chapter 7

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i get into the car, and we drive off to the nearest lake, weezer playing in the background.

"where are we going?" jack asks, smiling at me. "you'll see, i say, giggling." i turn down a dirt road, and after a few minutes, a lake appears. "why are we at a lake?" jacks steps out of the car, confused. "why not?" it's nice out, and lakes are pretty." i say, as i reach into my car and grab a package, opening it. "what's that?" jack walk towards me. "close your eyes." i say, laughing. i put a mini cowboy hat on his head. "what are you doing?!" he asks, eyes still closed. i put on mine, and start giggling. "okay, open em!" he opens his eyes and gasps, looking at his reflection in one of the car windows. i pull out my phone, and take a photo of us.

"okay, no more messing around." i say, fake seriously, grabbing our alcohol from the backseat, and running down to the lake. "why are we here?" jack asks, taking the beer i gave him. "just because" i smile, bopping his nose. we sit by the water and chat, no one being there made it peaceful. i stand up, and strip to my underwear. "w-what are you doing y/n?" jack stutters, blushing. "c'mon! let's go!" i exclaim, running to the water. he stands up, and lets out a "hmph." before stripping down to his underwear and running after me.

as he steps into the water, i splash him. he gasps, "why did you do that?!" i giggle and splash him more. instead of splashing back, he runs towards me, and tackles me into the water. "oh my god!" i scream, laughing my head off. he wades towards me, and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him. i blush, and wrap my arms around his neck. before i could think, he smashes his lips against mine. fireworks explode in my stomach as i kiss back. when we pull back for air, he leans his forehead on mine.

"i-uh-" i chuckle, staring into his eyes. "was that okay?" he looks at me, concerned. "yes, jack, that was more than okay." his eyes soften, and i kiss him again.

for the next few hours, we just drank, listened to music, and swam around. we acted like kids, but i enjoyed it. "well, we should probably start drying off, we've been here for a while, and i'm getting hungry." i say, getting out of the water. "right! of course!" he smiles, and follows me back to my car, admiring my body. i turn around, catching him, and a blush quickly spreads across both of our faces. "take a picture, it'll last longer." i say, jokingly. "well, okay-" he says, about to grab his phone. "jack! wait, no, don't do that! i was just joking!" i start laughing, grabbing his phone away from him. "oh, right." he says, confused. i throw a towel at his face, and start drying myself off.

super rich kids - frank ocean
we start down the road, me singing along to my music and jack just admiring me as i do so. "i enjoyed this, jack. i really did." i look over at him, smiling. "i did too!" he says, smiling goofily at me. "so now what do you want to do?" i ask him, arriving in lebanon. "can we go back to the bunker?" he asks. "of course! we're almost there." i speed up down the road, driving into the tunnel, and then arriving to the garage. "cmon, help me get our packages out of the back, and then take them to my room, okay?" i say, getting out of the car.

after we get into my room, it was time to open everything we bought. i always found ordering things off of online was fun, it was like christmas for me, but jack, he seemed to explode in excitement. "ou, can you teach me how to use your spinny music thingy?" he smiles at me, pointing at my record player. "of course! come here." i let him pick out a record, and he settled on favourite worst nightmare - arctic monkeys and i giggled a bit. "arctic monkeys, huh?" i put it on the turn table and put the needle on it, pressing a button, and it starts spinning. "woah, that's so cool." he stares at it, amazed. "i know, right?" "okay, mail stuff!" he exclaims, walking to my bed and sitting down. "you're like a little kid on christmas." he looks at me, confused. "what's christmas?" i stare at him, shocked. "you've never celebrated christmas? you're literally the baby of an archangel. god is literally your grandfather." he laughs a bit, "oh, chuck? we don't like him, i don't think." i stare at him shocked. "his name is CHUCK? oh my go-chuck?" i laugh at myself. "okay, let's open this stuff."

after an hour or so, we had gone through all of our packages, and jack had helped me decorate my room. "your room's better than both sam and dean's combined." he looks around, smiling. "well, dean has guns on his walls. plus, gotta keep some normality, right? make it feel like home, since you know, my two older brothers who i didn't know were my brothers saved my life and then made me move into their weird secret bunker in the middle of kansas and now i live here with two men, and angel, and the oddly very sweet, antichrist." i explain, walking to his room to hang up his clothing i bought him. "i-oh. well, still, i like what we did with your room." he smiles at me. "thank you. now go put your clothes up."

jack knocks on my door, wearing a black shirt with green plaid pajama bottoms. i was wearing the same. i end up spending the next hour trying to teach him a tiktok dance. "this is so bizarre, why are we doing this?" i start laughing. "other people do it, right? and why not? it's fun, and we're not slaying monsters right now, so why not try to do some normal teenager things." i smile, starting the timer. "yeah, normal teenager things." he smiles, as we start trying to do the tiktok. "yes! we got it! we did it! i'm so proud of us!" i giggle, hugging him. before i could think, he kisses me. we stand there for a while, slightly swaying to 505 - arctic monkeys

but i crumble completely when you cry

i smile a bit, staring up at him.

i'm going back to 505, if it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive

he stares into my eyes, and we both lean in-

someone clears their throat. "uhm-hey kids, we just got back, thought we'd check in." sam says, awkwardly smiling at us. "oh! hi sam!" i say, backing away from jack, walking up to him and hugging him. "oh?" he stares at me, puzzled, but hugs me back anyways. "i just needed to hug you, don't question it." i mumble into his chest. he chuckles lightly. "i got pie~!" i hear dean running down the hall, excited. "awh hell yeah!" i exclaim, him running into my room. "woah! it's colorful in here! did you two do some decorating?" he winks at me. "we actually did a lot today. we went to the lake for a few hours, and we picked up our packages from my p.o. box. good times." i look back at jack, him blushing, thinking about the lake. "oh! look at this!" i say, pulling my phone out of my pocket. "wait, no!" jack says, trying to stop me. "oh my god! is that jack?" dean exclaims, laughing. "yep! we played dress up." i smirk, winking at jack. "let me see that." sam grabs my phone, and starts laughing. "what's going on here? why are we laughing?" castiel walks in and stares at my phone, puzzled. "what's wrong with that?" he asks, still confused. "jack's in a dress!" dean wheezes. "well, actually, we all used to wear dresses. we all-" "hush it, cass. let me enjoy this." dean yells. and then starts laughing again. jack stands there, clearly embarrassed. i walk up to him, and he wraps his arms around me. "sam, dean, i'd be careful. because, if you keep making fun of him, that'll be you." i say, sternly, staring at dean. dean's grin drops, and he throws my phone at me, taking off down the hall. i grab cat ears, and chase him. "get over here, my cute little femboy!" i chase him into the main room, which he promptly throws pie at me, and we end up sitting down and digging into it, forgetting about the whole maid costume thing. jack sits down next to me, and i put the cat ears on him and boop his nose. he smiles, and blushes.

"you two are so weird."

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