midoriya's face. It seemed unreal, the fact that Midoriya was sitting in front of him...And it almost seemed that if Bakugo would directly look at Midoriya, he would disappear.

But the greenette kept sitting there, his pants soaking more and more as he stayed in the puddle.

"Kacchan...Look at me. Please." Midoriya called out quietly as he slowly reached his hand towards Bakugo again. Bakugo nearly shivered at the familiar voice; he barely changed. Sure, he was taller, sure his hair was slightly longer, sure his body felt and looked slightly different and his voice wasn't as childishly squeaky...But this was Izuku Midoriya, the one that would've followed him all around earth if he asked. But Izuku Midoriya was dead. He was dead, and there was just no way this was real.

Dead because you couldn't protect him! Dead because you came later than you agreed on! He would've been alive if you would've just done like he asked you to! You're a nobody, and even if this is Izuku after all, he hates you! If not for you, he would've been truly alive and happy!

A cold hand pressed against his cheek and Bakugo instinctively flinched away, eyes darting towards the hand before looking at the person whom the hand belonged to. Midoriya's emerald eyes stared back, glossed over as a tear streaked down his freckled cheek.

"Izuku...?" Bakugo managed quietly. Midoriya nodded and smiled sweetly, letting another tear roll out of his other eye.

"Yeah...That's my name, Kacchan." Midoriya replied, chuckling as he rolled his eyes playfully, loosening up the tight mood (and somewhat making Bakugo annoyed that Midoriya was basically making him seem like an idiot). The two continued to look at each other, renewing and imprinting the seemingly familiar faces into memory. After all, it's been so long since they saw each other, but both had features that neither could forget.

Midoriya's freckles, Bakugo's crimson eyes, despite the changes in height and more maturity, the two knew they could recognize each other the second they landed their eyes without hesitation. That's why Bakugo let his shoulders relax, simply letting himself observe Midoriya, and the other way around.

"Where did all your confidence go, Kacchan? Didn't expect you to be so hesitant..." Midoriya teased quietly, keeping a sweet smile. Bakugo let out an annoyed 'tch' as he frowned at the greenette, but Midoriya, without giving Bakugo a chance to react, hugged Bakugo, relaxing his head against Bakugo's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around the blond. Now neither could deny that this was real, because both could feel each others cold and warm touch, both feeling incredibly pleasent. Midoriya felt memories swarm into his mind, and he couldn't help but smile as the memories replayed in his mind, another tear rolling down his cheek.

"K-Kacchan!" 8 year-old Izuku called out desperately as he sniffed, running up to his best friend. Katsuki turned around, stopping to make a sand castle and quirked an eyebrow at him.

"What's now? Why are you crying again?" Katsuki asked casually. He was used to Izuku crying, he was always a sensitive person...It's a wonder he managed to stay beside someone as careless as Katsuki without ever crying from Katsuki's often rude behavior.

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