chapter 2

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i groan, coming to. i hear yelling and thrashing. i instantly become terrified, sitting up and trying to take in my surroundings. suddenly, i see the man in the trench coat, running towards me. he had dark hair and light blue eyes. he leans down towards me, "hey, are you okay?" he says in a low, gruff voice. "i-i don't know. what's happening?" i look over at the two large men from earlier, fighting the shit out of the dude who knocked me unconscious. before the man next to me could answer, i watched the bigger of the two men completely decapitate the man who attacked me, earning a yelp in fear from me. they notice me and the man next to me, running over to us. i instinctively try to stand up and run, watching them just murder a man, but i can't move. i let out a small scream, and start crying, as they try to calm me down. "h-hey, hey, it's okay. we're not going to hurt you, okay? calm down, please." the taller one said. "b-b-b-but you just, him" i say as i imitate a slicing motion. the dirty blonde one puts his hand on my leg. "okay, listen. i'm not going to sugar coat this. he was a vampire. vampires are real. so are monsters. an-" i interrupt him, "-no, no, i know this, it's just, i didn't know he was a vampire, that's what freaked me out. i didn't realize that's how you killed them, because honestly i've never seen someone kill anything in front of me before." i explain, calming down, realizing it was a monster.

we all seemed to calm down a bit, and the man in the trench coat, next to you, cleared his throat. "so, what's your name?" he asked, tilting his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "oh, i'm y/n, y/n winchester." all the of the men widened their eyes, staring at you, confused. the tallest one spoke up "w-well i'm sam, this is dean, and that's castiel.  y-you uh, said winchester, right?" he scrunched up his nose, and looked to dean, in confusion. dean spoke up, "well you see, sammy here's my brother. sam and dean, winchester." my eyes widen, in shock. could they- no they- well-"what's your father's name?" i blurted out, interrupting my thoughts. "uh, john winchester." sam answered. i gasped, "holy shit. you guys-you're my brothers. wow." i chuckled, slightly. i reach out to touch sam's arm, smiling at him. dean cleared his throat. "hey, i love this moment for us, but we need to go. you're not safe here. where's your house?" i sigh, standing up.

"uh- well, it's just up the road. i can walk, it's okay." i said, wincing in pain as i felt the cut on my forehead. castiel noticed this, and put his index and middle finger up to your head, and as everything glowed, i felt a warm tingly feeling. i gasped, looking at him. "what was that?! what are you?" i asked, panicking, but at the same time, i felt amazing. "oh, i'm an angel." he said, bluntly. "oh. okay." i responded, before turning towards the road and started off, walking towards the entrance of the alleyway. "oh, no, no, no, you're not going anywhere alone. not after that." dean replied, grabbing the back of my jacket. "you're going to come with us, we're driving you home." i tried to protest, but i just rendered it useless and followed them to their car.

i stopped in front of it, admiring it. "yo." was all i said before sitting in the back seat, castiel following suit. then, i felt something against my leg, so i looked to my left, which was followed by a yelp, because there was a boy next to me. "hello." he said, smiling, with his hand up. sam and dean chuckled lightly, "y/n, that's jack. sorry, we should've told you he was there." sam said, trying not to laugh. you looked over, studying his features. he had golden dirty blonde hair, with pretty blue eyes, and the cutest smile. he noticed you looking at him, and his cheeks went a light shade of pink. "hi, i'm jack." he said, doing the same weird hand thing. "hi, i'm y/n, i'm dean and sams little sister, apparently." i said, letting that sink in. "oh, well i'm lucifer's son, i'm a nephilim!" he said, still smiling, innocently. "i-oh, that's nice." i said, trying to keep my composure, a little taken aback. i looked forward, as the car started moving. i looked to my right, when castiel leaned over towards me. "don't worry, y/n, he's not bad, he's a great person." i calm down a little bit, and castiel sends me a reassuring smile.

i point to which apartment was mine, and dean pulls over. he turns around, looking at me, "hey, we're in town for a case, we'll be here for a few days. here's my number, if anything else happens. maybe we'll stop by at some point, i don't know. be safe, kid."
i smile, castiel letting me out of the car. "thank you. for, ya know, saving my life." i nervously chuckle, regaining my composure, and walking towards my house. i turn around, and see jack staring at me. i smile to myself and walk up my front steps, unlocking my door, and stepping inside. my music was still playing, and as i was putting all my things away, i started singing along to my music, getting ready to take a shower and sleep, since it was late.

as i laid down into my bed, i couldn't help but think of jack. it was crazy, i had just met him, but i couldn't get his smile out of my head. it was hard to take in the information that his father was lucifer, but i could tell that he was nothing like him. i read his vibe, he was good. along with castiel and dean and sam, they all gave off good vibes, they all made me feel safe. i liked that. i don't know why it never dawned on me that my brothers would be hunters too, since my dad was a hunter. they also probably didn't know i was a witch. but, i only did simple spells for now, mostly things to help keep me protected, since i was john winchester and a powerful witches love child.

as i was lost in my thoughts, my phone buzzed, knocking me back into reality. i looked down at it, seeing a text from my mom's friend, rowena.

hiya girly, i was just wonderin if you could stop by tomorrow?
it's been a minute, dear. i miss you, and we need to catch up.

i smile, hearing her accent as i read that in my head. i quickly type a reply, before turning off my phone and rolling over.

of course! i'll be over sometime tomorrow. probably during my lunch break, since i have work.
i'll see you tomorrow :)

my angel boy  - jack kline x reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat