chapter 14

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ramsey follows me to my bedroom, jumping up on my bed. cass walks in, dumbfounded. ramsey starts growling at him. "no, no, it's okay." i tell her, before she relaxes again. "holy- y/n are you aware that lucifer's hell hound is on top of you, right now?" he slips out his angel blade. "yes i do, don't touch her. she's harmless." i pet her head, and she licks my hand. he gasps in disbelief. "harmless?? y/n, do you even understand what that thing on top of you is? that is the first hellhound, lucifer's hellhound. i'm sorry, what?" he walks towards me. "she's harmless to me. to us. she's not going to hurt any of us, i've basically tamed her. i don't know why, but she's not hostile. she's literally just a dog at this point." i gesture for castiel to pet her. he does so, scared, but then calms down when she shows no aggression.

"what am i even supposed to feed this thing?" i sigh. "well technically, human souls-" cass starts. "castiel, i don't think we have any of those on hand." i sigh. "maybe dog food then? i don't know, i can go get orphan meat from one of crowley's demons, i do know a good dealer." cass says, nonchalantly, as if that was a normal thing. "isn't that a bit, unholy?" i question the literal angel before me. "inhumane, is the word, and yes, but a dog's gotta eat." he smiles, learning that phrase from dean. he loved dean. dean was funny. "well, go get her food. whether it's orphan meat or dog food, i don't care." i sigh, and cass leaves. he comes back with a very large bowl of some sort of raw meat. "oh my god, please tell me that is not orphan meat." cass chuckles, "no, it's not orphan meat. it's actually just cow meat from the philippines." he answers. ramsey perks her head up, and cass places the bowl on the floor. she digs into it, without another thought. "well, that'll work for now." i sigh. what am i supposed to do with a hell hound? i can't necessarily take it for walks through the park.

jack knocks on the door, walking in and seeing cass, ramsey, and i. "is that orphan meat? i heard hellhounds like that." he chimes. "no, it's not orphan meat." cass and i say at the same time. "oh." jack frowns, almost embarrassed. "look, i've heard weird conversations, but this has to be the weirdest conversation i have ever heard." dean adds, walking into my room. "i'm sorry, did you forget my life now? nothing's normal, my brothers fight god, my best friend's an angel, my dog's the first hellhound, i live in a secret bunker, i'm a witch, my boyfriend's the antichrist, i-" before i could finish, dean interrupts me. "your boyfriend? wait a minute. are you-oh, i swear to god." he fumes, walking towards jack. before he could do anything, ramsey jumps up, barking at him. "yes, boyfriend." i sigh, standing up and grabbing jacks hand. "how long?" he asks, clearly inflicted. "like a month now." i answer, ramsey protectively sitting by my feet. "i don't like that. what if he hu-" jack stops him. "i'm not going to hurt her! i'm not going to hurt anyone! stop saying that! i love her, okay? and-and i don't care what you say, because i know that i will keep her safe. and nothing else matters. we love each other!" he exclaims, clearly upset. "cass, did you know about this?" he looks over at cass, clearly betrayed. "yes, i did." he sighs, looking down. "now i swear, if you-" jack stops him. "you'll kill me. i know." he sighs. "damn right." he groans. "i don't like this, but if you're happy, i don't have a say, right?" he barks, before leaving the room. "i should-" cass starts. "yes, go use your castiel magic and make him happy again." i joke, winking at him. "y/n, we are not homosexuals." he groans before leaving the room. jack and i look at each other, laughing.

"i know you're not going to hurt me." i tell him, intertwining my fingers with his. "thank you." is all he says. we stand there for a moment, before joining my brothers and castiel in the main room. "cass, i'm telling you-" before sam could finish, the door unlocks. a woman with blonde hair, neatly dressed, walks in. "well, hello winchesters." she says as she prances down the stairs. "toni, what are you doing here?" dean barks, clearly inflicted. "oh, hello, y/n. so rude of me, hi. i'm toni. bevel. lady toni bevel with the british men o-" before she could continue her sentence, i pull out my gun and shoot her. "y/n, oh my-" sam starts. "i've heard of her. i don't like her. she's gone now. case solved." i smile, putting my gun back into my pocket. "well, that solves one problem, but if she's here, that means-" dean says, almost proud, but then soon is cut off. "oh my, winchesters. i know you did not just shoot lady bevel." a man, brown hair, large head, british, suit, comes down the stairs. "oh, well hello there." he smiles at me, undressing me with his eyes. i shift uncomfortably, grabbing my gun. "oh, now, i'm sorry dear, the name's ketch. arthur ketch. and you must be y/n winchester. huh, what a beautiful girl. i swear, the women winchesters are just-" i aim my gun. "now now, no need for that. i mean no harm, solely just stopping in to say hi. but, i've seen you've killed my lady toni, and that might be an issue." he sighs, stepping over her body, and reaching out for a hand shake. i just spit at him, and jack protectively puts his arms around my waist.

"now, ketch, what the hell are you doing here?" dean asks, grabbing his gun. "didn't i just tell you? i heard a rumor that there was a new, and improved, female winchester in town, and i'd figure i'd take a look for myself." he smiles at me.  i get disgusted, backing up. "ketch, if you even think about touching her-" cass starts. "oh, i've thought about touching her. but don't worry; not without permission." he winks at me. "okay, yeah, no, ketch, leave." dean walks up to him. "okay, okay, fine, i'll get going. i swear, you american hunters are so curt." he sighs, getting shoved up the stairs. "you come back here, and i'll shoot you in between those soulless eyes." dean groans. "okay, okay, i'm gone, i'm gone." he prances up the stairs, and leaves, not before winking at me, though.

"bitch disgusts me." i sigh. "i don't like him." jack protectively throws his arm around my waist. "yeah, welcome to the club." sam sighs. "it's getting late, i'm going to go try to sleep. and then figure out what we're going to do with ramsey. she scares me." i tell my brothers and the angel, before the nephilim and i leave the room. "goodnight." dean yells to me as i walk down the hallway to my room. jack follows me like a lost puppy, and after we enter my room, i close my door and turn around, smiling at him. "you know-" i start, but he cuts me off, shoving me, my back hitting the door, and he crashes his lips into mine.

he pulls away for air, but starts kissing my neck. i tangle my hands into his hair. i don't know where all of this energy came from, but i'm not complaining. he nibbles at a certain place on my neck and i throw my head back, letting out a quiet moan. "i don't like ketch. i don't want him anywhere near you. you are mine." jack huffs while pushing me to my bed. "yeah?" i ask him, as he climbs on top of me, going back to attacking my neck. "yeah." he bites the sweet spot he had found moments before, and starts to leave a hickey. "j-jack" i stumble out, trying not to be loud. he starts taking off my tank top, leaving me topless, and stops for a second to admire my body. he then starts massaging my boobs, earning a light moan from me. i've never moaned this much, hell, i've never genuinely moaned, but what jack was doing to me right now was indescribable, but amazing to say the least. "do you like that?" he cockily says in my ear, obviously proud of himself. i've never seen this side of him, but i wasn't complaining. he pushes up my skirt, and starts rubbing me through my panties. i let out a louder moan now, not able to control myself. he goes back up to kiss me again. "can't have sam and dean hearing us!" he quietly scolds, before passionately kissing me again. he pulls down my panties, leaving me in nothing but my skirt. he starts unzipping his pants, and i practically rip off his shirt, needing him.



"y/n, hey, wake up."

i shoot up out of my bed, jack gently shaking me and ramsey jumping up, alarmed. "wha-" i start, confused and embarrassed. "after we came in here you passed out, and you started squirming and making weird noises, almost like you were - moaning. i wanted to make sure you were okay?" jack explains. "oh, sorry, i don't know, but i'm fine." i smile, laying back down. "okay." he smiles back at me, and lays down next to me. he kisses my cheek, and we both pass out.

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