chapter 13

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jack and i had driven back to the motel, and slept on the couch, in opposite directions, because it was rather shallow. the next morning, around eight am, dean woke me up, waving breakfast sandwiches in my face. "mm, food." i mumble out, grabbing one, and digging straight into it, barely awake. "that's my girl!" dean chuckles slightly, poking at sam. he groans, and crinkles his nose at dean, giving him a dirty look.

i go to the bathroom, to take a shower and get ready. i throw on a lavender purple plaid skirt, along with a light pink tube top, and a baggy yellow zip up hoodie. i put on some chunky shoes and call it good. i grab a backpack, and put various hex bags and my gun in there, while shoving some other hex bags and my knife in the pockets of my jacket. i fuck with my hair a bit, do my makeup quickly, and call it good.

"so what's the plan?" jack asks, as i walk into the main room. "so, we're going to use you two as bait. the vics were all teens, and it seems like they were couples. so, we're going to have you go to the tridge and pretend to be on a date. the one surviving vic said that it was another teen couple who lured them into the woods on the side of the river." sam explains. "but this is a PRETEND date. no funny business." dean adds, earning a laugh from sam and i. jack just looked embarrassed, remembering dean didn't know about him and i.

after a few hours, it was go time. we arrive at the park, and walk to the bridge. after an hour or so of walking around and talking, a couple, maybe in their early twenties, approached us. they looked like stereotypical "stoners," probably something to lure in teens. "hey, wassup?" the man asks, in a surfer boy accent. i held in my cringe, god they were horrible at acting. "yeah, how's it hanging?" the woman had put emphasis on 'hanging', earning a stifled laugh. "hello." jack does his weird little wave, which earns butterflies from my abdomen.

"yo, do y'all wanna go walk on that trail and, ya know, get baked, brosephs?" i throw on a fake smile, trying not to laugh. "of course!" i grab jacks hand, and follow them. i look back and see sam and dean get out of the impala, starting after us. after we arrive in the woods, the man turns, his claws ripping out of his fingertips, and his disgusting teeth shooting out of his gums. i pull out my gun, but the woman knocks it out of my hand. fuck. she lunges at me, desperately trying to knock me over. she's tiny, so it doesn't necessarily work out the best for her. jack tackles her to the ground, leaving me to fight the male. before he could really get at me, a gun goes off, and he falls to the ground. i grab mine and shoot the woman, before she could hurt jack. "well, okay. that was easy." dean smiles, looking for a high five from sam. "yeah, i guess. but, now what?" i ask, sam leaving dean hanging. before any of us could continue speaking, there was a growl. "another one?" i sigh, turning around, all of us getting prepared to take on more werewolves.

we wait in anticipation, but nothing lunges at us. instead, we hear barking. "is that a-" sam starts, "hell hound?" dean finishes. they look like they're about to shit themselves, but then jack and i share glances, backing up from it. the dog in front of us had black fur, and had red glowing eyes. "where is it?" dean asks jack, aiming his gun. "it's right there." i answer, slowly walking toward it. i kneel down, and it approaches me, wearily. "wait a minute, you can see it?" sam asks, concerned. "i swear to dipshit up there y/n if you sold your soul-" dean starts. "no, dumbass, i didn't sell my soul. i don't know how i can see it, but i'm not scared." it approaches me, and it stick out my hand, letting it smell me. after i did that, i started petting it, its fur being surprisingly soft. "it's not attacking you?" dean asks, pulling out his phone. jack sits down next to me, and it flips over on its back, letting us pet its stomach, as a sign of submission and trust. "hello sweetheart. did you get my gift for the youngest winchester? she's a beaut, isn't she. ramsey, my girl. well, not necessarily. she doesn't like to be tamed." we hear crowley's voice through the phone. "you what? did you send a hell hound after our little sister?!" dean screams into the phone, fuming. "not after her. to her. think of it as a gift, like her cute little demonic pitt bull." sam crinkles his nose. "see, ramsey is lucifer's mut, loyal to him. so, i figured if i sent her off to lucifer's spawn and his girlfriend, maybe she'd listen. well, well, i must get going. loved our chat squirrel, i'll be keeping the bed warm. goodbye!" crowley hangs up, and sam sighs. "so now we have a hell hound in our possession. oh this is great." dean kicks a tree, upset. "she doesn't seem aggressive, i like her." i smile, petting the invisible dog. "my god." dean groans.

on the ride back to the bunker, dean was incredibly upset that we put an invisible dog in the back seat. "if it gets my baby dirty-" dean starts. "dean, she's invisible. stop complaining." sam sighs, plugging in his earbuds. i lay across the backseat, my head in jacks lap, and ramsey curled up on top of me. she was a large dog, but i didn't care, she was warm. "i like her. she seems calm. i don't know why crowley couldn't tame her, she seems to love y/n." jack says, looking at me and the hound, passed out, curled up to each other. "i don't like it. i can't see it, it could kill us, i don't. like. it." dean says, knuckles white on the steering wheel. "so much for y/n's 'normality' she preaches." sam laughs, and jack frowns. was i going to leave all of them? was he going to scare me off? thoughts raced around his head, but he tried to brush them off. "she loves me." he'd tell himself, reminding himself that i wouldn't be here right now if i didn't. he looks down at me and smiles, watching me sleep. we stayed like that for the next couple of hours, until we eventually arrived back in kansas.

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