chapter 12

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it's been a week or so since rowena's, and the boys and i were going on a case over in michigan. this was jack and i's first hunt together, and i was excited.

on the ride there, i listened to music and laid on jacks lap, letting him play with my hair. he counted my freckles, three times just to be sure, and then informed me that i, in fact, had 632 freckles, peppered across my face. i adored this.

after about 12 hours or so of driving, we arrived in midland, michigan. "oh, i've been here before, when i was thirteen my mother and i moved up to michigan for a year or so. we lived about forty minutes north, gladwin. place had the weirdest name, but i loved it." i smiled, memories flooding back to me. "okay, let's get to the motel, and we'll tell you everything there." sam says, smiling at me. "okay!" i smile, looking at jack.

as i looked around this city, memories flooded back to me. i had a friend who lived here, so i'd visit her frequently, and we danced all over this town, i remember every road like the back of my hand. this city had changed me, and the summer i spent here, i'll never forget.

once we arrived in the motel room, sam started explaining. "so, at the tridge- which is a three way bridge down by dow chemical- i don't know why there's a river next to a chemical plant- or why there's a three way bridge- anyways, three teens went missing, and they all washed up, their hearts missing." sam explains, making me laugh a bit. "that's werewolf, right?" i ask. "yes, i think. this should be easy." he replies. "cake walk!" dean chimes in, claiming a bed. "i'm tired. i'm calling it a night!" dean plops down into the bed. "yeah, we should all catch some sleep, we'll investigate in the morning." sam says, sitting on the other bed. "actually, can i borrow baby? i wanna take jack to gladwin. we'll only be gone a few hours. i just really wanna show him a fond part of my childhood." jack smiles at me. "not. a. scratch." dean mumbles into a pillow. "yes! thank you!" i grab the keys, and walk out the door.

"this is crazy, i never thought i'd return here. i'm excited to show you this place, i miss it so much." i tell jack, driving down the road. "i'm excited too. i like when you're happy." he smiles, and i turn up the radio, playing some old bob seger song.

after a half an hour or so of driving, we had arrived to the small town. it was around 9pm, and i decided to park in a random parking lot, by an old store. "come on, let's go!" i practically yell to jack in excitement, jumping out of baby and locking her. as we started walking around the roads, memories flooded back to me. "and there is where i almost got kidnapped, there's where i ate shit on my skateboard once, oh, and there's where i kissed my first girlfriend." i smiled, interlocking my fingers with jack, pointing at random places. "why did you move here?" jack asks. "well, my mother had gotten in a bit of trouble with her coven, so we moved here for a year and a half, she a had a friend here, rebecca. my only friend up here was magdalen, both her and her mother hereditary witches, like my mother and i. magdalen introduced me to our friend who lived in midland, and we ended up staying the summer with her. lots of fond memories around these parts." i smile. as we walk down a road, i stop, staring at a house. "that's her house. mine was a block that way, i'll show you later. you know what, i'm knocking." i let go of jacks hand, and practically run to the house. i knew that she had to still have lived there, before i moved away, her mother told her that when she turned sixteen, the house was hers, and that rebecca was going to move far away, being hunted by the coven. magdalen loved it here, so i doubt she'd leave. "i-y/n? is that you?" a female voice projects, staring at me in awe. "yes, oh my god, hi mags." i smile, hugging her. i stop for a minute to take in her appearance, 5'10, black and white split dyed hair, piercing green eyes. just as i remembered them. "oh my god, come in." she ushers me into her home, jack following me. "who's this?" she says suggestively, winking at me. "hi, i'm jack." he does his little wave. "i'm y/n's boyfriend." he beams, making me fall even more in love with him. "oh, wow. well let me tell you, you are one lucky man." she smiles at him. "well, actually, i'm technically only hal-" i interrupt him before he talks further. "anyways! i've missed you." her and i grab each other's faces, studying each other's features.

after a half an hour or so, jack and i left magdalen's. "she seemed nice. i like her." jack smiled, grabbing my hand. "she was the only person i had for a while." we continue walking down the road. we walk through a park, and i continue to point out places from my adolescence. "oh my god, i have to show you the place we used to all go swimming, oh my, come on!" i exclaim, grabbing his hand and running back to baby.

"i don't get it, it's just a river? and there's a rope, what's so fun about that?" jack looks at me, slightly confused. "it's so much more than that!" i rip off my clothes down to my undergarments, and run to the rope. jack stares at my body, red-faced. "hwh-what are you doing?" i grab ahold of the rope, and back up. "watch this, my boy!" i jump up onto it, and go swinging above the river below me. when i'm at my highest point, i let go. memories flood back to me.

"go y/n, go!" i grab onto the rope, hannah, magdalen, and some other kids cheer me on. "i swear to god, if i die-" i step back. "you'll be fine, do it, pussy!" those words thrown at me from some boy, who him and his friends i was trying desperately to impress. "i'm many things, but a pussy isn't one of them!" i wink back, and pick up my legs. once i'm at my highest point, i let go. water splashes everywhere, and i come back up, everyone telling me how "cool" i was. i wade through the water to a girl named sage, ginger hair flowing down her shoulders. "yo, that was a little badass." i smile, blushing a bit, "thanks. i thought so too."

the cool water engulfs me, and i feel fourteen again. i pop back up, to see jack at the top of the rocks, undressing as well. "i wanna do that!" he beams, running to the rope. "be careful!" i smile, wading to a shallow part of the river, watching him. his toned body in the moonlight was a sight i'd never want to forget. every part of him was so pretty, i adored it. "okay, one, two, three, go!" i yell, he jumps up, and swings above the water. "look at you go!" i smile as he drops into the water.

i started to get worried, him not coming back up. after a few minutes he pops up, grinning at me. he swims up to me, and i look at him, concerned. "what were you doing, you worried me!" i slap his shoulder, and he just motions for me to wrap my legs around his waist, him wrapping his arms around mine. "i befriended a small turtle at the bottom of the river. i named him todd, and he let me pet him. he was very nice. i like him." jack answers, smiling. "you what? i'm-never mind." i start laughing, wrapping my arms around his neck, cuddling up to him. the river was rather calm where we were standing.

"can i tell you something?" sage wades over to me, her freckles and pale skin glistening in the sunset. "of course, sage." i blush. before she went to say anything, she pressed her lips against mine. it was around 8pm, the sun just setting, and everyone had gone to their respective homes, for dinner. we stayed like that for a few minutes, our lips intertwined.

"you know, about six years ago, i had my first 'girl kiss' in this exact spot." i tell jack, us swaying in the water. "really?" he asks. "yeah, her name was sage. she was my first girlfriend. it was nice for the first few weeks, but then i realized she's actually a really bad person." i look down at the water.

"i don't get why you're upset." she looks at me, her blue eyes piercing mine. "you don't get why i'm upset? do you hear yourself? you just made out with jacob parsons, in front of me! why wouldn't you understand why i'm upset?" i stifle back a sob, the first time my heart had really broke. "look, he's just a boy. he doesn't mean anything. it just happened, it doesn't matter. you shouldn't be so mad." she crosses her arms. "i'm not mad, sage, i'm hurt. i became vulnerable to you, and you went and made out with some skater boy. do you not care about us, about me?" i ask, tears running down my cheeks. "to be honest, y/n? no. no, you don't. you're just some summer fling, who i only liked because you were hot. you'll be gone in a month, and i'll move onto the next person you mean nothing, and i don't care." her words sliced into my skin, and i had never been more hurt. "i think we should break up." i stutter out. "yeah, i think we should, slut." and just like that, she turned around, and walked off.

"yeah, no, she was really shitty. i don't miss her." i smile at jack, and plant a small kiss on his cheek. "as much as i love the nostalgia, we should head back." jack nods, and swims us back to the other side of the river. we dry off, walk back to baby, and i start off back to the other city, jack falling asleep on my shoulder.

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